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Auras and Chakras:

Our physical body is surrounded by a cocoon of light, called the aura. It is often described as
egg-shaped. Light energy is drawn into this egg, which acts like a prism, changing the light (or
breaking it down) into its component color elements. Color energy then enters the body
vibrating along the nerve centers and through the chakras. According to Dr. Richard Gerber in
his book, Vibrational Medicine, "The chakras are dimensional portals within the subtle bodies
which take in and process energy of a higher vibrational nature so that it may be properly
assimilated and used to transform the physical body." (page 370).
The aura is made up of at least seven bands or (subtle) bodies: the etheric, the emotional, the
mental, the astral and the causal, soul and spiritual. There are differing opinions regarding the
order in which these bodies surround the physical body, but most researchers and spiritual
practitioners agree that there are at least seven. Dr. Gerber also maintains that meditation
"holds the key" to understanding the "interlocking nature" of these auric bodies (page 400.)
The Etheric Body: This band is the closest to the physical body and replicates organs and
physical structures. Any imbalance in the etheric band will manifest at the physical level.
Clairvoyants see this band as a blue or blue-gray web of energy moving closely around the
physical body. Healing for this body involves the color orange and is related to energies of the
sacral or second chakra. Oils derived from the orange tree such as neroli, made from the
blossoms and petigrain made from the leaves and twigs, placed in bath water can aid in
healing imbalances in this band of energy. If you feel "spaced out", are unable to maintain
personal boundaries, are experiencing poor physical coordination, discomfort in crowds or in
other places where there is a lot of sensory input, healing is slower than usual, or an increase
in minor illness or infections, you are experiencing imbalances in this band of energy.
The Emotional Body: Extending past the etheric band, this band of energy also follows the
physical shape of the body. However, unlike the etheric band, the emotional band has no fixed
structure. It is multicolored and changes according to our mood. This is typically what is seen
by sensitives who can read emotions and moods. Healing for this body usually involves
drawing out negatively and can also benefit from second chakra work. But smoky quartz rather
than orange stones or essence are the best aids and will help reduce the effects of trauma
and stress. The aura pictured to the left is an example of a tight aura, which indicates that the
individual was under stress. Click here for examples of pictures of more diffused auras.
The Mental Body: The mental band is usually seen as bright yellow. Your thought patterns
are within this band. This body records the reactions of the emotional body and contains your
core beliefs. Anytime your core believes are in conflict with what you are experiencing, you
can become out of balance. Work with the solar plexus or the third chakra and the third
eye or sixth chakra can help balance the mental body.
The Astral Body: This band is the outer most band of the individual personality. This is the
last band before what is perceived as "I" connects with the universe. It resembles the
emotional band, but the colors here are soft, more subtle. This band acts as a container for
the individual personality. It filters and tones down universal energy so that you don't become
overwhelmed by it all. If there are problems or imbalances in this band, you can become
confused and have difficulty determining what is real. At the opposite end, if this universal
energy is filtered and toned down too much, you begin to feel isolated and lack direction in
your life. All seven chakras should be worked with to aid in balancing the astral body. A
layout of alternating six each black and white stones, such as milky quartz and black
tourmaline, placed around the physical body can also help to balance this band of energy.
Start with black tourmaline at the crown chakra and alternate black and white in a circle
around your body.
The Causal, Soul and Spiritual Bodies: These three bands move in and out of each other
and are not clearly defined. The causal body links the "I", the personality, to what Carl Jung
termed, the collective unconscious. This is the doorway to the universe. The soul body moves
universal energy and focuses it so that the individual can relate to his or her higher self. The
spiritual body has access to all universal energies, but still maintains individuality. Higher
vibrating energies, like flower essences, can effect any imbalances in these higher bodies.

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