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Operations research / management science provide several way to help
managers make decisions. In this particular problem of Projectrak Engineering
Consultancy, the simplex method can be employed. The method is used for optimizing
problems with the use of tableaus in order to come up with an optimal solution mix.
In each project, the consultancy firm, Projectrak tries to maximize their
contribution. Their contribution is usually measured in the number of choices they help
to decide on. On average, a project manager provides 5 decisions per day, a project
architect provides 2, and a civil engineer provides 1.2. In their next project with Roxas,
they need to provide a maximum of 2 project managers and at least 2 architects and 4
civil engineers. The company has a budget of 27000.00 per day for their salaries and
each project manager, project architect and civil engineer is paid P3600, P2960, and
P2640 per day, respectively. With all of this information, Projectrak is trying to find their
optimal number of employees for each position in order to maximize their contributed
decisions per day. This information, taken from their different financials, can derive the
following goal and constraints:
Goal: 5X + 2Y + 1.2Z
1. 3600X + 2960Y + 2640Z <= 27000
2. X <= 2
3. Y >= 2
4. Z >= 4
III. Quantitative Analysis
The analysis and model used was derived with the different cost and benefit files
of the company. QM, a solution software, was used in order to solve the solution mix.
Below are the different iterations:
Iteration 1

Iteration 2

Iteration 3

Iteration 4

Iteration 5

Iteration 6 - Solution

The optimal solution mix, as seen in this iteration, consists of hiring or providing 2
project managers, 3.12 project architects, and 4 civil engineers in order to contribute
21.04 decisions per day.
IV. Results and Analysis
In reality, 3.12 project architects cannot be hired, and thus it must be rounded
down to 3 in order to meet all constraints as well. With this optimal solution mix, the
company can help contribute an average of 20.8 decisions per day. The solution mix
also has a surplus of 1 project architect over the minimum needed. An assumption is
that this happens in order to maximize the budget allocation given for salaries.
V. Conclusion

The model used may serve as a rough guide in order for the company to come
up with its solution mix this is because they are several limitations to the model. One
limitation is that it assumes that each of their employees for manager position have
equal skill and that any chosen will contribute the average. This limitation goes as well
to the other positions. Another is that since it is an average, it will not always be exact to
the number of contributed decisions per day; especially since it does not account for
other kinds of constraints like social, economic, and institutional and only accounts for
the ones that are mathematical.
In conclusion, the model used will not give a 100% and perfect calculation of how
to maximize the goal but a near estimate instead. But with all of these limitations and
the like, it is still recommended that the company provide 2 project managers, 3 project
architects and 4 civil engineers to come up with a mathematical optimal number of
decisions per day.

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