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1.pallesthesia- detection of vibration

2.stereognosis- revognition of shape
3. Topognosis- recognition of texture of surfaces
4. Graphesthesia- sensation of writing on skin
5. Agnosia- inability to recognize object, person etx even though sensory modality is intact
6.apraxia- inability to carry out learned purposeful movement
7.ageusia- loss of taste sensation
8. Anosmia- loss of smell sensation
9.aphasia- disturbance of comprehension n language formation
10.dyscalculia- loss of ability to carry out mathematical calculations
11. Ataxia- loss of voluntary coordination of muscle movement
12. Asterognosia- inability to recognize obnect by feeling them
13.hemineglect- u/l inattention of body/part
14.anosognosia- denial or unawareness of neurolohical deficit
15.dysgraphia- deficit in ability to write inspiten of ability to read
16.hyperalgssia- exaggerated response to noxious/painful stimuli
17.allodynia- pain sensation in absence of noxious stimuli
18.allogenic- pain producing
19.nocipective- pain producing
20.nocistatin- analgesia producing
Acalculia :The inability to do simple mathematics problems.
Achromatopsia :characterized by reduced visual acuity, pendular nystagmus, increased sensitivity to
light (photophobia), a small central scotoma, eccentric fixation, and reduced or complete loss of
color discrimination.
Agraphia is inability to write resulting from brain dis. Agraphia is inability to write resulting from
brain disease

Allochiria is a neurological disorder in which the patient responds to stimuli presented to one side of
their body as if the stimuli had been presented at the opposite side
Aprosexia is an abnormal inability to pay attention, characterized by a near-complete indifference to
Hyperprosexia is the abnormal state in which a person concentrates on one thing to the exclusion of
everything else.
Paraprosexia is the inability to pay attention to any one thing (a state of constant distraction)
Echolalia is the automatic repetition of vocalizations made by another person.
Echopraxia the automatic repetition of movements made by another person.
Metamorphopsia is a type of distorted vision in which a grid of straight lines appears wavy and parts
of the grid may appear blank
Micrographia is abnormally small, cramped handwriting and/or the progression to continually
smaller handwriting
. Pelopsia is a vision perception disorder in which objects appear nearer than they actually are
Teleopsia is a vision perception disorder, in which objects appear much further away than they
actually are.
Phonagnosia is a type of agnosia, or loss of knowledge, that involves a disturbance in the recognition
of familiar voices and the impairment of voice discrimination abilities
Synthesthesia is a neurological condition in which stimulation of one sensory or cognitive pathway
leads to automatic, involuntary experiences in a second sensory or cognitive pathway.
Ideasthesia (alternative spelling ideaesthesia) is defined as a phenomenon in which activations of
concepts evoke perception-like experiences .
Chromesthesia or sound-to-color synesthesia is a type of synesthesia in which heard sounds
automatically and involuntarily evoke an experience of color
Aphonia is the inability to produce voice.
Parosmia, also known as troposmia or cacosmia, is an olfactory dysfunction that is characterized by
the inability of the brain to properly identify an odors natural smell
Phantosmia is a form of olfactory hallucination.
Folie deux or shared psychosis, is a psychiatric syndrome in which symptoms of a delusional belief
are transmitted from one individual to another.
Verbosity (also called wordiness, prolixity, grandiloquence, garrulousness, expatiation, and
logorrhea.) refers to speech or writing which is deemed to use an excess of words
abulia =loss of initiative + apathy

Alloknesia: Itchy or pruriceptive sensation evoked by a stimulus that is normally non-pruriceptive.

Prosopagnosia- face blindness, a disorder of face perception wher the ability to recognise faces is

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