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Ganesha Syndicate

Harris Desfianto 29113006

Harry Harsa 29113083
Fadhly - 29113130
1. Based on the ULI case and other references (e.g., ULIs official website and on-line
magazines), please develop a Business Model Canvas for ULI.

2. Based on your previous work (the KM plan of ULI) and the Business Model Canvas,
what are your suggestions for developing a new KM plan of ULI? Note: as Professor
Jann said in the class on 4th October 2014, KM plan has to be aligned with a firm
Business Strategy, in this case is it is represented by a Business Model Canvas.
KM Vision Business Strategy:
a. We will inspire people to take small everyday actions that can add up to a big
difference for the world.

b. We will develop new ways of doing business that will allow us to double the size of
our company
c. Unilevers vision sets out the long term direction for the Company where we want
to go and how we are going to get there
d. We help people feel good, look good and get more out of life with brands and
services that are good for them and good for others.
e. We work to create a better future every day.

KM Objective:
i. Saving time and costs. With the source of a well-structured knowledge, then the
company will be easy to use this knowledge to other contexts, so that the company
will be able to save time and costs.
ii. Increased knowledge assets. Sources of knowledge will give ease to every employee
to use, making the process of knowledge utilization in a corporate environment will
increase, which ultimately creativity and innovation process will be pushed wider and
every employee can improve their competence.
iii. Adaptability. Companies will be able to easily adapt to the changing business
environment occur.
iv. Improved productivity. Existing knowledge can be reused for a process or product to
be developed, so that the productivity of the company will increase.
People, Process and Technology Readiness
1.Sharing knowledge is sharing this depth by presenting figures in the company.
a) A Knowledge Club is a talk show the sources of the top management or senior
manager where they share a lot of things ranging from expertise, technical and nontechnical knowledge, personal experience and various other things to be a learning for
all employees who listen.
b) Retrospect a process doing a flashback or retrospection for what has been done in
the past. Topics covered primarily projects of the company either successful or failed.
If successful will be a record for future generations to even greater success in the
future. While the project is failing all people learn what lessons can be learned from
the failures that can be avoided in the future. Retrospect done through talk shows and
then the results are summarized in a document-style learning with a discussion of
business articles as a valuable document for the next generation in the company.

2. Informal sharing
i. SOLAR (Share of Learning and Results) a This program is designed so that anyone
can provide sharing of knowledge and experience especially related job or support
person to work better. In addition to utilizing internal contributors of the trainers at
the company also occasionally invite guest speakers.
ii. GLAD (Group Learning and Development) a is the sharing of a more senior
employee told her sisters about the world of work, personal experiences, as well as
tips in running challenges in work and personal life.

iii. Video Cafe a unique program in which participants watched an interactive video
program on various topics of self-development while enjoying a warm coffee
iv. Book Club a designed so that employees who are fond of reading got the container to
give other employees sharing the lessons and knowledge gained from books he had
3. Online Sharing
In order for a learning activity (learning) can be enjoyed by anyone, anytime,
almost all of the above activities have a good record documentation in the form of video,
sound recordings, reports discussions, and presentations used by the contributors. The
entire material is stored and organized neatly in the company's internal website, named
the K-Club, which means Knowledge Club. Whenever and wherever the employee can
access these materials for later reference. As a company that promotes a culture of
learning for all employees, is not complete if it does not have a library. For that Unilever
has a library which provides a wide range of interesting books related to business and
personal development for all employees.
4. Information Technology Strategy
PT Unilever run unified communications market (Integrated Marketing
Communication / IMC). This strategy is the company's efforts to integrate and
coordinate all communication channels to deliver a clear message, a way to get closer to
the customer so that the customer is more familiar with the product and the company.

KM Strategy:
Learning Award is a system to motivate the people who provide the sharing of
knowledge and experience to other colleagues. Above these contributions, they earn
points that can be redeemed for various prizes as a token of appreciation.

Learning Champion of The Year

Coach of The Year
The Most Active Contributor
The Most Valued Contributor
Top Scorer Award

3. If ULI decides to develop a new business (innovations), do you think that ULI needs to
develop a new Business Model and KM plan? why and how?
If the new development of business or innovation using same infrastructure (assets, people,
technology) it would be not necessary to make a new KM Plan, because the new business
operated with current resources (key activities, key partnership, key resources, value

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