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FsoLuti.ons tr A fi*eo, detefpiinfttea"

l, ftreSi, dgt ., 'Io nake ',up
one ls mind to a eourse offi action.
Rrrpose ai.n or ciirectj.on in life

uhourd neKe good resorutions and not break tha.

lf not good shogld be broken.
rccl . 5zb r hhen thou vonest a von rrnto fud, defe
not to pay iti for he hath no preasure in fools l
pay that' nhtclt thou ffi voued,.r v.5 '!tsetter is
it thet shouldest not vorr' than that' uhou shourdes
vort ehd' not' Pay; o ' ' :- !

Isa. fbr2h n rhe lord of nd" hath sr{oErr, sqying,

$rrely' as I have-thought, spqshau it come to pass;
and as I have purposed, s6 shafi it stirnd.i
gph. 3tl0rtr tr "'Ib the intent thau nor unto the
pri.nciiralities and pouers i.n heaventy places might
be knsrnil by thg. chprch the..,sanil'o.!d wisdon of bd,
Accordlng to" the .ptefnal p,.$Iposerlrich he.purposed
i,n Christ. Jesus .gur t"ord. , ,.

uaniel I lE tr lrut Deniel jg+p--sq{_i!=hj's heart "ortha!:;

he woirtrr nal ffi]nitr ttie- poxti-on thd .l

Erngl n9{ tnejfr-l^ r}_i-eh ne qlankT -;J-

'lle.?1,r,_ ,-gj!ll_
farrl t
Acts t?z?Dr!JJ..nuo nigbtily greu.the ryord,o_1God and
prevaired. After these th,rpge uere ended, Satrl
pur,rosed in the spirit, that, uhen be had passed
throug[ t{acedonia and Achaiar to go to Jenrsaleur,
sa;ringr After I have been there, I must also see
.ttme. rr (iDn. r :I3; ithil . )zL)rLI+---z Cr.r. I zT)

, 7i-L,*.-;/-1,;
.tu*:./.-<3-14 -k;k /4,iff.*r_tf
;hould not l'et fniends erralr
fron heaven\y friend.
t{ett. l8 r 2O f,
lfett. IO"t3? .rHe tnatrr-L9tn$bi"falhnf ef @$€r
s.i* ryrl-Q.trhrn np .i{lrgrdj"Jb:Fffii ofinpt^g& tts that
--...,.lgysl&Fgp .lr&3ryStrtn Eoc*c{hgk nad.F 'ngt.,
..i-:. . npfthy-
-;; -i .,,.j,; rJ.j ; :,iJ'..,p.,r1t*.tr'.ri
fi ..r-
r*-!r;, v i.w l',.)-.
,If ,tbe ef .g1te,.&git.11fif.rf$allr piolli.lri tne
. .,,, -P4L, g;F.qft-r th9; ol** aii,.., .ur.{rii rr*3 ( .i*ii'L .l'

"r -i..
Ce 5li.i
Bo llrnrt erect idol celled self
b. hoy. 16 rI8 rhlUil gosh-D=Efwe drlBtanr€tion
r .:;'r.€nfbrrr!hdrg[qfrtpfuilt'tbgfo$b fs' J sr,I5+r r
v. - ' JmsFilrt6i;;r-i;(lod $ahib{,btlp'Uilfr prtldp, but
gl'veth gfece unto tbg'&ri&[Lgj o.'tre r1r"'.r"i
Fpnans L2z3 ^
l{att . 18 r3i
t{ett. 20{ESfg$:'rap6rrhodesrerrtit{L b€'dr.ef
:t.r\, ::.hnongr3rlDuy-,]etr.Hl*.be,t'oiuJ sblvdtF+Leven 8E
the 5on of nan csne nbt,stcred
, i,, uil,tor. btr0 rUor:iflEttsibtlyr,*r'a 46r tgv,crftls ilfe
a fgl8$ lorna4nlij -'.iri r*:..iiilu'-l! .i *- -r.:"Llitxi fJ.ltj .rg' j g.r]'i;i.t'! tt-"j, ",j-'..1r- :; ,.'-jj i.
To be leas crltlcal and feuJ'ttindingir,,: ;.rri .:vL l
lEatt. 7 tl
(ftgai,br,e to sp@d noro eonplainlng irbout,
$i #qhgg" ptsEJtt do i'n er'prosins epprecisti
Sbould be critical. of false doctriae-- or rrlr
8,zle'- 1
V /We-. ffi-4r4., ?n-*-l)
(l+) To makecloser;stury of.,the Biblc.
Z'f,lm. 2"*5 llatt. bll+
I'lany probrems l'acing the churctr .todayf, l{ost
proFlens" F9slttt o.{ q+lqf ornec| ner&efg.
DOCtfine__- -
*cts .47 3U
- ..- r - . : .

{5 } to be rgrFe prl
'' I'rbtart .tlre i.,ort are
ory€r:the,"riglit€ou6r, ahrr,lulg ,oiifs 6re gpNtnrrnto
their pr4yersr but the f ace dl'..the,{,ord ie again
. them tbat do eviJ.. n
-Cod;i s rdtrLtrag- to.r h€sr&,Fromisec .to ansner
I John 5 r]-L ttAnd tnis *e'. t*re coafldeqce that re
have ln hi-nn, that, fu' rre ask ar{y tlulng accordp
ing to his. ^id:Llr- be r r -i . -

,,;-s,l. j{hEF.F.5iiit".r.,rr"'egrl;;.
:-,,. .. .;. : .
I ,iPisr. 238 *FI tf,iJL, Shorefgre thatr" nqn, pray
_j ,, P"yp-ryr+hgre_r-lr{t"ing ull holry- hsnd,s}. uiitrout
irat&r and' dolJ,btiJ0g._l- ..,",j .: e ,: -:-



If not the


-r.t"l'' - -rid

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