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Part 1: Identification of Learning Problem

General Audience
The primary audience is teachers of the core subjects (English, Math, Science, and Social
Studies) at McEachern High School in Cobb County, Georgia. There are just under 200 teachers
at the school. There are 13 English teachers, 15 Math teachers, 14 Science teachers, and 14
Social Studies teachers. Their teaching experience ranges from first-year novices to 20+ years
veterans; the average tenure is approximately 17 years.
Problem Identification
All Cobb County schools have been provided access to the online Blackboard Classroom
program in order to facilitate a statewide initiative to incorporate technology into every
classroom. While most teachers seem to embrace this technology, there are many who are
reluctant to add anything new into their curriculum or feel they do not have the time to learn
anything new when it seems they are always in training for something that is difficult to
implement. There are many advantages to using Blackboard in the classroom that will aid
teachers in grading and assigning classwork and homework. Once teachers have learned these
tools, they should embrace this program.
A brief interest survey was emailed to the members of each of the core subject departments, and
the majority of the responses indicated knowledge of the schools access to Blackboard. The
majority also said they created a shell for each of their classes, but less than half sent their roster
lists to the schools Blackboard coordinator to be added to the program. If there are no rosters in
the shells, the students cannot obtain or submit assignments via this program. Those that either
had no knowledge of the program or had not done anything other than set up a shell indicated
through the survey that they did not have time to invest in figuring out how set one up. Most of
the others surveyed who indicated they had sent their rosters to the coordinator said they did not
know how to do anything besides create an assignment students could view at home but turn in
to them in class, not via Blackboard.
Of particular interest on the survey was the lack of knowledge of the Safe Assign AntiPlagiarism feature. Teachers in all core subject areas, as a part of the Write-Across-the-

Curriculum initiative of Common Core, are required to have their students write essays related to
their curriculum. As access to the Internet expands, so does the opportunity for students to
plagiarize these papers. Most teachers spend a great deal of time trying to detect plagiarism with
Google searches or other Internet-based programs that have varying levels of detection abilities.
Some older, veteran teachers still use hard copies of sources provided by their students to search
for evidence because they are doing what they have always done, and the Internet is too
intimidating. Either method is time-consuming and frustrating. Safe Assign is a built-in feature to
Blackboard, and students can be require to turn in essays through a special portal, and their
submissions will be checking against the entire Web and any other papers in the schools
Blackboard database. 100% of the survey participants indicated an interest in a short online
instructional module to teach them how to navigate the basics of creating and setting up Safe
Assign assignments, receiving assignments from students, and resubmitting graded submissions
in order for students to receive feedback. If these teachers are shown how easy Safe Assign is to
use, through a quick and simple learning module, more would take advantage of this technology
provided by the county.
Instructional Goals

Students will be able to define the functions of Safe Assign in Blackboard Classroom.
Students will be able to create a Safe Assign task in Blackboard Classroom.
Students will be able to interpret a Safe Assign task in Blackboard Classroom.

Part II: Learner Analysis

The group of learners identified is teachers of the core subjects (English, Math, Science, and
Social Studies) at McEachern High School in Cobb County, Georgia. There is a total of 56
teachers across the four core subjects; 15 are males, and 41 are females. 46 are Caucasian, and 10
are African-American. The age range of the teachers is 25 to 64, and range of years of teaching is
first year novice (5) to 20+ years veteran (21). This data was obtained through the Staff Directory
on the schools website and a survey sent via email.
Entry Skills and Prior Knowledge

Entry skills that include basic computer operation (turning on, logging on, navigating the

school website)
Locate Blackboard Portal on school website
Know Blackboard username and password
Distinguish class shells from each other and school and department shells

This information was gathered from a skills pre-test given school-wide during pre-planning.
Attitudes Toward Content and Academic Motivation
The majority of the teachers understand the need to learn the functions of Blackboard, and most
of them are eager to implement as many of the available tools as are practical and useful to them.
56% were unaware of the Safe Assign feature. Of that percentage, 81% indicated a strong desire
to learn about it and implement it as soon as possible. 10% indicated a moderate desire to
implement it at some point this school year. 5% indicated little desire to implement it at any time
during the school year, and 4% neglected to answer. This data was gathered from a survey sent
via email.
Educational Ability Levels
Because the learners for this specific module are teachers, their educational ability was measured
by years of teaching experience. This information was gathered from the email survey used to
gather the data in the previous section. 11 have 0-5 years; 14 have 6-10 years; 11 have 11-15
years; 10 have 16-20 years; 5 have 21-25 years, 3 have 26-30 years, and 2 have 31+ years

General Learning Preferences

Due to time constraints consistent with every teacher surveyed, all teachers indicated interest in
online learning environments; however, the majority of the teachers in the 26-30+ years
experience range expressed a desire to have a certain day afterschool designated for time in the
computer lab with a expert available for troubleshooting. This information was gathered from
the email survey used for the previous section.
Attitude Toward Teachers and School
All teachers surveyed have respect for each other as educators and are willing to learn from one
another as well. All teachers, too, continue to have a desire to grow in some capacity in their
knowledge of technology and their ability to continue to provide relevant information and
resources for their students.
Group Characteristics
McEachern High School in located in Powder Springs, Georgia and has 2,206 students enrolled.
There are 56 core subject teachers to serve all of these students throughout the semester. The
majority of these teachers are Caucasian, the rest are African-American. All are Englishspeaking. One teacher has a hearing disability. All teachers have access to at least one countyissued laptop and one desktop computer in his/her classroom.

Part III: Task Analysis

Task Analysis

I conducted a topical and a procedural analysis for this plan. The topical analysis relates to the
first and third instructional goals, and the procedural analysis for the second goal, as each teacher
will be applying different topics according to his/her core subject area. In order to ensure I did
not omit any relevant steps from the outline, I opened Blackboard and completed the procedures
as I created the outline. I then went back and started at the beginning using just my outline to
revise, add, or delete steps where necessary.
Task Analysis Outline
1. Define the functions of Safe Assign in Blackboard Classroom.
1.1. Title
1.2. Points Possible
1.3. Text
1.4. Available
1.5. Availability Dates
1.6. Drafts
1.7. Students Viewable
1.8. Urgent Checking
1.9. Optional Announcement
1.9.1. Create
1.9.2. Subject
1.9.3 Message

2. Create a Safe Assign task in Blackboard Classroom.

2.1. Click on desired class shell

2.2. Choose SafeAssignment from Assessments dropdown menu located under class title
2.3. Enter information requested
2.3.1. Name
2.3.2. Points Possible
2.3.3. Due Date Click on calendar icon to choose date Click on clock icon to choose time
2.4. Type desired instructions in text box
2.5. Track number of views
2.5.1. Leave unchecked if not desired
2.5.2. Check box if tracking is desired
2.6. Choose Availability Dates
2.6.1. Enter Display After date Click on calendar icon to choose date Click on clock icon to choose time
2.6.2. Enter Display Until date Click on calendar icon to choose date Click on clock icon to choose time

2.7. Allow Drafts

2.7.1. Leave unchecked if final copy is only submission

2.7.2. Check box if allowing draft submissions

2.8. Determine if students can view reports
2.8.1. Click Yes to allow
2.8.2. Click No to not allow
2.9. Determine Urgent Checking
2.9.1. Leave unchecked if assignments are not a priority in line to be graded
2.9.2. Check box if assignments are a priority to be graded
2.10. Create Optional Announcement
2.10.1. Click Yes to create announcement Type announcement in text box
2.10.2. Click No if no announcement is needed
2.11. Click Submit button in bottom right corner of screen
3. Interpret a Safe Assign task in Blackboard Classroom.
3.1. Report Information
3.1.1. Author
3.1.2. Percent of Matching Text
3.1.3. Date submitted
3.1.4. Download report
3.1.5. Email report
3.1.6. View printable version
3.2. Suspected Sources

3.2.1. Select sources

3.2.2. Exclude from review
3.2.3. Process paper again
3.3. Manuscript Text
Subject Matter Expert (SME)
The SME for this instructional plan will be Christi Osborne. She is currently an Assistant
Administrator at McEachern High School in Powder Springs, Georgia. She is also the
Blackboard Coordinator for the school. Anyone with questions about the program or who wishes
to set up class shells and submit class rosters may contact her via email. Before coming to
McEachern, she working at the Cobb County BOE Central Office, and one of her duties was the
County Blackboard Administrator.

Topic Analysis



Define the
functions of Safe
Assign in






Topic Analysis


Percent of

Interpret a Safe
Assign task in




Suspected Sources


Manuscript Text


Procedural Analysis
Click on
desired class

Choose Safe



Due Dates



ar &
icons to
date &

ed if no
Track number
of views

Type desired
instructions in
text box

box if


y Until

Determine if
students can
view reports

icons to
date &

Yes to

Leave unchecked if
not grading

No to

if final

box if


Click No
if there
is no

Allow Drafts


Check box
if grading

Click Yes to
text in

Part IV: Instructional Objectives

Terminal Objective 1: To correctly label the functions of Safe Assign in Blackboard Classroom.
Enabling Objectives:
1A. To identify the purpose of the Safe Assign function in Blackboard. (Cognitive
1B: To identify the set up menus for Safe Assign. (Cognitive domain)
1C. To label parts of a Safe Assign task. (Cognitive domain)
1D. To define the functions of the parts of a Safe Assign task. (Cognitive domain)
Terminal Objective 2: To create a Safe Assign task on Blackboard.
Enabling Objectives:
2A. To examine acceptable examples of a variety of Safe Assign
tasks. (Cognitive domain)
2B. To explain the procedures for creating a Safe Assign task. (Cognitive domain)
2C. To employ appropriate procedures to create a Safe Assign
task. (Psychomotor domain)
Terminal Objective 3: To correctly interpret a Safe Assign feedback report
Enabling Objectives:
3A. To view examples of feedback reports. (Cognitive domain)
3B. To define terminology and symbols of reports. (Cognitive domain)
3C. To correctly describe results of an example report. (Cognitive domain)
Classification of Instructional Objectives



1, 1B, 3B
2A, 3, 3A, 3C
1A, 2B, 2C
Relationship Between Instructional Objectives and Standards

Instructional Objectives

American Association of School Librarians Standards

2.1.2. Organize knowledge so that it is useful.

1.1.8. Demonstrate mastery of technology tools for accessing

information and pursuing inquiry.

2.1.4. Use technology and other information tools to analyze and

organize information.

Part V: Development of Assessments

Lesson 1:
Introduction to
Functions of Safe
Assign in

Lesson 2:
How to Read and
Understand a
Safe Assign
Feedback Report





Students will be
able to define the
functions of Safe
Assign in

Objective 1: To
correctly label
the functions of
Safe Assign in
1A. To identify
the purpose of
the Safe Assign
function in
1B: To identify
the set up menus
for Safe Assign.
1C. To label
parts of a Safe
Assign task.
1D. To define the
functions of the
parts of a Safe
Assign task.

Multiple means
of representation

Students will be
able to interpret
a Safe Assign
task in

Objective 3: To
interpret a Safe
Assign feedback
3A. To view
examples of
feedback reports.
3B. To define
terminology and
symbols of
3C. To correctly
describe results
of an example

Multiple means
of representation

1) The student
will be given
descriptions of
the various
functions of Safe
Assign and be
required to match
the description
with the name of
its function, or 2)
The student will
be shown a
screen shot of a
Safe Assign
window and will
be required to
match a list of
functions to the
numbered parts.
1) The student
will view screen
shots of sample
Safe Assign
reports and
determine if the
flagged items
detected are (A)
plagiarized or
(B) incidental, or
2) The student
will read
descriptions of
flagged items in
a Safe Assign


Lesson 3:
How to Create a
Safe Assign
Assignment in

Students will be
able to create a
Safe Assign task
in Blackboard

Objective 2: To
create a Safe
Assign task on
2A. To examine
examples of a
variety of Safe
Assign tasks.
2B. To explain
the procedures
for creating a
Safe Assign task.
2C. To employ
procedures to
create a Safe
Assign task.

Multiple means
of representation

report and
determine if they
are (A)
plagiarized or
(B) incidental.
1) The learner
will create a Safe
Assign task in
Blackboard by
entering all
required and/or
information in
the provided
areas of the task

Objective 1: To correctly label the functions of Safe Assign in Blackboard Classroom.

Lesson 1 Assessment:
Match descriptions with the appropriate functions of Safe Assign.
A. Title

D. Available

G. Students Viewable

B. Points Possible

E. Availability Dates

H. Urgent Checking

C. Text

F. Drafts

I. Optional Announcement

1. Type a name for the SafeAssignment.

2. Select Yes to create an announcement about the SafeAssignment; Type a subject for the announcement;
Type a message for the announcement.
3. Select whether the SafeAssignment is visible to students.
4. Determines whether or not students are allowed see the report generated when their papers are
5. Type the point value for the SafeAssignment. This value is shared with the Grade Center column
created for the SafeAssignment.
6. Type instructions for completing the SafeAssignment.
7. Use these controls to set the date range when students can interact with the SafeAssignment. You can
set only a start date or only an end date.
8. Sets papers to a high priority in the queue.
9. Allows students to validate their paper without submitting it to the institutional database. This is useful
as an instructive tool to help students learn how to attribute papers properly. You have access to see draft
1. A 2. I 3. D 4. G 5. B 6. C 7. E 8. H 9. F

Lesson 1 Differentiated Assessment:

(When this is actually online, the screenshot will be larger and more easily viewable Quiz will be in
Landscape View in order for all parts to be on right side of screenshot.)


__1___Type a name for the SafeAssignment.

__9___ Select Yes to create an announcement about the SafeAssignment; Type a subject for the
announcement; Type a message for the announcement.
__8___ Select whether the SafeAssignment is visible to students.

__4___ Determines whether or not students are allowed see the report generated when their papers are
__2___ Type the point value for the SafeAssignment. This value is shared with the Grade Center column
created for the SafeAssignment.
__3___ Type instructions for completing the SafeAssignment.
__5___ Use these controls to set the date range when students can interact with the SafeAssignment. You
can set only a start date or only an end date.
__7___ Sets papers to a high priority in the queue.
__6___ Allows students to validate their paper without submitting it to the institutional database. This is
useful as an instructive tool to help students learn how to attribute papers properly. You have access to see
draft submissions.

Objective 3: To correctly interpret a Safe Assign feedback report.

Lesson 2 Assessment:
1. Look at the SafeAssign report result below and determine if the flagged item is A) Plagiarized,
or B) Incidental.

2. Look at the SafeAssign report result below and determine if the flagged item is A) Plagiarized,
or B) Incidental.

3. Look at the SafeAssign report result below and determine if the flagged item is A) Plagiarized,
or B) Incidental.

Answers: 1. A 2. A 3. B

Lesson 2 Differentiated Assessment

Read the following descriptions of SafeAssign report results and determine if the flagged items
are A) Plagiarized, or B) Incidental.
1. The following quote with a blended lead-in is flagged in the Safe Assign report: It is evident
throughout the entire novel that by controlling all information Big Brother controls responses of
citizens (Davis n.pag.). The report states a 75% match with another students paper. The other
student used the same source but a different lead-in and parenthetical documentation. For this
assignment, students were using the same resource databases and had the same novel as the
primary source.
2. The following quote with a somebody says lead-in is flagged in the SafeAssign report: In the
end the Party would announce two and two made five, and you had to believe it, explains
Winston (Orwell 80). The report states a 74% match with Sparknotes. Sparknotes has a section
that lists significant quotes from a piece of literature.
3. The following sentence is flagged in the SafeAssign report: The constant altering and
falsification of the past has caused Big Brother to always be looked upon in a bright, angelic
light. There are no quotation marks used, and there is no parenthetical documentation of a source
to denote a paraphrase. The report states a 67% match with blog of significant
Answers: 1. A 2. A 3. B

Objective 2: To create a Safe Assign task on Blackboard.

Lesson 3 Assessment:
In Blackboard create a SafeAssignment using all functions required. Use an assignment of your
own design. Once all information has been entered, click the Submit button in the bottom right
corner of the box. If the Successfully Submitted green bar at the top of the screen does not
appear, fill in missing information identified in red and resubmit until green bar appears.
(Because this task is a programmed operation, there does not appear to be an opportunity for
differentiation for this assessment.)

Part VI: Content Sequencing and Instructional Strategies

Instructional Sequence

Identify, label, and define the various functions of Safe Assign
Identify, label, and define the parts of a Safe Assign feedback
Create a Safe Assign task


This learning unit uses task expertise sequencing from the Elaboration Theory. The learner will
begin with the simplest tasks related to solving the problem and end with the most complex
tasks. The simple tasks will be achieved through review and recall. Each successive task will
require more analysis and application. The final task will be the most complex to complete and
involve abstract analysis.
Lesson 1: Introduction to Functions of Safe Assign in Blackboard Classroom
Objective 1: The student will correctly label the functions of Safe Assign in Blackboard
Objective 1A. The student will identify the purpose of the Safe Assign function in
Objective 1B. The student will identify the set up menus for Safe Assign.
Objective 1C. The student will label parts of a Safe Assign task.
Objective 1D. The student will define the functions of the parts of a Safe Assign task.
Initial Presentation: Learners will log into the training module of Blackboard Classroom and
read the article Safe Assign on the Blackboard Help Site.
Motivational Strategy: Once learners know what the main function of Safe Assign is, have each
learner brainstorm at least one assignment/task he/she in which Safe Assign would be beneficial.
Generative Strategy: Before reading the Safe Assign article, in a Discussion Forum have
learners post at least one thing they already know about Blackboard Classroom and at least one
question they have about its functions. Each learner must respond to at least one other learners
known fact and answer at least one other learners question. Submissions of brainstorming ideas
would be turned in through another Discussion Forum in order for all learners to view and
generate an ideas list. Each learner would be required to comment on at least one other learners

UDL: For those learners who have not used their Blackboard shells yet, they will start with
choosing what they need to know from the list of Blackboard Tutorials and Videos in Blackboard
9.1 Resources in their Blackboard Support Shell. For auditory learners a recording of the Safe
Assign article will be provided through the Module Shell. (Rose & Gravel, 2012)
Lesson 2: How to Read and Understand a Safe Assign Feedback Report
Objective 3: The student will interpret a Safe Assign feedback report.
Objective 3A. View examples of feedback reports
Objective 3B. Identify and define terminology and symbols of reports
Objective 3C. Describe results of an example report
Initial Presentation: Learners will log into the training module of Blackboard Classroom and
read the article Running SafeAssign Originality Reports on the Blackboard Help Site. Learners
will view examples of SafeAssign reports in a Powerpoint presentation. Examples will range
from plagiarized to incidental submissions.
Generative Strategy: In a Discussion Forum each learner will summarize what he/she has read
in the Help Site article. Each learner must respond to at least one other learners post. Each
learner will also choose one of the example SafeAssign reports from the Powerpoint to describe
in detail and explain why he/she answered Plagiarized or Incidental. Each learner must
respond to at least one other learners post.
UDL: For auditory learners a recording of the Running SafeAssign Originality Reports article
will be provided through the Module Shell. (Rose & Gravel, 2012)
Lesson 3: Create a SafeAssignment in Blackboard
Objective 2: The student will create a Safe Assign task on Blackboard.
Objective 2A. The student will examine acceptable examples of a variety of Safe Assign
Objective 2B. The student will explain the procedures for creating a Safe Assign task.
Objective 2C. The student will employ appropriate procedures to create a Safe Assign
Initial Presentation: Learners will log into the training module of Blackboard classroom and
review the article Creating SafeAssignments on the Blackboard Help Site. Learners will then
view examples of SafeAssignments in a Powerpoint presentation.
Generative Strategy: In a Discussion Forum each learner will summarize what he/she has read
in the Help Site article. Each learner must respond to at least one other learners post.
UDL: For auditory learners a recording of the Creating SafeAssignments article will be
provided through the Module Shell. (Rose & Gravel, 2012)

Reference List
Rose, David H. & Jenna W. Gavel. (2012, February). Curricular Opportunities in the digital age.
Students at the Center: Teaching and Learning in the Era of the Common Core. Retrieved
Part VII: Design of Instruction
Lesson 1:
Introduction to
Functions of Safe
Assign in

Lesson 2:
How to Read and
Understand a
Safe Assign
Feedback Report





Students will be
able to define the
functions of Safe
Assign in

Objective 1: To
correctly label
the functions of
Safe Assign in
1A. To identify
the purpose of
the Safe Assign
function in
1B: To identify
the set up menus
for Safe Assign.
1C. To label
parts of a Safe
Assign task.
1D. To define the
functions of the
parts of a Safe
Assign task.

Multiple means
of representation

Students will be
able to interpret
a Safe Assign
task in

Objective 3: To
interpret a Safe
Assign feedback
3A. To view
examples of
feedback reports.
3B. To define

Multiple means
of representation

1) The student
will be given
descriptions of
the various
functions of Safe
Assign and be
required to match
the description
with the name of
its function, or 2)
The student will
be shown a
screen shot of a
Safe Assign
window and will
be required to
match a list of
functions to the
numbered parts.
1) The student
will view screen
shots of sample
Safe Assign
reports and
determine if the
flagged items
detected are (A)
plagiarized or

terminology and
symbols of
3C. To correctly
describe results
of an example

Lesson 3:
How to Create a
Safe Assign
Assignment in

Students will be
able to create a
Safe Assign task
in Blackboard

Objective 2: To
create a Safe
Assign task on
2A. To examine
examples of a
variety of Safe
Assign tasks.
2B. To explain
the procedures
for creating a
Safe Assign task.
2C. To employ
procedures to
create a Safe
Assign task.

Multiple means
of representation

(B) incidental, or
2) The student
will read
descriptions of
flagged items in
a Safe Assign
report and
determine if they
are (A)
plagiarized or
(B) incidental.
1) The learner
will create a Safe
Assign task in
Blackboard by
entering all
required and/or
information in
the provided
areas of the task

Part VIII: Evaluation Plan

After the learners have completed the module, I will provide a link via Blackboard to an
evaluation survey on Because of the nature of the learning problem (All
Cobb County teachers are provided with a Blackboard Classroom account, but most do not know
how to use it, and some do not want to take the time to learn how to use it.), my SME will have
access to my module on Blackboard and can provide timely feedback through a Discussion
Board in the module, she can send me county emails, or just come by my classroom. I will also
ask her to take the same survey the learners will take.
This is the link to the survey:
I will review the survey results to determine if the module was useful to the faculty.
SurveyMonkey has a built it Analyze function, which is very convenient and time-saving. For
the survey questions that ask the learners to rate certain aspects of the module, if the majority of
the responses are in the top 3 positive rankings, I will report that most participants feel the
module was useful. Any responses below the top 3, I will go back into the module and determine
how those problem areas can be rectified or possible consider eliminating them altogether. By
adding in a few free response questions, I will be able to consider specific positives and negative,
which will help determine what is relevant and what is not.
URL to Google Site Using SafeAssign in Blackboard:

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