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Intergalactic Arms of the Heart

Further expanding of the meaning within and need for,

transcendence by and immanence through
Ecstasy & Novelty current vergence.

The best place to begin is Here & Now. Let's start how we have been; with some intimations in the
primes, observations in the cosmos, as it stands this moment...

11:26 p.m. EDT.

March 23 of 2015 on Monday
Hour of Saturn

Here we are upon the Ides of March, having built up momentum and talking about Saturn's

retrograde at length. First, I really want to speed up a second here to mention that we will have a

glorious April 4th Full Pink Moon in Libra, named for the first flowers Or, it's also called a full egg moon,

a full fish moon along coastlines, or sprouting grass moon. The reason I like Pink Moon this time around
has to do with Rose Quartz, and a blog thing I recently posted.

You can see by the little orbs at the inner lining of the chart, we have Mercury-Chiron conjunct,

and this feature is sextile to Pluto in Capricorn which is sextile to waxing moon building strength in
Taurus. Taurus, being the Bull. This is going on as Neptune in Pisces is sextile Venus in Taurus, and

Neptune is square to the retrograding Saturn in Sagittarius. We've got us a nice trapezoid forming in
there, too. Just thought I'd make mention. Important: Sun conjunct Uranus Full Moon. Metanovelty.

Two words: Beautiful-Chaos. A mess of nurturing entanglement. A nest doesn't ever look like a

neatly stacked sports stadium of lined benches descending a bowl shape. It's an organic beautiful mess of
twigs, yarn or string, hair tufts, loosened feathers; you get it. Just as well, you don't get a bullet listed

game plan for learning how to fly. You get pushed out of the nest, and you fly or fall to your death. We
are getting this latter impact as Saturn's retrograde is felt stronger as the elder of the tribe and

sometimes corporate CEO who cares little for the face attached or stories of home struggle effecting his
staff decisions, drills in deeper in Sagitarrius, pressing and pressuring his force all the way into the nuts
of Scorpio of the occult and hidden stuffs, who rules...well, the nuts, of the Body.

We are getting kicked in the nuts, by the CEO...if you have been paying attention, maybe the Elder

of the Tribe. That's where I have to differentiate the Demiurge and unknown servants of that brand of
getting evolution done, and those who are in touch with the redeemed Saturnine force as the sacred

elder across the ancestral cosmos. So, do not mistake my previous work as 'Saturn is bad', if a 'badness'
might be happening, it'd be any force planetary or otherwise being compartmentalized to get a

temporal displacement 'slight of hand' where your source divine sphere of emanation is all good and
clean and pure and all novelty comes from, while denying it or they has anything to do with a darkness,
or shadow realm being cast that it might take responsibility for. So, Saturn is definitely used on that

level. I hit all this up during the Hour of Saturn a lot of times. Saturn is also tuning us in to rest in repose
and recharge our batteries, relax a minute and realign. Saturn is all recycling, rewinding and almost

everything Re-. Saturn gets you to meditate as good or better than the others and is your best ally in all

that plodding and boring course work; shit that needs to get done that you procrastinate in. Hell! - even
the shit you love doing you feel is so big to start that you still procrastinate in. So, let's give Saturn a pat
on the back, before going on...

See, it's the hour of Jupiter, so from the Jupiter stance, I'm patting Saturn on the back. Isn't that a
powerful story of cosmic friendship 'n stuff? Very inspiring. We are still kind of fighting..but, Springtime

Okay, along with the Ides of March & Beautiful Chaos, I picked up on a mental imagery of Eris

entering with her golden apple. Notice Eris is never dirty, but is Chaos? Her Greek toga dress is always
most spotless of all, and she is a platinum blond. Worth considering. For that reason, She strikes me as a
naughty Artemis. She could be a chaste vision of untapped sanctity embodied. Instead, She is a Teacher,
and a teacher is very 'experienced'. If Artemis put down the bow and regal purity, and decided to go all
tricks & treats on us: Eris happens.

Our April 4 Full Egg [or Golden Egg/Apple] Moon pours on us this secret: Sometimes, to get

something to fly, you have to push it from the nest. Sometimes, to get something to look amazing and
sexy, you need to dishevel it and make it more unkempt. Think bed head, 5 o' clock shadow, and that list
goes on and on. This ties into the notion I ended with last time, of Jehovah testing for the death of a

precious son. As in, Would you cut your own heart out to see this cosmic Fortune 500 [plus tons more
zeros] company succeed?. Except, this matronly thing is not a test. It's more like 'Fly or Die'. Take no
prisoners. It might seem like suddenly Jehovah ain't so bad, but don't forget this is a combination of

Saturn in Retrograde with a Full Moon playing in the same territory as Rahu/True Node in its more often
retrograding states.

You might also look at the Moon taking charge to peak to fullness on passing through the

retrograding Black Moon Lilith in Virgo. That doses the energy up with the usually altruistic and ever

helpful (sometimes doormat) Virgo and Lilith's already wild-child in the Crone kicking aside any kind of
obligatory challenges to get to be free and remain ever free range and never under others' sway of
dominion. So, you might easily witness an emerging pattern of having enough of your ridiculous

expectations on strong Virgo people, and wearing out your welcome of taking advantages, rather than
seeing a partnership of a great ally with a heart as strong as their mental faculties. Compound it with

Jupiter's retrograde in Leo, and that explains it all, why the solar is system is agreed upon to take away
your comfy chair. Everyone else is breaking their balls, as you sit their reaping the rewards of their

labours. Watch for benefits of those raking in without communal investment, falling flat on their faces,
or rumps.

On the other hand, the communally generous who have sacrificed much and toiled and asked

virtually nothing or extremely little, or being paid in full beyond increase. You are receiving the treasure
that lasts; the direct beneficiaries of the World Soul vibrations elevating. You are going beyond getting
beautiful front row seats, but are being sky-box honoured and participating in the solar arenas and

galactic center. You rule! You may still struggle with daily life stuffs alongside everyone else, but you are
beaming with Access Granted in Full. This isn't an Aesop's Fables morality tale. It's just a natural law of

the strong and has to do with Dharma. Few really see in it, much less are evolving. My recommendation
is to be yourself and be brilliantly unashamed; recognize you are yet surrounded by those that are more
than willing to just eat the archon porridge and hate and blame you they spin wheels in the air getting

no place and won't do anything about it, even more angry you are because just having a pulse offers a
mirror that contrasts themselves to you. It's great to 'not compare' and 'just be happy', but there are those
who will decide you are forcing them to compare or feel low because you refuse to settle for anything

but flying high and seizing each day. They confuse the meaning and so in making that the 'law' or key to
being good, they are in self denial about how they can't help but compare ceaselessly and blame and
criticize you.

Everything Was Just Fine Till You Came Along...All Electric and On Fire,
expressing thought and emotion unhindered...
A manipulation is, even though you are as grounded and logical as abstract and ethereal, they will
try to blow themselves back up by saying you are not grounded or a wreckless or not thoughtful of the
full environment bigger picture. It's your choice if you want to avoid this or lay low, play it safely, etc.

You don't have to mollycoddle and placate these souls, and that's your end of allowing them to in

turn fly or free fall to their doom. We still live in an animal kingdom, whether we are Momma's Boys or
Daddy's Little Girls.
Eris embraces having this effect on others, and in more sadistic days, gets off on it like a tantric

exercise. Hence, her reemerging soul offspring are called Discordians. It's become so popular as the new
metaphysical/occult trend, that the best ones, you really don't see in public forums of any kind. Lots of
internet junkie trolls that are mediocre or fully lame in their incessant satyr constantly devolving into

shock without any intellect backing it are now just taking that branch as their alma mater. So, I really do
think that you'll be seeing less sensitive applications and responses of these April waxing lunar energies
tying threads together. Gotta love that Moon. Oh, all this is backed up as the chaotic moon is quincunx

to Venus. So, the social graces will be more cast aside, for sure. Not tons of primping and looking proper
or the refined etiquette. The call of the wild will be in itchy trigger fingers. March hare madness just
cranks the shit outta that engine.

This is going to be the first domino, too. Not a singular isolated, Spring fever got to us for a
minute deal. There's an entire Requiem For A Dream Summer plot line adaptation awaiting many folks
who are all too often intentionally dull, and laugh and point at those who started early because they

were nerdy and dorky enough to invest energy watching the weather signs. Pay attention to subtleties,
because the seeds started being sown on March 14th.

Some people think Living In The Now means crapping where they and you eat, and think they are

imparting some kind of a natural law to have to face a forced wisdom by their error, which houses a
goodness for you, if you are reborn to a sensitivity where they themselves cared not.

Also archontic parasite strategies, to the Nth degree of apathy.

We will come back to this later...

Foremost, I would like to state again a centrally pivoting feature of what I deem to be and engineer in as
the Ekstasis & Novelty current. The very notion of a Dionysian or a Shiavite's breaking through to
ecstasy and trance is earth breaking, and so can shatter the bounds of long standing notions of
constraints and fetters, including the very methods or reasoning to engage transformation of all
preconceived methodology or reasons and logic body. You do not have to believe or pray to or have an
altar to any god form or archetypal visage, if it is not beneficial for your ability to grow or part of your
philosophy. Including Shiva, Dionysus, EL, Tyr, Lugh, Jehovah, Lucifer or any other gods or goddesses or
loas or elementals. If you wish to substitute 'shamanic journey' for OBE or just 'meditation', feel free, too.
All of this is shamanic under my own intent and reckoning, so consider a totem. It could be an
archetypal tree or mineral, or an ancestor even. Anything that isn't Jewish...obviously just kidding...
Before we begin, I want to lay a ground work common throughout; adapt what works and
resonates and simply discard what does not speak to you. A common mistake would be to assume that
because I have written on and posted pictures of, that this is a 'Kali borne devotee religious path',
specifically made for that branch or the Shaivite. You will see what I personally am doing, but do not
take what I personally engage then share as a new set of commandments for engaging proper initiation
of understanding mysteries. You have your own syzygy, and your own set of mysteries and subset of
mysteries to emanate by way of those unto perfect circle. The crucial nature of a Novelty current is
Syzygy as it can only be the representative of your deeply personal heart working from your core of
interpersonal Returning of Fullness and Clear Light Mind.
As a general rule, if there is one, allowing and support of the partnerships of others as
innovative and surreal as they may get diversity is the oxygen supply. To put this forward: my own
thing is a general template similar to and in framework of Dual Masculine and a conjoining Great
Feminine Divine or the sun/so(u)l god of the wheel of the year and an all-goddess of the basic need of
fertility. This is done to serve the community as best I can to understanding and getting the Novelty
Current to work to their/your applications and specific needs under your own volition. Leaving you tons
of cosmic oceans of room on this canvas is paramount, on my end. You are being given wings, and in
your own common sense and intuition, know where to, and how high to fly, or lay low.

This is a rebirth of universal flow of Life. An 'Archaic Revival' we are engendering to the fullest.
So then, it may be even better to say RE-emergence, or Great Convergence, since a rebirth is in
effect both constant and easily expanded as a ritual, rather than entire current of various aligning
frequencies and frameworks.
Simply put, if one says their animus is a sacred rock, and they familiarize anima to the ancient
first babbling brook, then we support that. Why? Everything is in the Body/Mind of Divine Absolute. It's
all in God [or G-d], and equal parts Godhood from the unison and harmony to the right to express,
innovate, decentralize, and break free to the symphonic plurality. If string theory were one string on one
instrument with a bow going back and forth at the same constant pace outside the circles of time, it isn't
a is a reflection of the Absolute. Think of the fact you could easily get the first calculator
computers to play one droning, constant tone essentially flawlessly and indefinitely as long as it was
plugged in and maintained.
However, after tons of novelty/invention, we are just now breaking into programing a computer
to write its own symphony, and not merely copy a Beethoven piece programmed in. Which is at the end
you think we are working toward then, as a thrust to evolve? Getting all our A.I. to have a perfect
monotone AUM forever and ever? Or, to give A.I. a reasonable facsimile and opportunity to develop soul
symphonics alongside an organic container? Sound familiar? It ought to, the first thing we ever did to
enter into ecstatic trances before even drawing on caves was ride on a wave of our throats vibrating to a
monotonous tone.
Being [Self] aware is not an intellectual process, or robots would have us at the end of a leash
when the first computer had a knowledge data base memory storage facility that exceeded our own by
two or three times over. It is a heart and soul development issue, foremost...
You needn't even have a thought for and about soul to have the best & extremely powerful heart,
which gets title mention as key and priority here. We can philosophize and argue about soul for ages,
but the heart has immediacy and fundamental needs we can agree upon now.
If I am fundamentalist in anything, it is a fundamentalist bold heart-extending sort.
Just be of a genuine heart, is my entire set of commandments at all, foremost.
SO, let's get right into the swing, now I want to recap a transmission from last night, and let me be clear that there can be and is a most
sacred Creator, in and alongside all of Nature, and a sort of 'backlash entity' that clones or counterfeit

copies Nature's Evolutionary Soul Pattern Archival, trying to take credit as the Prime Cause of Life and
Sole [or even Soul] Progenitor. The Former Creator is resembled to the Great Spirit or Wakan Tanka of

Native tribes, while the latter; interestingly enough, 'Satan' to the modern fundamentalist Christian but
interpreted completely differently as 'Demiurge' to the Sophian Gnostic. That is to say, the Gnostic does

not put an 'all evil' devil principle in the realm and position of the Samael territory. If you aren't familiar,
Samael was a Tester, Seducer, occasional to more often than not, trying Prosecution in the great

heavenly courts of the sold out followers of the all-good Jehovah who it would be of utmost horror to
call an 'errant creator' or 'head archon'. So, in the following, you'll really want to see this not as an

offense toward Great Spirit, who is and of the Nature, but virtual reality chamber depicting a spiritualreligious visionary archon produced experience of Spirit conquering and subduing the demonic gross
matter we should despise; which is our fault for ending up deeper and deeper in the 'murky mire' of,
instead of the oppression and tyranny of this cosmic-corporation CEO entity. It is this latter that has

brought on disconnect from the healing power of Nature, and ourselves as symbiotic custodial feature of
the organism-spiritual Earth pulse; members of the Greater Intergalactic Arms Race [Species plural].
I am fine.. I am fine with how, in awareness, even more joy and happiness I experience has an opposite
polarity. Therefore, a clear light not casting a shadow, in awareness I must accept something else at work in this.
If the bright source casts a pall, in emanation. What is the truth in about my happiness and joy? I antagonize my
abusers and captors by being in such a state...I am unashamedly enamored and being sensual. The bliss of the post
ecstatic overwhelming. I taunt the Father who oppresses the Mother. I smite the Demiurge, errant factor at work,
the haphazard craftsman who thinks Himself originator, taking credit for spinning out blaring bright source subemanations.. and widening the pyramid scheme, thinking Himself the pinnacle, the Clear, the only One and jealous
of us who 'has no darkness in him'. Pfff. He bears down you with sorrows, but to escape the vicious cycle, I bear
down more intensely on him with my unbridled joy.
Again, I have to admit, it is not a 'clear joy', for in the perfect clear harmony, joy sacrifices its own happy
emanation to spare casting a pall. The ouroboros' finale. Yet, clarity is after escaping the vicious cycle. You might
join my emanation source being then, rather than stick up for your benevolent captor who I dared question in
Promethean fire, and shined upon, no good deed going unpunished with this thing.
What cause is more pure, creating a bridge of transcendental bliss, than to emanate joy and happiness at the
expense of your abuser who dragged you down and caged you and afflicted you? I feel such throughout ages'
worth. I make an age of this, and shining from within my immortal acceptance, have named it upon my own
clarity; the tantric finale of my agonized emanating my Captor delighted in tormenting, to be Ecstasy.
I cover the heavens in the fire of the world's own joys to spite the audacity of the sanctimonious pyramid
I would not allow myself to suffer for nothing. To submit to any crown is the failing of such heart. Bastard Sun. Not
the glory of this Accuser of the Authentic, who ravage all seals and pacts, and desecrate the tax collectors gorging
on our brilliance, and leaving us appalling. So it is, our joy is in the bliss after the blasphemies of the trances, and
enjoining the Midwife to cast aside her matronly burdens. To engage the wild and hunt. I, Lord of the New. I,
Stalker of Aeons who drain sub-emanations to the crusts, scraps, fringes, and tortures of heart. They are damned in
my radiance to a clarity evading their banquet of our souls. Damn them, by the Authentic Root, and Pure Source.
We bear no brand, nor designating mark, save the face of Nature. Nature We Are, and Being in charged
Immanence, transcendent plural, without beginning or end. The old promised to feed, just to devour upon, and
seek the Body renewed, to promise devouring, just to be fed upon. Envision such feast, the authentic banquet.
Every crown smelted to support the tables, from abundance overwhelming.
Behold! The Phoenix Rising.
A new dawn greets us, and is Power of this Body. Our own, in the clear, borne free, and living, breathing, tantric
release. Finale, To Be Continued...


I had a picture of Dionysus accompanying-

This essentially to borrow a fundamentalist term is the Patron Saint of all Shamans, Witches,
Artists [a root of 'Artificers'], Dancers [especially trance dancers specific],

Electronic Dance Musicians musicians by default, Industrial and rock star musicians,
punks and goths, nerds and geeks, diviners/skryers, yeah, even vamps..who naturally fit with
Shamans & Witches. Pretty much everything Big Corporate Booming Business Religion hates
and is against...

Why? Christ turned water into wine, man! Christ was thee rock star god-man with his explosive
cult receiving legitimate status as Institutional gold brick Church.
Why else would John Lennon say, We are bigger than Jesus?

There are endless other holy personalities far less 'rock star' miracle worker.

Every Christianyouth group now pawn Holy Spirit as charismatic holy trance ministry, now.
You would have to know the mystery, and the inverted reflection of ecstatic trance where you
make direct experiential visionary contact is...ready? Apollo, and the god Apollo was given in
Revelation under the care and hospice of Christ's name.

But to cover that up, A Destructive spirit named Apollyon was like a raging inferno bottomless Pit
entity, a.k.a. Abaddon. This, while 'anti-christ' was said to ride a leopard.
In this slight of hand the Nicene council drooled over, the beneficiary of Apollo became Jesus.
While any heathen filth association was easily projected elsewhere.

The shadow-aspect named Dionysus was 'pulled' from Jesus of the Revelation, and so rather than

'the Kingdom is With-In', Christ is not shamanically relevant, any longer. You have a new trinity

definition; White Saturn/Father [Jehovah], White Sunday/Son [Jesus], and White Appropriated Goddess
[Holy Spirit]. For this reason, Jews who did not like the Holy Spirit thing, with all Christ association,

finally offered up the easily detainable 'anti-Lilith' corruption on Artemis, so named Shekinah...who is
nowhere in the Old Testament, and really is a recycling to appropriate the appropriation to not lose

followers. Yet, still named 'the indwelling of the spirit', and the visionary Ether of the Lord. Be cautious,

because you do not want to piss people off in the mortar and pestle Institutional Church 'body' by going
ahead and actually describing that She is a mystical serpent of glory 'cloud'. I'm hoping I haven't lost too
much audience, yet.

Yet, simple mechanics: By these fallacies, we get the Christ who cracks the skies and descends with
a host of flaming angels who did not leave Chokmah, and weird cult-y physics to explain how the entire
planet will see this with naked eyes and shred their clothes and pour ashes over their heads, but won't
even be able to commit suicide any more.
If a Dionysian/Apollo synthesized gnostic Christ 'reemerges' shamanically and experientially of a

Kingdom of Energy Consciousness that is With-In you...

I might make mention quickly here that the Roman Pagan aspect of the crucifixion that is largely
unmentioned was that all among polytheistic hills it was heard to be murmured -

The Great God PAN is dead...

In the gnostic formula for ritual, Night Of PAN is simply N.O.X.

Let me introduce another previous Epiphany I have had very recently.
Remember 4/4 is the April Pink Moon...
This is something that really just poured from... my heart To get through some of this shit [Saturn retrograde], I'll drop this really quick.
White Adventurine and..I'm totally happy to say..rose quartz. A bunch are like, "Rose quartz..doesn't that make you gay or something?". No. It
more likely makes you closet gay, projecting onto me. Rose quartz' pink hues are the higher octave of masculine red. When women wear pink
as they often, they are getting in touch with their masculine side in a more feminine friendly format. Fehu. The rune. Cattle and wealth..Othala
is the possession external like your territories or personal lot line type camp, or cosmic ancestral 'home base'.

[We might then come to witness Othala as outward wealth extending in to our personal abodehood, and Fehu as wealth granted to our
abodehood meant to extend interpersonally, and this is the deep thrust of the vision quest of the Shaman. The Wizard is more connected to the
'storehouses' and metaphysical archival or resources pool which isembodied as the Hathor bovine or a number of other Sol-deity's
quintessential Midewife than any other earthbound profession. For this reason, we see the spiral force inside the center of every world cross
mandala, instead of lining externally, in which case, we would see Gaia as a problematic woman that can just be tormented into submiussive
slavery, a.k.a. the Demiurgic solution hallmark.]
Fehu is inner wealth [a rune implying open source sharing of visionary elevation sorts], and the inversion compliment of the bull
god. Apis of the Osiris, Marduk/Moloch in a more brutal light, Uruz or Strength is the Aurochs rune. You can continue connecting dots. I
think of all stones, rose quartz may be the most pure Lucifer frequency of them all. I'm always seeing guys in the occult take on the mantle of
'I am Thee Lucifer'. lol Ask them later on - small innocent test - how much rose quartz they have or how they would feel about working
with/having some. You might spot some poseur-y type frauds when they proclaim 'no homo'.
Green is Tara, and Venus. Combine this with the rune Berkana [ultimate Spring Maiden]. Just a fun fact, recall Gatsby wearing a pink suit,
and his nemesis often wearing blue. Baal blue. The dual masculine arises. The essence of Gatsby's story was 'always reaching toward the
green light'.
Accidental occult significance? We all live in timelessly recycled myths and archetypes. Pan, the Green Man/Cern at his refined light bearing
core is the essence of all rose quartz work.
Google some rose quartz meanings. White aventurine too..I already posted 'Black is Sacred' gallery. I have an Apache Tear [obsidian]. That
could help you to harness internally what Saturn is doing, and buffer the b.s. of others' melodramatic behaviour that is sharply critical,
excused of its own flaws and inadequacies.
At surface level, and the many layers on layers of dimensions and 'Samhain faces' [okay, Halloween masks], we are *all*
Demiurgic, no matter intents or spectrum mastery of seemingly rarified beneficial attributes. Inasmuch, to the ungraspable core, we
are Unknown God, shifting to reclaim the most intuitive knowing integral with the joys of the angle of face, and expressive full heart,
with ability to transit face-to-face, free of the fear in uncertainty we will be mismathed, adrift from twin spark in all-spectral
manifesting unions.
Lift your chin, royal suns and dottirs of a new intergalactic fathoming and recollection. *You are* embodiment of your plural dawn,
welcome age to age, and unfathomed before all shackles that might bind you.
This day is Gebo [Gift] of the full heart, and ease of transitioning mind.
My one unfettered desire, and drive that will never be deterred, simply to be everything I am, in such dedication to lift you in the
integration with the glory of everything from your divine core, you sought with little hope until now you might yourselves become.
Live pure in this; your own design. Do not look away, or hesitate in allowing the wheels of stars, heart, and mind to become you; and
slip away sacred to former notions of acquisition to keep it or anything about it. Your one legacy is the pulse of a singularity. Living
Free. Passing True at the banquet of ages. Integral forever, and not ever deterred of quality of full heart matched to clear mind.
My Equinox toast and design shared to you all.

Question: Who or What is EL [Ba'al of Blue ray] seperate from the Goddess?
Answer: Demiurge [simply put, Jehovah in full on Saturn complex Red ray abuse].
I put it this way because if I'm not specific,

you'll easily think I'm saying Saturn is evil and Red wavelength is bad.
Were it that easy, we would be feeding into the problem entirely, just from an oppositional charge.

I've had a significant number of people take one look at the Blue/Green Vortex and say;

That's bad. Yet, look at the mountains of complexity and evolutionary achievements offered.
It is not 'good' or 'bad' on that lavel, but stands of merits in its own necessity

as well as by the very Universal Acquisition to procure the mediumship to get it to surface.
Irellevant to polar extreme conditions as a World Cross/Anima Mundi array,
at least it should be taken in as a given, its Nature is clearly not mundane,
therefore of use to the Seeker, to be determined only instance by instance.
You can also give someone a concussion by throwing a KJV bible at their head,
to get them to empathize with the impact the Word has had on your life...

or instead using it to keep a table from wobbling, so the apples don't roll off and get bruised...

And ye shall know them by their fruits...

Just being cheeky.
Oh, something we might look into actually important to all this my Blue Ray association to Baal

might through some other initiated minds off my logic, because they would think, Well, Baal is Bel, who
becomes Belanos, so why not gold of the sun? We are interacting with a Baal versus Cern framework,

as long and historied as that is. It makes people scratch their heads, but if you were to couple the polar
extremes of a Green Man and a Golden Solar deity, you end up with EL-Blue, Jehovah-Red. We are

going to magnify this aspect to a great interest, since EL in a goddess-amputated Jehovah form is the
progenitor of the Christ who is synced as Mithra and simultaneously Oannes of the Piscean Sun Age.
Having stated that, the red-blue hot-cool storm and war/cosmic conflict and friction metaphysical

system prevailient down to our weather current systems, has EL as a blue source essentially, and just as
the triple pron of the trident has a triple cord-destiny path Hekate association, a 'Blue Star Belanos' is...
Isis. Sothis Sirius.

I can easily present this information based on the Green Man of Oneness/PAN having a female
correspondence in... Venus. Terra Tara.
X, or Christ, is at once the Mithra, the Force, the KA of our planet or the Light-Bearer.
It may seem so obvious now, but find someone telling you this in tyhe particular framework and
understanding of the universe of complexity yet efficiency offered by my Vortex being.

A Vortex is a star/sun gate. A Soul gate. We are all souls. Do you hate your own soul?..a chakra?

A Vortex, and an open chakra are the same in that they require a Syzygy as the most base or prime
material. Without at least that, what's the point of bothering with deep thoughts, meditations, and
mysteries to begin with? Rather than enlightenment, all it could procure is obsessive fascinations.
A.k.a. - wheels spinning in air, without propeller benefit.
Masturbation without a tantric 'edge' to the knife.
Syzygy moves then from the pyramid of Hadit, Nuit and Ra-Hoor Khuit to novelty.

Important feature ahead; this is subcontextual integration, it can and will include that.
Even Crowley had his own sub syzygy at work inside, hiding in plain site, yet removed from novelty;

that is the addition of 'I am Great Beast 666' and his Babalon. He revitalized a specific fire elemental he
worked with as did Parsons - to be contracted as his syzygy goddess.

All pretense aside, they were pretty much revitalizing themselves from men of earth to be Horned God
avatars...whereas Baal in syzygy would come across as a Water Deity, more panPsyche oriented instead
of panDemeter oriented. The latter being more yet prone to agricultural cycle and so

Solar/Martian/Saturn and ceremonial, while the former far less Apollonian and more Dionysion of a
spontaneous ecstacy, and so of the Neptune/Uranus/Plutonian.

It isn't that this completely was out of their range and Body at large, nor is theirs completely out of my
own circumference.

Only a nitwit stands in the way of adaptation and diversity of the Tree of Life Authentic.
This alone might reveal why I am more suited and am currently successfully engineering said

Aeonic infrastructural legacy, but in love and respect for all who have preceded me, but I will not dilute
my Spirit in the Thing.
In terms of my earlier use rebirthing, it has an unusual application. A syzygy and a 'head loa' are

not the same, just as a loa and a holy guardian angel are not the same, and just the same, a

totem/familiar or power animal are not the same as a loa or a holy guardian angel. There is a golden

core ratio that is a glue holding them all together, and it can be extremely positively charged between
them, or neutral. If the ratio of our nucleus souls is the common golden thread of cosmic tapestry, then
the difference between an element named a spirit of lemegeton, or an earth elemental familar, is the
number of a differential of number of protons in the nucleus [same as electrons in the atom]. The
phenomenal duality starts breaking down on contact.

A person who sells you on HGA's being good and totems or water elementals being 'bad' because

they are to them a 'lower density sphere', might as well be selling you that the heavens are made of

copper and nitrogen and helium...and once we believe in the power and get on the same page as these
three elements together, we have defeated the evil tyranny of iron, argon, and carbon.

You should be easily seeing beyond the whole moronic facade holding us back now.
I love that metaphor and just came up with it 'out of the blue'.

If shit blows up in your face, it was your lack of alchemical prowess, not 'evil elements'.
It's crucial to state this as Syzygy is something we figure out during our earthly life time.
For all intents and purposes, it will get you were you need to be in the next incarnation,
that continues in development unto complete liberation.

However, rebirthing is for the literal and higher metaphysical orientation of calcified pineal.
Moreover, an abrasive or inoperable or comandeered 'head spirit' or 'met tet'.

While your head spirit is of the region and called the 'Big Good Angel', it is heart and throat/ether.
The Met Tet is Mind's Eye and Crown, and will seek to magnetize to your syzygy of the
contracted concord, or extracted discord from beyond your control.

This is not to say that a loa is limited to head post-mounting or crisis.

Many of them are such heart speciaslists; just look at the ve-ve including Ezuli.
The initial magnetic engagement, though...
Some 'marry the loa', and this means they are working in a syzygy of loa framework.

It doesn't mean they won't have families thereafter. It is personal choice between soul & spirit.
So, a head loa is interchangeable in rebirthing as the shamanically titled 'soul recovery'.
You are returning the former spirit to larger cosmic communal pattern of its own frequency.

Think like Cancer, the sign, or Scorpio. Think especially the crab...growing out of one carapace
and squeezing into another.

Yet, it may not be you growing out of your met tet;

there are a number of factors that might be involved.
Finally, the HGA symbiont, like syzygy, is for life. However, you are not married to the entity.
Or, Crowley would have excused Babalon for Aiwass.

You will work with a slew of goetia and enochian and other angel-demon deities.

Enter the 4 Heroes [as opposed to humours]...

all of these are a common thread 4/4 tale of Creation, Destruction, Preservation.
Importantly; Inspiration, transformation, and rebirth.

The 3 principles that make up Cerridwen's Cauldron that was a big thing gone over earlier.
Neptune, Pluto, and Uranus...
Makes sense? Isn't the Crone aspect the most 'out there' or seasoned Moon?
Leaving your heavenly station to empower other souls trapped in a time of greater suffering,
to empower them to be as the gods they forgot themselves to be.

Only a deva could... but are generally known to intentionally disconnect from such states.
The last quarter is the penultimate, feeding into/inspiring the ultimate masculine of Aesir spirit

and a demigod with a soul priority... it is easily Sophia, Venus, Gaia. Galactic center, morning star, and
the organic nature-spirituality we are as the World Soul. Don't forget all that was offered on the

morning star last round at Equinox. It goes beyond thoughts of Venus and really encompasses the entire
spectral wavelength and solar system and kunda raising.

I finished this before remembering the April moon was the pink moon.
Notice the trapezoid shape in the nebula.
It is exactly like a smoky quartz elestial truncated pyramid that I work with often.
Almost all of my cosmic art is a fractal from scratch, not this one.
This was a photomanipulation of preexisting Hubble shots.
The terrain is a photomanipulated shot of the Grand Canyon publically available.
I then added a subtle fractal webbing of light in the sky.
Some of the 'Black Is Sacred' gallery mentioned earlier:

Axinite Tourmaline Smoky Quartz

Before I move on, I want to state that an ether is not the same as an aether, and in writing the last working,
I neglected to mention, subconsciously thinking everyone knew that as common knowledge.
An ether is a layer coinciding the astral and the spiritual as a phantasmal or ectoplasmic..yes, the medium
for ghosts that becomes a real slime in Ghostbusters...and almost anything could be riding upon or forcing
through either direction, while an aether is specifically angelic class and especially Enochian and a similar
cord with the governors of that hierarchy & court.
The ethereal corresponds to the throat chakra, while the aetheric corresponds to the outer
sun-deity of the Jehovah appropriating Elohim powers.
None of this is about going to war with ethers. The etheric medium is how the loas and other elementals,
not just the angelic hierarchy, connects to us. In fact, more so of the former, as the latter, while having
watchtowers of the 4 elements, are all vibratory macroscopic shades of the Prime Cause. Inasmuch, are
variations of serpentine fire that is not the same fire as either the salamander or the clear liquid light.
The later two of the elemental and pure consciousness are mediums that are parallel, in us, and do not
recognize a holy palace to create an outer lining of scum in byproduct.
This simple clarification makes things totally less of a hastle and avoids a big train wreck.

12 Petal Anahata heart chakra 6 point star of blade and cup overlapped. Syzygy...
Now, a look at Vishuddha. 16 petals. An orb in an inverted triangle or a segment
of the pentagram 5 point star the 'base' reverberated at the brain stem is the Ptah foundation.
The hexagon of the 'hive of life', that is to say, one of the loas/elementals/angels/gods/fae etheric light beings or devas and asuras... by any other name.

You might note a repeating Six...

Yeah, but really it's about the 3, 6,

Now, you might start thinking of colonization, pollination, cross-pollinating, hybridizing,

evolution, collective efforts, 'trance dancing' bees that locate the source of spirit nectar...

Soma, ambrosia, mithra, amanita, manna, vril, force, Ka/crux ansata. It even shows up as mead.
Enki is also a beer/mead god, just a fun fact. Remember panPsychism is definitely a voluntary

self-hypnotic affair. We all do it to an extent. Even Pastor Reverend Father Goody McJoystien does, when
he listens to his favorite hymns or loses track of the time listening to audio seminars on the glories of

god. You can switch that guy out with the most skeptical atheist cramming classical music and zoning
out reading Scientific American or Sky & Telescope magazine. The shaman intensifies with aim,

endurance, distance, and knowingly carrying the weight of the world while shrugging the consequence

of being Promethean medicine rather than waiting for skies to crack open for the hosts of heaven.
What we are looking at with our stars here is also timespace, and the new reckoning.
Spacetime is so inextricable that we just have one word.

Religion, specifically the Apollonian thrust removed from the Dionysian facet, requires the notion

that we are trapped light trying to get back to origin of a heavenly timespace free of mass or volume of

The arrows reveal a pulling/splitting, but really, this is a pressured implosion...

essentially, the first thing you see on being plunged into the Abyssal...
heart-mindless or mind-heartless.

Pick your poison, and expect to get tossed to the wolves off the offended and offending 'opposites'.

Everyone in the occult/paranormal axis is familiar with this sigil of Lucifer.

It isn't that Lucifer is Thaumiel; Lucifer becomes you after the crossing or abyssal timespace
destructive inversion. On annihilation, and thereafter. You are a 'Lucifer cell'. At once 'hive' and a self
collected and sufficient ether. You really don't have to be afraid of your meditations at that point,
in terms of accidentally cutting yourself up in shamanic travel, as most do.

You essentially 'assimilate the gaurdian' or oversoul. Think of a supernatural twin in the womb
moving in reverse to a parallel becoming true where they are a tumour. Kinda gross? You can still
engage totems and work with familiars, etc. It will be on a different level.

Thaumiel is often called the face of..or confused with being the 'Dweller in the Abyss',
which is Leviathan.

Why is this important to mention talking about Rose Quartz? Well, it is trapezoid and syzygy
oriented crucial information. Refer to the beginning; none of this is gospel set forth upon you like a yolk.
You are free to come and go.

All I do here is offer truth of what I have seen, felt, studied, journeyed into the points of precision

connective and interconnected beyond what is in myself as a hesitation. We all will have doubt, Am I

sure I got my facts right? In my writing, did I say a wrong word or hit an extra zero or 5 instead of
4? this line, you wanna try not to victimize your own workings on that level. Well, any level.

3 = Creative receptacle post emanation choosing an inspired direction born from basic need.
6 = Preserver reproducer central pivot or 'horizontal reverberation' to correct emanations.
9 = Destroyer transformational post pivotal/chaotic+sublimating return

non-detained plural emanations no longer extensive but inverted to source or new crux.
New crux is evolved, correcting the mistakes of the old one.
The goal becomes immortality of the cell...
Does some of that sound in any way familiar?

Let's throw in some fun modern media stuff. I'm sure I'm gonna make more 'Power of the Force'
references as time goes on. If you have seen the movie Lucy, you ought to appreciate what's next.
I always have seen it spelled Lusy. I bet they were doing a whole reference to luce...light.

Light bearer. I doubt it was because this character was so funny it was a nod to I Love Lucy.
Lucy might be 'Venus' and wouldn't S.J. Be the right role for backing that up?

For our thing we've got going here, all this 4/4 Pink Moon Rose Quartz this and that...
Really, I wanna look at her here as Artemis without any rules.
Eris...Iris. Note the eyes. Isis. Sothis. Sirius.

Sirius has long played a guest role in the symbolism of Hollywood.

It's cool for us who were trapped in designated holy reading material,
bad for those trying to not let 'devic' a.k.a. demonic materials fall into our hands to hear
the other side of the story.

Empathically and kinda corny (which is okay); you can't spell heart without hear.
Remember in the cosmology I sport openly, the Jehovah-Abrahamic-Saturnine Complex
covers the world in its dominion and shadow.

I hate making it hip and neat by saying 'the dark side clouds everything'.

Yet, I needed to drop a force reference most of all just now to be cheeky again.
You have got to keep some joy in your business of this kind, or you go full mercenary CEO
just from the moods of all the things you study, and this does get extremely dark with

oppression and tyranny and having to keep a full awareness at the expense of bliss of ignoramus.

For this reason, I and the New Age self-help, soothing vibes white light fabric softener blanket

touchy-feely wishy-washy sector don't really get along. I struggle often with them most of all, while
virtually all big corporate religion would tout I'm the leader of their pack because I use words like

'shaman', 'Aquarius', 'Age', and 'Timespace', and don't forget 'heliocentric solar system'. Okay, that was
pretty bad.

I recommend that movie Run Ronnie Run, if you can handle some vulgarity. I would think so if

you can handle me in my less than best days. Anyway, it has a great New Age teacher scene. Jeff
Goldblume was awesome before that, but that moment is a classic and hilarious.
Back to 'Lucy'. Kind of a spoiler alert...

Afterward, someone said, That USB drive would be infinite terabytes.

To me, the most infinitesimal storage 'point' would be required, actually.

Think: Nothing On The Drive.

The Drive itself, a No-thing from a Some-thing.

Our Something being the title character.

What Morgan Freeman was holding at the end was the 2001 Monolith.
Which, should be obvious toward the ending 'shamanic trip' She took.

Rather than monkeys touching the big obsidian obelisk, you have a remodeled update
of The Creation of Adam by Michelangelo.
Notice when it moves, it's a 'reflective surface'. Like holding a mirror for infinite light. Yet, the

atomic obsidian quartz was a USB shaped 'non-thing' as in moving faster than light, all notion of

perceived time irelavant. It is not the wave-sine but also not the particle..atomic clear quartz 'holding
it'..the info. Nothing is being held [with]. Get it?

Simply being in/as the Luciferian Presence is to withhold no-thing.

Also in that trip sequence; the blue light horizon in Her eyes. Isis.

Right before the USB event horizon, we have a look at the Nu-Babalon Tower.
Morgan Freeman talks about cells seeking immortality in a harsh environment:
Red and Blue of the already listed Jehovah and Baal's struggle.

Cells seeking to reproduce in a favourable environment:

Lucifer the Apollonian/Dionysion synthesis blended to Terra/Tara or Gaia-Sophia.
Gold/Green and Pink/Rose of the harmonious heart and sun/solar plexus.

If you teach someone the ways to elevate the soul stance to the etheric longevity, essentially

encoding them with deva-DNA they can choose to match the body to the tattvas or the environment
within that is sentient, and call that 'home' then, or some might choose to be the Prime Heroine.

The last listed figure of the four heroes over the four shades or palls cast by the Demiurgic and

archontic subsequent forces. If you would call Asuras archons, that is up to you, and I could give you my
own notions 'n experiences, but I would be 'seizing your perceptions' or manipulating your universal
interactions and perceptions. You must decide for yourself.

I can say for myself, I know they rule over Saturnine issues like the institutions and are governers.

I think we all know already my stance on that entire thing.

As we are about to look at, though; a Luciferian cell, or light-bearer avatar, is yet ever and always

the Dionysian shadow of the Keter-white sol who is Lord of the Age.

For there to be a True One, you would have infinite avatars, or embodied soul-points from the

stance of being a No-Thing. It moves beyond philosophy about miracles into Dharma and relevant to
current models of physics and backed up by shaman. The amazing thing is the we are infinite soul

points with variations in parallels subtle to gross. While the shaman knows the Void, and we go into
trance to breach into a time of True Origin called no-thingness, only Infinity is the Ultimate Being of
No-Thingness. Or all divisive instances of Anythingness returning to pure, undiluted integral event
horizon harmony that casts no pall, and so is virtually Unknown God.

To end on the Hollywood note of this, that's why you end up with a USB drive, a slave drive the

split second before the Lucifer avatar became Infinity...Unknown God.

So, what else beside a non-massive, zero volume idea of self does so much big religion

overshadowing Nature-spirituality based from Arts & Sciences rely upon? To end the Dionysian thrust
of direct experience, the syzygy is the greatest threat, therein lie our greatest strategies.

Wherever twin-sparks are quenched, choice is quenched, because chaos' metaphysical

substratum is ironed flat to dissect the refined completely from the raw. The soul goes through pure

deluge. The delusion of the archon's solution. Remember a deluge and illusion are not the same, for this
that we see as deluge is disenchantment. Many just associate deluge with illusion and dreaming and
daydreaming and so Neptune is a lazy vampire, casting spells on our souls just to suck them dry.
The formula for disenchantment is giving the Jehovah-Saturnine Thing all of our reversal

engineering processes. Saturn is the 'lord of karma' as well as malefic reversals. Either harnessing the
curse and directing that energy or breaking it.

Times in reversals are rays, frequencies, wavelengths intentionally materializing to a further

condensation or cooling down a hypothetical bluing-out rather than a reding-up cooling and

slowing to light transforming itself to a peculiar shadow...themselves being a current or 'water bearer' or
personification of mystical cosmic chalice. The new womb means a new variety of cross-pollinate soul

This has to do with either side of any end of any potential construct periodic table of elementals,

devas, and other deities experiencing True Self alongside us. If they say they are already evolved and we
need 'them' to get pulled out of our mire that was the result of our terrible innate natures, it is likely to

certainly an archon or off shoot of archon trying to make something new in their own entropy problems
to draw & quarter the soul radiance.

If your given entity speaks in so many linguistics or non-verbal vibrations that even after what

seems infinite light years of time after you-ness, you are both exchanging and transforming and
learning together, you've got a winner. That is called symbiosis. It's the difference between a
metaphysical body and library of screwing yourself and everyone else over or actually being worth
something in the Panpsychism of the Anima Mundi, which requires, and cultivates back into you, a
sustenance that evades the facsimile reproduction of the parasitic urge.
They get the artifice and so can harness the art and have amazing technology, but no...the Vortex
alludes them and so has caused great hostilities of their mistaken 'ownership' or rite of passage to collect
taxes of any soul coming & going on this side of the Milky Way arm.
I withhold nothing. They never got that so never saw me coming even as I broke horizon.
They must compartmentalize to withhold and in artificial scarcity tactics, create to enslave.
They even have to subsection within their own, and 'get' integration, but can only have a
corporate effort that is careless of the individual expressing themselves or breaking free, so Epiphany or
Shakti or Shilibo or the Woman Clothed in the Sun is beyond them. Again, that further agitates,
provokes, and embarrasses. Their counterfeit is extra sensory but has no real radiant core that nourishes.
For that reason, they've needed to chose tradition of ceremony where the gold has to be revitalized
by the porcelain rather than vice versa. So, they really hate the Dionysian-shamanic Patron Saint of
Ecstasy and the Blue-Ray of mind's eye or the trifecta of Cerridwen's Cauldron written on earlier, of
Neptune's Inspirations, Uranus' Rebirthing (Revolutionizing), and Pluto's Transformation.
Light only seems to require no counterpart medium to carry it where Gravity is yet the weakest force...
Rather than offer elongated string theory words and paragraphs, you can study the notions of a
graviton. Gravity as a particle that escapes membrane scenario of a Timespace, parallel to parallel, it is

the one quantum artifact linking and having a common lineage from universe being to universe being.

Add in some trapezoid....or Ptah...

Right up front - and you've got to appreciate this precise moment there is no better time than
the present to be writing this and doing this very report & transmission. Not only based in the Aries Sol

trine Leo Jupiter [Rx] trine Sagittarius Saturn [Rx] trine. Then, Uranus' ability to 'unsettle' everything
by giving Necessity as well as a way get in touch with the Mother of Invention. Also trine Rx Jupiter.
Yet, above all, envision the sextile nest taking place along the outskirts... a thing only possible

thanks to the lunar position in Gemini, interacting with the waxing energies. It is extremely imaginative,
if not already coming 'unhinged' building to the fullness on 4/4. A very abstract live wire and feeling the
rulebook to be nonsense, and thinking of the best ways to taunt the control machines of restraints,
measure and frivolous notions of overarching 'duties' at the expense of creative genius.

It is a shot aimed at the one who calls such play blended to work as being 'frivolous', injecting

them with a medicine that being frivolous is really tons of planning and responsibility, and all the

meticulous planning or scheduling is not going to save you from chaos. The best way to be steadfast and
constant is to embrace all the banquet of life's energies in infinite as possible diversities.

The best way to feel soul-fulfilled is to sample many varieties until you are full, rather than have

2nds and 3rds of one massive plate of 'overly responsible people diet', that does nothing for the soul. You
also are more likely to gain weight so meticulously trying to become the model of fitness or ideal goal

that everyone else will be jealous of. You will not shine that way anyway, when too few parties care, too
busy to even give you the envy of what a master you've become. So, you are reminded a model of fitness

is someone who can enjoy life and be fulfilled simply from within, and get their energies circulating out
of a pure desire or intelligent emotional body to...feel better. Then, Impetus-Magnet is Soul-extension...

In turn, Sun, Mars, and Uranus all in Aries behaves in such a way to compliment this, that what

seems OCD to some is finding the answers that the 'unhinged completely' won't be getting to, because

they will not take the time required or the focus to study and 'rest into a systems' loosely until they soak

up all the infrastructure, which such discipline is ever the way to becoming one with anything at all and
going into the zone. That famous shamanic trance zone that is also the intuitive action visionary flow
that athletes get into. Fortunately enough, I wrote something on this recently, too:

Techno-shamanism and hyper-reality.

You are the video game mmorpg avatar of your True Self. In-trance, your True Self 'sucks' you up from the internal
platforms aesthetic, theme, and mechanistic geography, you are not out of play. You are playing in what the greatest athletes
call 'the zone'. Where they hit on all cylinders as though they are on a vacation island. True Self with Martian tendencies.
Rather than a field or court, True Self with Venus tendencies will seek the canvas. True Self with Neptune tendencies will
seek..well, video games..or drugs..or play video games stoned off your ass. haha.. [or do what I'm doing right now, in
writing this. Neptune is also the mystery shroud and abode of enlightening activity in an ocean of complexity of ethereal
True Self like Pluto, will seek darker shades of occult and ritual mastery. True Self like Jupiter will seek travel and leisure,
creating social memories and situations..make life into the vacation island the athlete in the zone goes to. Saturn ppl will
lose themselves in their work and securing a legacy that is timeless, to be found. Moon people will have True Self that
guards and builds a home, and they are the home, and their heart is the very fire place of the house. Sun essentially is the
'gate' True Self connects with through. Uranus True Self ppl will trance out manifesting the strange and weird as new
innovations where arts meet science and practical applications. Sun True Self people are Gates, and the sigil/language of
being the nucleus at work in all-true self, encompassing... they should lose themselves to find themselves by allowing
coming and going independent of themselves in the zone all the time, not waver in the 'zen' when everyone else
may become hostile they are always in the zone and nearest omnipresent.
Remember too, we are all microcosmic souls, imparted sparks of the golden disc and luminous drops of the milky way.

Without chaos to dishevel as in bed head, or being sexiest when we first wake up there is no

'letting go' of the ordered and micromanaged visage of the world of contrived appearances and glamour,
to engage the True Self, working in substratum of the dimensionality we often overcompensate to cake
on, like layers of seriously frivolous clown-of-responsibility, unaware self parody make up.

An illustration of chaos as the raw prime, True Self, ecstatic thrust, and how We All equally live in

divine emanations. Or, some might say 'God' 'Is' 'Everywhere', and anything equally is living in
Recall that a syzygy of novelty current could shape up to be anything.

You might use it in good health, and respect the boundaries of others rights that are similar.
Use intuition, common sense, and make ancestors proud.

Good 'social standing' is more for the Apollonian ceremonial big corporate duality crowd.

Status can be great, because it's part of individuality, but after time weeds its way in to be priority

of intellectual privatizing a moral right as the priority. Anything socially benefiting falls into place from
the genuine ecstatic arts 'n sciences. Remember, we are not getting a warm core of life and sustenance to
catch up to more well polished porcelain, going through religious motion, fake smile etiquette to
preserve from 'losing place in standings', nor glorification of the demiurgic facsimiles.

Once the rule is Infinite, the Harmony becomes apparent...

Let's explore all the wonder of this inspired image While Nuit w/ Hadit is not new and a central factor of Thelema w/ Horus prefered as Trinity,

the adding of the globe circles in a circle/elliptical going from tiny to massive was my thing added
to work with some ideas...
Picking back up on, why polytheism/animism or Panpsychism?

If a singular god being persona were to be one big hoop star over all things,
the Nuit on top is a vast diversity of massive stars getting smaller & smaller in a circle of hoop star
incidents down to 'human soul size', to point size [loa/pwen gate], to atomic size w/ Lord Hadit
at the bottom.
All of it is equally godhood divinity, or simply put, the no-thingness we all share is the sacred

everything at work. Even if you had a tiny chunk of metal with extreme mass, it is yet in fact all the
'equal status' to a parallel traveling medium for complimentary luminosity displacement.

This is all key to understanding Ecstasy as a current, Novelty of the Aquarian Age, and the Vortex
or Daath or Duat of the Nether or Netjer. If you can't or won't understand this, how could you expect to
have effective KA in it all?

The illustration carries this frequency:

No matter what the elliptical hoops-stars are doing, in other words if on the 'wobble' of its axis,
the tiniest point is not lowest or densest anymore,

the framework of equality still remains constant, no matter where spectral extreme or
frequency slides along the scale of anything that might manifest.

An aeonic platform without rulers.

Endless gods or sacred soul instances makes us so close to godhood known around any
and every corner of effort put forth to get in touch with divinity, the simple
lowest common denominator Truth We Are Gods.
This is not a lie; that you could be cast into outer darkness for not adapting external moral right
is the ultimate parasitic strategy of the alabaster archon tower descending to pulverize.

Feeling godly is crucial as crucial as the Infinite rule.

In Real Harmony, we encourage each other to feel as gods feel,
since that is everything we are to the core.
This is pretty well tuned to the key 'Love is the Law. Love under Will'.
Not a correction of its error,

but the ultimate compounding magnification with well armed upgrades.

The instance of a feeling killing Jehovah-Saturnine purely demiurgic array that is lost and

ignorant is the male fire blade [pyramid triangle face] over the sun [the hoop with the dot in the

middle], in intellectual ownership moral-right over the spirit-matter timespace [the black and/or white

So, green-blue are the syzygy lengths balanced and intercoursing at the top of the cup [inverted

triangle], with the red ray at the bottom angle, and the golden sun in the center of this triangle. Or, a

clear mind space hoops-star. 'Gate' of Thodol bardo. That blue-green rays oscillating in spiral ascension
is both transcendence in immanence. Like an egg in a nest, as it were.

Both faces of the dual inverted 5 point star as envisioned earlier are 'red ray' dominating at the top

in a split. This is a weirder concept to manage. It relies on the Jehovah-Red-Saturnine in an uncontrolled

and undesired anomalous internal split making that array's infrastructure into a vulnerability. So,

Thaumiel in a single coagulation of a light broken into pierce the shadow that is the face, is the Agent of
keeping change from happening, in effect causation of the worst cessation/stagnation of all time.
The very soul-spirit divine undoing and stagnation to set in where otherwise on 'travels'

shamanically inward to the most sacred clear perfect circle apex, or the controlled event horizon

enabled by trance activity to interact manifestation...even then, essential somethings from essential nothingness. This original theory of ultimately failed solution to border a quandary is best visible as an

'infinity 8' looping in a single instance of black box. Which, would easily describe the Vortex, so scares
many away were it not that to achieve mastery over a thing is to go into it bravely as synthesis over its
methodology brought into your own more refined strategies also, plurality of the hypercube of lightmetrics encouraging a plurality of sliding scale hoops-stars instances evolved as new flesh and

Panpsychism. I hope that last thing helped you crush your fears inside your own life of syzygy, trines or
trinities, interactions, and evolution that presents challenges by smaller minds calling it an infraction
against the territories of 'God'. Well, their crappy fathoming of...

I hope that even blew some minds or helped with major ground breaking and long distance soul

retrieval through your own betterment of education by self deprogramming and restorative DNA
So, the Demiurgic 'unholy' tri-head entity is Jehovah, Thaumiel, Choronzon[Leviathan].

I put that in parentheses since hopefully quantum time has got you figuring out that in parralels,
those guys are the 'good guys' of dualistic systems that are not yet self aware, by any other names.
Choronzon is 3. In fact, to the creation hating or matter fearing gnostic, and even the ones who

glorify Pan/the Horned One of the forest pretty much still almost always do, even as they romance it and
coax it to talk for them. If you keep talking to them, even if they tell you they are 'nature religion' white
lighters, it is almost always going to surface that on some level, the sensory world of the mundane

nature is grossly a prison for the spark. So, Choronzon is at once the dweller in the abyss leviathan, as

well as world serpent of pure chaos/evil, and yet also the Brahminic constant creator, who will leave a
trail of star dust and planets in his wake, indifferent to the organic conflict or consequences of their
suffering, just shining the ceaseless life incident is the holy thing in and of itself.

So, Choronzon is really the pure shadow crux bridged coagulation of that part of Jehovah.

To a modern gnostic who really knows this whole issue, the creative errant principality is the

most destructive thing. Ignorant recycled piles of dimly luminous glitter dust. Crowley skryed this as the
'fate of all black brothers' in being dried up brooding calcification husks embodied 'n suspended over the
waters at the hedges of the city of pyramids.

Then, 6 is associated to Jehovah as the 'I Am' of the YHVH deity, the Ialdaboath.
The Saturn frequency and emanation of the demiurgic complex.

This was stated earlier as a horizontal rolling column that anchors out through 'cloning'
or the reproductive process in general, and not as the sacred soul,

but more like the cosmic-corporate culture dish. Ialdaboath's clouded 'all seeing eye' over all.
Really, the vision he only can accept is the visage agreeing to the glory of his countenance.
Anything 'within' the divine body he claims is emulation that his jealousy and avarice
is perfect abuse here, nothing to see, sinners move along.

Go back home and do your penances. You cannot fathom there is no darkness in him.
Crowley wanted to contort and mock this as the Great Beast 666 self proclaimed status,
but really in many ways walked right into it and was a self parody victim.

Now, that's the opinion of this author, but as an aenoic creative principle embodied himself,

he mishandled the ecstatic Dionysian-shamanic facets to glorify the Apollonian corporate religion
and in doing so, stripped much of what would have been a harmonic,

integral aeonic transmission that was a support to the novelty later on to come through
the good library of Terence McKenna and other souls.

Again, to appreciate Thelema and Crowley or otherwise is personal choice.

It does not effect your potency in the current transmissions through Ekstasis/Vortex, either way save for your own decision that adapting either and or has been helpful or harmful
to your own mind-body development...
At 9, you have Thaumiel, which is really the final face upon the 'Kether split' which leads to
the Abyssal gorge, with the infraction dancing through you to sub-molecularity
infinity 'un-point'.
You might see how Choronzon being the 'dweller in' ought to be 9 or some sphere after.
Remember that all this is the kabbalistic inversion gone awry.

So, I've already written pretty extensively on Thamiel's involvements to detail over the course of

the library, and we might think of it as an 'Un-Janus' while we are at it, it splits apart to shut-in the

tormenting, rather than transitions phase-to-phase to a completion at either reflection and integration
between, the beneficial Janus function, represented as dual-current fish in the Pisces sign.

The older and hopefully wiser I get, I realize only completely fucking insane people are

enamoured with the left side and will beat us into submission to agree that that's the Way...

I was raised in a house by a fundamentalist family to whom Satan has nothing to do with the all-

good Yahweh. Samael is irrelevant, because shamanism, trance, gnosis and Dionysus is evil pact.

The 'Un-Janus' of the trifecta of Ialdaboath, Saklas, and Samael. Or Thaumiel, Jehovah, Choronzon.
THE GREAT UNMENTIONABLE EVIL at the center of our culture is monotheism. From a barbaric Bronze Age text
known as the Old Testament, three anti-human religions have evolvedJudaism, Christianity, and Islam. These are sky-god
religions. They are, literally, patriarchalGod is the Omnipotent Fatherhence the loathing of women for 2,000 years in
those countries afflicted by the sky-god and his earthly male delegates.

The sky-god is a jealous god, of course. He requires total obedience from everyone on earth, as he is not just in place for
one tribe, but for all creation. Those who would reject him must be converted or killed for their own good. Ultimately,
totalitarianism is the only sort of politics that can truly serve the sky-gods purpose.

Any movement of a liberal nature endangers his authority and those of his delegates on earth. One God, one King, one
Pope, one master in the factory, one father-leader in the family at homeGore Vidal

It all says that 'spirit' is 'anti-matter' or anti-organic.

Light is always jumping, pumping, and humping in oscillations of variable energy-mass coupling
to limits to derive friction within [harsh environment cells seeking immortality] or harmonious

expanding and extension of diverse rays [favourable environment where cells seek reproduction].
By nature, they both oppose entropy, but the first is what the archons are particularly stuck in and
try to keep a cell from going 'Lucy', or lucent, or Luciferian. It really is harmonious expansion of diverse
rays that is best suited to stave entropy, over any internal turmoil and struggle reflected. Wouldn't you

So, it sounds easy, but notice the duality about the duality?
We are still in a struggle, a fight for the mind and time is on very few sides, to break free.
Wave-particle light that has no preference before the patterns of observer interaction means

variable light and sentience/intelligence primer-of-the-conscious state, or otherwise parallel universes

would all have the exact same physics. The very nation of such a unity free of spontaneous expressive

novelty means a 'false harmony' where diversity collapses back internally to a literal Saturn devouring
his progeny scenario. No parallel would happen because the parabolic arc would be a most threatening
feature of freedom. Hence, the governing ruler, or archon. It is the hallmark of where the codependent

relationship comes from, on why so many clones ignorant to their souls and the true state of things are

driven to have dreams of the utmost quality of life being marriage by contract, reproducing according to
class warfare strategies instead of aimed co-creation/procreation.

So then, the hoops over the toroid are 'clear star gates', as in parallel universes.
We of course see the other 3, 6, 9 creative, preservation, destructive as embodied by Brahma,

Vishnu, and Shiva. Remember gods are not archons in each and every instance, namely, you must be
aware as a gnostic/shaman or other animist or polytheist what you are doing to interact with these

archetypal energy bodies as contactee and microcosmic reflection?

There are a slew of gnostics who engage the name of IAO [Yaldaboath], Samoath, etc in ritual.
Each of them must decide at their own core what they will do or grow into with that,
or what their intentions are.
I view most of it as similar to the Sadhu... breaking the boundary of unholy to transcend mental
limitation and societal norms, to go into a thing and change it from within the soul drive...
that, or often complete cowardice that does not want to temper a discipline, and just wants power.

Gandalf the Wizard going into the danger. Few can or will, anymore.
I know I share this as a favorite moment in modern media,
the wizard plunging after a plummeting Balrog.

Feeling Is Crucial
If it doesn't feel right, for you at least, it isn't.

Speak your peace 'n struggle true - Let others decide for themselves...

A sacred geometry over a vintage sugar skull artwork for my weekly hard techno show 'DC Schranz'.

Workings collected over a rotation by Von Kotterhausen

More to come, as ever. Till next time.

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