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Program P R A Y E R A N D FA S T I N G

Things to Consider C O N V O C AT I O N
Monday 18
Prayer Time
✤Consider reducing your food 7:30-9:00pm - Sanctuary
intake the day before the start of “ E M B R AC I N G T H E
Tuesday 19
your fast in order for your body to Prayer Service S U P E R N A T U R A L”
adjust. 7:30-9:00pm - Sanctuary

Wednesday 20 January 17-24, 2010

✤Start your week with a time of Noon Prayer with Internet Broadcast
prayer presenting your fast before 12:00-1:00pm
Prayer Service - Sanctuary
the Lord; ask for strength to 7:30pm-9:00pm
complete it.
Thursday 21
Prayer Service - Sanctuary
✤Fasting is meant to be a time of 7:30pm-9:00pm
intense search for God. Invest more
time in Scripture meditation and Friday 22
Half Vigil Service
prayer. 7:30pm-12:00pm
Child care until 10pm
✤Drink lots of fluids during your
Saturday 23
fasting (Option 2). We recommend a Early Morning Prayer
partial fasting for people taking any 5:00-7:00am - Sanctuary
medicine, pregnant or nursing
Sunday 24
women, the elderly or if your work Closing Service
requires any physical labor. 9:00am y 12:00pm “I te! you the truth, anyone who
✤Consult with your primary care
has faith in me wi! do what I
physician (PCP) if you have any have been doing. He wi! do even
particular health condition that may greater things than these, because I
68 Northampton St., Boston, MA 02118
affect your fasting. T: (617) 541-4455 am going to the Father.”
John 14:12
W H A T I S FA S T I N G ?

Fasting involves a voluntary decision to 1. For your life: holiness, power, healing
abstain from any food or liquids, either partial (physical, spiritual, emotional), and spiritual
or total, for a specific period of time with a revelation.
defined purpose before God. 2. Blessing and prosperity for our families; that
ATTITUDE AND REASONS FOR God may provide them with stable jobs,
FASTING homeownership, the necessary
OBJECTIVES documentation to work in this country.
3. The collaborative efforts of our church with
1. To glorify God, others and their respective pastors as we seek
To humble our souls (emotions, the will,
2. Sanctification and deliverance within the thought patterns), in submission to God for a powerful moving of God in New
people of God,
(Is. 58:4-5) England.
3. For an outpouring of the Spirit and the
continuous vitality of the church, 4. For our pastors and their families (Pastor
For the deliverance of any burden within our
4. For a heart of gratitude towards God, Roberto Miranda, Pastor Greg Bishop,
lives (Is. 58:6)
5. Evangelistic anointing, Pastor Sam Acevedo, Pastor Omar Soto), and
For the healing of broken hearts, wounded the church staff.
6. For the construction process of our new
spirits and emotions (Is. 58:6) 5. For the ministries of our church; a release of
Confess our sins and turn back towards God God’s power upon them.
(Nehemíah 9:1-5) 6. Anointing to minister deliverance from
T Y P E S O F FA S T I N G substance abuse, addictions, emotional
For physical healing (Psal. 35:13) bondage, and sexual struggles.
Total Fast
Option 1 To seek God’s will and direction in our lives 7. For the church to be mindful of the blessing
No food or liquids. during periods of confusion and anxiety (Psal. in tithing and to actively contribute to the
Option 2: 69:10, 2 Sam. 1:11-12; Mat. 17:21, Rom. 12:1-2) projects God has entrusted this church with.
No solid foods but with the inclusion of liquids 8. Construction of the new Sanctuary: for God
(water or juice). Deliverance from the attractions of this world
(Is. 58:6) to provide the necessary resources during
Partial Fast this process, the wisdom to administer them,
The person can eat certain foods (such as To receive spiritual authority and discernment and the many lives that will be transformed
fruits, juices) refraining from any favorite or over the schemes of the devil (Mat. 17:21) through it.
appealing foods.
For effective discipline in the execution of our 9. Access to the BWSC parking during the time
ministry (Luk. 2:31-37) of construction.

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