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Spanish 1

Lesson Activities

Sports and Exercise

The Lesson Activities will help you meet these educational goals:
Vocabulary SkillsYou will use new and learned vocabulary in different real-world
Cultural AwarenessYou will investigate the culture and customs of other countries and
compare them to your own.
Communication SkillsYou will practice reading, writing, and listening skills to
communicate meaningfully in a new language.
21st Century SkillsYou will employ online tools for research and analysis.

Please save this document before you begin working on the assignment. Type your
answers directly in the document.

Self-Checked Activities
Read the instructions for the following activities and type in your responses. Click the link to
the Student Answer Sheet at the end of the lesson. Use the answers or sample responses to
evaluate your own work.
1. El ejercicio
Complete the following sentences describing the benefits of different exercise routines
using the comparative words ms or menos.
Fill in the blanks:
a. El yoga es un ejercicio cardiovascular que la natacin.
b. El levantamiento de pesas permite fortalecer los msculos que el yoga.
c. El yoga es un ejercicio que necesita flexibilidad que el levantamiento de pesas.
d. Los aerbicos son un ejercicio cardiovascular que el levantamiento de pesas.


How did you do? Check a box below.

Excelente!I included all of the same ideas as the model response on the Student Answer Sheet.
Ms o menosI included most of the ideas in the model response on the Student Answer Sheet.
No muy bienI did not include any of the ideas in the model response on the Student Answer Sheet.


Verbos yo-go
Complete the following paragraph in which Eric describes his exercise routine by using
the correct forms of the verbs given in parentheses.
Fill in the blanks:
Yo (hacer) ejercicio cinco das a la semana. El lunes (tener) clases de
natacin. El martes Pedro y yo (tener) entrenamiento de ftbol por dos horas. El
mircoles (hacer) yoga para relajarme y mejorar la flexibilidad de mi cuerpo. El
jueves descanso.
El viernes (tener) una sesin de levantamiento de pesas y mi entrenador
(decir) que con este tipo de entrenamiento mis msculos se fortalecen y tonifican. El
sbado (hacer) aerbicos porque es un excelente ejercicio cardiovascular.

How did you do? Check a box below.

Excelente!I included all of the same ideas as the model response on the Student Answer Sheet.
Ms o menosI included most of the ideas in the model response on the Student Answer Sheet.
No muy bienI did not include any of the ideas in the model response on the Student Answer Sheet.

Teacher-Graded Activities
Write or record a response for each of the following activities. Check the Evaluation section at
the end of this document to make sure you have met the expected criteria for the assignment.
When youve finished, submit your work to your teacher.
3. Hablar y escuchar (Audio Recorder Activity)
Read out loud, and record, each of the following questions. Then, record your answers in
Spanish using the audio recorder available on your computer. Submit that audio file to
your teacher using the drop box.
a. Qu deporte te gusta practicar?
b. Por qu te gusta practicar este deporte?
c. Cuntos das a la semana practicas este deporte?
d. Qu beneficios fsicos tiene este deporte?
4. Leer y escribir
Research online about exercise classes and describe the benefits of the different
activities. Write a short essay in Spanish about three classes; describe a class for
relaxation and stress relief, a class for fun movement, and a good class for muscle
Type your response here:

Your teacher will use these criteria to evaluate your work.

(4 points)Distinguished

(3 points)Proficient

(2 points)Developing

(1 point)Beginning


Response does not relate to the topic or is inappropriate or irrelevant

Does not communicate in the target language in a coherent manner, does not use much
vocabulary, makes many pronunciation or sentence structure errors that make the audio difficult
to understand

Response is completely on topic

Communicates clearly in the target language, uses a variety of vocabulary, rare instances of
pronunciation or sentence structure errors that impede understanding

Response is related to the topic

Communicates clearly in the target language, uses sufficient vocabulary, a few pronunciation
or sentence structure errors that slightly impede understanding

Response is not on topic or is too brief or low level; may be of little value (e.g., yes or no

Unclear communication in the target language, uses limited vocabulary, makes several
pronunciation or sentence structure errors that significantly impede understanding


(4 points)Distinguished

(3 points)Proficient

(2 points)Developing

(1 point)Beginning


Uses very limited vocabulary

Does not construct complete sentences or constructs incorrect sentences describing the
characteristics and benefits of the workout routines

Accurately uses a wide range of vocabulary

Correctly constructs sentences describing the characteristics and benefits of the workout

Somewhat accurately uses a fairly wide range of vocabulary

Constructs mostly correct sentences describing the characteristics and benefits of the
workout routines

Uses limited vocabulary

Constructs sentences describing the characteristics and benefits of the workout routines but
with errors

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