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Fertility and the Honey of Life,

Accomplishing the Impossible

Bees are the symbol of fertility and sexuality.

Its honeycomb, a hexagon, is the symbol of the heart and
represents the sweetness of life found within our own heart.
It is also the symbol of the sun and all its energies.
The bee reminds us to extract the honey of life
and to make our lives fertile (productive) while the sun shines.
No matter how great the dream is, there is the promise of
if we pursue our dreams.
If a Bee has shown up in your life, examine your own
Are you doing all you can to make your life more fertile?
Are you busy enough?
Are you making time to savor the honey of life and not
becoming a workaholic?

The Bee is the symbol of accomplishing the impossible.

Aerodynamically, its body is too large for its wings and should
not be able to fly.
Although now we understand how it does fly (high rate of wing
the Bee remains a symbol of accomplishing anything you put
your mind to.
In Hinduism, the Bee relates to Vishnu, Krishna or Kama, the
God of Love.
In Egypt, the Bee symbolized royalty.
In Greece, it was the symbol of the Eleusinian Mysteries.
The Celts associated the Bee with hidden wisdom.

The Bee Totem

The tiny Bee is very well respected in the human world. They are the makers
of Honey which nourishes and feeds us and adds sweetness to our lives. Mead or
Honey wine is the Ambrosia of the Gods and as many romantic connotations. There
are many legends and fold lore stories surrounding the Bee. The Bee Totem is a
universal symbol of diligence obedience and the work ethic. Many cultures see the
Bee as the messengers of the Gods and a symbol of the human soul. They are the
totems of Saint John and Saint Ambrose. They have shown up repeatedly in Egyptian
hieroglyphics and are analogous to Royalty to their culture.

The bee was said to

have been created from the tears of Ra, the father of the Egyptian Gods and
Goddesses. In Mediaeval Europe the Bee was said to have come from the tears of
Christ. In Greece Bees where thought to be the surviving souls of the priestesses
who served the Goddess of love, Aphrodite. Native American Indians believe that
Bees represent immortality and selflessness.

The Celts called the Bee Beach and

they were considered to be single-minded and fearless in protecting their hives.

The legs of a Bee are covered with fine hairs which allow them to collect
pollen to bring to their hives and make honey. They can also taste through their
legs. They exist in a hierarchical structure with the Queen being of highest
importance, because she bears all the offspring. Worker Bees diligently protect and
feed the Queen so that she may continue to produce and create their species.

Bees live all over the world and even though many insects are attacked by
humans because of their propensity for stinging and attacking, Bees are usually left
alone because of their high status in the human world. Bees usually are not
aggressive unless frightened or threatened.

To watch a Bee industriously collecting its nectar from flowers is a very

interesting study in patience and calm focused spirit. They fly from flower to flower
collecting and pollinating as they go, not only collecting what they need from the
flower but also giving it the ability to bear fruit and thus create more flowers. The
Bee takes, but also gives back

The Bee possesses many virtues that are powerful and valuable and which
any person would be wise to emulate or divine. One who has the power of the Bee
will see enhanced focus and fruitful industriousness; a better sense of cooperation
allowing one the ability to contribute more resulting in their own and others ultimate
success. Travel, friendship, devotion to family, productive hard work and focused
determination are all part of this amazing animals totems.

The Royal Bee Totem possesses the following virtues: Messages from higher
planes and consciousness, prophetic dreams and visions, industry, wealth,
industriousness, diligence, cooperation, productive hard work, sexual attraction, the

power of giving back when taking, the ability to turn something unassuming into a
wonderful creation, ability to enjoy and savor the sweetness of life, connection with
the Earth and living things, divine messages, productiveness, focus, sensitivity, and
realizing the fruit of ones labor.

Bee Pearls are said to impart their particular magical virtues to their owner.
Bee Pearls are characteristic of its host; they possess all the awesome characteristics
that may be seen in the Bee itself; the focus and industry of this animal is contained
within the pearl waiting for its proper owner to bestow its inner magic to that unique
and fortunate individual.

For centurys shamans, priestesses, spiritualists and practitioners of the occult

have used Bee pearls to transfer the powerful magical energy of the Bee to
themselves and to others in need of this commanding mystical magic.

Bee pearls are highly sought after by any wishing to absorb Bee like virtues
into their lives and develop stronger mental abilities such as those embodied by this
industrious creature. The owner of a Bee pearl will see their lives, spiritual energy
and mental clarity imbued with all of the virtues attributed to the Giver to the earth
and humankind, the Bee.

The Bee animal totem is a strong spirit indeed and its magical properties are
one of the most influential of all animal totems. Strength, friendship, diligence,
cooperation, and so much more can be integrated into the spirit of the possessor of
this magical pearl and the Bee totem

Bee Medicine
The information below is primarily on the Honey Bee.

I did not expect that I would be writing on the Honey Bee as

quite frankly, of all the creatures in the world, these little
ladies can really give me the willies (except for Bumble Bees,
which I am quite fond of). It happened though that I had found
a wonderful new book by Ted Andrews, a Workbook for his
book Animal Speak, for my eldest son for Christmas. I too was
curious to read it and so finally having a few moments to read
and relax, I borrowed it from him and settled in for what I
thought was going to be at least an hour of enjoyable
relaxation. I was only a few pages into the book when I read
how he believed that to conquer long term, repetitive
problems we need to face the creature we most fear and learn
to work with it's medicine because that creature is most likely
a very powerful totem for the person and has qualities and
attributes that will help to resolve the recurring challanges.
Brilliant I thought, well let's see what do I fear..... oh no,
As Ted says however, gaining knowledge about what we fear or
do not understand is the first step to overcoming the fear and
learning to appreciate it. Certainly I was willing to see if Bee
was both a totem for me and how I could better understand
how to work with it's energies. Before going further I also must
say that we do NOT always like or feel connected to all of our
totems! Yet if something is a totem for us, it will find numerous
ways to get our attention. It's not too surprising that many of
the nightmares that have frightened me the most have
included the honey bee for example. By researching and
seeking to understand Bees as well as asking them as a totem
for assistance, I learned a great deal within a very short time
that has stirred much respect within me for these creatures.
And not too surprisingly, what I learned also related to
precisely the challenges occuring in my life.

To begin with, the first thing I read repeatedly is that Honey

Bee's are not dangerous (the exception to this of course is the
African Honey Bee which by nature is much more aggressive)
and rarely sting unless they feel provoked to defend their hive
and fellow workers. I thought back to all the times I have been
around Honey Bees and the people that carry their medicine
and truly for the most part, they have been extremely gentle,
sociable creatures and folks. Many Bee people are extremely
cooperative and the only other people that come as close to
this sense of community are Ant people. These people really
understand that in order for they themselves to do well in life,
then all of life must also prosper and thrive and they are
willing to work with many others to accomplish their own and
others well being. What happens to many Bee people though is
that since they themselves are so willing to automatically
cooperate and behave in ways that are helpful to others, they
don't stop to question whether those they are helping are also
going to be willing to return the favour. Thus the Bee person
often finds that they are giving and giving and wondering what
went wrong when they find themselves in need of support or
assistance and none of the people they have helped can be
found. Bee communities thrive because each and every
member is willing to extend to other hive members what they
have been given. So too do Bee people need to insure that the
"hive" they are hanging out with are truly folks that are on
their same wavelength in recognising that giving is a two-way
street. Bee's know who is a member of their hive and who isn't
by pheremones. Each colony or hive has it's own individual
scent that marks the individuals within it. Bee's have a highly
developed "nose" for who belongs and who needs to be
escorted off the premises, one way or another. So too do Bee
people need to "sniff out" those that have earned the right to
belong to their circle of people and who is simply trying to
intrude to see if they can steal the Bee person's "Honey". I
have known more Bee people who would swear they do not
have an intuitive bone in their body and yet when they hear of
something that does not feel right to them, they always say
"this stinks" or "This smells fishy to me though I don't know
why". It's important that Bee people learn to honour what their
noses are telling them. It could be a "Bear" is getting close to
the "hive" and extra defenses need to be put in place or a
"mite" has piggybacked it's way into the hive and needs to be
removed before it infects everything in the person's life. While
a Bear may tear apart a hive to get to the honey within, Bee's
can often easily rebuild (with up to 60,000 members strong, it
takes little time for healthy bees to rebuild). Mites, though

tiny, are a dangerous enemy to the Honey Bee. They weaken

and eventually may kill off a hive, and so too do Bee people
need to remember that sometimes it's the little things that get
started and are ignored that can end up bringing down an
entire structure for good. Even though the mites themselves
do not carry the scent of the community, they may be hard to
detect because they are living on one of the bee's as a parasite
and thus the scent of the hive is masking the presence of the
mite. I know in my own life there have been very small things
that have occured; I have been asked to do someone a "small
favour", or could I possibly take "five minutes" to do something
and then before I know it, that small, seemingly insignificant
thing has ended up turning into a huge favour costing me
plenty in terms of time, money, energy and peace of mind. Bee
(yes, pun intended!) aware of who is asking you to do what
and for what reasons. It it doesn't smell right, it isn't. If you
need help in saying no or walking away, call in the help of your
own hive, for often Bee people do have at least a handful of
folks around them that will be protective and caring of them!
And sometimes we don't find out just how many people do care
until we put out the distress call for help!
Bee communities are made up of the Queen, Workers (always
infertile females) and Drones (males). Queens begin the nest
and lay the eggs that will become workers and drones. She will
continue to build up the nest or hive until enough eggs have
hatched and there are enough mature adults to take over in
her stead. So too do Bee people often find they must put much
effort into starting things, but then they must learn to allow
others to take over some of the tasks and help. The Queen or
Bee person can then focus on what is needed to create new
"workers" or "drones" that will continue to keep him/her
fertilised and in production. The health of the hive can be
dependant on having a Queen that is strong and healthy, for
she will continue to produce new workers that are able to carry
on as the older workers die off. Workers only live a short time,
up to about 50 days while the Queen can live up to 4 years.
Worker Bees literally work themselves to death due to their
devotion to their Queen and their hive. Bee people need to
learn to take time off from their work and activities for this
reason, or they too will find they suffer from health problems
or may even work their projects and even business's to death
through over-expansion or continued activity that the market
cannot support. Taking time off and allowing others to share
more of the load will allow the Bee person to remain refreshed
and invigorated so that when action does need to take place,

the person is not too burned out or just plain knackered to

follow through. Worker Bees also defend the hive against
intruders as well as foraging for pollen and keeping the hive in
good repair. Worker Bees will also "dance" to communicate to
others where to find the best pollen. There is no sense of
competition among Worker Bees, each behaves for the good of
the whole and the more that know where to find abundant
pollen, the more the hive will thrive. Bee people need to
network on many levels in their lives if they too are going to
attract the best that life has to offer. These folks are generally
very generous with their own time and information as well, and
if they can connect with many others of like mind, they can
become extremely successful in their lives as well as being
thought of as good and generous people. Bee people need to
find numerous ways to connect with others so that they can
share what they have to offer, even if that includes a process
of trial and error to see what works best for them in this
regard. Bee people who are in business for themselves will find
it especially important to "spread the word" about their
products and services and should take advantage of as many
opportunities to do so as they can. Or if a Bee person's career
depends on referrals from others as with sales or real estate
for example, they should certainly make sure that as many
people as possible know about them! Many Bee people I know
do very well in Real Estate which is not too surprising
considering how important the home/hive is for these folks.
Some Bee people I have known could really let fly with stinging
words and actions, and it is important for these folks to learn
to control this sort of behaviour if they find themselves acting
out the African Bee side (or shadow) of the Bee medicine.
Unfortunately, sometimes it is required and the Bee person is
left with little choice but to sting to defend themselves or that
which is of value to them. Yet when a Bee stings, it dies shortly
after for the stinger along with part of the abdomen and
poison sac is pulled away from the Bee has stung something or
someone. Bees and Bee people do tend to instinctively know
this and this is what makes them think twice before attacking.
When a Bee person must "sting" they also need to understand
that the energy involved in the situation also needs to die. If
the "attack" is strong enough, the Bee person can rest assured
that portion of their life is dying. And they may need time to
grieve for what has been lost so they may move forward again.
Yet if they are plugged into the medicine they carry, they will
come in time to accept that a new community within them is
being born and soon they shall be able to move on again. Take

the time to rest and recharge for the long cycle of work and
production that lies ahead! Along with this cycle of death and
rebirth it is important to note the following: "It is not advisable
to kill the colony without removing the nest because of the
potential damage from remaining honey and larvae. If left in
the wall, decaying larvae can cause an odor problem, and the
honey may attract a number of other pests. " Those who carry
Bee medicine must learn to be sure they "clean up" things that
have died in their lives, even creating rituals to clear old
energy, lest they find that the old energy hangs about and
"rots" thus, attracting pests and causing damage to other
areas of the person's life. It may be that the Bee person finds
they undergo a cyclical process of death and regeneration and
this may indeed fall into a cycle of four years or smaller cycles
of about 42 to 56 days (the life span of both workers and
drones). It can be helpful for Bee people to note when things
on a small or larger scale tend to weaken and die off for a time
in their lives and then see how long it takes before the energy
begins to renew and resume progress. This can also help the
Bee person plan to set aside resources or support for those
cycles so they can be relaxed into rather than fought against.
It is also interesting to note that Bee venom has been used in
the treatment of diseases such as Arthritis, Rheumatism,
Multiple Sclerosis and other painful, aching conditions. Toxic
substances have long been known to be extremely powerful
healers when used in the right dose or combination with other
drugs or substances. Bee people often do find that they have
words and actions that can heal or words and actions that can
wound and destroy. And sometimes things said that could be
damaging, might really be just what the other person needs to
hear or experience so they can examine how what they are
doing may be damaging or hurtful to others folks too.
Bee people often find that from time to time they simply need
to pick up and move on. Bee's swarm when looking for a new
home or following a new Queen, because their old home has
simply become too crowded for that many members to remain.
Bee people may also find that they too need to seek out new
environments and experiences if they are to continue to thrive
and be happy and healthy in their lives. These folks may also
find that people or situations they have been involved with
have become too "crowded" for them to remain and it's time to
seek something new. Trying to hang onto the old will only
cause problems and defeat in the end. Instead Bee people
need to send their own "scouts" out, and this can be done by

asking Bee as totem to scout about for new situations and

people that can be beneficial for you, and report back with the
information. I have also known some Bee folks who simply
must pack up and move house about every two to four years,
regardless of how wonderful their home has been for them.
And perhaps this too explains my own "itchy feet" for I too get
this restless urge to move every few years. Again, asking Bee
as totem to help you find the right new home for you will save
you loads of time, energy and stress!
What to watch for when Bee appears:
There is a clear message here that there is pollen available to
you that can be turned into life sustaining nourishment but
you may have to get out there and hustle a bit to get it! Still,
the efforts you make now are apt to be well rewarded.
Have you been slinging some stinging attacks or had some
come your way? Do you need to defend what is of value to you,
lest it be taken over or ripped apart by someone else?
All Bees represent the ability to do the impossible because
they defy the laws of aerodynamics which states they should
not be able to fly, though obviously they do quite well. Perhaps
Bee is sending you a message that you too need to believe
that the impossible can and does occur, we are usually just too
blind to see it.
It may be time to look for a new community or hive. Is your
home and the people around you supporting you in the way
that is truly beneficial for you and others?
You most likely need to ask for help with something.
Remember, even the Queen only works on her own just long
enough to get enough mature adults up and running. So too do
you need to work on your own for only so long and then you
need to ask for assistance. Take a good look at your life, what
do you need help with most right now?
Is your home clean and in good repair? Workers spend much
time making sure their hive is well tended. Remember, decay
and clutter attract pests and energy you really can live
We have a Bumble Bee as well as a Honey Bee essence
available for those wanting to connect even more deeply with

Bee's in general. Other essences that Bee people may find

helpful are:
All Viola/Pansy Essences - (These being some of the first
flowers to bloom in the spring also provide the first food
sources for foraging bees) - Flower Essences
Blue Sapphire (which can help with communication) - Sapphire
Star-flower False Solomon Seal - Flower Essences
Both The Honey Bee and Bumble Bee Essences can be found
here - The Shamanic Animal Essences, Essence Oils and Mysts
Page One

Messages and Meanings: sweetness, accomplishment, levity, community, sun energy,


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Bee Totem

Don Farrall / Getty Images

The saying "busy bee" is important when considering the bee as a totem. When a bee
totem appears it is helpful to evaluate your activities. How much work are you getting
done? Don't ask yourself how busy you are. We can be very busy and yet accomplish
little. The bee is very productive and doesn't mess around. Bee teaches us to stay on task
until the work gets done. Bees, like ants, live in a caste system. Ask yourself what role
your are playing, queen bee, drone, or worker bee. Sweetness is also associated with the
bee. Bees pollinate flowers, burrowing their mouths into fragrant blooms. Honeybees
collect nectar to make their honeycombs. The stinger is also significant, a bee's stinger
represents sacrifice. The stinger is used as a defensive weapon, yet can result in death.
When a bee totem appears you may need to ask yourself what needs to be sacrificed or let
go of. If you allow yourself to let go of things that no longer serve you, the sweetness that
may be in short supply will flow toward you more freely.

Bee Totems

The most familiar bee is the bumblebee which has a large hairy body, and a long reddish
hairy tongue to soak up nectar. On their hind legs, pollen sticks to the combs and brushes
located on their body which is then stored in a pollen basket otherwise known as a
honeystomach. To fill this sack a bee must suck nectar from 60 flowers.
The males are known as drones and play no part in the organization of the colony. It is the
queen and workers (their daughters) which create the complex social structures they live
These bees may have highly specialized functions such as defense, food collection, food
storage, or reproduction.
Bee shows us we can accomplish what seems impossible by having dedication and
working hard. It asks us to pursue our dreams with incredible focus and fertilize our
aspirations. Bee teaches us to cooperate with others who have similar goals so we can
learn how to help each other.




Many believe that animals come to us to offer power

and wisdom if we will learn to identify, understand and
trust the message. Discovering your animal totems
takes time, practice, patience and could be potentially
dangerous. Animals show themselves in your life, in
your dreams, in books, movies, and even on the
internet or television.
It is considered that each animal placed upon this
Earth has its own special power and message, and
that Animal Spirits will choose a person to be a
companion or friend to, or bring a specific message.
It is fun and interesting to look a little closer!


Life Totem

Journey Totem

Message Totem

Shadow Totem

Spirit Totem

Life Totem
Your first Step is to learn what your Life Totem Animal is, which you will connect
to intuitively upon understanding its significance.
Your Life Animal Totem works with you throughout your entire life and is always
there when you need it's powers. You may have one or several totems, that
became or can become apart of your life at any time throughout your life.
Your Primary Life Totem will represent your key focus at this time. The
messages that your Life Totem brings is an important reminder from the
Universe about your present purpose on Earth and generally reflects your inner
spiritual nature.
Journey Totem
Your Journey Totem Animal reflects a period of time. Not just a day but perhaps
weeks, months, or even years, that is, as long as it takes for you to walk the path
that the Journey Totem is guiding you.
Several Journey Totems could appear in your life, more commonly than all
others, and as if by co-incidence. When two or three animals suddenly make an
appearance and they share a similar nature, you have established the basis of
your path.
Message Totem
The difference between the Journey Totem and the Message Totem is a period
of time.
A Message Totem will arrive suddenly, neutrally and at random times throughout
your life, maybe even only once, whereas the Journey Totem will slip in and out
of your life over a period of time. The Message Totem usually brings a message
self growth or spiritual awakening. The experience will stand out as unique and
bring a powerful message.
Shadow Totem
Your Shadow Totem is one of a number of totems that has been sent to test us,
and will be one that you initially fear. The Shadow Totem often represents inner
fears that you must overcome.
You may find yourself unusually fascinated or attracted to a previously perceived
dangerous animal, which is considered a spiritual test to see if you are yet willing
to accept the power of that animal totem.
Failing to face the fears of the Shadow Totem will permit the forces represented
by the animal totem, to continue to work against your life, holding you back from
Spirit Totem
When you overcome the fear of the Shadow Totem it will take it's place as your
Spirit Totem to become one of your most powerful Animal Totems.

Australian Animal Totems

























The ant is tenacious, strong, aggressive, generous, and very meticulous. The Ants most pronounced
characteristic is patience. An ant can wait patiently for hours, hidden in the sand, for its prey, or it can
transport items larger than itself over long distances without giving up. Ants typically live in groups, and
everything is done for the ant colony and the good of the community. The ant teaches that you will have
everything you need and will receive it when you need it most. It is the symbol of basic trust. It knows that it
will ultimately be rewarded for all its efforts. If your activities are for the common good, then you will receive
back any energy that you have expended in amplified form. It may be, however, that you will have to put
greater effort into the realization of your dreams and use your creativity.

The bat is the symbol of rebirth. On one hand, bats live in dark caves that are reminiscent of the darkness
of the grave; on the other hand, they rest their heads down, which corresponds to the position of a baby
just before it is born. In the process of spiritual rebirth a person must face their fears and meet their real
self to be reborn as a new person free of restraints. This involves deep personal examinations, which will
take him both to his mental and physical limits. If a bat flies through your life or dreams, this indicates that it
is time to take leave of a part of yourself i.e. a particular characteristic or circumstance. It is important to die
a ritual death in order to be able to develop further.

The Bee is a symbol of being happy in ones work. The arrival of the bee in your life is a signal to evaluate
how organized, industrious and productive you are in your life. Fundamentally the message is that through
your work you will grow wisdom; your connection to the community will flourish, and your surroundings will
be a fertile abundance. Sometimes we can take on unhealthy obsessive or defensive natures in our work,
becoming too serious, addictive or demanding of ourselves or others. The bee reminds us that to our
enjoy work is to experience a joyful life.

The Brolga symbolizes the sacred spiral of death and rebirth, the never-ending dance of life between good
and evil. Many dreamtime stories talk of the dance of a beautiful woman who was taken by an evil spirit into
the Milky Way never to return. The Brolga invites you to join it in dancing the dance of the sacred divine
creation. It can help you to recognize how you move through spiritual and physical space and the effects
your movements have. Examine the way you guide your energies in line with what you would like to

The butterfly symbolizes intuitive transformation and consciousness. It teaches us to make changes to our
lives, create new conditions, and make dreams come true. Every new idea and every step towards
enlightenment reflects the development of the butterfly. The egg of a butterfly signals the birth of a life or
new idea. The larvae stage represents lifes' learning and experiences. The cocoon represents the breaking
free of misconceptions and beliefs for expansion. Finally, the hatching of the butterfly symbolizes the
beginning of consciousness and new reality. The Butterfly reminds you that you are continually in a state of
transformation and all is well.

The Bull symbolizes strength of purpose versus impulsiveness. He teaches us to carefully look to our past
experiences and learning to determine how we will create our future. The Bull tells us that the future is
abundant and fertile if not rushed into without proper preparation and facts. Gaining insight into impulsive
behaviors will boost personal power and successful decision making.

The Cassowary is a messenger about domination and bullying. The Cassowary is a beautiful flightless bird
with great strength but bears a terrible temper. He has the unfortunate tendency to attack anyone who
violates his territory, and although he is not stupid, he lacks in the art of strategy and tactfulness, preferring
to "attack now, and ask questions never." The Cassowary is not specifically bloodthirsty or cruel; in fact he
is quite gentle and loyal to family and friends and would rather avoid confrontation. However when a
Cassowary feels killing is the necessary solution he strikes swiftly, going for a quick, clean kill.

The cat is the bearer of secrets. It knows all the old secrets that have been forgotten a long time ago. It
moves freely through space and time. Since it maintains silence most of the time, it is difficult to learn the
things that it knows. Seeing a cat (or any feline) in your dreams is a hint that there may be secrets within
you or others of which you do not know. If the power of the cat is strong in a person, that person will have a
very particular kind of perceptiveness. By using reflection, he will recognize the true selves of others along
with his own identity. He will also discover the daily ritual of self-deception.

The Crab represents the male aspects of community, protection and home space. He is also a symbol of

Animal Totem List Back to Goddess Realm

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A list of Animal Totems around the World.

Soundtrack is by Australian Sound Healer Shanti Rahal

Afghan Hound
Basset hound
Boston Terrier
Brittany Spaniel

Revenge, Maternal, Instinct
Lethargy, curiosity, nosiness
Take action
Set boundaries
Rebirth Spiritual Awakening
Obsessive, Organised, Wise
Determination and awareness

Guinea Pig
Irish Setter
Irish Wolfhound
Lhasa Apso

Inner Strength
Solitude, Justice, Longevity
Psychological Balance
Overly Protective
Resistant to Change
Agility, adaptability
Nurturing Peaceful
Strong Will

Bull Dog
Burmese Cat
Cat (Domestic)
Cat Black
Calico Cat
Cocker Spaniel
Daddy Longlegs
English Setter
Fox Terrier

Perseverance and abundance

Situation ending, new
Intuition Dreams
Small Irritations
Nourishment Mother
Swift Decisive
Wise Leadership
Escapism, Good Luck
The trickster
Intelligent, Independent
Spiritual Awakening
Quality of Life
Law Abiding
Gifts from heaven
Spirit Messenger, Love
Richness, Prosperity
Emotions, Clairvoyance
Peace, Nurturing
Strength, affection, loyalty
Quarrelsome, Unreasonable
Graceful, Open-mindness
New beginnings
Covering up / over
Easy assent

Mountain Goat
Mountain Lion
Prairie Dog
Saint Bernard
Scottish Terrier
Shetland Pony
Shih Tzu
Siamese Cat

Change, Health, Success
Force, Survival, Patience
Higher Awareness
Deception, Strategy
Deception, Clairvoyance
Chastity, Sacrifice, Self Denial
Others Motives
Cautious Nature
Chakra, Healing Colours
Self Absorbed
Immortality, Dignity
Swiftness, Preparedness
Grace, Other Worlds
Group Harmony, Tolerance
Curiosity, Cleanliness
Life Helper
Vanity, Indulgence
Proud, Inspiration
Versatility, Loud, Lazy, Easy
Confidence, Grace
Longing, Love
Survival, Adaptability
Fore Thought
Concealed Power
Noble Friend
Weaver / Wider Perspective
Signs, Masculine, Leadership

Great Dane
Grizzly Bear
Ground Hog

Intrusive, unreachable
Reliable, Productive
Family, Gentle Strength,
Self Absorbed
Fear of responsibility

White Tail Deer

Mother Earth, Nurturing
Sensitive, Protective

Sacred Spiral

HOP OFF Milliande Visionary Art Bus

~ When I went to Egypt in Spring 2008 Ihad an amzaing expereince of meeting "The Bee"
~ During several meditations I received Bee Visuals, Imagery surrounding winged beetles and
honey bees
~ During a temple visit and meditation inside the Sakkara Step Pyramid I was given an etheric
bee necklace
~ Trying to capture its essence which I went on to draw to it in my altered book art journal I had
taken on this journey .....
~ Now several month later ..I have absorbed and integrated a lot of the energies from my egypt
jourrey and am ready to delve deeper into the mysteries the Honey Bees are revealing to me ...
~ it is a fascinating journey -- you are welcome to wander beside me for a while

... Milliande

Sacred Geometry and Art

Mysteries of the Melissae The Bee as a Power Animal or Totem Animals in Art

~ I came across the fascinating book called "Sacred Geometry - Philosophy and Practice by
Robert Lawlor when researching sacred geometry and the honey bee.
~My Math does not stretch as far as understanding the deeper mathematical relations of
square roots --however the metaphor and archetypes found in the "Root" strike a cord
~ On Page 3 of his book is an art diagram of the Form and proportions of the Honeybee relating to the Root of 2

~ "Exerpt page 31 "Sacred Geometry - Philosophy and Practice"

"The Root of a Plant, like the mathematical root, is causative, the former being embedded in
the earth, the latter embedded in the square. The visible growth of a plant , its proliferation
into specificity, depends upon the root for stability and nutrition. The Plant root nourishes
because it is able to break down ( divide) the fixed, dense mineral constituents of the soil
In the vital sense the geometric root is an archetypal expression of the assimilative ,
generating, transformative function which is root. Like the vegetal root, the root of 2 contains
the power of nature which destroys in order to progress ( it severs the initial square) and it
also contains the power which instantaneoulsy transforms 1 into 2 .."

This book contains amazing insigts and Art Illustrations on the Theme of Sacred
Geometry, you can take a peek at it below

Robert Lawlor - Sacred Geometry Philosophy And Practice (1982) -

Hop off for : Mysteries of the Melissae Sacred Geometry

and the Honey Bee
Next Stop : Mysteries of the Melissae

Visionary Women inspiring the World

Mysteries of the Melissae, Totme Animals in Art, Power Animals Explored through Historic
Art Illustrations and Mysteries of the Honey Bee Art

Animal Totems ~






If you liked Animal Totems, you might also enjoy:
Crystals and their Healing Properties
Our Beloved Archangels
Plant Power ~ Dream Symbols
And to read excerpts and commentary from my personal dream journal, go to:
A Dream Journal by Cathy Ginter
If you have questions or comments, please contact:
Cathy Ginter
Safe Harbor Center for Spiritual Healing
448 Fisher Road
Cabot, PA 16023-2110 USA
(30 miles north of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania)
This website, including the photographs, poetry, articles, essays and reviews
unless otherwise noted, is the design and creation of:
Dreamtime being in a deeply conscious state in which we are fully attuned
to the Oneness of all things

In Dreamtime, every experience is honored for its sacredness. The key is

for Dreamtime can happen any time, any place.
The Animal Kingdom is a diverse and magical world. When we open our
hearts to the Oneness of all life, we see that every species has the potential to be a
brother, a sister, an ally or a significant teacher. For this reason, there is
considerable power at play when animals appear in Dreamtime. The encounter
itself has the capacity to manifest change, deep within our psyche. In truth,
animal totems can impart a potent vibratory impact on our energy field. The
lesson is to be more attentive as we brave the journey across our spiritual path. In
fact, the simple presence of an animal totem reminds us that we have the innate
ability to navigate new territory, to absorb complex and challenging lessons, and
to realize wisdom and inner peace when important cycles of change unfold in our
personal lives. When we implement the ways of an animal totem, we absorb the
insight of its inherent medicine. The goal is to watch ever so carefully as we
observe the animals that reveal their presence in our dream and waking worlds.
Once again, being in awareness is the key while the inter-play is all about creating
deeper healing on a soul level.
I have written a reflective lesson for many of the power animals that commonly
appear in Dreamtime. May we use this knowledge with respect, wisdom,
compassion and Great Love. Finally, may we always remember to express our
humble gratitude to our totem as well as to our Creator.
If there is an animal totem that you would like to see listed here that I have not
included, please feel open to contact me with your request, and I will do my best
to comply.
Alligator: For the dreamer, alligator spirit signifies the presence of an individual
who is willing to acquire personal power through a quiet, inner patience.
Alligator's gift is awareness of the dangers, lurking below the surface waters of
our emotional body. For alligator, the key to survival is the suspension of
judgment, even in the face of the great unknown. This is the path of ancient
wisdom, for alligator recognizes that we are all seekers of the soul.
Ant: Ant spirit walks the path of cooperation and community. Ant's presence in
Dreamtime reminds us that the individual benefits the most by working with the
whole. Persistence and hard work are ant's greatest gifts. The key is to make all
things sacred through a willing surrender of the ego. By learning the way of the
ant, we accept that we are all humble servants of the Universe. Thus, ant
medicine is the offering of unconditional love.
Bat: When a bat visits us in our dreams, we are challenged to learn the power of
adaptation. Bat tells us to quiet the mind and carefully listen within our hearts for
a new voice of expression. Bat's spirit reminds us that the past is no longer

relevant. Now, we must release old habits and seek a different way of being. The
key is to bring all things into balance. In this manner, bat shows us that positive
change can be our soul's greatest ally.
Bear: When we encounter a bear in our dream world, everything is suddenly out
in the open. Literally, the spirit is reawakened. The key is to be at one with the
Earth. Bear's gift is her protection, for her power is fearless. Bear guides us to
face obstacles, to meet the darkest depths of our psyche, and to see that we can be
the light that overcomes all fear. Bear is a very powerful totem that empowers the
seeker to act with wisdom and love.
Beaver: The spirit of beaver teaches us that personal effort leads to many
rewards. The key is to apply quiet ambition with a gentle persistence. As we put
our dreams and ideas into motion, beaver guides us to work in harmony with
nature and with one another. In this manner, we hold our energy into a pool of
light energy from which strong foundations are built. Thus, beaver becomes the
manifestation of action that arises from inner peace.
Buffalo: Buffalo guides us into survival mode. His appearance in the dream
world reminds us to respect the sacredness of our spirit, for buffalo is the perfect
expression of our divinity. In a herd, buffalo symbolizes abundance and
protection. Buffalo also teaches us to hold our energy until the right moment. The
key is to respond with the impeccability of thought, word and action. In this
manner, we create the best possible outcome in all situations.
Bull: This powerful totem reflects a surging energy force, packed full of heat,
similar to sunlight. Bull will walk the journey with us into our past lives and assist
us in recovering great insight. However, Bull warns us to use our inner strength
without bullying others. Likewise, he teaches us to be assertive without becoming
stubborn. In its most raw state, untamed Bull energy literally manifests itself as
uncontrollable anger or passion. Guard against this tendency with great care!
Bumble Bee: Bee is the ancient symbol of good fortune, joy and harmony. In
the dream world, bee comes as a gift from Spirit. He buzzes about in order to
awaken us into the moment. Alert and aware, we see that life is sweet and filled
with brightness, color and light. Bee also teaches us to engage fully in our creative
endeavors. The key is to focus with intention and to be single-minded in purpose.
Finally, bee shows us that all life is interdependent.
Butterfly: Butterfly signifies romance, joy and freedom. The key is to move with
grace in honor of our inner beauty. In the dream world, butterfly reminds us that
someone special will soon enter our inner circle and become a positive influence
on our spiritual growth. The lesson of butterfly is to slow down and allow this
shift of awareness to happen. To see a butterfly land on you indicates that your
transformation will be permanent and very soulful.
Caterpillar reflects a stage in your own spiritual evolution. Continue. . .

Cardinal: To see Cardinal in Dreamtime symbolizes brightness, joy, health and

vitality. Through its brilliant red feathers, Cardinal guides us to awaken on a
spiritual level. Thus, Cardinal's gift is one of transformation from intellectual
thought to a true intuitive knowing. This shift is especially powerful when it
comes to manifesting our intentions. Cardinal also reminds us to watch our diets
and to employ self-respect, moderation and balance in all things.
Cat: Cat is a popular totem as many of us bring their ancient presence into our
hearts and homes. Here is the gift of psychic power, independence, intelligence
and creativity. In dreams, cats teach us to believe in ourselves intuitively. The key
is to further develop our feminine aspects as we gain greater understanding of the
psyche. Cats are natural healers, guiding us to honor the mystery of life. Cat
medicine is to see that magic is in the air.
Meeting Cheetah in the dream world symbolizes our need to stop procrastinating,
to create a game plan and to move forward with true intent. Cheetah also teaches
us that life is too short to waste a single moment on the sidelines.
Chicken: To see a chicken in our dream signifies that we have great potential,
but we are stuck in a cowardly mode of behavior. Chicken teaches us that we
must exercise all our willpower if we wish to get our projects up and running.
Chicken also reminds us that gossip and excessive chatter can create great harm.
The key is to take more observant stance, to reflect carefully before speaking, and
to ask questions before coming to a conclusion.
Cow: Cow spirit symbolizes our maternal instinct to nurture and care for one
another. Cow reminds us to employ a more docile approach to the situation at
hand. The key is to pay careful attention to our affairs, as there may a tendency to
follow the lead of others without question. The lesson is to recognize that we all
need to belong, but that we should not betray our truth to do so. Cow promises
fertility, wealth and fulfillment to the dreamer.
Coyote: Coyote spirit is the trickster, for he is both smart and cunning. As a
dreamer, we must be aware of any weakness in our thinking. For entertainment,
coyote will steal us away from our center and leave us, wandering in a state of
confusion. The key is to know the ways of coyote for he has the power to guide us
to follow our path of truth. The key is clarity and focus. Coyote medicine is very
potent call upon his energy when trouble is near.
Crane: An encounter with Crane in Dreamtime is a powerful sign of love,
happiness, and good will among family and friends. Crane medicine also brings
long life, good health and a deeper awakening on a spiritual level. Crane spirit
helps us to speak our truth as we live with courage and integrity. The lesson is to
wait in complete balance, as we remain ever focused on our path of destiny. The
key is to soar as ONE with the wind regardless of the journey's way.

Crow: The appearance of Crow is always a message from our unconscious, for so
often Crow warns us of danger, reminds us of our disappointments, and reveals
the darker aspects of our character. The key is to be willing to tell the truth
regardless of the consequences. Crow's gifts are his voice, his keen insight and his
talent for mischief. Crow is a wonderful teacher, so be a good student... one who
is prepared to see from afar and speak with great clarity.
Deer: In Dreamtime, deer signifies a gentle, natural beauty and grace. The gifts
of deer bring us quick and powerful bursts of high energy. The key is to see life as
play. Deer teaches us to get more in tune with our feminine, intuitive side and to
develop long lasting, strong, and loyal relationships. There is also great fortune in
romance at play, for deer medicine can fully open the heart chakra to gain great
understanding through the lessons of love.
Dog: To see a dog in the dream world indicates that a very powerful friend or ally
will soon enter our energy field. Dog's gifts are insight, devotion, generosity,
protection, faithfulness and unconditional love. Dog also teaches us to be aware
of subtle changes. The key to knowing dog's spirit is to be willing to go forward
without hesitation, for dog provides us with the opportunity to activate a latent
skill or ability and to put new plans into action.
Dolphin: To see Dolphin in a dream guides us to communicate through body,
mind and spirit. The key is to meld intellectual knowing with emotional trust to
move forward on our life path. Dolphin's gifts are optimism and generosity.
Dolphin also teaches us to explore the depths of the unconscious aspects of our
psyche. A true awakening can occur when dolphin medicine is applied to our lives
be certain to use this energy with great respect.
Dove: In the dream world, Dove symbolizes peace, harmony, virtue and
friendship. As the embodiment of the Divine Mother, Dove energy is especially
strong when centered on creating a happy home and joy with loved ones.
Moreover, Dove guides us to release our grudges and to set aside our anger and
thoughts of vindication. To hear Dove's sweet song is a direct communication
from the Holy Spirit, reminding us that we are protected by powerful spiritual
Dragonfly: To encounter Dragonfly symbolizes many important changes for the
dreamer. It is through our spiritual maturity that we can more fully integrate
experience with destiny. The key is to still the emotions and silence the intellect.
Dragonfly teaches us to honor our inner beauty and to allow our uniqueness to
shine forth with Spirit's blessing. Dragonfly's gifts are the ability to facilitate
healing through compassionate counsel and the awakening of Being.
Eagle: In dream pathworking, Eagle spirit serves The One and offers very
protective medicine to the Earth beings he encounters. His gift of flight in high
places gives those he guides extraordinary vision, for eagle is the manifestation of
perspective with clarity. Here, we learn to cut through to the essence and see

things as they truly are. Eagle also teaches us balance and patience. Finally, eagle
will give you the freedom to follow your heart's desire.
Elephant: Elephant medicine is to know ourselves. Moreover, to see an elephant
in Dreamtime reminds us that we need to be more patient and understanding of
others. Elephant gives us dignity, grace, strength and wisdom. The key is to honor
the power of our cosmic memory for elephant carries the lessons of our planet
from the beginning of time. By connecting to elephant, we affect planetary
healing beyond the space-time continuum.
Fish: Fish spirit signifies the illusive nature of all true knowledge. The gifts of
fish are good luck, spirituality, positive energy and sustenance. Fish finds its
home in the water, the conscious element of all life and the archetypal source of
all creation. However, do not try to hold onto fish too tightly, or it will die. The
key is to live without judgment, for fish has no need to limit its spirit to form and
labels. Fish energy is literally medicine for the soul.
Fox: Fox spirit appears in Dreamtime in order to spark our imagination and
inner wisdom. His gifts are shape shifting, alertness and unpredictability. The key
is to be clever enough to see a situation, not as we wish it to be, but as it IS. Fox
spirit is the grand problem solver. He teaches us to remain in solitude and silence
until the way out is shown to us. The key is to see that isolation does not equal
punishment in actuality, it initiates our freedom.
Frog: In Dreamtime, Frog represents the metamorphosis that naturally occurs in
various stages of our lives. Frog medicine provides the opportunity for a true
transformation of the personality. The key is to be prepared and expect the
unexpected for Frog often appears in a multicolored disguise. Look carefully in all
directions for Frog spirit gives us great insight and depth of perception. The
lesson is to see ourselves, leaping towards our goal or intention.
Hawk: Hawk is beauty and grace in motion. In Dreamtime, hawk is a messenger
that warns us to proceed with caution. The key is to sense the subtle meaning
carried by the winds of change. Hawk's gift is to surrender to the truth that lies
beneath the surface of our reality. The key is to go deep within our psyche in
order to see our future path with clear vision. Hawk spirit is very powerful
medicine that brings great honor and integrity to the dreamer.
Horse: Horse spirit is power through awareness. Horse brings strength and
force into the energy field of the rider, which gives the rider the freedom to
journey to far places. The gift of the horse is to release any desire to be in control.
Instead, the best possible intention of the rider is to surrender to the horse's
being which, in turn, allows the horse its carry its charge forward on his/her true
path. Thus, horse medicine is complete surrender of ego.
Leopard: The spirit of Leopard empowers us through our own persistent efforts.
The key is to acknowledge our innate ability to align our energy field with the

force of the Universe as we manifest our destiny. Leopard teaches us respect, selfconfidence and great personal power as we meet our life with true intent, wisdom
and everlasting courage. Leopard's gift is the knowledge that we can overcome
every obstacle with patience and perseverance.
Lizard: Seeing a lizard in our dreams reflects our deep-seated emotions and
anxieties around greed, power and sexuality. Lizard also symbolizes a person in
our life or an aspect of our own persona that we perceive as cruel or cold-hearted.
The lesson of Lizard is to allow our energy to emerge from the Earth and
transform itself into acts of creativity, renewal and revitalization. Above all,
Lizard also teaches us to stay balanced and grounded in Spirit.
Lion: To encounter a lion in Dreamtime is to meet the archetypal presence of
strength in friendship. Here is the means to tame the wild beast with leadership,
courage and truth. The key is to honor our nobility and see that false pride is no
match for love and acceptance. The lesson of the lion guides us to overcome the
obstacles that cross our path without the use of violence. Lion is a powerful totem
that teaches us to speak out, with our entire being.
Monkey: Monkey spirit challenges the dreamer to beware of false-hearted
associates who will befriend us only to advance some personal agenda. The lesson
with monkey is to be playful, self-reliant and light-hearted. Monkey's gift is the
heart of our inner child. The key is to recognize the wise fool who waits in silence
until the moment we release it from the chains of our conditioning. Thus, monkey
medicine brings great freedom to the dreamer.
Mouse: When Mouse comes to visit, it is a wake-up call! Instead of focusing on
the minor and petty annoyances of life, Mouse reminds us to pay closer attention
to the opportunities that are all around us. The lesson is to face all of our fears
and insecurities, as we find the courage to follow our Heart's desire. The key is to
take the path least traveled as opposed to the conventional route. Always, Mouse
medicine guides us to see the bigger picture.
Opossum: In Dreamtime, opossum is the master performer, for he is a true
chameleon at heart. His favorite game is hide and seek for opossum hides from
his true self and then seeks that same truth when he suspects that no one is
looking. Opossum teaches us that wisdom is the journey within our own hearts.
The key is to see through the smoke of illusion and to pierce the darkness of the
night to discover that we are inseparable from our Creator.
Otter: Otter spirit signifies happiness and good fortune. Otter's gifts are
laughter, loving memories, and nostalgia for family and friends of the past.
Otter's lesson is to rekindle lost relationships in a playful, upbeat manner. The
key is to have no regrets for the past is gone, and all we have is the present
moment with which to play. Otter chooses to live near water. There, he is close to
an endless source of love, flowing from the beginning of time.

Owl: The owl is the symbol of feminine wisdom, insight and intuition. Owl spirit
often heralds the death or ending of the little self. The key is to be aware of our
surroundings. Owl's gift is the call that beckons us to recapture our true life path.
As owl reveals her secrets to the dreamer, we are better able to pierce the mystery
of the night sky. The lesson is to listen carefully to the inner voice, for owl's spirit
asks us to be a light in the darkness.
Panther: In Dreamtime, panther is a sign of death and rebirth. Panther's lesson
is to walk with death, to allow the self to die a little, each and every day. In this
manner, we begin to live closer to our truth. Panther's gifts are beauty, grace and
silence. To sit in absolute quiet and to refrain from speaking, is to own our
personal power. Panther comes in the night and calls us in, to walk by his side, to
know ourselves this is panther medicine.
Peacock: Fully aware of his own beauty, peacock signifies a new opportunity for
spiritual growth and healing. Peacock's gifts bring confidence, stature and
accomplishment to the dreamer. Peacock's feathers are ringed with eyes that
contain the medicine of foresight and clairvoyance. On the surface, peacock spirit
is boastful energy. The lesson is to watch our pride and beware of the ego. Thus,
Peacock medicine is our ability to be noble, yet humble.
Pig: Pig is highly intelligent and signifies wealth and prosperity for the dreamer.
Pig's greatest gift is to warn us away from selfishness and overindulgence. The
lesson is to refrain from getting caught in the illusive trappings of the material
plane. Pig wants everything to stay the same and gets upset by the smallest
alteration in his routine. The key is to avoid all addictive behavior, for we cannot
seek security and grow spiritually at the same time.
Meeting the spirit of Guinea Pig in Dreamtime reflects our need to take
responsibility for everything that is happening in our lives. Guinea Pig also
teaches us to pay closer attention to details!
Rabbit: The rabbit totem is an instrument of magic and good luck. Her gifts are
spontaneity, alacrity and agility. Likewise, her path guides us to go forward with
positive anticipation, for rabbit brings success to all endeavors. Rabbit is also a
symbol of reproduction and abundance. The lesson is to create joy and
faithfulness within our friendships. Finally, rabbit teaches us to overcome our
fears as we take a conscious leap into new territory.
Raccoon: Raccoon is our comical friend of the dream world. His hands have
great dexterity, and raccoon uses them to get himself into all kinds of mischief.
His gifts are imagination, inventiveness and intelligence, for raccoon is an
amazing problem solver. Raccoon is the perpetual student. The key is to love
learning, and raccoon teaches us to observe life with an innate sense of curiosity.
Thus, raccoon fully understands a situation before taking action.

Raven: In Dreamtime, raven warns of betrayal, disharmony and unhappiness.

Raven holds the secrets of life and death in the inky blackness of his feathers. He
stealthily guards our fears and keeps them hidden in the depths of our sleepinduced reality. The lesson is to face our demons and see them as truly are.
Raven's gifts are courage and honor, for raven is the arch defender of truth.
Raven is our shadow self which can only disappear in Light.
Rooster (aka Cock): Rooster is a symbol of resurrection and sexuality as he
heralds in the dawn of a new day. Often, good news is at hand when Rooster
appears in Dreamtime. However, watchfulness is key as the dreamer must be
ever aware of being overly arrogant or cocky. Rooster reminds us to avoid
fighting at all costs. The lesson is to respect others while honoring ourselves, or
we just might find ourselves ensnared in a ruse of our own making.
Snake: Snake appears in our dreams to alert of us of a significant event that will
soon spiral into our waking life. Snake's gifts are psychic energy and spiritual
healing. Snake awakens our sexuality and brings renewal to our emotional body.
His presence provides us with an opportunity for true transformation of the soul
to occur. The key is to honor our friends and respect our enemies for every soul is
an important teacher in Earth's School of Love.
Spider: In Dreamtime, spider is feminine power. She protects us from selfdestructive behavior and warns us away from temptation. Never step on a spider,
for it will surely bring misfortune to the dreamer. Spider's gifts are creativity,
industriousness, design and artistry, for spider is an amazing spinner and weaver.
The key is to remain relentless in the pursuit of our destiny. Spider also reminds
us to be kind to the smallest gifts of the animal world.
Squirrel: Squirrel visits our dream world to remind us that we are holding too
tightly to our judgments and preconceptions. This may be a long-held belief,
material wealth or even an old relationship that no longer serves our spirit.
Squirrel's gift is independence, so we must be especially watchful that we are not
conforming to the status quo simply to win the acceptance of others. The key is to
let go and make room for new energy to enter our auric field.
Tiger: Whenever we are in the presence of tiger, it is always very powerful
medicine. This is "get up and go" energy. The key is to release our emotional body
from its mental cage and give it the full expression it deserves. Tiger's gifts are
good health, beauty, vitality and sexual freedom. Tiger teaches us that we will be
very successful in all our endeavors, especially if we approach our lives with a
true sense of pride, inner strength and self-confidence.
Turkey: Turkey spirit symbolizes renewal. Turkey's energy teaches us to think
and to channel our energy in a clear and balanced way. Turkey also shows us that
recurring life themes are a gift of great benefit. Often we expect someone or
something to always be there. Turkey reminds us that nothing is permanent and

that life is in constant flux. The key is to take nothing for granted. Instead, we
must remember that ALL things are sacred.
Turtle: In Dreamtime, turtle spirit suggests that we are making slow, but steady
progress. The key is to live by the motto, "no hurry, no worry." Thus, turtle's
lesson is to slow down and pace ourselves. Turtle also remind us that we have
everything we need at each moment of life. The goal is not to seek shelter from
the realities of the world; instead, must stick out our necks if we are to truly see
the way ahead. Finally, turtle gives us long life.
Vulture: When Vulture appears in Dreamtime, it is often a wake up call that a
competitor or problem is on the horizon. Vulture reminds us to use past
experiences to create positive solutions. Vulture's gifts include keen insight,
patience, trust, resourcefulness and flexibility. The key is to be fully open to the
purification of the psyche. As the old is removed, the opportunity for renewal can
take place. Vulture medicine always serves the greatest good.
Whale: Whale signifies the womb of the natural world and all that emanates
from her center. In Dreamtime, whale protects us with her intuition and
awareness. The key is to "tune in" to our spirituality and to rely on our feminine
self. Her gifts are power and inner strength. Her lesson is to know that guidance
will be revealed at the moment we are ready to accept the wisdom therein. Whale
energy brings good news, especially in matters of the heart.
Wolf: Wolf spirit is one of our greatest teachers. He signifies loyalty to family
and friends. His gift is to find and follow our true path of destiny through an
independent spirit and with trust in our many senses. With wolf, we learn to seek
periods of retreat to delve into the mystery. When wolf appears in our dreams, he
is guiding us to first find great Medicine through inner work, and then to return
to our pack to serve as a teacher, guide and healer.
Woodpecker: In the dream world, woodpecker reminds us to look within with
balance and attention. Woodpecker's call is like the drum beat of the heart,
awakening the spirit into action. The key is to live more fully in the moment. His
gift is the opportunity to see that we are longing to return to our natural rhythm
in harmony with our path. Woodpecker seeks his own way of being; thus, he
teaches us that it is okay to discover truth in our own way.
Please keep in mind that like all signs, dream symbols are merely pointers,
guiding the seeker ever inward... into the very Heart of our Being.
Blessings & Light ~ Cathy Ginter
Bee Organized, industrial, productive, wise, community, celebration, fertility, defensiveness,
obsessive nature, and enjoys life

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