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Kamias Leaf Extract

Statement of the Problem:

1. What are the pre-test and post-test mean scores of anti-inflammatory activity of experimental
group treated with Kamias leaf extract?

Table 1.

Pre-Test and Post Test Mean Scores of anti-inflammatory activity of

experimental group treated with Kamias leaf extract

The table above showed that the mean pre-test size in millimeter for experimental group
of inflamed paw before the administration of Kamias leaf extract was 1.98 mm.
The mean post-test size in millimeter for experimental group of inflamed paw after the
administration of Kamias leaf extracts was 1.4275 mm.

2. What are the pre-test and post-test mean scores of anti-inflammatory activity of control

Table 2.

Pre-Test and Post Test Mean Scores of anti-inflammatory activity of positive

control group treated with Aspirin

The table above presented the pre-test and post-test mean scores of anti-inflammatory
activity of positive control group treated with Aspirin.
The mean pre-test size in millimeter for positive control group of inflamed paw before
the administration of Aspirin was 2.06 mm.
The mean post-test size in millimeter for experimental group of inflamed paw after the
administration of Aspirin was 1.3625 mm.

Table 3.

Pre-Test and Post Test Mean Scores of anti-inflammatory activity of negative

control group treated with Distilled Water

The table above presented the pre-test and post-test mean scores of anti-inflammatory
activity of negative control group treated with Distilled water.
The mean pre-test size in millimeter for positive control group of inflamed paw before
the administration of Distilled water was 1.9933 mm.
The mean post-test size in millimeter for experimental group of inflamed paw after the
administration of Distilled water was 2.2708 mm.

The researchers noted that the inflamed size inflamed more when administered with
distilled water.

3. Is there a significant difference in the anti-inflammatory activity of experimental group treated

with Kamias leaf extract and the control groups treated with aspirin and distilled water?
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used to determine if significant difference existed
for sedation time between the control groups and the experimental group.
Significant difference existed if significance (sig) is less than 0.05.

Table 4. ANOVA Table: Significant Differences the Anti-inflammatory activities of the

Experimental Group and the Control Groups

Results above showed that there is significant difference (sig=0.000) between the mean
scores of anti-inflammatory activities of experimental group treated with Kamias leaf extract and
the control groups treated with aspirin and distilled water. Test was conducted further to see
where the differences were between the different groups using Least Square Difference (LSD).
Results for LSD were given below.

The LSD table showed that there was no significant difference for anti-inflamatory
activities between experimental group and positive control group (sig=0.119).

This means that the Kamias leaf extract for experimental group have entirely the same
anti-inflammatory effects with Aspirin.
But, also from the LSD table, there was a significant difference for anti-inflammatory
activities between experimental group and negative control group (sig=0.000).
This means that the Kamias leaf extract for experimental group have entirely significant
difference when it comes to anti-inflammatory effects compared with distilled water. In other
words, distilled water was not an effective tool as anti-inflammation.

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