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The Traveling Tournament Problem

Des ription and Ben hmarks

Kelly Easton1 , George Nemhauser1 , and Mi hael Tri k2
S hool of Industrial and Systems Engineering
Georgia Institute of Te hnology
Atlanta, Georgia USA
Graduate S hool of Industrial Administration
Carnegie Mellon
Pittsburgh, PA USA
tri k

Abstra t. The Traveling Tournament Problem is a sports timetabling

problem that abstra ts the important issues in reating timetables where
team travel is an important issue. Instan es of this problem seem to
be very diÆ ult to solve even for very small ases. Given the pra ti al
importan e of solving instan es similar to these, this makes this problem
an interesting hallenge for ombinatorial optimization te hniques. We
introdu e this problem, give some interesting lasses of instan es and
give some base omputational results.

1 Introdu tion
Professional sports leagues are big businesses around the world. In the United
States, television networks pay more than $400 million per year for nationally
televised baseball games alone, with that mu h again for lo al presentations.
Even ollege basketball leagues su h as the Atlanti Coast Conferen e take in
more than $30 million per year in radio and television fees. The UK football team
Man hester United, a publi ly traded ompany, has a market apitalization of
more than $400 million; the Premiership re eives more than $100 million for
overseas television rights alone. The Italian Serie A are Spanish Premira Liga
are not far behind in total in ome.
One key to su h in ome levels is the s hedule the teams play. No rights-holder
wants to pay large sums only to get unattra tive teams playing on a prime date.
Teams do not want to see their large investments in players and infrastru ture
undermined by poor s heduling. Fans, who ultimately provide the in ome for
the leagues, are also greatly a e ted by s hedules.
In addition to these large, su essful leagues, there are a ountless number of
smaller leagues that need s hedules. These leagues range from lower divisional

professional sports down to weekend re reational leagues, and often have needs
that make nding suitable s hedules diÆ ult.
Given these demands, it is not surprising that reating sports s hedules is
an a tive resear h area. Examples of re ent papers in lude s hedules for minor
league baseball (Russell and Leung [8℄), ollege basketball (Ball and Webster [1℄;
Nemhauser and Tri k [7℄; Walser [13℄; Henz [5℄), Australian basketball (de Werra,
Ja ot-Des ombes, and Masson [16℄), and Dut h professional football (S hreuder
Despite this urry of resear h, there are important issues that have not been
well studied. This resear h was inspired by work done for Major League Baseball
(MLB) in the United States. MLB, together, with the National Football League,
the National Basketball Asso iation, and the National Ho key League, is one of
the \Big Four" sports in the United States, dominating the sports airwaves dur-
ing the summer months. From a s heduling point of view, reating a reasonable
s hedule is a daunting task, sin e thirty teams play 162 games ea h over a 180
day season that stret hes from early April to the end of September. In terms
of total number of games, no published work has addressed problems anywhere
near this size.
The MLB s hedule is further ompli ated by the distan es involved. Teams
in MLB stret h from the Ameri an east oast to the west oast and from Canada
to the tip of Florida. In order to redu e the amount of travel, teams go on \road
trips", where they will visit a number of opposing teams before returning home
(this ontrasts to leagues with just one or two games in a week where teams
return home after every game). Total travel be omes an important issue for
MLB teams.
In addition this wish to keep travel down, teams are also on erned with
more traditional issues with regards to their home and away patterns. No team
likes to be away more than two weeks or so ( orresponding to visiting 3 or 4
teams sin e teams play multiple games before moving on), nor do teams want to
be home for longer than that period. Issues with the home/away pattern lead to
questions of the ideal ow of the s hedule, whi h an vary from league to league.
For any parti ular year, the MLB s hedule instan e is a very ompli ated
set of requirements and requests. For the 1999-2000 s hedule, team requests
alone amounted to more than one hundred pages of questionnaire responses.
Added to this were a large number of television, league, and union requests and
requirements. Simply de ning the problem is a diÆ ult task.
They key to the MLB s hedule, however, is the on i t between travel dis-
tan es and the home/away pattern. If this an be solved in a reasonable amount
of time, additional onstraints and obje tives an be added to approa h the
real instan e. Without an approa h for the ore problem, however, it is unlikely
that suitable s hedules are reatable (it should be noted that MLB has used
a husband-and-wife team named Henry and Holly Stephenson to reate their
s hedules for two de ades: their ability to reate playable s hedules without ap-
parently using advan ed ombinatorial optimization software is quite amazing).

This on i t between travel and ow is not unique to MLB. Any time teams
travel from one opponent to another leads to issues of distan e and ow. In
ollege basketball, some leagues work on a Friday-Sunday s hedule where teams
travel from their Friday game to their Sunday game dire tly.
We propose a problem lass alled the Traveling Tournament Problem whi h
abstra ts the key issues in reating a s hedule that ombines travel and home/away
pattern issues. While it seems that either urrent s heduling software (whi h
on entrates on home/away patterns) or insights from the Traveling Salesman
Problem (whi h the distan e issues seem to mimi ) would make this problem
reasonably easy to solve, it seems that the ombination make the problem very
diÆ ult. Even instan es with as few as eight teams are intra table relative to
the state-of-the-art. This makes the problem attra tive as a ben hmark: it is
easy to state and the data requirements are minimal. The fa t that multiple
ommunities, in luding the integer programming and onstraint programming
ommunities, have studied similar problems without addressing this parti ular
problem ontributes to its interest, for this problem seems a good problem for
ontrasting approa hes and for exploring ombining methods.
In the next se tion, we de ne the traveling tournament problem and show
its omputational omplexity. Se tion 3 gives a variety of approa hes for solving
this problem; the following se tion develops parti ular instan e lasses and gives
our arguments for the parti ular hoi es we have made. This se tion also gives
omputational results for these instan es We on lude with some spe ulations
on approa hes that may work well.

2 The Traveling Tournament Problem

Given n teams, n even, a round-robin tournament is a tournament among the
teams so that every team plays every other team. Su h a tournament has n 1
slots during whi h n=2 games are played. For ea h game, one team is denoted
the home team and its opponent is the away team. As suggested by the name,
the game is held at the venue of the home team (this di ers from other situations
where all teams travel to a single venue). A double round-robin tournament has
2(n 1) slots and has every pair of teams plays twi e, on e at home and on e
away for ea h team.
Distan es between team sites are given by an n by n distan e matrix D.
When a team plays an away game, it is assumed to travel from its home site to
the away venue. When playing onse utive away games, teams travel from one
away venue to the next dire tly. Ea h team begins the tournament at its home
site, and must return to home at the end of the tournament.
Conse utive away games for a team onstitute a road trip; onse utive home
games are a home stand. The length of a road trip or home stand is the number
of opponents played (not the travel distan e).
The Traveling Tournament Problem (TTP) is as follows:
Input: n, the number of teams; D an n by n integer distan e matrix; L, U
integer parameters.

Output: A double round robin tournament on the n teams su h that

{ The length of every home stand and road trip is between L and U in lusive,
{ The total distan e traveled by the teams is minimized.

In addition to the basi onstraints, there may be additional requirements

on the solution. These in lude:

{ Mirrored. The double round robin tournament must have a round robin
tournament in the rst n 1 slots and then have the same tournament with
venues reversed in the se ond n 1 slots.
{ No Repeaters. There are no teams i; j su h that i plays at j and then j plays
at i in the next slot.

We will refer to the two variants (note that mirrored tournaments have no
repeaters) as the Traveling Tournament Problem/Mirrored (TTP/Mirror) and
the Traveling Tournament Problem/No Repeaters (TTP/No Repeat).
The parameters L and U de ne the tradeo between distan e traveled and
the length of the home stands and road trips. For L = 1, U = n allows for team
s hedules as short as the length of the traveling salesman tour of the ities; for U
small, the team has to return often to the home site, so the s hedules resemble
that of vehi le routing solutions.
For U = 1, it is easy to see that there is no solution for n > 2. In this ase,
the only feasible home/away sequen es are alternating home and away. There
are only two su h sequen es (one beginning at home and one beginning away),
so if there are more than 2 teams, two teams will have the same sequen e. Su h
teams, however, annot play ea h other so no round robin tournament is possible.
For U = 2, all away trips onsist of either a single team or pairs of teams. This
stru ture orresponds to a (slight generalization of ) mat hing. This suggests this
ase may be polynomially solvable, though we have not found an algorithm to

2.1 Solution Methods

The Traveling Tournament Problem, is an intriguing problem not just for its
modeling of issues of interest to real sports leagues. First, the problem ombines
issues of feasibility (with regards to issues of home/away patterns) and optimality
(with regards to the distan e traveled). Roughly, onstraint programming ex els
at the former (see, for instan e, Henz [5℄) while integer programming does better
at the latter. This ombination seems to be diÆ ult for both methods, making
the TTP a good problem for exploring ombinations of methods. Se ond, even
small instan es seem to be diÆ ult. While n = 4 leads to easy instan es, n = 6
is a hallenging problem, and n = 8 is still unsolved for our sample distan e
matri es.

Fundamental for our approa hes to solving this problem is the generation of
tight lower bounds. The most useful bound is given by determining the minimal
amount of travel for ea h team independent of any other team onstraint.
Given a single team i, what is the minimal amount it must travel? This
problem an be solved in a number of ways. For relatively small n and U , the
easiest way to solve this is to generate all subsets of the teams of size between
L and U . For ea h subset, there is an optimal tour for i visiting the subset.

This value an be found by enumeration (if the set is small enough) or through
ombinatorial optimization te hniques for the TSP (see, for instan e Caseau and
Laburthe [3℄ for onstraint programming methods).
We are then fa ed with the problem of nding a olle tion of the subsets of
minimum ost that ontains all of the ities. If the set of subsets for ity i is
denoted S , with members sj ea h with a ost of j , a formulation of the problem
to be solved is
j j xj

Subje t to
2 g xj = 1 for all
j :k sj k 2 f1 g 6=
::n ; k i

xj 2 f0 1g

This subproblem an be solved with standard te hniques (we use either in-
teger programming or onstraint programming within OPL [6℄).
Summing over all teams, we get a bound on the overall TTP. We all the
resulting lower bound the Independent Bound (IB).
To nd feasible solutions and to prove the optimality of those solutions,
we have developed two approa hes: a onstraint programming approa h and an
integer programming approa h.

2.2 Constraint Programming

In Nemhauser and Tri k [7℄, we solved a pra ti al sports s heduling approa h

with a three phase approa h: in the rst phase, a olle tion of home/away pat-
terns were hosen; in the se ond, game assignments were made onsistent with
those patterns; in the nal phase, a team was assigned to ea h pattern, omplet-
ing the s hedule. This approa h was improved by Henz [5℄, who suggested using
onstraint programming for ea h of the phases.
A straightforward implementation of this three-phase method does not work
for the TTP: the number of feasible pattern sets is enormous even for small
n. We an, however, modify this approa h to solve problems up to size 6 and

provide approximate solutions for larger n.

To get a good upper bound, we would like to nd a good feasible solution.
Sin e the obje tive is to minimize travel, it is generally the ase that home/away
patterns with fewer trips are better. Rather that generate all pattern sets, we
an generate pattern sets in order of the number of trips they ontain. This is
a straightforward problem that an solved with most onstraint programming
pa kages.

On e we have a pattern set with a small number of trips, we an assign

teams to the pattern set and minimize the distan e they travel. This again is a
straightforward problem (see Henz [5℄ for one losely related formulation).
By starting with a small number of trips, we generally qui kly nd a very
good feasible solution. For small instan es, we an extend this to prove optimality
by strengthening the IB lower bound, as follows:
Given a feasible solution with K trips, we resolve the lower bound with an
additional onstraint that the number of trips (over all teams) is at least K . If
this bound is no better than our feasible solution, we an terminate; otherwise
we enumerate all feasible pattern sets with K trips, and resolve the bound with
K + 1.

The resulting method generally nds very good solutions qui kly, and an
prove optimality for small instan es. For larger instan es, the enumeration re-
quired before IB be omes binding an be very time onsuming.

2.3 Integer Programming Approa h

An alternative formulation is a generalization of the IB formulation that fully

models the problem. This approa h requires the generation of all possible trips;
for example, Team 1 plays at (Team 4, Team 2, Team 3) starting in slot 3 is one
trip. These trips are the foundation for an integer programming model. Every
trip has a binary variable xj that is 1 if and only if trip j is sele ted. The
formulation is then fairly straightforward. The following are the onstraint sets:
{ Ea h team must play ea h opponent exa tly on e.
{ Ea h team must play exa tly one game per slot.
{ Trips annot be s heduled ba k to ba k (so no away trip followed by another
away trip)
{ Every U slots must have at least one trip.
We an also use the results for IB to add onstraints that for e every team to
travel at least its lower bound. This onstraint substantially improves run time.
The obje tive is the sum of distan es asso iated with the sele ted trips.

3 Instan e Classes and Computational Results

We propose two problem lasses for algorithmi experiments of the TTP. The
rst is an arti ial set of instan es designed to determine the e e t of the TSP
aspe ts of the TTP. The se ond is a series of instan es from Major League
Baseball whi h provided the original inspiration for this work.

3.1 Cir le instan es

Arguments for the omplexity of TTP revolve around the embedded traveling
salesman problem. It is not lear, however, that the TTP is easy even if the TSP

is trivial. We explore this with this instan e lass where the TSP is easily solved
(for whi h the solution is unique) but the TTP still seems to be hallenging.
The n node ir le instan e (denoted CIRCn) has distan es generated by the
n node ir le graph with unit distan es. In this graph, the nodes are labeled

0; 1; : : : n 1; there is an edge from i to i + 1 and from n 1 to node 0, ea h

with length 1. The distan e from i to j (with i > j ) is the length of the shortest
path in this graph, and equals the minimum of i j and j i + n.
In this graph, 0; 1; : : : ; n 1 gives the optimal TSP tour. Does this make the
TTP easy?
We suggest two types of instan es for ea h size: one with U = n and one with
U = 3 (L = 1 in ea h type).

3.2 National League Instan es

As given in the introdu tion, the primary impetus for this work was an e ort to
nd s hedules for Major League Baseball. Unfortunately, MLB has far too many
teams for the urrent state-of-the-art for nding optimal solutions. MLB is di-
vided into two leagues: the National League and the Ameri an League. Almost
all of the games ea h team plays are against teams in its own league, so it is
reasonable to limit analysis to an individual league. The National League has 16
teams; the Ameri an League has 14 teams. Leagues are not de ned geographi-
ally: ea h league has teams on both the US east oast and US west oast and
s attered in between. Ea h league also has a single Canadian team (Montreal in
the NL, Toronto in the AL).
We have generated the National League distan e matri es by using \air dis-
tan e" from the ity enters. To generate smaller instan es, we simply take sub-
sets of the teams. In doing so, we reate instan es NL4, NL6, NL8, NL10, NL12,
NL14, and NL16, where the number gives the number of teams in the instan e.

3.3 Computational Results

We have attempted to solve the ben hmark instan es using a wide variety of
te hniques, in luding those given in previous se tions. In general, size 4 instan es
are trivial, size 6 instan es are diÆ ult, and size 8 and larger instan es are
unsolved. In Table 1, we give bound values for ea h of the instan es. Computation
time seems less interesting for these instan es at this stage due to their diÆ ulty.
In short, size 4 problems take at most a ouple of se onds, size 6 solutions are
found in between 1 and 4 hours, and we have spent days of omputation time on
the size 8 instan es without proving optimality. All of these results are on the
hallenge page asso iated with this work: http://mat.gsia.

4 Con lusions and Future Dire tions

We propose the Traveling Tournament Problem as a ben hmark problem for two
primary reasons:

Name U IB LB UB Optimal?
CIRC4 3 16 20 20 Y
CIRC6 3 60 64 64 Y
CIRC8 3 128
CIRC10 3 220
CIRC12 3 348
CIRC14 3 588
CIRC16 3 832
CIRC18 3 1188
CIRC20 3 1400
CIRC4 3 16 20 20 Y
CIRC6 5 36
CIRC8 7 64
CIRC10 9 100
CIRC12 11 144
CIRC14 13 196
CIRC16 15 256
CIRC18 17 324
CIRC20 19 400
NL4 3 8276 8276 Y
NL6 3 22969 23916 23916 Y
NL8 3 38670 38870 41113
NL10 3
NL12 3
NL14 3
NL16 3 248,852 248,852 312,623
Table 1. Ben hmark Results for Challenge Instan es

1. The problem has pra ti al importan e in modeling important issues from

real sport s hedules
2. The mix of feasibility and optimality, together with no long history in ei-
ther eld, make the problem interesting to both the operations resear h and
onstraint programming ommunities.
The resulting instan es seem to be unusually diÆ ult for either onstraint
programming or integer programming alone. One interesting look at these in-
stan es has been given by Benoist, Laburthe, and Rottembourgh [2℄. They om-
bine lagrangean relaxation and onstraint programming to atta k this problem.
While their results to date have not been ompetitive with the te hniques in this
work, their paper does exa tly what we hoped with these instan es: spurring re-
sear h in ombining di erent methods to solve hard ombinatorial problems.

Referen es
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