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Currently the world's oil industry has been growing rapidly, so that accidents resulting in oil
tercecernya sea almost inevitable. Tankers transporting crude oil in large quantities each year. In
case of oil pollution of the sea, this will result in the oil floats above the sea that eventually swept
away and carried to the beach. Example of a boating accident:
a. Torrey canyon off the coast of England in 1967 an estimated 100,000 birds died.
b. Showa Maru in Strait of Malacca in 1975.
c. Amoco Cadiz off the French coast in 1978.

Oil pollution has widespread effects on animals and plants that live sector in a region. Floating
oil harmful to marine life of birds who like to swim above the water surface. Bird's body will be
closed for cleaning their oil licking. As a result they drink a lot of oil and pollute ourselves. In
addition, mangrove forests and brackish water areas are also damaged. Microorganisms are
affected by pollution will soon destroy the bond of an organic oil, so many of the affected coastal
areas heavy oil spills have been net return in just one or two years.
Evil consequences which immediately visible is the damage to the aesthetics of the beach due to
the appearance and smell of oil material. Dark-colored residues are stranded on the beach will be
covered rocks, sand, plants and animals. Tar lumps formed in the oil weathering process will be
swept away and stranded on the beach. It'll be hard to find parts of the beach that is not
contaminated due to rapid diffusion. Like the case in the waters of Scouts islands, Thousand
Oil spill would cause biological damage, can be lethal effects and sublethal effects. Lethal effects
of reaction that occurs when substances that interfere with physical and chemical processes in
cells or subsel living up to the possibility of death. Sublethal effects that influence the
physiological and behavioral damage but did not cause death directly. However, possible death
due to disruption of the process of eating, growth and behavioral abnormalities. Coral reefs will
experience lethal and sublethal effects in which recovery takes a long time due to the complexity
of the community.

Marine bacteria growth is inhibited due to the presence of toxic compounds in the crude oil
components, as well as toxic compounds formed from the biodegradation process. Even in some
cases, toxic compounds from the biodegradation process can be more dangerous. Accretion
occurs is also possible microorganisms / organisms capable of utilizing petroleum hydrocarbons,
due to the addition of nutrients to the contaminated sites, for metabolism or a metabolic product
advantage, but in general there is a reduction of microorganisms and organisms.

Another influence is the decrease in population of algae and protozoa due to contact with the
toxic slick (oil layer on the surface of the water). No significant influence on the plankton
because of its ability to reproduce rapidly, so that the population decline that had occurred could
be restored. Unlike plankton, crustaceans, fish and mollusks that exist between plankton will be
badly affected due to the recovery process takes many years.

Impacts are felt experienced by organisms that can not move (immobile) as benthic organisms
because they can not escape from the polluted area. In some cases the recovery of the benthic
organisms took more than 10 years. Moreover, when the incidence of oil spills on the beach with
a soft base and soft (bottom) where capable of persistent oil in the long term compared to the
rocky shore (hardware based).

Indirect effect of human experience is to see the devastation wrought by the fish. The number of
dead fish are not too many because of its ability to escape. However, the biggest threat faced by
bentic fish oil that has accumulated in his body, and spawning areas (Spawning areas) because
the larval phase is very sensitive to the toxicity of oil. Ternjadi accumulation of aromatic
compounds (carcinogens) in fish tissue. And new people feel the presence of petroleum
hydrocarbons in fish tissue / animal that eats at a concentration of 50-20 ppm.

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