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Making access
Social services to to marriage
records easier

go ‘ground up’
WITH divorce rates on the rise, the
Government is studying ways to
make marital history records more
readily available.
Currently, people have to pay
$30 to do a search at the Registry of
Marriages for such records, said Dr
Vivian Balakrishnan.
“I’m looking at making that free
Vivian proposes new structure to put VWOs in charge of delivering assistance to those in need if you do it online,” the Minister for
Community Development, Youth
BY SUE–ANN CHIA post them to individual unions. In adopt- ests of the disabled and the needy, cau- look at changing the approach to one that and Sports said. His ministry is also
SENIOR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT ing this approach, he gave the assurance tioned against allowing this to take root. is more ground up. looking at making public the mainte-
that the NCSS would be there “not to She quoted the late United States presi- Dr Balakrishnan also detailed areas nance payments of divorcees to
DR VIVIAN Balakrishnan wants to check on them, not to audit them”. It dent Dwight Eisenhower who said: “A which will be given focus during the cur- their former spouses and children.
change the structure of social services to would instead serve as “a central enabler, people that values its privileges above its rent downturn. This includes families This will include defaults in pay-
be more ground up, so that the people in to achieve economy of scale, give promo- principles soon loses both.” But she not- who can cope during normal times, but ment, so that those who want to
charge “are truly the voluntary welfare or- tional and training opportunities to the ed that such an attitude could arise be- who are finding it tough now – perhaps marry the divorcees can check how
ganisations (VWOs) on the ground”. staff of the VWOs, and slowly in that cause the rules of engagement between due to retrenchment or lesser pay. responsible their partners have
This will shift the “centre of gravity” way, enable us to upgrade the centres”. Government and people are unclear; or if Thus, his ministry is studying ways to been.
from the National Council of Social Serv- He was speaking during the debate on the rules are clear, they are not accepted. extend its Work Support Programme to Describing it as a “matrimonial
ice (NCSS) to the VWOs, the Minister for the President’s Address, which mapped But yesterday, Dr Balakrishnan reiter- such families, at least for the duration of credit bureau”, Dr Balakrishnan
Community Development, Youth and out the Government’s priorities for its re- ated the principles which underpin Singa- the downturn. It currently offers finan- said: “The next spouse at least will
Sports said in Parliament yesterday. maining legislative term. pore’s social safety net. One is to make cial assistance to those from low-income know what sort of man she’s marry-
To do this, he has asked the NCSS – the Several MPs sure that people have enough of a sense of families who have lost their jobs. ing. She’ll know whether he has dis-
umbrella body of social services which who spoke dur- security so that they will be willing and “This is to give people the assurance charged his responsibilities and real-
sets the direction and provides fund- ing the debate able to make the necessary adjustments to that no matter how tough times get, there ise that men don’t change their
ing for the sector – to learn from raised con- cope with change. Another principle is to will be assistance available – not as the spots and make an informed deci-
the labour movement. Its model cerns about ensure that “no long-term harm comes first line, because we still expect people sion before they proceed.”
is one where unions on the government about because of a short-term crisis”. to go to their families and to use their
His ministry is discussing with
ground are independent help schemes, That means focusing, in particular, on own savings first – but as a last resort;
the Attorney-General’s Chambers
with members voting for with some say- children’s needs and education. the Government is there and we will pro-
and the Law Ministry to see how it
their leaders. But the ing that more Personal and family responsibility are vide for you,” he said.
The ministry is also setting aside $16 can be done. Such a move is also tar-
National Trades Union can be done also vital, he said, even as he gave the as- geted at men who fail to pay mainte-
Congress (NTUC) acts during this surance that the Government’s “many million to improve the 36 Family Service
Centres, so they can hire more social nance to their former spouses.
as a central repository downturn. Oth- helping hands” approach would continue.
workers and provide them with training Some remarry, divorce and contin-
of resources and man- ers wondered He noted that in the area of social work,
to deal with dysfunctional families. ue this pattern, with the women
power, he said. if Singaporeans there were those who regarded VWOs as
His ministry is also looking at provid- and children being the victims.
The NTUC, Dr were becoming “the outsourced agents” of his ministry.
over-reliant on the But this was the wrong model. ing greater support for the elderly who do “We need to go back to the ba-
Balakrishnan added,
Government – by turn- “We believe that social services should not get financial support from their chil- sics, which is...whether you want to
also has the econo-
mies of scale to ing to it for help in the first be delivered by people on the ground, by dren. And he hinted that the Maintenance break your marriage or not, your
train industri- instance rather than as a last people who know the true needs of the of Parents Act may be revised to better en- first point is to fulfil your responsi-
al relations resort. beneficiaries and by people who really sure that children fulfil their duty to sup- bilities to your ex-spouse and espe-
officers Ms Denise Phua (Jalan Besar have the heart and passion for it,” he ex- port their parents. cially to your children,” he said.
and GRC), a strong advocate for the inter- plained. Hence his call on the NCSS to

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