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Totems of the Dead: A Feast for Crows

Campaign Journal: Session 1

Real World Date: Saturday, January 31, 2015

Campaign World Date: Days 1-2, Month of Planting, 112 Summers since the Founding of the
League of the Longhouse

The Heroes

Ohanzee. A skilled bowman.
Built-Like-A-Bear. A warrior who, strangely enough, is not built like a bear. He fights with two
Haldor. A warrior who fights with his fists. Helgrim is his brother.
Zogar. A human who can turn into a lynx.
Hope. A shaman. Faith is her sister.

Totems of the Dead: A Feast for Crows

Campaign Journal: Session 1

Faith. A shaman. Hope is her sister.
Helgrim. A Skadian warrior. Haldor is his brother.

Know, Oh Prince, What Has Happened Before Our Tale Begins . . .

The city of Ottnondaeg in the lands of the League of the Longhouse has been beset by strange
illnesses. These are believed to be the work of the nigh invulnerable Necromancer who dwells in
the swamplands and demands tribute, fancying himself the de-facto ruler of the region.
Songs from the loremasters of your tribes say that years ago a demon terrorized the lands around
the city of Lahnoak in the lands of the Wannua Confederacy. Then a warrior named Isiqua came
to Lahnoak to kill the demon. He had a jade knife blessed by the shamans of the League of the
Longhouse. Tales say that he entered a cave where the demon laired, but never returned.
However, the demon never again appeared. It would seem that Isiqua sacrificed himself to kill
the demon.
Based on this tale, the loremasters reason that Isiquas knife is somewhere in the demons cave.
You have come to the city of Lahnoak in hopes of finding the magic item. You will then return to
Ottnondaeg and use the Knife to kill the Necromancer!

Let Me Tell You of the Days of High Adventure!

Saving a Seer

Angry Dog the Seer is being attacked by a band of scoundrels.

An imp disguised as a crow.

The seer tells the party that there is evil in Lahnoak. Someone is disturbing the
spirits through sorcery. She doesnt know who, though.

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Totems of the Dead: A Feast for Crows

Campaign Journal: Session 1

Angry Dog has the gift of the Second Sight. She is able to give the party a
portent: A sorcerer of great power seeks to unlock the mystery of a Totem of
the Dead.

Totems of the Dead are ancient stone effigies that imprison powerful and alien
spirits. Evil sorcerers and cults have always sought out these totems for
nefarious purposes. With the recent turmoil in the spirit world, many of the
wards and spells that hid and guarded the Totems are failing.

Meeting the Leaders of the Lahnaypay Tribe

Broken Arrow the chieftain.

Bloodhawk the shaman.

According to the laws of the Lahnaypay tribe, no one may enter the Demons
Cave, under penalty of death. The City of Lahnoak is in need of food. The
Party offers to find food in return for being allowed to enter the Cave.

Finding Food for Lahnoak

Short Extended Task: Survival. Success!

Bloodhawk is impressed that the party was able to secure food for the city. He
calls for a Spirit Dance to divine the will of the Spirits of the Ancestors. After
the dance, Bloodhawk says that the Ancestors are pleased with the actions of
the party. He gives them permission to enter the cave. However, he demands
the Knife.

Spirit Dance

Exploring the Demons Cave

6 statues of demonic creatures. Fear checks. Blows with a tomahawk, an iron

axe, and a fist do no damage to the statues.

Another room. Sulfur smell. Explosion when the partys torch is brought into
the cave.

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Totems of the Dead: A Feast for Crows

Campaign Journal: Session 1

Drawings of human sacrifice on the walls and a strange creature: a tentacled

body and a seal-like head bearing a multitude of spider-like eyes; its long arms
end in clawed fins and its enormous gaping mouth is a mass of jagged tusks
arranged in shark-like multiple rows.

Faith tells everyone that this is Tornassuk, an ancient deity of deep caverns
and the ocean depths. It consumes those souls unworthy of entering the
Eternal Hunting Grounds after death. Once every few centuries, this wrathful
deity has been known to rise up from the underworld and above the waves to
satiate its unnatural hunger on the bodies and souls of the living, devastating
entire communities and driving all who look upon it mad with terror.
Tornassuks cultists worship it out of fear and the dark desire to understand
the spirits sorcerous secrets of power over life and death.

Another room. Cliff top, 100 feet down. Hundreds of skeletons (not undead)
at bottom. As the party descended, strange human like creatures attacked.
They were able to climb the walls easily and their touch caused paralysis. [I
used the stats for the Ghouls out of the Fantasy Companion. I changed their
paralyzing attack to a target being automatically Shaken when hit, before the
damage dice were rolled.]

The party had to explore the pile of bones for the Knife, while fighting off the
creatures. They eventually found a jade dagger etched with runes that glowed
slightly when touched. They found another jade knife next to it as well. This
one did not have runes and did not glow when touched.

Meeting the Atlanteans

As the party exits the cave, they are confronted by a large, mysterious group
of warriors. They wear strange, blue armor; and carry long daggers.

The Atlanteans demand the Knife.

And thats where we stopped for the night.

Active Hooks
Find Isiquas Knife and return to the lands of the League of the Longhouse with it.

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Totems of the Dead: A Feast for Crows

Campaign Journal: Session 1

Other Hooks
Kill the Necromancer.

1 Experience Point awarded. We spent the first half of the session on character creation. Actual
gaming was about 2 hours.

21 XP


21 XP


21 XP


21 XP


21 XP


21 XP


21 XP

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