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Nombre del estudiante: Paul Max Avalos


Nombre del trabajo: Products

Fecha de entrega: 19 de Noviembre de 2013

Campus: Puebla

Carrera /Prepa: Bicultural

Semestre/Cuatrimestre: 3

Nombre del maestro: Leonardo PorchiaINTRODUCTION

Zacatlan is a place known by the production of wine, cider, and apple soda, these 3
are very artesanal products because they are hand makinkg without any machine,
this represents one of the most importnant industries in Zacatlan, they produce 1
million of drinks bottles from wich 80% of them are comrecialized during
December, and the 20% all over the year, they process 1 million tons of apple for
making the traditional december drinks, this buisness represents the life by
enterprise directly of 40 families and indirectly for 200 families that live from the
apples harv, this industry grows between 15 and 20 percent yearly.

The fruits used for these products are apple, quince, huiquio peach, pineapple,
and acerola.
The main products for soda are the apple and peach
For the wine the quine, huiquio, peach, pine apple and acerola, as the same for
the cider
The wine produces biological and chemical reactions
Biological: Transformation of the sugar into alcohol and carbon dioxide. The
chemical agent that produces such a transformation are yeasts, which are live
microorganisms, in the grape skins. Just by breaking the skin the yeast begin to
operate on sugar, which constitutes 30% of the pulp, and start the fermentation
Chemical: Alcoholic fermentation of the grape`s juice, alcoholic fermentation is a
process by which with oxygen abscence some microorganisms that process
carbohydrates change the chemic structure for obtaining an alcohol in etanol form
CH3-CH2-OH and some ATP molecules that consume this micro organisms in their
metabolic energetyc system.


Maintain personal hygiene

Use the protection equipment

The use of jewerly is prohibited

Maintain the nails small
Wash the hands before the process
Dont use cellphones and other electrical devices
Dont take the nourishment if this has suffer an injury
Dont smoke nor whistle in the production area
Dont introduce the hand in the product without packing for tasting
Avoid contact with pirmary matter and the final product
Work according to the given instructions
Make the operations in the time and conditions accorded
Give advice of irregularities on production line
Keep clean the working equipment
Its forbidden to play in the working area
Dont exchange the working material
Cover all the containers without pack
Partnerism must exist in factory
Save all the material after finishing of work
Dont let any material in the floor


The growth of this market has made the competence with other Delegations bigger
, because of this there has emerged a diversification of products and a best sell all
over the year.
The production of wine is a chemical and biological process because it includes the
microrganisms that midify the chemic structure and a modification of chemic
structure making this both chemical and biological reciprocal.
The safty instructions are the necessary for a good and clean material.

Zacatlans Factory (Experts, as primary data)

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