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Agricultural ethics: the race between production and sustainability

Agriculture has sustained the world from since its beginning. But as the world
became more populated, the demand for food became extremely high. To be able
to consume food it first needs to be grown and matured. This process takes time.
Thus new solutions, to achieve this, must be sought after.
Some of these solutions include: the usage of biotechnology to enhance crops and
livestock, also increased yields that resulted from greater inputs of fertilizer, water
and pesticides, new crop strains, and other technologies. This has increased the
global per capita food supply
reducing hunger and improving nutrition.
But with all the facts laid out, people will always have different opinions. The fact
that genetic engineering on the whole is about replacing DNA of a species with
another to create a new, adaptable creature, will raise concerns about humans
trying to play God by creating creatures, no matter how beneficial it is to human
life. Since people will do anything to survive, I guess that even in the case of
genetically modified crops, animals or even viruses (for vaccines/cures) that people
will choose this route regardless of the implications. People who dont support this
route would even ask if it is safe to eat those foods, how accurate are scientists
results since they test and draw conclusions based on SAMPLES not entire
populations. Is it cost effective? For example, Biofuels made from organic waste
converted into energy may not be economically viable since the potential energy
within biofuels does not come adequately close to that of oil and natural gas and
also to produce this innovative, clean cheap fuel is expensive and these
equipments would result in more carbon emissions than the energy output(fuel).
Also they may ask that if we run the risk of using genetic modification of foods,
what will happen when we don't yet know the long-term effects.
Also environmentalist will have issues with fertilizers and pesticides damaging the
environment. Cultivating healthy topsoil is one of the primary goals of any system
of sustainable agriculture. If crops are planted season after season without
replenishing the nutrients that leave with them, the soil becomes exhausted and
reliant on fertilizers. Unfortunately, the manufacture and application of most types
of fertilizer, especially synthetic ones, has negative consequences for the
environment. Preserving fertility means alternating crops for harvest with crops for
replenishing the soil, often called cover crops. Since fields can't be harvested as
frequently, annual yields are lower. This means farmers usually have to charge
more for food produced in a sustainable manner.
These causes rapid growth of algae that cover the surface of the water leaving a
dark layer of algae that prevents the oxygen from diffusing into the water for fish
to breathe; also pesticides could kill marine life and polluting the water making it
very difficult for purification for redistribution for citizens.
Agricultural sustainability is an approach to food production that attempts to use
natural resources, such as soil, water, fossil fuels, etc., in a way that does not
diminish their availability to future generations or pollute the environment. These
resources operate at a balanced level, which would raise concerns and questions
such as; do we really need genetic engineering of crops and animals? Food was
designed for us as an energy source to live. Why cant people stop eating for
leisure and fulfillment and eat to survive, does a meal really need to involve
Lobster with calamari and shrimp fried rice? Are we really eating to survive? Im
sure one can get more nutrients by eating a pizza! If we eat for pleasure now
because we love food and its taste, as well as the social and physiological relations
with it,(such as a rich people lifestyle) Even if genetic engineered crops and
animals are accepted by people, wouldnt they eventually end up back in this same
position off finding new ways to cultivate crops needed for sustainability?
Wasnt genetically modified crops and animals was the sole purpose of achieving
this sustainability goal?
Advantages of Genetic Engineered crops
Using biotechnology in the growth and production of fruits and vegetables changes the way they
ripen. Normally fruits and vegetables continue to ripen after harvesting meaning they must be
sold quickly
Genetically modified produce can be harvested when ripe, and the ripening process stops, giving
them a longer shelf life.
Genetic modifications also increase a plant's resistance to disease, pests, insecticides, herbicides
and even extreme weather conditions.
Genetic engineering has also altered a plant's nutritional makeup, making it richer in certain
vitamins or minerals.

Scientists still do not have a clear understanding of how these genetic changes affect the human
body long term

Research is ongoing and there are some evidence that says Biotechnology has indeed altered
the life span, disease process and cognitive abilities of insects that feed on these plants.

References, (2014). Ethics in Agriculture: The Necessary Foundation of the
New Farming Movement | A Growing Culture. [online] Available at:
foundation-of-the-new-farming-movement-draft/ [Accessed 28 Oct. 2014]., (2014). Rights and Wrongs. [online] Available at: [Accessed 29 Oct. 2014].
Google Books, (2014). Vexing Nature?. [online] Available at:
0biotechnology&f=false [Accessed 29 Oct. 2014].
LIVESTRONG.COM, (2014). Advantages & Disadvantages of Biotechnology on
Food Health | LIVESTRONG.COM. [online] Available at:
biotechnology-on-food-health/ [Accessed 29 Oct. 2014].
Skye, J. (2014). Advantages and Disadvantages of Biofuels. [online] LoveToKnow.
Available at:
[Accessed 29 Oct. 2014]., (2014). Advantages and
Disadvantages Organic Farming: Its Pros and Cons. [online] Available at:
http://www.small-farm-permaculture-and-sustainable- [Accessed 29
Oct. 2014].
Tilman, D., Cassman, K., Matson, P., Naylor, R. and Polasky, S. (2002). Agricultural
sustainability and intensive production practices. Nature, [online] 418(6898),
pp.671-677. Available at: [Accessed 29
Oct. 2014].
Tilman, D., Cassman, K., Matson, P., Naylor, R. and Polasky, S. (2002). Agricultural
sustainability and intensive production practices. Nature, [online] 418(6898),
pp.671-677. Available at: [Accessed 29
Oct. 2014].

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