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brown sahib whom macaulay categorized as "interpreters" are a "class of persons

Indian in blood and color, but English in tastes, in opinions, in morals and in intellect".
one could get lost in categories like "post colonial" "interpreters" "authentic" "identity"
"subaltern". in post-colonial narrative, the protagonist usually struggles with questions of
Identity social identity, cultural identity, national identity, etc. usually caused by
experiencing the psychological conflicts inherent to cultural assimilation, to living
between the old, native world and the dominant hegemony of the invasive social and
cultural institutions of the colonial imperialism of a Mother Country. ( most of us would
admit that british imperialism and soft invasion of US culture are a continuum )
Post-colonial thought re-examines colonial literature, especially concentrating upon the
social discourse, between the colonizer and the colonized, that shaped and produced
the literature.
"ego and callous disregard for human dignity and values" has an important societal
function of maintaining status quo (social status) in a society in flux and dominant
hegemony(power structures created by old money - police in this instance) being
challenged by (net - structure created by the hyper connected world) new ideas. it is
church siding with serfs against the ebbing feudal tide. yet "abe" (hollywood history)
teaches us that american civil war was not at all certain. as birsa munda discovered to
his disillusionment not until gandhi gave indians the mass movement could we defeat
the english musket. as marxist discovered there is no linear march of ideas. one has to
fight for it with blood and sweat. in hiding behind the anonymity of technology we do not
challenge the reality in any way. by subscribing to new world tools we hope that we will
change old world anachronisms but history teaches us otherwise. the change will
happen only when hyper connected world or weight of money that finds hyper
connected world essential for it's survival feels threatened by weight of the old order. we
are all prisoners here of our own device.

the "progressive" twitter-ati suffer from a series of broken identities that form "multiple
anchorages". when we deride the "brown sahib" in our "FB posts" we are seeking
anchorage in technology elitism which we hope will deliver us from the real power of life
and death that Indian police anchored in pre-colonial law holds. but the coward only
hides in the crowd using anonymity offered by technology and does not challenge

by subscribing to new world tools we hope that we will change old world anachronisms
but history teaches us otherwise. the change will happen only when hyper connected
world or weight of money that finds hyper connected world essential for it's survival feels
threatened by weight of the old order. we are all prisoners here of our own device.
hinduism teaches us the merit of individual salvation (moksha) in a connected world.
( vasudhaiva kut u
mbakam. From "vasudh", the earth; "va" = indeed is;
and "kutumbakam", family). yet we cling to our egos (i went to abc university/ worked
for xyz corporation) as status maintaining crutches in personal lives that is an obstacle
to real communication between generations of people.

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