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Light Enterprise Architecture

The Zachman Framework

After a lot work to architect the enterprise blueprint, the

EA professional discover that the real challenge of EA is
Buy-in from business community.
LEA communicate with business community via
traditional architecture drawing approach and web
EA model model does not serve well with the business

Web portal

Proactive presentations
Architecture drawings

Enterprise Knowledge

The Stone Soup story for

the enterprise to work

. To know the enterprise as a whole via see the enterprise big picture and managing the enterprise

Stone Soup Story

Governance & Compliance

. Facilitate the enterprise collaboration culture.

Governance & compliance has been the mechanism for

EA buy-in from stakeholers.
Governance and compliance by building consensus, it is a
political effort.

. Analyze the business architecture in a structured approach over business mission, function,
people, location and workload.
. Aligns business process, Information Technology, human resources, security and financing to
support the business architecture.
. Overcome the challenge of silo system by learning experience of the others, reuse and
consolidation and establish the enterprise agility by identify business primitives and service
oriented architecture.

The Notional architecture

The notional architecture align resources to
support the business architecture. It is a
top down architecture approach in vertical
direction. It is a high level and notional for
business to take advantage of resources. It
is a matter of align the vehicles rather than
of design and build the vehicle.

EA is more than Information Technology. .

An organization can not win the edge of
competition solely by taking advantage of
technology evolution. They must also align
the matching business process, human
resources, risk management and budget to
business need as shown in the following
alignment architecture model.


. Enable agency to adapt change in time of need and close the gaps between strategy and


Who need EA?

Although the EA community like to emphasize EA as an effort to
support the senior mangers on strategic planning and decision support,
the true value of EA is for total participation and facilitate enterprise
collaborative culture. EA support the senior managers, business
community, owner, planner, analysis and designers as show on the next









The influence diagram approach The

influence diagram gives a high-level
conceptual view on which the analyst may
build a detailed quantitative model.

Service Oriented Architecture

Service Oriented Architecture overcome the
challenge of silo system. It via learning
experiences of the others in a cross cutting and
horizontal direction based on the lines of business
identified by the notional architecture. It also
enable the enterprise agility to adapt change via
SOA and cloud computing. The cross cutting
architecture approach does not only applies to
Information Technology but also to business
process, human resources, risk management and
budget and finance.

LEA is light because it does not take the

heavy approach to architect the enterprise
wide solution architecture which become
obsolete in the constant changing

Facilitate collaboration
See the big picture
Knowledge Management

EA able an organization to function as a whole. However, as an emerging paradigm, there are

many different EA definitions based on the part each individual have touched, LEA define what is
EA by putting together the parts for organization to function as a whole as shown on the next

LEA suggest the business architecture

framework to analyze the enterprise
mission, information, function, people,
location and demand via their
structure, connectivity and influence.

Business Architecture model

Collaboration enable the enterprise to function as a whole.

Collaboration by knowing human behavior.
Facilitate enterprise collaboration culture via see the big
picture, master planning and managing enterprise

What is EA?

The Blind man & elephant

The Enterprise Map

EA apply scientific and engineering analysis on

the business paradigm to integrate the power of
left/right brain. Under the enterprise big picture
and based on the enterprise knowledge, the
Business Architecture conduct structure
analysis and modeling the enterprise for
quantitative analysis. . It serve as the business
requirements not only for IT but also for
business processes reengineering, human
resources, risk management and financing.


EA to know the enterprise.

Analyze and modeling the Business need.
Three steps to overcome architecture buy-in.
Architect in vertical, horizontal and circular direction.
Takes the three tiers of notional architecture, segment
architecture and solution architecture.



Model as
the EA


IBM Reference

FEA Reference

Learn Experiences
Of the others via
reference models

Service Oriented
Architecture model




Adapting to change
EA adapt to change by analyze the business performance
gaps and plan a strategy to close the business performance
gaps. It is a three tier architecture approach to include the
notional architecture, the segment architecture and solution
architecture as shown on the following figure. Segment
architecture is the architecture effort based the demand of
strategic plan to close the business performance gaps. The
segment architecture elaborate the notional architecture in the
area of strategic planning concern. Solution architectures
design the application blueprint for implementation in the
application development paradigm. EA enable agile and simple
solution architecture development via service oriented

Gap analysis




on the demand of
strategic plan









Source : FEA

EA professional are the Glue rather a Guru. It enable every one to

see the enterprise big picture, share the enterprise knowledge and
establish collaborative culture as show on the top three row of the table.

Governance Structure

In the following row, the table shows EA have focused on analytical and
modeling effort on business architecture, alignment architecture and
reuse. These models works well and very useful to the EA community.
However, it serve well for the business community and it is the reason
why EA is stealth outside the EA community.

Investment Review
Board is the official
reviewing body for
information technology
(IT) investments,
including all major
initiatives, funding, and

In the bottom of the table, EA support the senior managers on strategic

planning and close the gap between strategy and execution when the EA
program become mature.

EA organization
EA roles should be evaluated based on the size of the organization, the complexity
of the business and architecture, and other factors to effectively determine the
correlation of roles assigned to personnel. In a large organization with complex
business processes, an individual may be responsible for one specific role. In
smaller Agencies or organizations, an individual may be assigned several roles
and responsibilities.

Cradled under the EA environment, the EA

approach analyze and model the Business
Architecture, align resources to business need,
enable enterprise agility via reuse, consolidation
and service oriented architecture.
Enterprise is organic which change constantly.
EA enable the enterprise capability to adapt
change and win the edge of competition. A
mature EA is capable to support business
strategic planning in adapting to change. It
closed the gap between strategic direction and
execution via segment architecture design,
capital planning, transition planning, solution

1. See the enterprise big picture

2. Know the enterprise knowledge.

Enterprise is large, logical, and invisible. Every

one only touched a part of enterprise and
believe that the part they have touched is the
whole. The only way to see the whole is to put
the parts together as said in the story of Blind
man and the elephant.

Mapping the Enterprise

Business Architecture

EA is a nut shell

EA delivers a stream of value

EA is a holistic architecture approach, The whole is

greater than the sum of the parts. it is essential to know
true big picture of the enterprise. This is the planning
part of EA rather than an architecture modeling effort.
LEA to know the enterprise via:

Architecture Drawings

EA is not all about technology. For an

organization to function as whole, the
Zachman framework, as a thinking tool,
can be used to conduct holistic and
structural analysis at all aspects of the
organization which include knowledge
management, governance, human
resources, risk management and finance

EA provide value continuously rather waiting the

magic blueprint to come. EA step of EA deliver
its value. Instead of jump into the architecture
design without buy-in from stakeholders, this EA
approach make effort to know the enterprise via
see the big picture, master planning and
knowledge management. In the mean time, it
also facilitate the enterprise collaborative culture
which is essential for a EA environment.

To know the enterprise


EA enables an organization to function

as a whole which is much greater than
the sum of the parts. It adopts the
scientific approach for business practice
to integrate the power of Left/Rignt
brain. This approach can be best
illustrated by the Zachman framework
which illustrate a holistic and structural
architecture framework for organization
to function as a whole. Stovepipe system
is a simple system which can be achieve
by vertical architecture approach.
Enterprise is a complex emerging system
which must be architect in vertical,
horizontal and circular direction.

The Technical Review
Board ensures that
proposed investments
contribute to the
enterprise strategic
vision and mission
requirements, employ
sound IT investment

EA automation support

Change Control Board

Changes to
configuration items will
occur throughout the
project caused by a
range of event such as
changes in a
requirement, changes in
available technologies
and products, and so
on. These changes
need to be managed by
a formal process to
ensure impacts are
investigated and
handled appropriately.
Change management is
normally conducted by a
group called the Change
Control Board (CCB).

Related Organizations

EA must take advantage of

technology evolution by using
different automation tools. The
figure illustrate the scope to
architecture tools.

A chief executive officer

(CEO) or chief executive
is one of the highestranking corporate officer
(executive) or
administrator in charge of
total management. An
individual selected as
President and CEO of a
corporation, company,
organization, or agency,
reports to the board of

However, unable to afford a

complicate and expensive tools
is not a show stopper. Initial EA
to facilitating collaboration and
see the enterprise big picture
are very human centric. All they
need is the the common office
tools. No automation tool can
replace human effort in this
Once the collaborative EA
environment is established, the
organization should consider
investing on dedicate EA
modeling and repository tool for
support modeling and impact



The chief financial officer

(CFO) of a company or public
agency is the corporate officer
primarily responsible for
managing the financial risks of
the business or agency. This
officer is also responsible for
financial planning and recordkeeping, as well as financial
reporting to higher
management. (In recent years,
however, the role has
expanded to encompass
communicating financial
performance and forecasts to
the analyst community.) The
title is equivalent to finance
director, a common title in the
United Kingdom. The CFO
typically reports to the chief
executive officer, and is
frequently a member of the
board of directors.

As information technology and

systems have become more
important, the CIO has come to
be viewed in many
organizations as a key
contributor in formulating
strategic goals. In many
companies, the CIO reports
directly to the Chief Executive
Officer (CEO). In some
agencies, the CIO sits on the
executive board. Typically, the
CIO in a large enterprise
delegates technical decisions to
employees more familiar with
details. Usually, a CIO proposes
the information technology an
enterprise will need to achieve
its goals and then works within
a budget to implement the plan.

Light Enterprise Architecture

Soruce: CIO Council




Source : A Practical guide to Federal Enterprise Architecture


February 24, 2012


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