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Illinois '"0/3,

State Board of Health

List of

Licensed Embalmers

JULY 1, 1913.
Springfield, III.
Illinois State Journal Co., State Printers
19 13


Illinois State Board of Health


Preparation, Embalming, Transportation and Burial

of the Dead.

The Official Rules of the Illinois Slate Board of Health for the
Transportation of the Dead from Points in Illinois, based on an Act
Providing for the Regulation of Embalming and the Disposal of Dead
Bodies, approved May 13, 1905, have been given the widest possible
publicity, and should be familiar in every detail to all undertakers and
embalmers in the State. Copies of these Official Eules have been sent
to all licensed embalmers, all health officers, all baggage agents of the
various transportation companies doing business in the State and to
all burial permit issuing officers of the municipalities of the State. That
the Official Rules may be constantly before such persons; and that there
may not be the slightest excuse for violation of any of their provisions
the Rules are printed in full on the reverse of the "Original" blank of
all transit permits issued by the State Board of Health.
It is the duty of every Embalmer in the State of Illinois to
thoroughly familiarize himself with every provision of these Rules, the
rigid enforcement of which is essential to the proper operation of the
law under which they were created.
The following Special Rules are of importance to the licensed
embalmers of the State and prompt compliance with their provisions is
imperatively demanded:
1. —
Use of Numbered, Yellow Transit Permits. The serially num-
bered, yellow transit permits supplied by the State Board of Health to
all persons holding licenses as embalmers, should be used by licensed
embalmers in all cases in whichth'e body is transported by common
carrier. The Pocket Card no longer issued except in cities of 100,000

population or over and the presentation of the serially numbered, yellow

permit is the prime evidence to the transportation company that the
embalmer using same is licenser!.
2. Transit Permits Not Transferable. — Yellow transit permits
are issued to licensed embalmers only, and are properly recorded in the
office of the Secretary of the State Board of Health when issued. These
permits are to be used cmly by the embalmer to whom they are issued,

and are not transferable. Members of firms, in which there are several
licensed embalmers, are cautioned that each individual of the firm is
to -use only the permits issued to him personally.
The loss or destruction of any of the yellow permits issued by the
State Board of Health should be promptly reported to the Secretary.
3. —
Filling Out the Transit Permit. Each yellow transit permit is
made up, in original and duplicate, of the (a) Physician's or Coroner's
Certificate, Permit of the Local Board of Health, and the (c)
(b) the
Certificate of theUndertaker. The following Eules concerning the
filling out of these forms must be observed.
a.— The Certificate of Physician or Coroner must bear the signature
of the Physician or Coroner and the Cause of Death should be given
in definite and unmistakable terms.
b.— The permit of the Local Board of Health must be made out in
full in every case and must bear the signature of the properly appointed
health officer of the city, village, county or township as the case may
be. (See Note I.) This permit should bear the corporate seal of the
city or town by which issued.
c- —
The Certificate of the Undertaker must be made out in full,
signed by the embalmer ivho prepares the body and this signature must
be acknowledged before a notary public or other officer authorized to
administer oaths. Licensed embalmers employed by those who are not
licensed must sign this Certificate individually and not with the name
of the employer. In firms of which there are members both licensed
and unlicensed, the name of unlicensed member or members must not
appear in the signature of the certificate. The unlicensed undertaker
whose name appears on this yellow transit permit as an "embalmer" is
plainly in violation of the State Law and subject to its penalties.
4. Issuance of Yellow Transit Permits.
— Serially numbered, yel-
low transit permits will be issued to licensed embalmers without cost,
as they may be required, upon application to the Secretary of the State
Board of Health.
5. —
Advertising as an "Embalmer." The law especially provides
that "no person shall embalm, or prepare for transportation, any body
dead of a contagious or infectious disease, or embalm any dead body,
or hold himself out as practicing the art of embalming" unless he holds
a license issued by the State Board of Health authorizing him to do so.
The penalty for the violation of any of the provisions of the law is
a fine of not less than $25 nor more than $200 for each and every of-
fense. Advertising as an embalmer or to do embalming is a direct
violation of the law. (See Note II.)
6. Attention is directed to the fact that the law Providing for the
Eegulation of the Embalming and Disposal of Dead Bodies, approved
May 13, 1905, and in force July 1, 1905 (Eevised Statutes, Chapter
126a), takes cognizance of infectious as well as contagious diseases, and
prohibits the embalming or the preparation for transportation of bodies
dead of either infectious or contagious diseases, by any person except
by an embalmer holding a license as such by the State Board of Health.
(See Note III.)
Published by order of the Board.
July 1, 1913.
I. Health Officers in Cities, Villages, Townships and Counties. —
Contrary to the opinion expressed from time to time by undertakers
in their correspondence with the State Board of Health, there is no
section of Illinois which has not its duly authorized health officer. The
statutes give power to cities and villages to appoint health boards or
health officers or to delegate the powers of such officers to proper persons.
In the absence of a health officer in a village and in the absence of
provision for the performance of his duties by some other person, the
President of the Board of Trustees is authorized to act in the capacity
of health officer. In townships in counties under township organization,
and outside the corporate limits of cities or villages, the Supervisor,
Assessor and Town Clerk are constituted a Board of Health by the
Statutes. In* counties not under township organization, the County
Commissioners constitute a Board of Health, having jurisdiction in the
county outside the corporate limits of duly organized municipalities.
There is consequently no reason for the statement that there was no
health officer in the community in which the death occurred.
II. Firms Advertising as Emb aimers. — Firms, all of the mem-
bers of which are not licensed as embalmers, cannot advertise as em-
balmers. If they do so they are in violation of the law. The firm,
however, may advertise as undertakers, and the licensed member or
members of the firm may specify that they are embalmers. Examples.
— In the firm of Coffin, Casket & Hearse, Mr. Coffin is licensed and
Messrs. Casket and Hearse are not. If that firm advertises ''Coffin,
Casket & Hearse, Embalmers," or as "Coffin, Casket & Hearse, Em-
balming" or "The Embalming Establishment of Coffin, Casket & Hearse"
there is a direct violation of the law. The firm may, however, advertise
as "Coffin, Casket & Hearse, Undertakers, J. C. Coffin, Embalmer."
A firm using a name not indicative of the membership of the firm or
a firm using the term "& Company," as embalmers, is in violation of
the law unless every person having an interest therein is licensed as an

embalmer. Example. A firm consisting of Mr. Coffin, Mr. Casket and.
Mr. Hearse do business as "Coffin, Casket & Company" and advertise
to do embalming or hold themselves out as embalmers. Assume that
both Mr. Coffin and Mr. Casket are licensed, still there is violation of
the law since Mr. Hearse who is indicated by the term "Company" is
not a licensed embalmer. This firm could advertise legally as "Coffin,
Casket & Company, Undertakers. A. B. Coffin and C. D. Casket, Em-
III. —
Contagious and Infectious Diseases. In view of the provi-
sions of the law which specify that neither bodies dead of contagious
nor those dead of infectious diseases may be prepared for transporta-
tion by other than licensed embalmers, it is important that the exact
meaning of these terms be definitely understood by all undertakers and
embalmers. Many diseases which are infectious are not contagious in
the general acceptance of these terms. It is further advisable that the
embalmer secure statement from the attending physician as
a definite
to whether the disease causing the death was infectious or contagious.
—2 B H
of the law are such that unlicensed undertakers may
The provisions
legally prepare for transportation only those bodies dead of non-con-
tagious and non-infectio-us diseases and whidli may reach their point of
destination within thirty hours after the time of death. All other
bodies —
those dead of contagious or infectious diseases, or those which
will not reach their point of destination within thirty hours from the
time of death (and which must, on that account, be embalmed) must be
prepared by licensed embalmers only.

List of Infectious and Contagious (Communicable) Diseases.

* Acute Poliomyelitis (Infantile Paralysis).

* Anthrax.
* Cholera.
* Diphtheria.
Dysentery (Bacillary, Amoebic).
* Erysipelas.
* Glanders.
* Leprosy.
Malta Fever.
* Measles.
* Meningitis (Epidemic).
* Paratyphoid.
* Pest (Pestis minor; "Walking Plague").
Babies (Hydrophobia).
Relapsing Fever.
Rocky Mountain Fever ("Spotted Fever").
* Scarlet Fever.
Tetanus (Lock Jaw).
Trachoma ("Granulated Lids").
Trypanosomiasis ("Sleeping Sickness").
* Tuberculosis.
* Typhoid Fever.
* Typhus.
* Variola (Smallpox).
* Yellow Fever.

Resolutions Relative to the Practice of "Assistants" to

Licensed Embalmers, Adopted by the Illinois
State Board of Health Sept. 10, 1907.
Whereas, It has been brought to the knowledge of the State Board
of Health that a number of licensed embalmers throughout the State
have in their employ, or otherwise associated with the practice of, certain
* Public funerals should not be held.
non-licensed embalmers who are said to embalm dead bodies or to
prepare for transportation bodies dead of a contagious or infectious
disease; and,
Whereas, The Act Providing for the Eegulation of the Embalm-
ing and Disposal of Dead Bodies, approved May 13, 1905, declares that
no person shall embalm or prepare for transportation any body dead
of a contagious or infectious disease, or embalm any dead body, or hold
himself out as practicing the art of embalming, without first applying
for and receiving from the State Board of Health a license authorizing
him so to do; and,
Whereas, The said Act makes no provision for the practice of
embalming or the preparation for transportation of bodies dead of
contagious or infectious diseases by any person excepting those who
have received licenses from the State Board of Health; therefore, be it
Resolved, That the State Board of Health regards all such assist-
ants or associates as practicing embalming within the meaning of the
Act, whether such persons practice under the direction of, are employed
by, or are otherwise associated in practice with licensed embalmers,
and the State Board of Health strongly condemns the subterfuge which
is being employed to evade the law; and be it further

Resolved, That in the opinion of the State Board of Health any

embalmer who associates himself in the practice of embalming with
any person who practices embalming in violation of the law, or keeps
such person in his employ to do embalming, or to prepare for trans-
portation bodies dead of infectious or contagious disease, thereby be-
comes a party to such violation and consequently becomes guilty of un-
professional conduct,* within the meaning of the Act above quoted.
* The State Board of Health may refuse to issue or renew licenses provided for in this act to indi
viduals who have by false and fraudulent representation obtained or sought to obtain practice in their
profession, or by false and fraudulent representation of their profession have obtained or sought to ob-
tain money or anything of value, or for any other unprofessional and dishonorable conduct, or for the
wilful violation of the rules of the State Board of Health, and the board may revoke such license for
any such or other like causes. Section 5. Act of 1905.
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(Reverse of coroner's certificate of death.)

Right Left
5 4 3 2 1 12 3 4 5
Artificial or missing teeth { Lower) 5 4 3 2 1 12 3 4 5

Height ft., in. Approximate life weight.


Marks of Identification.

Indicate on diagram No. 1, beginning at the head and face and continuing to the arms, forearms, chest,
abdomen and lower extremities, the exact location of scars, moles, warts, tattoos or other marks, stiff
joints, missing or deformed fingers, toes or other distinguishing marks or conditions. Draw a line extend
ing from the location of the marks of identification outward to the side of the diagram and describe the
marks as "R. S.," (round scar), "L. R. S.," (large round scar), "S. R. S.," (smallround scar), "L. S.,"
(long scar), "I. S.," (irregular scar), "R. M.," (round mole), "B. M.," (brown mole), "Vac. S.," (vac-
cination scar), etc. Also give color of hair, and, if adult male, indicate presence of mustache or beard.
Use the same method for the posterior surface of the body; indicating marks from diagram 2. Indicate
missing teeth by crossing out the proper figures above. Gold teeth or false teeth also may be indicated
in this way, but a note should be made explaining whether false teeth, gold teeth, etc. Also fill in blank
above for height and weight.


Based on an Act Providing for the Regulation of the Embalming and Dis-
posal of Dead Bodies, for a System of Examination, Registration and
Licensing of Embalmers, and Imposing Penalties for the Violation of
Any of Its Provisions, Approved May 13, 1905; Adopted July S, 1905.
It shall be the duty of every Funeral Director, Undertaker or Embalmer
who may desire to obtain from the State Board of Health a license authoriz-
ing him to practice the art of embalming and to handle and bury bodies
dead of a contagious or infectious disease to conform to rules made therefor
by the State Board of Health, towit:
Rule 1. He shall make application for a license to the State Board of
Health in writing, on the blank form prescribed by the S:ate Board of
Health. Such application shall contain the information asked for thereon
and shall be accompanied by certificates signed by two reputable professional
or business men attesting to the good moral character of the applicant, and
also by a recent photograph (unmounted) of the applicant properly cer-
tified to.
Rule 2. The application shall also be accompanied by the examination
and license fee of five dollars ($5.00), which shall entitle the applicant to
an examination as to his qualifications, and to a license if he passes an
Rule 3. The applicant must have attained the age of twenyt-one (21)
years at the time of examination.
Rule 4. The applicant shall pass an examination before a committee
appointed by the State Board of Health in the following subjects: (a)
Anatomy; (b) Sanitary Science; (c) The Care, Preservation, Embalming,
Transportation and Burial of Dead Bodies; (d) Practical Operations on the
Cadaver. Seventy-five (75) per cent of satisfactory answers on a scale of
one hundred (100) shall be required to entitle the applicant to a license.
Rule 5. The prescribed examinations shall be held under the direction
of the State Board of Health at least twice yearly at such times and places
as may be designated by the Board.
Rule 6. The license contemplated in these rules shall expire on the
thirty-first (31st) day of December following the date of issuance.
Rule 7. Licenses may be renewed annually by the State Board of
Health, within thirty (30) days after the date of expiration, providing the
holder of such license shall make proper application to the said Board on
the blank forms prescribed and pay the sum of one dollar ($1.00) renewal fee.
Rule 8. The State Board of Health will not issue or renew licenses pro-
vided for in this Act to persons who have by false and fraudulent representa-
tions obtained or sought to obtain practice in their profession, or by false
or fraudulent representation of their profession have obtained or sought to
obtain money or anything of value, or for any other unprofessional or
disorderly conduct, or for the wilful violation of the rules of the State
Board of Health.
Rule 9. Any wilful violation of the Official Rules Concerning the Trans-
portation of the Dead will be deemed sufficient cause for the State Board
of Health to refuse to issue or renew the license provided for.
Rule 10. Any licensed embalmer who signs a certificate attesting to the
preparation of a body not prepared by himself or, under his direction, by a
licensed embalmer holding a license as such issued by the Illinois State
Board of Health, shall be considered guilty of a wilful violation of the rules
of the State Board of Health.
Rule 11. The State Board of Health shall keep a record in which shall
be registered the names and residences of all persons to whom licenses have
been issued with number and date of issuance. A copy of this record shall
be furnished to all persons receiving a license.

Rule 13. Temporary licenses to practice will not be issued by the State
Board of Health. The only legal authority is the license from the State
Board of Health provided for by law.
Rule 14. In accordance with the provisions of the law, any person shall
be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor who shall, after January 1, 1906, embalm
or prepare for transportation any body dead of a contagious or infectious
disease, or embalm any body or hold himself out as practicing the art of
embalming without having obtained a license from the State Board of


An examination by the State Board of Health of Illinois, under the law
in force July 1, 1905, providing for the regulation of the embalming and
disposal of dead bodies, for a system of examination, etc., will be held at
Chicago, in the Coliseum Annex, Wabash Avenue and Sixteenth Street,
Tuesday, November 11, 1913.
All applicants should be present at 9:00 a.m. Tuesday, November 11th.
Those who desire to take an examination will be required to make appli-
cation to the secretary of the board on the application blank prescribed
by the State Board of Health, on or before Saturday, November 1, 1913, and
send therewith the statutory fee, five dollars ($5.00). Remittances should
be made by express or post-office order, or bank draft. Personal checks will
not be accepted. The fee will be returned to applicants who are unable to
appear for the examination, or will be held until a future examination. But
unless the applicant is prevented by illness from taking this examination,
he shall forfeit the sum of one dollar ($1.00) of the fee paid, to defray
expenses incurred by the State Board of Health in arranging for his exam-

ination unless the board has been notified at least five days prior to the
examination that he will be unable to appear.
Applications must be made in the name of an individual, and not of
a firm.
Applicants must be twenty-one years of age or over.
Applicants who desire to take an examination in a foreign language
should notify the secretary by November 1st. The fee for translation must
be paid by the applicant.
The written examination embracing anatomy, sanitary science, the care,
preservation, embalming, transportation and burial of dead bodies will be
held from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Tuesday, November 11th. No applicant
will be admitted after 9:30 a.m. The practical examination (operations on
the cadaver) will be held from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. November 11th, and from
9:30 a.m. November 12th until concluded, at the undertaking parlors of
Mr. L. C. Ball, 736 South Wabash Avenue.
The practical examination on November 11th will be for applicants who
have made early application. As many will be accommodated on that day
as is practicable. Those filing their applications first will be examined first.
No person ivill be admitted to the examination unless he presents a card
of admission, which will be issued to all applicants making application on
or before November 1st.
The filing of an application or the taking of an examination does not
entitle the applicant to any privilege under this Act. The only legal author-
ity to practice is a license from the State Board of Health.
By order of the board.
Amos Sawyer, Acting Secretary.
as°Every applicant will be required to present to the secretary of the
board, at the examination, an unmounted photograph of himself, taken
since July 1, 1913. On the reverse of this photograph the applicant must
have written his name in the presence of the physicians or other persons
by whom he has been recommended to the State Board of Health to be
licensed to practice in the State of Illinois. The said physicians or other

persons shall certify, under the signature of the applicant, that the person
whose name is written above is personally known to them to be the person
shown in the photograph, and that the signature was written in their
presence. A form for said certificate will be found with blank form for
application. No applicant will be examined who has not complied with this
rule in every respect.
Photographs must not be sent to Springfield.


1911 TO JUNE, 1912.

Chicago, Febeuaey 15, 1911.

1. Namethree (3) arteries most generally used by embalmers, giving

the lineal and anatomical guides for each.
2. Give the exact locations and course of the following arteries: (a)
femoral, (b) brachial, (c) axillary, (d) carotid, (e) radial.
3. Describe the systemic circulation of blood.
4. What arteries supply the kidneys; the liver; the stomach.
5. Give a description of (a) Scarpa's triangle, (b) the axillary space,
and name the arteries and veins in these spaces.
6. Give conditions under which you would consider it necessary to
withdraw blood from the body. How would you proceed to do it?
7. Name five disinfectants in general use, describe how each should be
used to be most effective.
8. What is the difference between disinfectants, deodorizers and anti-
9.Bodies dying of what diseases (name them) are most dangerous to
the embalmer? If you became infected from one of these cases what would
you do to safeguard yourself?
10. What is "skin-slip?" What causes it and how may it be prevented?
11. (a) What is discolaration? (b) post-mortem staining? Have you
ever successfully overcome these conditions? If so, state how.
12. What is death? Name the modes of death, and give the positive
signs of death.
13. Whatparticular portion of the intestines would you puncture to
most remove gases from them by one incision? Why?
14. What causes decomposition of the dead body? How would you pro-
ceed to stop or retard its progress?
15. What is embalming? How can you tell when you have thoroughly
embalmed a body? Can this be done with one injection at any one point?
16. What ingredients are prohibited from being used in embalming
fluids in this State? State in detail why prohibited.
17. To what cause would you assign the presence of blood in the
arteries after death? on opening an artery you discovered a pulsation of
bright red blood what would you do?
18. Write what you know of the rules and regulation of the Illinois
State Board of Health regarding the preparation, for shipment into another
state, of a body dead from a dangerously communicable disease.
19. State what you know of rule six concerning the transportation of
dead bodies.
20. Describe necessary proceedure in disinterring and removing of body
to another city or town for re-interment.

Peoria, June 16, 1911.

1. (a) of the vessel carrying venous blood from the

Give the name
heart to the lungs, (b) Name the opening in the heart from which it starts,
and outline its course.
2. (a) Where does the abdominal aorta commence? (b) Give its
course and state where it terminates.
— 3 B H

3.(a) Describe the subclavian vein, (b) With what vein does it
unite to form another vein? Give names of both veins, (c) State the
relation of the subclavian vein to the artery.
4. What are the mesenteries? Give their names.
5. Describe the stomach.
6. Give the chief signs of death.
7. State what causes decomposition of a body, (b) How can you
prevent same?
8. Where does putrefaction first appear on a dead body? Why?
Describe fully.
9. (a) Name the diseases which are regarded as contagious or in-
fectious, (b) How should an embalmer prepare himself to handle such
cases? How
should the cases be taken care of?
10. What
is skin-slip, and how do you prevent the same?
11. What
are bacteria? Describe briefly.
12. If called to take care of the body and same show evidence of foul
play, what would you do?
13. Name three liquid disinfectants, and state the proportions in
which they are used.
14. What chemicals are forbidden by law to be used in embalming?
15. How would you prepare a posted case for shipment?
16. Write what you know of rules 2 and 8 of the State Board of Health.
17. What are the chief arteries used in embalming? Why? Which do
you prefer?
18. Outline the embalmer's duties in relation to contagious diseases,
and local health officials.
19. What
bodies may be transported by a non-licensed embalmer?
20. Discuss the modes of final disposal of dead bodies, giving advant-
ages and disadvantages of each method.

Chicago, November 7, 1911.

1. Name and describe the different cavities of the body, and give the
contents of each.
2. Describe the axillary space.
3. Briefly describe the heart, the liver, the lungs, naming the cavity
in which each located.
4.Describe the arterial
and veinous circulations of the large and
small intestines.
5. What do you understand by the anastomosis of arteries? Give an
6. Name the different kinds of tissues of which the body is composed.
7. What arteries are generally used in embalming? Give the ana-
tomical guides to their location, and which is the best to use?
8. What is putrefaction, fermentation, and decomposition?
9. What special treatment would you give a case of typhoid fever?
10. What do you understand by "sanitation?"
11. What measures would you take to disinfect your person and cloth-
ing after handling a contagious case?
12. Name four diseases caused by bacteria, giving the name of the bac-
terium in each disease.
13. What would you do to prevent purging from the lungs?
14. What measures would you employ to preserve a body without em-
15. Why do you drain blood? Is it always necessary?
16. Define embalming. What is accomplished by it, and how many
methods are there?
17. Namethe principal chemicals used in embalming fluid.
18.Describe the proper method of injecting arteries. What precau-
tions should be observed?
19. Name four diseases in which bodies must be prepared, for trans-
portation, by a licensed embalmer.
20. Discuss the handling of disinterred bodies.

Chicago, February 13, 1912.

1. Describe the abdomen, and tell what it contains.

2. What is the thorax? Name its boundaries and its contents.
3. Give the average weight and dimensions of the liver. Describe
its location.
4. What is the aorta? Where and from what does it arise and how
does itend?
5. Give the name, origin, course and termination of the principal
artery of the upper arm.
6. What is a contagious disease? Name three, and state why bodies
dead from such disease require special attention from the undertaker and
7. Describe fully the preparation of a room for disinfection with sul-
phur or formaldehyde.
8. Give the advantages and the disadvantage of sulphur as a disin-
fectant. The same for formaldehyde.
9. What is a germicide? Name three, and state the strength of solu-
tion in which each should be used ordinarily.
10. State the purposes of embalming. Name the ingredients of an
embalming fluid which accomplishes each of these purposes.
11. State the conditions in which you would withdraw blood. From
what vessels would you take it?
12. What should be done in the preservation of a body in which there
was gangrene of the extremities?
13. In arterial embalming name the arteries of your first and second
choice. Tell why you prefer them.
14. To what are the discolorations of the body due? How may they
be overcome?
15. Describe the embalming of a body which has been the subject of a
post-mortem examination.
16. Tell how you would prepare a body dead from scarlet fever for
17. Which of the following diseases are infectious or contagious, and
which not infectious or contagious: pulmonary tuberculosis, membranous
croup, nephritis, appendicitis, pneumonia, typhoid fever, pleurisy, erysipelas?
18. What bodies are forbidden transportation for burial?
19. Describe the handling of disinterred bodies?
20. Tell what you know of the construction of mausoleums.

Peoria, June 7, 1912.

1. Name and give the location and course of the principal vein of the
arm. What artery accompanies it?
Describe the axillary space.
Give the anatomical and linear guides to the brachial artery.
4. Give the divisions of the abdomen.
5. Give in detail the difference between the small and large intestines.
6. (a) What do you understand by "septic infection?" (b) What
bacteria are most commonly associated with this condition?
7. To what is erysipelas due?
8. (a) Name five diseases after the presence of which, rooms or
houses should be disinfected, (b) Which gaseous disinfectant has the
greatest penetrating power?
9. (a) To what is rigor mortis due? (b) What conditions determine
the time after death at which it occurs?
10. What class of bacteria produce putrefaction?
11. What results if you inject a vein or artery filled with blood? How
would you attempt to remedy the condition?
12. Briefly discuss the removal of discolorations.
13. Describe the steps in raising the femoral artery.
14. In treating a body dead from pulmonary tuberculosis, how would
you cause the fluid to reach cavities in the lungs?

15. What preservatives are used in embalming fluids?

16. When you inject the right radial artery, explain how the fluid
reaches the left hand.
17. How would you prepare for transportation and burial, a body dead
from scarlet fever?
18. Give the rules applicable to preparation and transportation of cases
of smallpox.
19. Write at least half a page on the professional conduct of the em-
balmer and undertaker.


At the examinations of the Illinois State Board of Health held during
1910, there were present 273 applicants.
The results of the examinations were as follows:
Passed 205
Failed 68
At the examinations held during 1911, there were present for examina-
tion 309 applicants.
The results of the examinations were as follows:
Passed 210
Failed 96
Incomplete 2
Withdrew 1
At the examinations held from September 30, 1912, to September 30,
1913, there were present 472 applicants.
The results of the examinations were as follows:
Passed 358
Failed 96
Incomplete 14
Withdrew 4


Section 10 of the Act to amend the Act in Relation to Coroners, approved
May 17, 1907, makes it the duty of every coroner to take charge of and hold
an inquest on the dead body of every person within his county, who is "sup-
posed to have come to his or her death by violence, casualty or any undue
Section 25 of the same Act makes it a misdemeanor for any undertaker
or other person to inject or embalm a dead body which is "the subject of a
coroner's inquest," or to even place any fluid or preparation of any kind on
the body "before obtaining permission from the coroner."
It will be seen from the above that the embalmer who injects or embalms
a body to which death is supposed to have come "by violence, casualty or any
undue means," without obtaining permission from the coroner, violates the
law and subjects himself to a penalty; that the undertaker who, without
permission from the coroner, merely washes the said body in an antiseptic
solution, renders himself liable to prosecution, and that the funeral director
who simply prepares such body for burial, incurs a grave risk unless he first
obtains the permission of the coroner.

Physicians frequently overlook the fact that all deaths from "violence,
casualty or any undue means" to— —
use the language of the Statute, are to
be referred to the coroner. This inadvertence has frequently caused em-
barrassment to the physician, and distress to the relatives and friends, by
interrupting or delaying the burial. If, in the future, physicians continue to

issue death certificates in cases in which the coroner alone has jurisdiction,
their thoughtlessness may not only cause embarrassment to themselves, and
distress to the relatives or friends of the deceased, but may also occasion
great trouble to the embalmer or undertaker who takes charge of the body.
And it is upon the unfortunate embalmer or undertaker that trouble will
be visited, for the law imposes no penalty on the physician who usurps the
function of the coroner.
Undertakers and embalmers should keep continually in mind the fact
that all deaths from accidents, misadventure, negligence, unknown causes,
— —
and all forms of violence whether intentional or otherwise are "the sub-
ject of a coroner's inquest," and the coroner alone is authorized to certify
as to the cause and manner of death in these cases.

Removal of Dead Bodies from One County to Another.

10a. No person shall remove the dead body of any person from the
county in which the same shall be found or lying, before obtaining the per-
mission of the coroner of said county where such body is the subject of a
coroner's inquest. Any person who shall violate the provision of this sec-
tion, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction, shall
be fined not less than ten dollars ($10.00), nor more than one hundred
dollars ($100.00), or imprisoned in the county jail not less than thirty (30)
days, nor more than ninety (90) days, or shall suffer both such fine and

imprisonment. Law of 1909.

Of the Illinois State Board of Health for the Transportation of the Dead from
Points in Illinois, in force January 1, 1906, Based on An Act Provid-
ing for the Regulation of the Embalming and the Disposal of Dead,
Bodies, and for a System of Examination, Registration and Licensing
of Embalmers in the State of Illinois. Approved May 13, 1905. And
on Transportation Rules Approved and Adopted by the Conference of
State and Provincial Boards of Health of North America, October 24,
Rule The transportation of bodies dead of smallpox or bubonic
plague, isabsolutely prohibited.
Rule 1A. The transportation of bodies dead of any contagious or in-
fectious disease is prohibited unless the body has been prepared for trans-
portation by a licensed embalmer holding a license as such, issued by the
Illinois State Board of Health.
Rule 2. The bodies of those dead of Asiatic cholera, yellow fever,
typhus fever, diphtheria (membranous croup), scarlet fever (scarlatina,
scarlet rash), erysipelas, glanders anthrax or leprosy, shall not be accepted
for transportation unless prepared for shipment by being thoroughly dis-
infected by (a) arterial and cavity injection with an approved disinfecting
fluid; (b) disinfection and stopping of all orifices with absorbent cotton,
and (c) washing the body with the disinfectant, all of which must be done
by a licensed embalmer holding a license as such, issued by the Illinois
State Board of Health.
After being disinfected as above, such body shall be enveloped in a
layer of dry cotton, not less than one inch thick, completely wrapped in
a sheet securely fastened, and encased in an air-tight zinc, tin, copper, or
lead-lined coffin or iron casket, all joints and seams hermetically sealed,
and all enclosed in a strong, tight wooden box. Or the body being prepared
for shipment by disinfecting and wrapping as above, may be placed in a
strong coffin or casket, and said coffin or casket encased in an air tight
zinc, copper, or tin-lined box, all joints and seams hermetically soldered.
Rule 3. Bodies of those dead of any contagious or infectious (com-
municable) diseases, except those specified in Rules 1 and 2, may be received

for transportation when prepared by a licensed embalmer holding a license

as such, issued by the Illinois State Board of Health, by arterial and cavity
injection with an approved disinfecting fluid, washing the exterior of the
body with the same, and enveloping the entire body with a layer of cotton
not less than one inch thick, and all wrapped in a sheet securely fastened
and encased in an air-tight metallic casket or coffin or air-tight metal lined
box. When prepared by a licensed embalmer as directed in Rule 2, the air-
tight sealing and bandaging with cotton may be dispensed with.*
Rule 4. The bodies dead from any cause not stated in Rules
of those
1, 2 and 3 may be received for transportation when encased in a sound
coffin or casket and enclosed in a strong outside wooden box, provided they
can reach their destination within thirty hours from the time of death. If
the body cannot reach its destination within thirty hours from the time of
death, it must be prepared for shipment by a licensed embalmer in the man-
ner directed in Rule 2, provided that the air-tight sealing and bandaging
with cotton may be dispensed with.
Rule 5. In the shipment of bodies dead from any disease named in
Rule 2, such body must not be accompanied by persons or articles which •

have been exposed to the infection of the disease, unless certified by the
health officer as having been properly disinfected.
Before selling tickets, agents should carefully examine the transit per-
mit and note the name of the passenger in charge, and of any other pro-
posing to accompany the body, and see that all necessary precautions have
been taken to prevent the spread of the disease. The transit permit in
such cases shall specifically state who is authorized by the health authorities
to accompany the remains. In all cases where bodies are forwarded under
Rule 2, notice must be sent by telegraph by the shipping embalmer to the
health officer, or, when there is no health officer, to other competent author-
ity at destination, advising the date and train on which the body may be
Rule 6. Every dead body must be accompanied by a person in charge,
who must be provided with a passage ticket and also present a full first-
class ticket marked "Corpse" for the transportation of the body and a tran-
sit permit showing physician's or coroner's certificate, name of deceased,
date and hour of death, age, place of death, cause of death, and all other
items of the certificate of death, as far as obtainable, including health
officer's or registrar's permit for removal, whether a contagious or infec-
tious (communicable) or non-contagious or non-infectious (non-communi-
cable) disease, the point to which the body is to be shipped, and, when death
is caused by any of the diseases specified in Rule 2, the names of those
authorized by the health authorities to accompany the body. Also the
undertaker's certificate as to how the body has been prepared for shipment.
The transit permit must be made in duplicate, and the signature of the
physician or coroner, health officer, and undertaker, must be on both the
original and duplicate copies. The undertaker's or registrar's certificate
and paster of the original shall be detached from the transit permit and
securely fastened on the end of the coffin box. All coffin boxes must be pro-
vided with at least four handles. The physician's certificate and transit per-
mit shall be handed to the passenger in charge of the corpse. The whole
duplicate copy shall be sent to the official in charge of the baggage depart-
ment of the initial line, and by him to the secretary of the State Board of
This rule is waived so far as it applies to the transportation of bodies
to the cemeteries within and immediately adjacent to cities of 100,000 or
more inhabitants, and the State Board of Health hereby authorizes railroads
and other common carriers to transport dead bodies to such cemeteries on
burial permits issued by the proper officials of such cities in conformity
with the city ordinances.

* Rule 3£: Providing that this does not apply to bodies dead of minor infectious diseases not mentioned
in Rules 1 and 2, where the bodies are wrapped in a sheet saturated in a solution of bichloride of mercury
in the strength of an ounce of bichloride of mercury to the gallon of water, and enclosed in a tight Cook
County burial case, such bodies to be accepted for shipment only from Oak Forest to Chicago over the
Rock island Railroad.

Rule 7. When bodies are shipped by express, a transit permit, as

described in Rule 6, must be made out in duplicate. The undertaker's cer-
tificate and paster of the original shall be detached from the transit permit
and securely fastened on the coffin box. The physician's certificate and
transit permit shall be attached to and accompany the express way-bill
covering the remains, and be delivered with the body at the point of des-
tination to the person to whom it is consigned. The whole duplicate copy
shall be sent by the forwarding express agent to the secretary of the State
Board of Health.
Rule 8. Every disinterred body, dead from any disease or cause, shall
be treated as infectious or dangerous to the public health, and shall not
be accepted for transportation unless said removal has been approved by
the State Board of Health; and all such disinterred remains, or the coffin
or casket containing the same, must be wrapped in a woolen blanket thor-
oughly saturated with a 1/1000 solution of corrosive sublimate, and
enclosed in a hermetically soldered zinc, tin, or copper-lined box. But bodies
deposited in receiving vaults shall not be treated and considered the same
as buried bodies, when originally prepared by a licensed embalmer as de-
fined in Rule 2, and as directed in Rule 2 or 3 (according to the nature of
the disease causing death), provided shipment takes place within thirty
days from the time of death. The shipment of bodies prepared in the
manner above directed by licensed embalmers from receiving vaults may be
made within thirty days from the time of death without having to obtain
permission from the health authorities of the locality to which the body is
consigned. After thirty days the casket or coffin box containing said body
must be enclosed in a hermetically soldered box.
Rule 9. In the transportation in or through Illinois of bodies received
form points outside of Illinois, transportation officials will be governed by the
Official Rules of the Illinois State Board of Health, adopted April 1, 1904,
based on rules adopted by the Conference of State and Provincial Boards
of Health of North America, October 24, 1903, provided that after January 1,
1908, no transportation company operating in Illinois will accept a body
dead of any contagious or infectious disease for transportation through or
to any point in Illinois unless the body has been prepared by a licensed em-
balmer holding a certificate as such, issued by a State authority.
Rule 10. All rules and parts of rules conflicting with these rules are
hereby repealed.
The foregoing rules having been adopted by the State Board of Health
of the State of Illinois and ordered published, have the force and validity
of law by virtue of the authority vested in said State Board of Health by
Sec. 2, Chap. 126a, Revised Statutes of Illinois.
Under the provision of said section, the State Board of Health has
"the general supervision of the interest of the health and life of the citizens
of the State," and is empowered "to make such rules and regulations" as it
"may from time to time deem necessary for the the preservation or im-
provement of the public health; and it shall be the duty of all police officers,
sheriff, constables and all other officers and employees' of the State to enforce
such Rules and Regulations."
By order of the Board,
Springfield, August 1, 1905. J. A. Egan, M. D., Secretary.


Under the provisionsof the Official Rules of the State Board of Health,
all bodies accepted for transportation must have been prepared for ship-
ment by a State Licensed Embalmer except those under Rule 4, which can
reach their destination within thirty hours from the time of death.
In other words, a body prepared by a non-licensed embalmer shall not
be accepted for transportation if death occurred from a contagious or infec
tious disease or from any diseases specifically stated in Rules 1, 2, or 3; and
no body prepared by a non-licensed embalmer shall be accepted for trans-
portation unless the body can reach its destination within thirty hours from
the time of death.


Illinois State Board of Health

July 1, 1913.

License Expires December 31, 1913.

No. Name. Address.
2868 Abrahams, Joseph 703 E. 47th st.
2108 Adams, Carl J 9117 Houston av.
1322 Adams, Charles N 2410 W. North av.
959 Adams, Henry E 3734 Archer av.
3061 Adamowicz, Walter 2318 S. Leavitt st.
2240 Ahern, Thomas J 214 S. Kedzie av.
857 Ahlgrim, Arthur 1918 W. 21st st.
10 Alberti, Jacob 840 W. 63d st.
11 Aldous, Herbert J 88 E. Eandolph st.
2306 Allen, Richard A 859 N. Clark st.
3466 Alfred, Edward H 47 E. 22d st.
2109 Almeroth, George 1720 N. Washtenaw av.

2801 Alt, Otto 2640 W. Division st.

1552 Anderson, Chas. A 3115 State st.
1553 Anderson, Charles Willie 1161 Grand av.
3063 Andrews, Lester H 7107 Vincennes rd.
1736 Angelloch, Phillip 219 W. 23d st.
3534 Apollara, Tony 1161 Grand av.
2957 Armentrout, Louise 46 E. Indiana st.
2308 Armentrout, Roy Victor 46 E. Indiana st.
1738 Arnett, Ferdinand J 1587 Ogden av.
3467 Arnold, Arthur Clyde 1907 Congress st.
3015 Arnold, Chas. M 2724 N. Clark st.
14 Arntzen, Bernard E 810 N. Clark st.
2803 Ausmus, Earle 2823 Archer av.
1554 Bacigalupo, Constantino 753 Farquer st.
2309 Bacigalupo, John 1858 Van Buren st.
2110 Baker, Alfred Ovid 3217 S. Park av.

Licensed Embalm ers — Continued.

No. Name. Address.
2311 Bakos, Steven 5200 Lincoln st.

809 Ball, LaFayette C 736 S. 41st av.

2397 Barber, Chas. M 1502 W. Madison st.
1739 Barbour, Harry A 4227 Cottage Grove av.
1989 Barker, Earl A 2309 Madison st.
2698 Barker, Frank M . . .2816 Harvard st.
602 Barnes, Carl Lewis 1977 Ogden av.
2961 Barniville, Robert 4848 N. Wisconsin av.
2960 Barney, Eobert J 535 E. 36th st.
1555 Bartz, William 4631 Wentworth av.
1740 Bartz, William M. Jr 4631 Wentworth av.
1637 Becvar, Frank 1850 W. 47th st.
328 Bentley, L. A 2701 N. Clark st.
1870 Berry, Carleton C 2629 Hampden ct.
1638 Berry, Matthew J 2314 N. Central Park av.
669 Berry, Nellie G 2629 Hampden ct.
606 Berwick, Nicholas F 1300 Newport av.
607 Berz, Otto H 1449 Madison st.
1872 Biddle, John W. 1750 W. 35th st.
1259 Bilger, Charles Fred 5133 Lake av.
2756 Birren, Alex C 2927 Lincoln av.
445 Birren, Henry N 213 W. Division st.
23 Birren, Peter A 2927 Lincoln av.
2873 Blake, Glenn R 2433 W. Adams st.
446 Blake, Joseph 712 W. 31st st.
1873 Blake, Thos. H 712 W. 31st st.
2182 Blayney, George H : 6352 Monroe av.
3242 Bleuer, Herman A 1059 Ridgeway av.
1253 Bolger, Bernard W 2626 Armitage av.
25 Bolger, William 217 N. Western av.
2114 Bond, Roscoe P 5509 Greenwood av.
2874 Bourne, Archibald James 3353 W. 63d st.
2963 Bowden, Benjamin D 4028 W. Lake st.
1559 Bowen, Simon F 410 S. Western av.
31 Bowman. John W 2236 Wentworth av.
2807 Bowman, Lemuel M 7124 Eggleston av.
3324 Boyd, Chas. 1 3972 Vernon av.
3386 Boyd, James David 5716 Prairie av.
33 Boydston. Frank T 4227 Cottage Grove av.
690 Bovsen, Charles Conrad 2933 Cottage Grove av.
610 Bradford, John C 912 W. Madison st.
2R08 Bradlev. Charles P 1429 W. Madison st.
777 Bradley, Patrick Chicago.

Licensed Embalmers — Continued.

No. Name. Address.
35 Bradley, William 2923 Van Buren st.

2964 Brady, Owen Alayisous. . . 88 E. Kandolph st.

2315 Brady, Peter J 3458 South Halsted st.

2474 Brennan, Frank Thos 7805 Emerald av.

2316 Brieske, Leo M 2925 Southport av.
3155 Brietzke, William F 3134 Elston av.
3017 Britton, William 817 E. 76th st.
334 Brown, James E 8947 Comm. av.
1017 Brown, Jos. J 3128 W arren av.
3472 Brown, J. Thomas 1764 Ogden av.
3243 Brown, William James 2414 Park av.
2759 Bruce, Joshua H 1711 Fulton st.
2876 Bruna, Mary A 1344 W. 19th st.
3389 Brunner, Eugene 1948 Ogden av.
3536 Buckett, Stanley E 6223 Langley av.
3019 Budoff, Oscar Niles 1305 Willis ct.
2965 Buechel, Eobert 3443 Walnut st.
3537 Buford, Felix J. ........... 1755 Fulton st.
38 Buffum, J. Whittier 1722 Wabash av.
1393 Bumgardner, Carl. 2819 Archer av.
1866 Burke, John P 5533 Wentworth av.
1563 Burkhardt, Emil 1830 W. Chicago av.
2966 Burkhard, Fred 3849 Lincoln av.
43 Burmeister, Charles 1424 Larrabee st.
3538 Burns, John William 1977 Ogden av.
438 Buscher, Fred 1554 Wells st.
1395 Buscher, Fred, Jr 1554 Wells st.
49 Buss, George John 1214 S. Ashland av.
1750 Butler, Orlando Howser 1122 Fullerton av.
337 Butzow, Julius E 2109 Ogden av.
1997 Byrne, Patrick Joseph 748 W. 35th st.
3159 Caman, John E . . 3725 Cottage Grove av.
1182 Carey, James 2820 W. Congress st.
1753 Carey, John 1529 W. 21st st.
2760 Carlson, Albert E 623 W. 120th st.
816 Carlson, Carl E 6.23 W. 120th st.
339 Carlson, N. G 623 120th st.
2881 Carlstein, Aaron D.D.S 720 W. 12th st.
3162 Carrick, Albert E 63 Washington pi.
3245 Carnahan, James Roy .316 S. Oakley boul.
2882 Carney, Jay Charles". 124 E. 22d st.
2404 Carroll, Dennis M 833 N. Clark st.
451 Cermak, Albert 1653 S. Troop st.

Licensed Embalmers — Continued.

No. Name. Address.
2475 Chambers, Aaron S 6139 Woodlawn av.
2701 Chrastka, John T 3410 W. 26th st.
3247 Churan, Albert G 2125 Bradley pi.
3475 Churchill, Alex. B 3448 S. State st.
3541 Cleary, Patrick D 2500 W. 38th st.
452 Cleveland, Silas E 2824 Warren av.
1141 Cline, Fred Irving 6359 S. Halsted st.
3248 Cohn, Louis 2658 Washington boul.
2476 Coletto, Michael 159 W. 22d st.
3250 Collins, Mary A 3740 W. Chicago av.
2318 Collins, Philip Henry 3740 W. Chicago av.
3544 Cook, Clarence R 317 W. Division st.
3391 Coombs, Cyril Carne 5940 Iowa st.
3542 Conboy, Mary E 1850 Grand av.
1647 Conboy, Eichard M 1850 Grand av.
2405 Condon, William J 2923 Van Buren st.
2186 Cooney, Martin M 11202 Morse av.
538 Conover, George N 3401 Vernon av.
2812 Cooper, Arthur S 1253 N. Clark st.
1465 Costello, Charles Joseph 2316 W. Lake st.
2696 Craig, Geo. D 530 W. 79th st.
1886 Crane, Thomas M 1520 W. 69th st.
3478 Crollott, Henry 1927 W. Congress st.
2189 Cronin, Harry Joseph 414 N. Paulina st.
64 Cumings, Patrick J 4125 State st.
455 Cunningham, William A 424 W. 63d st.
65 Curley, Daniel F 4517 Wentworth av.
342 Curtin, William D 641 Wells st.
3023 Cushnick, Chas. E 6836 Peoria st.
2122 Czeszewska, Joseph A 8261 Superior av.
66 Dahlgren, Chas. J 5822 Wentworth av.
1254 Dahlgren, J. Albert 5822 Wentworth av.
3167 Dahlgren, Walter G 5822 Wentworth av.
1570 Dake, Stephen 10 W. 18th st.
1302 Daley. Michael J 4126 Indiana av.
2972 Davis, Frederick W 2673 Washington boul.
2657 Davis, Gaylord F 5541 Lexington st.
2393 Davy, William B 1964 S. Hamlin av.
2573 Decker, Elmer John 211 S. 41st av.
3-140 De Cola, Fred S 523 N. Curtis st.
2124 De Motte, W. C 901 Jackson boul.
72 Dempster, Geo. W 6014 Wentworth av.
2012 Dempster, Willis G 6014 Wentworth av.

Licensed Embalmers — Continued.

No. Name. Address.
71 Deneen, Morris 5216 N. Clark st.
3479 Derengowski, M. F 822 N. Carpenter.
2125 De Stefano, Louis 906 Grand av.
2409 Frank F
Dettler, 2537 Fullerton av.
2815 DeubeL William Christian 5332 S. Wood st.
1763 DeubeL, William 5119 S. Ashland av.
2014 Deuel, Freeman S 47 E. 22d.
2762 Deutsch, Matthew J 5518 W. Adams st.
3548 Deutschman, Harold J 1365 LaSalle av.
2574 Devereux, Jas. E 532 N. Paulina st.
2776 Dicks, Edward A '.

870 King pi.

3394 Dickson, Clarence S 4028 Lake st.
2577 Dixon, Eoy D 356 E. 35th st.
1144 Dobson, William J 3918 Irving Park boul.
2126 Dodd, Earl B 317 W. Division st.
1574 Donaldson, Oliver N 3341 Armour av.
1035 Donoghue, Thos. H 2168 N. California av.
1894 Doonan, Matthew J 3846 W. 12th st.
1269 Doty, Frederick Duane 214 E. 115th st.
866 Drake, August F 3319 W. Division st.
818 Drake, Charles Kent 2219 Lincoln av.
2411 Drayer, Paul 419 Wells st.
2481 Drazba, Steve C 5356 Grand av.
3254 Drygalski, Max 1455 W. Superior st.
3550 Drygalski, Mike 1455 W. Superior st.
867 Duffy, William A 88 E. Eandolph st.
457 Dunstan, Edw. L 2015 W. Madison.
3483 Ebert, Gregory F 26 N. Franklin av.
347 Eckert, Joseph J 1033 Blue Island av.
2819 Ecklund, Joe T 3025 Wentworth av.
1478 Eden, Will W., Jr Boston Store, Chicago.
3484 Edgar, David W 4804 N. Eobey st.
2974 Edwards, Frank P 323 E. 37th st.
3172 Eisfeldt, Edward A 2216 Southport av.
348 Eisfeldt, Wm 2216 Southport av.
2129 Elsinger, Geo. W 6648 S. Sangamon st.
1575 Ellison, Wm 750 W. North av.
2821 Erhart, Louis H 1236 S. Washtinaw av.
2018 Erpelding, Victor H 643 Melrose st.
2484 Eudeikis, John F 4605 Hermitage av.
3255 Ezerski, Mary A 4545 S. Paulina st.
2764 Fermier, Eichard 5239 W. Ohio st.
84 Fern, W. W 528 W. 79th st.

Licensed Embalmers — Continued.

No. Name. Address.
1187 Ferran, James J 631 N. Christiana av.
1576 Fiala, Bart 4954 Hermitage av.
1899 Figueira, Wm. A 164 N. Michigan av.
3553 Finnell, Thos. J 4215 W. Harrison st.
2131 Finley, Clarence W 3422 State st.
3256 Flanagan, Leo Joseph 6902 Wabash av.
2891 Flavin, Edward Morris 1438 Plaisance ct,
3399 Foertsch, Frank E 1828 S. Johnson st.
763 Foskett, Alvin 523 W. 66th st.
86 Freckelton, W. J 5442 Ashland av.
1653 Freeman, Calvin L 1401 Winnemac av.
1901 Fritsch, Kasimer 1041 Noble st.
2849 Fulton, Robert Henry 1732 Melrose st.
Furth, Juel E

431 356 E. 35th st.

3259 Gans, Earl H 1867 Ogden av.
2257 Gardzielewski, Louis 1655 W. 17th st.
1582 Gass, Harry H 356 E. 35th st.
90 Gavin, James C 326 S. Center av.
89 Gavin, Joseph A 642 N. Clark st.
2022 Gavin, John F 326 S. Center av.
1777 Gavin, Thomas E 642 N. Clark st.
340* Gerdes, L. D., Jr 1522 E. 53d st.
333v Getman, Charles Chapin 7536 Emerald av.
355 Ghent, S. A 4252 Cottage Grove av.
2995 Gibbons, John 944 Eush st.
2582 Giblin, Edward J 2844 W. Harrison st.
3487 Glassburn, Wayne F 709 E. 47th st.
1366 Glavin, Thos. Franklin 948 Center st.
2417 Gleason, Martin 3718 Halsted st.
2418 Goettert, Nicholas 2046 W. 23d st.
2419 Good, Phares B 549 W. 31st st.
3027 Gogolinski, Felix Frank 1858 W. Huron st.
2420 Gordon, Frank 1837 S. Halsted st.
1780 Gordon, James 3707 Ogden av.
2584 Gordon, Thomas J 1837 S. Halsted st.
3558 Goslee. Harold L 504 S. Lincoln st.
2825 Grabarski, Albert F 1322 Cleaver st.
3559 Grabarski, Joseph S 1322 Cleaver st.
3405 J
Graff, A. 1909 Harrison st.
2977 Graham. Francis . 3012 Prairie av.
1367 Grahl, Edward H 1755 W. 13th st.
3406 Grannan, Joseph William 7015 Green st.
2134 Gratch, Samuel 2303 W. North av.
3260 Green, Joseph Henry 3832 S. State st.

Licensed Enibalmers — Continued.

No. Name. Address.
1368 Green, Eollie W 3832 S. State st.
3261 Greenberg, Alfred H 721 S. 41st av.
627 Grein, Bernhard 1723 Larrabee st.
822 Grein, Joseph 2110 Irving Park boul.
3560 Greskoviak, John F 1748 Hermitage av.
2979 Griesel, Claude Ed 5133 Lake av.
96 GrieseL Edward T. A 8946 Comm. av.
2329 Grodzki, Leo Francis 2121 Webster av.
3488 Gross, Otto August . 1805 Jackson boul.
3262 Groth, Edward Emil 5728 Laflin st.
1888 Gurski, Joseph 2839 W. Belmont av.
97 Gustin, Lewis V 4227 Cottage Grove av,
98 Hadley, Preston B 2638 Adams st.
99 Hagadone, George L 4654 State st.
2230 Haggard, William Anthony 136 S. Western av.
3618 Haines, Hugh B 2346 Madison st.
1370 Hale, Ernest Gordon 3615 W. 22d st.
1783 Hale, Willie E 3176 N. Clark st.
1223 Haller, Walfred S 2408 S. Lawndale av.
3263 Hamann, George 1019 Webster av.
2200 Hamann, Eudolph E 1019 Webster av.
2425 Hamburg, Eugene A 438 E. Brau pi.
666 Hamburg, Lewis E 4649 Prairie av.
2587 Hamburg, Otto 2259 W. 22d st.
2588 Hanlon, Arthur Bernard 1232 S. Sawyer av.
1414 Hanna, Thos. L 3115 State st.
3562 Hamilton, Floyd L 1907 W. Congress st.
2826 Hanson, Jay D 508 S. Winchester av.
360 Hardin, James J 1809 S. Hamlin av.
2898 Hardy, Eobt. C 3528 S. Hoyne av.
2899 Harney, Carrie E 2034 Sunnyside av.
2827 Harney, James Francis 2034 Sunnyside av.
2028 Harrington, Eoy Eldredge 6312 Monroe av.
105 Hartig, Hubert 1040 W. 31st st.
2590 Hartig, Nicholas C 2958 Poplar av.
2029 Harty, Edward Ignatius 3712 Ogden av.
2951 Hartley, Ora J .
2346 W. Madison st.
1911 Hartmann, Wm 2303 W. North av.
2137 Hartnett, John J 549 W. 31st st.
824 Hartwick, James F. .900 Center st.
1913 Hayes, John S 516 N. Sangamon st.

3489 Haynes, Charles L 2923 Indiana av.

110 Healy, Martin W 2701 N. Clark st.
3490 Hecker, Conrad Victor 2422 Lowe av.

Licensed Embalmers — Continued.

JNTch Name. Address.
3185 Heim, Walter E 5450 N. Paulina st.
1914 Henn, Irwin Charles 504 S. Lincoln st.
1785 Henn, Walter P 504 S. Lincoln st.
3566 Henning, George Bussell 1909 Harrison st.
1915 Henry, Walter P 4424 Elston av.
3186 Hennessey, David A. C 6953 S. Halsted st.
3031 Heyden, Frederick F 3140 W. Monroe st.
3492 Hibbard, Harry 1019 Webster av.
3381 Hicks, Albert Vincent 1346 Madison st.
1916 Hickey, George, Jr 3049 Loomis st.
114 Hickey, George A. V 2911 Archer av.
1224 Hickey, James Joseph 1602 W. 35th st.
1917 Hickey, William F 2911 Archer av.
2336 Hildebrecht, Walter A 3652 Perry st.
471 Hildreth, C. E 5208 Madison st.
1918 Hildreth, Pay C 5950 Washington boul.
3343 Hill, Edward Thornton 2961 State st.
1787 Hinze, Frank G 1903 W. North av.
3410 Hinze, George E 1903 W. North av.
1193 Hitzeman, Frederick H 4117 W. 26th st.
2902 Hoban, Harry H 415 W. 63d st.
472 Hochschild, Win. A 2443 Burling st.
632 Hochspeier, F. W 2410 North av.
1176 Hodkinson, Joseph P 512 S. Kedzie av.
3344 Hoest, Walter 5216 Southport av.
3034 Holinquest, Paul Fred 2128 W. 22d st.
3033 Hollidav, James L 859 N. Clark st.
117 Horan, Daniel J 307 E. 61st st.
2772 Hornburg, Edward 1321 W. 31st st.
557 Horning, John J 6323 Wentworth av.
3345 Hornung, William B 8838 Morgan st.
1789 Hoseth, William M 2627 N. Troy st.
3411 Howe, Tracy Bartlett 1909 W. Harrison st.
119 Hultin, Nicolaus Hjalmar 3176 N. Clark st.
475 Hurd, Charles 1455 W. Van Buren st.
3568 Hurley, Bay 4039 Madison st.
121 Hursen, P. J., Jr 2346 W. Madison st.
2592 Hursen, Thomas J 5246 W. Congress st.
3270 Husbands, AValter Thomas 1118 S. Leavitt st.
1920 Hynes, Joseph 3711 W. Chicago av.
1592 Iarussi, Michael 728 W. Taylor st.
3192 Jackson, C. Leonard 1502 W. Madison st,
2666 Jackson, Charles S 3423 Vernon av.

Licensed Embalmers — Continued.

No. Name. - Address.
3496 Jacobson, David Daniel 11217 Michigan av.
6 Jaeger, Adam W 1221 S. Newberry av.
2035 Jaeschke,John 3133 N. Lawndale av.
2595 Jana, Frank A .460 W. 29th st.
1194 Jana, John A., Jr 2434 S. Albany av.
1791 Jarzembowski, Joseph 1232 Noble st.
2711 Jensen, Jens C. .
1534 N. Western av.
1419 Johnson, A. E 7454 Cottage Grove av.
2264 Johnson, John Randolph 2346 Dearborn st.
747 Johnson, Louis 585 S. Halsted st.
2038 Johnson, Sarah 3311 State st.
3195 Jolly, Lionel Stuart : 58 E. Eandolph st.
2714 Jones, Fred C 4021 Washington boul.
1060 Jones, Geo. 1904 W. Lake st.
3083 Jones, Lawrence 3617 Forest av.
708 Jordan, Daniel 3044 Archer av.
128 Junglas, Joseph 3156 Cambridge av.
3085 Kaminski, Julia Wojowsha 1048 W. 32d st.
3498 Kamka, Frank E 2134 Berlin st.
129 Kampp, Joseph P 550 N. Park av.
1284 Karnopp, William 4309 Armitage av.
2208 Katutis, Kazemar 710 W. 18th st.
1321 Katzenbach, Henry W 2074 W. 12th st.
3414 Kearns, Jeremiah Joseph 3258 W. Monroe st.
1421 Kellar, John Robinson 2817 State st.
2266 Kelly, Cornelius S 6851 Wentworth av.
3196 Kelly, John T 2616 W. 38th st.
668 Kelly, Stephen H 2933 Archer av.
3348 Kenny, Daniel F 815 W. 54th pi.
1595 Kenny, Hugh L 5438 Halsted st.
1795 Kerrigan, Thomas P 5512 S. Ashland boul.
3 Ketcham, F. H 5509 S. Halsted st.
1796 Kevlin, Thomas H. . . 5360 Wentworth av.
2434 Kill,Math. J. . . : . . 3932 Wentworth av.
1063 Kim, Perry L 58 W. 109th st.
2041 King, Timothy J 3171 Archer av.
133 Kircher, Andrew 1623 N. Halsted st.
134 Kircher, Henry 4714 N. Spaulding av.
482 Kisselburg, William M 2938 W. Madison st.
2042 Klamer, Fred 1253 N. Clark st.
2601 Klamer, Fred, Jr 1253 N. Clark st.
1797 Klaner, Genevieve 4717 Evanston av.
1854 Klaner, George 1414 N. Clark st.

Licensed Embalmers — Continued.

No. Name. Address.
1335 Klassen, Harry P 2449 Lincoln av.
2144 Kleinman, Walter H 9236 Anthony av.
3035 Klemundt, John A 1509 W. Cornelia st.
3500 Knierim, Charles Austin 2118 S. Carpenter st.
2210 Koester, Fred 2301 W. 21st st.
2603 Kompare, Joseph F., Jr 8908 Greenbay av.
3503 Kolman, Joseph F 6749 Emerald av.
2345 Korzemewski, Joseph 810 N. Carpenter st.
2346 Kostecka, John A 1653 Throop st.
2211 Kowaczek, Joe 2945 Milwaukee av.
3037 Kowaczek, Joseph F 3630 W. George st.
1667 Kowaczek, Peter 3630 W. George st.
2717 Kowske, Edward Vincent 7645 S. George st.
3274 Kowske, Helen Loretta 1501 W. 51st st.
3199 Kowske, Joseph A 1501 W. 51st st.
2145 Krack, Charles 2319 N. Halsted st.
3570 Kraft, Julius H 1909 W. Harrison st.
2604 Krai, John 1021 W. 19th st.
2146 Krauspe, Christian 1628 Belmont av.
1337 Krauspe, Herman F 3907 Lincoln av.
3198 Krauspe, John E 1628 Belmont av.
1799 Krebs, Louis 9142 Erie av.
1927 Krebs, Mary 9142 Erie av.
2507 Krebser, Ernest 1244 S. Ashland av.
2408 Kriz, Charles 2611 S. Lawndale av.
2841 Kroenecke, Jno. H 726 E. 42d st.
2669 Kroening, William 1030 N. Eidgeway av.
1928 Kross, William 3553 S. Halsted st.
3415 Kruse, John H 4943 S. Ashland av.
1929 Kruse, Gussie E 4943 S. Ashland av.
2043 Kruse, John C 2130 W. 21st st.
1068 Kummerow, Frank 1378 N. Lincoln st.
1930 Kummerow, Henry 3512 Armitage av.
2347 Kurilla, John 4601 Marshfield av.
2606 Lain, Van Vechten 316 W. 63d st.
144 Lain, Wm. H 316 W. 63d st.
147 Lanyon. John B 6566 Ross av.
1597 Lanyon, Lester H 415 W. 63d st.
3041 Lapp, William T 2346 Madison st.
3417 Larner, Edward T 2454 W. Diversey av.
2607 Larson, Pay LePoy 1039 N. Central av.
2842 Lauer, Frank 1538 W. 12th st.
3351 Laughlin, Daniel J 103 W. Garfield boul.
—4 B H

Licensed Embalmers — Continued.

No. Name. Address.
2608 Layden, Andrew J. 6843 Centre av.
2913 Lenzen, John 3622 S. Eobey st.
1933 Leon, Jacob 8749 Comm. av.
3043 Leonard, John Michael 938 E. 75th st.
2609 Levin, Lazard. . . 628 Belmont av.
2845 Lindsay, Charles M 1414 Clark st.
1230 Linhart, Anton, Jr 1344 W. 19th st.
155 Linn, J. Eoger. ,'
3419 N. Clark st.
3418 Linskey, John A 6359 S. Halsted st.
3352 Linville, William David 3344 W. 63d pi.
154 Liphart, Chas. H 1356 E. 63d st.
2148 Lisowski, Antoni 1154 Noble st.
3419 Logan, Samuel Chauncey 504 S. Lincoln st.
2351 Lubejko, Alexander 1715 S. Paulina st.
3571 Lubin, Felix J 3231 Emerald av.
2352 Luce, Samuel L 1648 W. 63d st.
378 Ludlow, H. Durward 412 E. 47th st.
1805 Luecht, Chas 2315 S. California av.
2213 Luecht, Otto 3653 Fullerton av.
2149 Luecht, William 2315 S. California av.
1670 Lulinski, Adam M 8324 Superior av.
157 Lundberg, Benj 11217 Michigan av.
3090 Lunberg, Henning Paul 4 E. 113th st.
2721 Lundquist, Andrew W 5806 W. Dakin st.
1806 Lynch, John W 6905 Halsted st.
2613 Madsen, Bernard Andrew 2709 W. North av.
1425 Maierhofer, Lester A 1764 Ogden av.
3505 Makarski, Joseph 1407 W. Huron st.
3091 Malicki, Felix C 1737 W. 17th st.
1231 Maloney, Gregory P 1004 Wells st.
1600 Maloney, John E 1657 N. Paulina st.
1339 Maloney, Martin F 1440 Pratt av.
2722 Mango, Philip 734 DeKoven st.
2354 Marik, Frank H 2544 S. 40th av.
2671 Marik, Joseph F 2544 S. 40th av.
882 Marrs, Virgil Barton 2734 Eacine av.
1153 Marsh, Louis F 4611 E. Eavenwood Park.
163 Marshall, James 4119 W. Lake st.
2724 Marski, John J 2842 Archer av.
2725 Marski, Paul F 1503 Fullerton av.
2614 Marte, Walther A 145 S. Central av.
3507 Marten, Daniel Joseph 3148 W. Harrison.
1807 Martens, Chas. C 3658 S. Lincoln st.

Licensed Embalmers — Continued.

No. Name. Address.
883 Martin, Joseph 3148 W. Harrison st.
3509 Martin, William F 1808 Grand av.
642 Martling, Walter L 1502 Madison st.
1601 Marzano, James P 931 W. Polk st.
3572 Masalski, Alexander 1852 Seward av.
1233 Mason, Clarence 5744 Grove av.
2992 Mason, William W 1815 W. Lake st.
496 Matz, Henry W 2511 Augusta st.
1604 McCabe, Joseph A 214 S. Kedzie av.
2558 McCarthy, John J 1141 Columbia av.
2512 McConnaughey, Darrell E 4209 Indiana av.
3421 McCoy, Mabel 105 S. Ashland boul.
2993 McFall, Harrison C 2821 N. Clark st.
2673 McGann, George F 1816 W. 22d st.
3047 Mclnerney, James Patrick 650 W. 43d st.
385 Mclnerney, M. J .'
4635 Wallace st.
1942 Mclnerney, Thomas J 650 W. 43d st.
3422 Mclnerney, Thomas P 4635 Wallace st.
2847 McKenna, Timothy J 164 N. Michigan av.
3096 McKeon, B. Loretta 614 W. 37th st.
2514 McKeon, Frank 614 W. 37th st.
832 McKeon, Frank J 3747 Emerald av.
2357 McKeon, Walter T 143 Carl st.
159 McLaughlin, John 5662 Evanston av.
2674 McLindon, Patrick J 800 Western Union bldg.
765 McMahon, John 2937 Madison st.
2358 McMahon, Edward J 3017 Warren av.
491 McMahon, P. H 2074 W. 12th st.
2217 McMahon, Timothy 669 W. 18th st.
2618 McMenamin, Harry D 4330 Flournoy st.
2917 McMullan, Mark Gates 1509 Warren av.
3097 McMullen, Wilford H 1509 Warren av.
3462 McNerney, Cornelious Walter 3434 S. Paulina st.
1606 McNeil, Mamie E 2915 S. State st.
3281 McPhee, Norman 1004 Wells st.
3423 McSherry, Joseph B 2032 Bacine av.
2441 McTague, John Harvey 1587 Ogden av.
1080 Mee, Charles Edward 3918 Irving Park boul.
1154 Mee, David D 3918 Irving Park boul.
2994 Melcher, Matthew Joseph 660 W. 64th st.
3510 Mencl, Frank C 563 W. 12th st.
1812 Merchant, Fred S 2203 Cleveland av.
567 Merker, Frank 1213 71st st.
— Continued.
Licensed Embalmers

No. Name. Address.

1155 Merrill, Henry H 5410 Lake av.
2516 Mertel, Michael 1911 Canalport av.
1082 Messick, Samuel T 4118 Vincennes av.
1945 Metz, James A 1020 E. 75th st.
3049 Meyer, Gus 2658 Orchard st.
1199 Miller, Walter E 708 Wells st.
166 Mines, John J 1225 E. 55th st.
167 Mines, Thomas F 2963 Archer av.
1156 Mix, Joseph L 2040 Division st.
2619 Moeller, Henry George ..3429 Fullerton av.
3050 Moll, Horace 2346 S. Dearborn st.
2732 Moller, Fred W 2701 N. Clark st.
3204 Moore, L. 5731 Dearborn st.
2519 Morris, Walter Weldon 6359 S. Halsted st.
2359 Mroch, Otto C 4318 S. Mozart st.
834 Muchna, Otto 2716 S. Central Park av.
982 Muelhoefer, Alfred E 1458 Belmont av.
2152 Muelhoefer, Edward, Jr 1325 Clybourne av.
2221 Mueller, Frank M 1235 N. Ashland av.
2060 Mueller, Fred A 3003 Lowe av.
2061 Mueller, H. W 1809 W. Chicago av.
835 Mueller, John P 2341 Milwaukee av.
2620 Mulvihill, Hary A 407 E. 43d st.
2679 Murphy, Charles E 3261 E. 92d st.
1342 Murphy, Mary G 3261 E. 92d st.
1815 Murphy, Thomas 9256 S. Chicago av.
1609 Murphy, William P 1400 E. 75th st.
1377 Mutke, Alberts 449 W. 26th st.
836 Nagel, Nicholas J 1524 W. 51st st.
2153 Naugle, Vernon C 704 W. 120th st.
983 Neely, A. W 820 Addison av.
2851 Neely, Harry T 1857 Byron st.
1201 Nehls, Charles F 2126 W. Madison st.
503 Nelles, Jacob 928 Milwaukee av.
2780 Nelles, William 4041 North av.
2360 Nelles, Winand H 928 Milwaukee av.
2065 Nelson, August 2346 Madison st.
2067 Nielsen, Christ 3315 W. Fullerton av.
184 Niemeyer, Henry Wm 520 Wells st.
3284 Noel, John W 1764 Ogden av.
1949 Noel, Wilnrd 2747 Florence av.
791 Norlie, C 11255 Morse av.
2852 North, James W 7429 S. May st.
Licensed Embalmers — Continued.
No. Name. Address.
1088 North, Walter Jos 6603 Wabash av.
2853 Nyberg, Wm. E 3419 N. Clark st.
393 O'Brien, James 1040 Blue Island av.
188 O'Brien, John 3242 W. 12th st.
888 O'Brien, Eobt 1040 Blue Island av.
2155 O'Connell, Edward J 5958 Normal av.
889 O'Connor, Chas. F 336 43d st.
645 O'Connor, Dennis 4021 W. Madison st.
1521 O'Connor, Eugene C 3044 Butler st.
1378 Odenbrett, Edesse 2714 Ehine st.
2156 O'Hanley, Neil Joseph 6507 Cottage Grove av.
2854 O'Hanley, Ronald D 736 W. 79th st.
1951 O'Keefe, Arthur J 912 W. Madison st.
1432 Okon, Frank A 1044 W. 32d st.
2855 Oliver, Lawrence P 5534 Drexel av.
2781 Olson, Oscar S 3125 Eastwood av.
752 O'Neil, James W 1618 Grand av.
3357 O'Neil, William H 5046 W. Chicago av.
3580 O'Shea, John J 2915 Lexington st.
2521 William F
Orloff, 3028 Poplar av.
1819 Orme, Philetus 1 124 E. 22d st.
2622 Ostrander, Roy J • 7648 Halsted st.
986 Otto, Martin X0928 Michigan av.
1613 Ovresat, Jacob J 2080 Milwaukee av.
2522 Overton, Wm. Lee 4134 S. Halsted st.
2161 Owens, Edward J 8056 Anthony av.
2782 Pacewitz, Louis Bernard 115 E. 118th st.
3286 Pacholski, Joseph 4716 S. Lincoln st.
841 Parks, J. L 3155 State st.
3205 Partenheimer, Henry John 4848 Evans av.
2525 Patka, Frank Charles 1750 W. 48th av.
3000 Patka, John Henry 3756 Paulina st.
1433 Potka, Peter Harry 4856 S. Center av.
1202 Peak, Leonard 4205 Lawndale av.
200 Pederson, John Martin 3042 Armitage av.
3582 Pendill, Van Willis 1907 W. Congress st.
2526 Pergler, Otto T 2516 Avers av.
3583 Perrigo, A. B., Jr 2516 Wabash av.
7 Perrigo, A. B 2973 State st.
988 Perrigo, C. H 5810 S. Winchester av.
2163 Perrigo, Charles H 3913 Cottage Grove av.
2017 Peters, Mathew J 3633 Flournoy st.

Licensed Embalmers — Continued.

No. Name. Address.
2362 Peterson, Martin 2259 W. 22d st.
2446 Peterson, Olof J 5831 W. Chicago av.
2647 Petroshius, John A 3218 S. Halsted st.
2784 Pettkoske, John E . . 2201 W. 18th st.
3610 Pfeiffer, Karl 2256 Warren av.
3104 Phelps, Charles H 4442 Evans av.
3207 Phillips, G. V 10615 LaPayette av.
203 Pierson, John E 7350 Cottage Grove av.
891 Pijanowski, S. J 2219 S. Whipple st.
3360 Pinsonnault, Hector Oswald 47 E. 22d st.
1824 Pittelkow, Frank 1207 Kf. Avers av.
507 Platner, John K 1764 Ogden av.
3003 Poole, William D 164 ST. Michigan av.
2926 Porter, William M., Jr 4136 Wabash av.
1825 Poths, W. H., Jr 1946 N". Halsted st.
716 Potter, John M 2938 Madison st.
2073 Prish, Claude LeEoy 2410 W. North av.
2929 Puckey, Myrtle B 2733 N. Campbell av.
3106 Puckey, Stanley A 2733 N. Campbell av.
207 Purcell, Jos. F 1657 Grand av.
3053 Purtell, Edward G 1548 W. North av.
1958 Purtell, Joseph Michael '
1548 North av.
2930 Pyterek, Hipolit. .,.• 8256 Bond av.
575 Quinlan, Daniel B 3115 State st.
3209 Quinlan, Ed 3343 Ogden av.
2737 Eadke, Paul J 1254 S. Turner st.
3431 Eadzius, Joseph Frank 1226 Dickson st.
2364 Eainey, John W 3622 Union av.
3585 Eanne, Manuel F 1458 Belmont av.
3432 Eapp, Conrad F 2131 Southport av.
3433 Eapp, William II 2600 Diversey ct.
1435 Eawlins, Fitz A 4817 State st.
3291 Eeda, A. L 808 S. Morgan st.
2532 Eeda, Frank 1003 W. Polk st.
1861 Eedmond, Nicholas J 1412 W. 12th st.
2786 Eeed, Frank Samuel 3604 State st.
989 Eees, Fred Joseph 1652 N. Mozart st.
2534 Eeilly,John E 1404 W. 63d st.
2627 Eeinhardt, Henry G W 2532 Fullerton av.
2628 Eenberg, Allan C 1901 Summerdale av.
1203 Eerabek, James F 910 N. Western av.
3520 Eice, David Eoland 7135 Vernon av.
1388 Eieckmann, E. W 356 E. 35th st.

Licensed Embalmers — Concluded.

No. Name. Address.
213 Rineck, Michael M 1254 Francis st.
3294 Ringa, Frank Robert 1300 Dickson st.
2539 Rocca, Louis C 708 Wells st.
3212 Roach, Mollie 3343 Ogden av.
2859 Roche, James P 5111 S. Halsted st.
1616 Roche, Michael J 4112 Armitage av.
2860 Roderick, George 1328 S. Spaulding av.
2448 Rogan, William F 10054 Ewing av.
215 Rogerson, Edward J 1502 W. Madison st.
1960 Rohr, August 2553 North av.
2449 Rudolph, Walter H 1424 Larrabee st.
216 Russ, Charles L 709 E. 47th st.
217 Russ, Fred H •
. . . 3557 Cottage Grove av.
1700 Ryan, Annie E 2449 Cottage Grove av.
3436 Rytlewski, Anton A 2245 S. Whipple st.
1963 Sademann, Emil C 3949 Milwaukee av.
2450 Sadowski, Frank J 3642 George st.
1241 Sadowski, Jos. J 8834 Commercial av.
2630 Sadowski, Philip 1845 N. Hermitage av.
2684 Sagle, Donald George. 1867 Ogden av.
2932 Sample, Omar Hendley 7707 Union av.
1832 Sattler, Edward Z 4039 W. Madison st.
2226 Schach, Otto J 1616 N. Hoyne av.
3589 Schaub, Orville E 2673 Washington boul.
1618 Schaffrath, Henry 3117 Walls st.
3523 Schalla, Emil C. J 2113 Addison av.
231 Scharf, Geo 5006 Ashland av.
2371. Scharf, William G 5006 Ashland av.
582 Schatzlein, Adam 2418 Lowe av.
3112 Schiek, Elmer John 356 E. 35th st.
3614 Schlieben,Stanley 1509 W. Superior st.
3590 Schlutius,Alfred G 1587-89 Ogden av.
233 Schmidt, Ernst E 2058 Belmont av.
3217 Schmidt, Fred E 1820 Fletcher st.
2372 Schmidt, Lars 2058 W. 21st st.
234 Schmidt, Lauritz Nielsen 1882 Milwaukee av.
2227 Schmidt, Lewis H 1882 Milwaukee av.
1834 Schmidt, Wm. E 3960 Elston av.
3438 Schmidt, William G 2653 Pleasant pi.
406 Schneider, Jos.J 6110 Cottage Grove av.
2452 Schorsch, Anton F. 232 Ashland boul.
< 1836 Schroeder, Henry 2077 W. 20th st.
516 Schroeder, Henry W 6800 Bishop st.

Licensed Embalmers — Continued.

No -
Name. Address.
1619 Schroeder, Martin W 2414 Wentworth av.
3010 Schulz, Geo. B 2239 W. 13th st.
3440 Schultz, Joseph W 1415 S. 40th av.
408 Schwuchow, Theodore 955 Diversey Parkway.
236 Scott, George W 2309 Madison st.
1355 Scott, Wellington N 810 N. Clark st.
2633 Shaules, Edward Ronald 4336 Wabash av.
846 Segersten, David L 3130 N. Clark st.
3441 Selcke, Edw. 221 Fairfield av.
3442 Seyk, Otto B 1013 W. 19th st.
3115 Seyk, Steven 1013 W. 19th st.
3364 Sheehy, Roger John 7838 Green st.
2 Sheldon, H. D •
912 W. Madison st.
1440 Shute, Edward George 328 W. Chicago av.
3296 Shute, Matthew 332 W. Chicago av.
3297 Shute, Opal 332 W. Chicago av.
1968 Skeeles, George William 5427 Wabash av.
651 Skeeles, Harry 5127 State st.
2375 Slaughter, Robert W 3654 Prairie av.
800 Sloan, Robert K 2823 Archer av.
3300 Smith, Frank John 2437 Van Buren st.
2939 Smith, Louisa 605 E. 43d st.
679 Smith, Oscar R 4542 W. Ravenswood Park.
415 Smith, Peter M 1141 S. 40th av.
2862 Smith, Ross L 4227 Cottage Grove av.
Smith, William C 2157K 50th av.
Spencer, Columbus William 4227 Cottage Grove av.
417 Spreyne, Frank F 4026 State st.
3365 Staszewski, Louis 8435 Muskegon av.
2793 Stepan, Frank 1654 Allport st.
3221 Stephan, John C 1911 W. Congress st.
3465 Stewart, Samuel Leroy 11818 Butler st.
3594 Stipanovic, Edward Z. 9719 Avenue L.
1109 Stivers, William Monroe 3159 Indiana av.
2380 Storen, James C 6601 Langley av.
2382 Sturgeon, Clarence Fleming 3531 Bosworth av.
2294 Sullivan, Edward J'. 230 W. North av.
2635 Sullivan, James J 222 E. 61st st.
3223 Sullivan, Mary Frances 6229 Vincennes av.
3526 Sulski, John J. . . . ; 8480 Commercial av.
3447 Swan, Paul David
. . . 504 S. Lincoln st.
3302 Sylvester, Herman 4106 Eddy st.
2690 Szkowny, John 1256 W. 49th pi.

Licensed Embalmers — Continued.

No. Name. Address.
3596 Tagsold, Otto 10340 Longwood boul.
3224 Tamni, Walter S 3347 W. 50th st.
2231 Tancl, John 1921 Blue Island av.
3597 Taylor, Richard C 3311 State st.
1972 Templeman, Alex., Jr 911 N. Halsted st.
1000 Theorell, Frank J 228 N. 48th av.
3527 Thrasher, J. LeRoy 1826 Indiana av.
2550 Thomas, John W 1908 Harrison st.
1245 Thomas, Wm. E 3629 Vernon av.
2743 Thompson, Thomas M 9104 Cottage Grove a
2691 Thorman, Harry J 1617 S. Trumbull av.
3304 Tomaschko, James W 2315 W. North av.
3598 Tornatore, Angelo 943 Townsend st.
1447 Trandel, Barney 1720 W. 48th st.
897 Travis, George T 2346 W. Madison st.
3006 Tyler, Major E 6552 Aberdeen st.
3601 Unser, Henry F 316 W. 63d st.
1723 Urban, John T 1125 W. 18th st.
2863 TT.rbanek, Edward J 3814 W. 26th st.
1353 Urbanek, Vanclav M 3814 W. 28th st.
522 Van Duser, Alfred 6138 Wentworth av.
3226 Van Geder, Thomas H 7107 Vincennes rd.
247 VanWyngarden, D. 10834 Michigan av.
3372 VanWyngarden, Peter 10834 Michigan av.
2866 Venie, George L 2215 Fulton st.
723 Vorkeller, Chas. H 2414 Lexington st.
3143 Wagner, Alonzo 2250 W. Madison st.
1002 Wagner, Wm. J 1722 Wabash av.
2638 Waldner, Joseph G 1871 Burlington st.
1986 Wallmann, Louis 1228 N. Wood st.
2944 Walsh, John H 11401 Michigan av.
2795 Walsh, William C 9900 Throop st.
3451 Washington, James Sanford 5427 Dearborn st.
2232 Washburn, Eli .*
. . 167 Washington st.
3452 Waters, Mvron H 323 Oakley boul.
2640 Wathier, Charles A 629 S. 5th av.
654 Watkins, Frank Harry 3833 Calumet av.
1845 Weber, Arthur F 2027 Estes av.
265 Weber, Augustus J 3250 Wentworth av.
250 Wegner, W. L 1701 21st st.
331.0 Weimeschkirch, John J 7310 Ellwood av.
525 Weimeschkirch, P 7066 N. Clark st.
2389 Weinschenk, John W 317 W. Division st.

Licensed Embalmers — Continued.

No. Name. Address.
3311 Weinstein, Philip Marshall 1647 W. 12th st.
2641 Wesley, Frank E 1851 S. Springfield .

2642 AVessels, Christie E 6075 Hobart av.

1627 Westberg, Reuben W 5216 1ST. Clark st.
850 Westfall, George J 2838 Lincoln av.
251 Whitaker, Wilmot 1 64 N. Michigan av.

2797 Whitmer, C. W 5059 Ashland av.

2554 Wieting, William L 3600 S. Lincoln st.
3453 Willhoite, M. Buel 739 S. 44th ct.
1450 Wilcox, Archie B 509 W. 69th st.
3606 Williams, Elmer Ellsworth 3408 Archer av.
3059 Williams, Hugh L 3248 Wabash av.
2948 Williams, Stacy T 6044 Woodlawn av.
3607 Wilmotte, James Edward 2256 Warren av.
3454 Williamson, Ernest Harrison 5722 LaPayette av.
3455 Wilson, Earle Smith 1909 W. Harrison st.
3312 Wilson, John D., Jr 47 E. 22d st.
3230 Winiarski, Frank 2025 Lubeck st.
1980 Winkler, William 2300 Central Park av.
3608 Wisniewski, Peter P 1625 K. Ashland av.
529 Woelfle, George J 57 E. 36th st.
3609 Wojciechowski, Joseph Alexander. .. 2212 Ehine st.
683 Wold, Alfred N 2709 W. North av.
1982 Wold, Nels B 2709 W. North av.
1844 Worsham, Albert 1907 W. Congress st.
259 Wright, Knox M 2350 Harrison st.
1852 Wyand, J 2055 W. 22d st.
1983 Young, Charles 613 W. 18th st.
2557 Young, George Wm 233 E. Ontario st.
260 Young, Peter 6011 S. Halsted st.
3137 Youngberg, Ernest Joseph 2005 Jackson boul.
261 Yuers, Otto J 3839 N. 14th st.
1384 Zeller, H. Richard 5620 Chicago av.
1628 Zeiss, Theodore '
3046 N. Kedzie av.
3011 Zidek, John 1407 W. Chicago av.
2391 Ziegenhorn. Albert 513 S. Robey st.
3376 Zielinski, John B 2153 W. 18th pi.
1385 Zimmer, Frederick C 2924 Wentworth av.
1984 Zimmer, Sophia B 2924 Wentworth av.
3232 Zimmerman, Ewald A 1130 W. 31st st.
2304 Zuber, Michael H 2938 Lincoln av!


JULY 1, 1913.

These Licenses Expire December 31, 1913.

No. Name. Address.

1006 Aber, Mrs. Cora L Mt. Sterling
1007 Aber, F. W Mt. Sterling
3145 Abney, Auda Jacksonville
1250 Abram, David Berwyn
688 Ackemann, C. P Elgin
3146 Acree,James Litchfield
9 Adam, J. B Normal
3318 Adams, Roy L Kalamazoo, Mich.
3062 Adcock, Nora B. ..." . Mulberry Grove
1008 Adelmann, George W Lockport
3382 Aimone, Peter James Toluca
2467 Alberter, Fred G Millstadt
1629 Allen, Ned B Fillmore
3147 Allen, Olin G Dahlgren
3148 Allen, William H Dahlgren
601 Allison, Joseph E Areola
1256 Allsbrow, David Yates Watertown
3014 Allsbrow, Marie E Watertown
1357 Allwein, Harry Matthews, Ind.
2697 Amerman, Fred K Onarga
2468 Amerman, Harry J Onarga
12 Amerman, M. T Onarga
1631 Amos, Thomas Edward Edwardsville
2307 Anderson, Albert E. Joliet
13 Anderson, Samuel T Jacksonville
531 Andrew, John E Monticello,
808 Angevine, Harry L Cambridge
901 Angevine, Mrs. Harry L Cambridge
3149 Anglemier, Arthur A Compton
2956 Anthony, Willard H Springfield
902 Appleman, Elmer M Mt. Vernon
2648 Archer, Will E Carmi
2802 Archibald, John M Nokomis

Licensed Embalmers — Continued.

No. Name. Address.
2469 Armentrout, Gideon Perry
1737 Armitage, Joseph Elizabeth
2395 Arner, Eichard Herbert Salem, Ohio
3319 Arnold, Harold A. , Nokomis
1389 Asma, Ferdinand Waukegan
3383 Atkins, Floyd Emory Belvidere
16 Atwood, Ivus L Paxton
774 Atwood, John A Stillman Valley
3064 Aukenbruck, Oscar G Fort Wayne, Ind.
1138 Austin, Calvin Effingham
2559 Auten, Stanley N '.

. . Milan, Mich.
3237 Aydt, Geo. F Dahlgren
2958 Babb, Horatio L Portland, Ore.
267 Babbitt, Horace Franklin New Boston
3384 Backer, Thos. E Eureka
2649 Baccus,Henry Huntley
1633 Bachman, B. F Salem
1634 Bachmann, Charles Lebanon
2241 Backer,Edward C Canby, Minn.
324 Backer, Herman Eureka
3468 Badeaux, Victor J East Chicago, Ind.
2470 Baer, Arthur E St. Jacob
1635 Baer, Benjamin D Summerfield
2959 Baer, Harry George Streator
1453 Baer, W. P St. Jacob
1988 Bailey, Charles Floyd Morrisonville
3469 Bailey, Fred E. Virginia
532 Bailey, Fred E Mendota
2754 Bailey, Homer N Fisher
2755 Bailey, William F Ottawa
2180 Baily, William K Lewistown
2310 Bain, Herbert Shaw Eochelle
440 Baker, Geo. W i . Weldon
903 Baker, Eoy M Dwight
2396 Baldwin, Ben H Bradley
3238 Ball, Charles Franklin Chatham
1455 Ball, John M Chatham
2805 Balzer, Daniel New Boston
3239 Banker, Lloyd P Aurora
1869 Banwarth, Charles W Elizabeth
442 Barber, John W Menominee, Wis.
778 Barcroft,Edgar A Keyesport
1257 Bare, Eugene Y Bellmont

Licensed Embalmers — Continued.

No. Name. Address.
2869 Bare, Leroy Kavanaugh Golden Gate
1456 Barkley, Orville F Vandalia
775 Barnard, J. TJ Moline
2870 Barnum, Marvin H Norris City
533 Barr, Clayton C ; . Newman
2111 Barta, Frank W Cedar Rapids, la.
2871 Barthell, Wilfred G Peoria
1457 Bates, Clarence Sparta
1009 Bates, W. H Galesburg
904 Bauer, Albert A Blue Mound
326 Bauer, William H Alton
1636 Baus, Charles E Bradley
1258 Beatty, Frank A Waverly
3320 Beatty, J. Homer Heyworth
3321 Beck, Albert Anthony Walkersville, Ontario
1214 Beck, Jacob C, Jr Dan vers
19 Beck, John A '.

1315 Becker, Edward H Mt. Olive
1556 Becker, John W El Paso
2181 Becker, Robert C Omaha, Neb.
604 Becklean, Andrew Galva
3150 Beckner, Floyd Colorado Springs, Colo.
1557 Bederski, Frank S LaSalle
3535 Behymer, Samuel W Plainville
1316 Beicher, Geo. M Minneapolis, Minn.
3240 Beidelman, Arthur R Naperville
1390 Beidelman, Oliver J Naperville
3241 Beinecke, Daniel St. Louis, Mo.
1012 Bell, Mrs. Jessie E Keithsburg
3235 Bell, Walter D Heegoton, Kan.
327 Belue, John Franklin Fairview
2242 Benefiel, George Pueblo, Colo.
3385 Benner, Theodore C Omaha
1323 Bennett, Nelson G Saunemin
3065 Benson, John A Cheyenne, Wyo.
1990 Benson, William C Mineral Point, Wis.
444 Benton, Elmer L La Grange
2243 Bergen, George S Ashland
2962 Bergenson, Arthur L Morris
20 Berhalter, Albert Danville
1013 Berhenke, Philip E Lena
^2560 Benardin, Peter J Amboy
1215 Berner, John A., Jr Alton

Licensed Embalmers — Continued.

No. Name. Address.
779 Berry, Chas. Edgar,
2312 Berryman, George Washington Portland, Ore.
2471 Best, Fred C Nokomis
21 Bestmann, Anna Ottawa
1871 Bestmann, Henry Ottawa
2650 Betzer, Sterling E Havard
329 Biever, Tim A Aurora
2872 Biggs, George S La Harpe
2244 Biggs, Stephen E La Harpe
3151 Bird, Edward F Hammond, Ind.
22 Birney, John W Bloomington
Bisch, Chas. T Springfield
1458 Bisch, Harold P Springfield
3322 Harry E
Bittinger, Polo
3066 Black,Eoy Warren Peoria
3316 Blackard, John H., Jr Evansville, Ind.
2313 BlackwelL John William Eock Island
1991 Blaine, James G Evansville, Ind.
3323 Blair, David T Chandlerville
2561 Blackburn, Wm Sterling
2806 Blake, Arthur S Morgan Park
3016 Bland, Isaiah H Galveston, Tex.
17 Blanchard, Chas. L St. Charles
3152 Blatter, Edward H Forest Park
1874 Bleitz, Adam L Aurora
1014 Blizard, B. W St. Elmo
2# Blocks, Edward M Barrington
535 Blood, Horace L Kansas
3470 Boatman, Daniel E. Olney
2246 Bobbett, Luther E St. Louis Mo
3067 Bobbitt, Herbert S Elgin
1216 Bobkiewitz, Theodore LaSalle
3153 Boe, Harry C Lemont
961 Boettcher, Fred W Belvidere
3154 Boggs, Berthold L Centralia
26 Boland, John T Peoria
1137 Bolton, Edward Danville
2314 Bona, Jos. E Denver, Colo.
1180 Bond, William E Flat Eock
3458 Boord, Mont Covington, Ind.
859 Boos, Philip Sterling
811 Bormann, Martin H Lyons, la.
1558 Born, George W. . / Aberdeen, S. D.

Licensed Embalmers — Continued.

No. Name. Address.
962 Borngrebe, C. Harold Aurora
270 Borthwick, Will Seattle, Wash.
2757 Boswell, Will Newman
28 Bothfuhr, Albert C Grant Park
739 Boucher, Daniel L Murphysboro
860 Bovee, Manley S Corvallis, Ore.
2472 Bowles, David L Emden
2651 Bowling, J. Henry Portland, Ore.
609 Boyden, Fred G Sheffield
32 Boyden, George L Lincoln
2562 Boyle, George M Aurora
2399 Boyer, Beryl L Toledo, Ohio
1743 Bracken, Peter W Polo
331 Bradley, Hazen Eugene Charleston
1993 Bragonier, Howard Edgar Clinton, la.
1015 Brand, Anton Hillsboro
271 Branson, C. T Springfield
1744 Branton, Albert E La Porte, Ind.
2115 Bratton, Harry N Franklin Grove
1561 Brayton, Harry B Morris
3068 Breeden, Alma M South Bend, Ind.
3069 Breeden, Leroy C South Bend, Ind.
332 Brees, Henry C Estherville, la.
2473 Brefeld, Frederick Gerhart Aviston
812 Brewer, Frank Ridge Farm
964 Brewer, Harry W Lincoln
272 Brichler, G. W East St. Louis
2875 Bridges, William T Stonington
1016 Briggs, William K .Metamora
2652 Bright, Ulysses S Dundee
1392 Brinckmann, H Michigan City, Ind.
333 Brintlinger, D Decatur
1459 Brintlinger, Elmer Decatur
1460 Broadway, John B. B \ Cobden
36 Broeggelmeyer, Geo. H East St. Louis
1461 Brooks, Frank Roy Atkinson
37 Brooks, John J San Fernando, Calif.
3387 Brooks, William Henry West Hammond
1994 Brown, Benjamin B Brownstown
3471 Brown, Burt L Manlius
3388 Brown, Enos Wilkins '
St. Louis, Mo.
3018 Brown, James W Forrest
1213 Brown, Wiley S Carbondale

Licensed Embalmers — Continued.

No. Name. Address.-
1560 Browning, G. C Farmersville
1641 Browning, G. E Benton
1139 Bruegge, Henry . . . Breese
1995 Brummerstedt, G. A Shumway
1360 Bruner, E. C Metropolis
25*63 Bryan, Charles Arthur Red Cloud, Neb.
3156 Bubeck, Chas. M Marshall
1875 Buchanan, Charles E Peoria
1876 Buchanan, Clyde I Newton
3157 Buck, Charles C Galesburg
2653 Buchholz, John P Belleville
2654 Buchholz, William G Belleville
3325 Buchholz, Arthur L Goodwin, Ark.
2809 Buckhart, Ealph W Hartford City, Ind.
2877 Buerkett, William C Beardstown
1019 Bulpitt, B. E. Taylorville
2248 Bulpitt, Lome Taylorville
3326 Bullock, Forrest M El Paso
336 Bundy, George E Roodhouse
2872 Bundy, Geo. H Roodhouse
2116 Bundschuh, Christian S Huntington Beach, Cal.
1642 Bunn, B. P Bridgeport
39 Bunn, Orin L Peoria
3142 Buntz, Chas. E Shenandoah, la.
2401 Burdge, Leroy M Silver Lake, Ind.
3473 Burgess, Orval O : Sandoval
1394 Burhorn, Christian J Breese
3474 Burke, Michael A Denver, Col.
1261 Burke, Thos. J East St. Louis
42 Burkhart, Jacob J Sandwich
1748 Burnett, Charlotte M Batavia
46 Burnett, George Harvey Batavia
44 Burnett, James Milf ord Burlington, la.
2402 Burnett, Milton Trindad, Col.
2403 Burns, James E Hammond, Ind.
45 Burpee, Harry B Rockford
3070 Burrow, Frank Rossville
48 Busefink, August J Olney
1562 Busefink, William A West Salem
813 Bush, W. H. Hindsboro
2183 Butcher, Forrest P '

Dexter, N. M.
692 Butler, Mrs. Volley Sidell
1751 Bux, Frank C Belleville

Licensed Embalmers — Continued.

No. Name. Address.
3539 Bux, Joseph L Belleville
3158 Byers, W. E Fort Wayne, Ind.
1877 Caille, George Galena
965 Callahan, Chas. J Danville
1262 Calkins, Charles A Oneida
2564 Calkins, Orvest Lester Momence
2880 Callaway, Laura M Barry
2250 Callaway, Lloyd Barry
1264 Campbell, Alex Petersburg
3244 Campbell, Cecil Clark Belleville
338 Campbell, Charles B Evanston
1020 Campbell, D. Stewart Mattoon
2968 Campbell, Geo. G Lincoln
2810 Campbell, Eoger B Collinsville
3540 Campbell, Eoy A Peoria
3160 Campbell, William Havana
1752 Campbell, William W Xenia
3161 Cannon, Edward Patrick Denver, Colo.
2565 Caplinger, Benj. F Maroa
1643 Carey, Charles F Carthage
694 Carlin, W. J Bowen
815 Carlson, CharlesJ New Windsor
1564 Carlson, VictorC Chicago Heights
1386 Carmichael, Harry Edman Los Angeles, Cal.
1464 Carnahan, Chas. E Hume
1565 Carpenter, Charles M Neponset
2239 Carp, Anton Spring Valley
2811 Carr, P. J Lawrenceville
1754 Carrington, Newton Edward Fairmount
1644 Carroll, John M Jacksonville
908 Carroll, Eichard V Farmersville
2392 Carson, Harry West Frankfort
2184 Carter, Albert Starr Girard
2185 Cary, Albert P. .
'. Columbus, Ohio
1324 Case, Melvin E Utica
1998 Cash, Elza Marion
3163 Catlin, Ernest A Eoseville
2000 Caudry, Frank W Gillespie
273 Caudry, James B Gillespie
2700 Caudry, Lorenzo D Gillespie
1183 Cavanagh, James M Kewanee
1879 Cavanagh, John P Kewanee
3390 Cavanagh, Matthew Eaymond Eockford
— 5 B H


Licensed Embalmers— Continued.

Name -
9 f,°"
3117 n
Cavanagh, Thomas E Rockford
2001 Chaffin, Harvey H [[][ Virden.

1755 Chamberlin, Fred M " j li et

52 Chamberlin, Geo. N Joliet
140 Chambers, Harry S " 'eId-iti
1464y2 Chambers, R. H. /
^ ™
1756 Chambers, fiobt. , ,
.rrairie G%
C Prairie Ci
Chamness, Aria M ..'.'.
Carrie ftilK
3020 Chapman, Verne C
3327 Chenoweth Henry J
Ottawa, Kan.
1880 n
Chester, w Ut
Alonzo Asa
^Uth6r Taylorville
Christian,E.B .".'££*£* la
3164 Christian, Pay F Mt Cawoj|
Christy, Walter Harry
Church, Frank A.
Ti *
¥ph b '

p ar f'

Jo ^
hurch Georg e Leonard

^7 5
llSha Creight0n
^° ieS

Mt Carmel


n "f
£"*? J °^ n RJ : Auburn, Ind.
lf5 7 Claxton, Roy John
817 Clear, Frank H

3021 Clements, Richard Asro
Cla y City
2953 Clements, Walt

H ]
j£J Malison, la.
3072 Clemmons, Chas. R
Clemon^ Ralph Mortimer
Marblehead, Ohio
m? ^ke, William A
III Ashkmn
695 Clouse, Charles E p lano
57 P
Coard, Frank M.
1 °r 1US ' Greenwood, Mo.
n^ ?^ T
ll \l i ,kE
n°*l' P
i«f? A
JJS rty '
ilthUr SteV6nS

lltl n°^\ T7 Centralia

275 r^^wA
Cook, Frnak
St ° n
J? P° ^ ^T ^ Lexington

A ^ Martinsville
1025 P°t' William
Cook, ^A? -

H Peoria
3022 Cookes, Daniel L Cambridge

Licensed Embalmers — Continued.

No. Name. Address.
2702 Colburn, Boy Walter Woodhull
3249 Cole, Dwight Henry Cuba
613 Coleman, Patrick W Bloomington
1266 Collins, Fred N Manchester
3165 Collins, Geo. W Greenup
1646 Commerford, D. M Farmersville
1567 Compton, Francis Marion Waco, Tex.
1882 Conaway, Ellis J. . Troy, Kan.
1883 Conaway, Mrs. Samuel A Troy, Kan.
911 Conklin, Homer C Kilbourne
3543 Conklin, Leslie Eay Kilbourne
1023 Connelly, John W Hume
1361 Conner, Clarence E Ohio
2970 Connor, Benjamin Franklin Sullivan
1185 Conrad, Edward Waukegan
3476 Cooley, Fred Wesley Warren
1568 Cooley, William E Warren
1759 Cooper, Wm. W Genoa
2319 Cooper, Clarence N Oakland, Cal.
3166 Cooper, John Woodstock Evanston
341 Copeland, Harmon S Potomac
2477 Corbin, Andrew Arthur Sullivan
437 Corcoran, James B Aurora
3251 Corrie, Nellie Bone Gap
2883 Costello, Ada Litchfield .

1466 Costello, Don .Litchfield

1026 Couch, M. G Lawrenceville
2761 Coulter, Arthur Albert Maroa
1760 Council, John Eussell Elkhart
1267 Courter, U. L Mt. Carmel
1885 Cowgill, Alfred B Eiverton
3392 Cowser, James C Farmington
1218 Cox, Isaac Newton Norris City
2575 Cox, Leonard Theodore Illiopolis
2884 Cox, W. Arthur Paducah, Ky.
1569 Cox, William J Eock Island
2119 Craig, Ambrose W Hale Center, Tex.
1467 Craig, Walter E Taylorville
1142 Crandall, Mrs. Wm. H., Jr Walworth, Wis.
2407 Crane, Glenn Smith Batavia
276 Crawford, Joseph Girard
540 Creighton, John E. Cerro Gordo
3329 Cress, Jesse E Decatur

Licensed Embalmers — Continued.

No. Name. Address.
3252 Crew, J. Glenn Springville, la.
3477 Crim, Andrew Jackson .Plainville
2188 Croft, Geo. Henry Geneseo
2478 Crooks, Carl W Zanesville, Ohio
740 Cross, George Oak Park
2572 Crossett, Neil Hassen Salem
1887 Croushorn, George M Oswego
2320 Crowley, Patrick H Davenport, la.
60 Culp, J. Stoddard Mason City
1027 Culp, Kalph D Mason City
62 Cumerf ord, H. E. Peoria
2885 Curtis, Lee L Olney
2120 Curry, William B Rosetown, Saskatchewan.
2121 Cutting, J. Park Seattle, Wash.
3330 Dagley, Leon A Harrisburg
343 Daly, John Joliet
67 Dames, Edward F Joliet
2006 Dames, John Joliet
344 Danielsen, Frank Palatine
2123 Danielson, Amil E Moline
1143 Danielson, Edw. G Sherrard
614 Dannel, Chas. O Greenfield
2*007 Dannel, John Carlton Sherman, Tex.
2813 D'Arcy, John Michael Sterling
3331 Darham, Bernard P Carthage
2703 Dashner, Albert Lee Renault
2008 Dashner, Clarence S Renault
2321 Dauderman, Robert Frank Alhambra
1469 Daugherty, Arthur W Quincy
2009 Davidson, Ray Fenton Salem, la.
2010 Davidson, Roy Victor Stockport, la.
661 Davis, Chas. F Downers Grove
2971 Davis, Charles Frank Rossville
1761 Davis, Harlie A Watseka
1762 Davis, J. Clayton Harbor Beach, Mich.
2251 Davis, LeRoy C , .Maquon
69 Davis, Uriah C Morris
1571 Davis, Will C .Morris
2814 Davy, Lawrence Edmund Montserrat, Mo.
662 Dawson, Charles E Decatur
3168 Dawson, Harry Doyle New Salem, Penn.
3545 Dawson, Roy M Decatur

Licensed E'mbalmers — Continued.

No. Name. Address.
70 Dean, Fred A Galesburg
3073 Dean, Lome Los Angeles, Cal.
1325 Decker, John S. Kennewick, Wash.
2658 Decker, Lawrence La Porte, Ind.
1030 Degen, William Henry E. St. Louis
2011 De Graff, Fred Lanark
1572 De Graff, Justus Forreston
1219 Dehr, Peter F Hinsdale
1268 Delaney, Patrick Olney
3547 Demme, Cecil G Omaha, Neb.
541 De Motte, Joshua J. .
El Paso
1648 Dempster, George A. Willisville
696 Deneen, C. C Bloomington
346 Denney, Albert J Aurora
1890 Denney, Albert S Aurora
3393 Dennis, Harry F Kinmundy
1470 Deny, Charles H Greenview
1649 De Selms, William D Cisne
1573. De Smit, Anton D Oakland, Cal.
1891 Detmers, E. H Golden
1471 Dettmering, J. Hy D Steeleville
2659 Dewey, Horace M Marshall
2322 Dewey, William J Greenville
1186 Dick, Joseph C Kankakee
1892 Dickinson, Lee A Hammond, Ind.
3169 Dieterle, Eoy H Kellersville
2575 Dietzel, Charles W Maywood
1650 Diezi, Hermann Houston, Tex.
1472 Diffenderffer, Sam H Oxnard, Cal.
3395 Dill, Walter Eoy Detroit, Mich.
1247 Dilley, Toney C Bourbon, Ind.
2479 Dillman, Daniel Webster Louisville
3549 Dimmick, Marlin Hugh Lometa, Tex.
3013 Dinn, Eobert Indianapolis, Ind.
2480 Dittman, Frederik Wm Pickens, Miss.
2126 Dodd, Earle B Decatur
615 Dodds, Illinois Springfield
1473 Dodds, Isidor C Springfield
1404 Dodds, J. Carl Litchfield
616 Dodds, John F Springfield
1363 Doerr, Arthur Theodore Herrin
3460 Doerr, Chas. C Pinckneyville

Licensed EmbaJmers — Continued.

No. Name. Address.

3253 Doerr, Hugo F Wood Eiver

1032 Doerr, Jacob Pinckneyville
1474 Doerr, William Bethalto
1651 Doerr, William Philip Percy
3170 Dolan, Andrew W Flint, Mich.

1033 Doll, Frederick W Pittsburg, Kan.

2887 Donaldson, William Cairo
1034 Donnell,W. D Greenville
3074 Donovan, James William Livermore, la..

1405 Doran, Chas. Clifford Henry

1766 Doran, Michael E Fulton
2973 Doty, Mark Hubert .Hanna City
2660 Douglass, Uriah T., Jr Rock Island
2410 Downen, Noble C Jerusalem, Ohio
1767 Downs, Mrs. Elizabeth Aurora
780 Downs, John T Aurora
3332 Dreher, Harry Allen Atlanta
74 Drechsler, Chas. F Oak Park
2816 Drechsler, William H Forest Park
617 Drew, Walter E Waukegan
2323 Dreyer, Otto B Swift Current, Can.
912 Droste, Herman H Mt. Olive
1768 Dryden, Cyrus E Keithsburg
2412 Duckworth, Albert H Virden
2324 Dude, William Nokomis
3461 Dudley, Clinton H Bridgeport
1220 Dudley, Mrs. F. P Prophetstown
2578 Dudley, Frank P Prophetstown
2704 Duesler, Ben W Toulon
3611 Duestberg, B. J Vincennes, Ind.
3612 Duestberg, Herman J Vincennes, Ind.
3551 Duker, Albert C Quincy
75 Duncan, Charles M Keokuk, la.
3480 Dunn, Wm. Ferris Donnellson
1270 Dunn, Warran Harry Wendover, Utah
2127 Durand, Virgil L. .' Cuba
2128 Dwyer, John J Ottawa
3144 Dye, Edgar C Danville
1476 Dyer, Wintford '.

Littleton, Colo.
2763 Eagan, James Robert Hartford, Mich.
1407 Eagon, Clyde H Walla Walla, Wash.
3333 Early, John Justi Pocahontas
3481 Early, Michael J Wenona

Licensed Emlalmers — Continued.

No. Name. Address.
1037 Easley, Elmer E Clay City
3171 Eastburn, Clyde L Watseka
77 Easterbrook, Carey P Saybrook
3482 Easterbrook, Earl C Champaign
3396 Easterbrook, Floyd Walden Saybrook
618 Easterbrook, George W Saybrook
1770 Easterday, Fred Vandalia
277 Easterday, Luther Vandalia
1271 Eastman, E. V Harvard
782 Ebbert, Emery E Oskaloosa, la.
781 Ebel, Alfred C Orangeville
2192 Ebert, Samuel Eoberts
78 Eckenfelder, Fred E Peru
2818 Ecker, Albert Woodworth
2482 Eddy, N. L Pittsfield
697 Eden, Alfred E Sullivan
3398 Emerson, Horace G St. Louis, Mo.
3397 Edmund, George Ferdinand Woodhull
2193 Edwards, James Coffeen
2888 Edwards, Mable B Cairo
2414 Edwards, Ealph Owen Bellflower
1038 Egan, Edward F Springfield
2820 Egan, James M Joliet
2253 Eggenberger, John J Saunemin
2483 Ehret, Albert C Hammon, Ind.
698 Ehringer, Fred A Washburn
2889 Ehringer, George Benjamin Lacon
1477 Ehringer, H. Frank Washburn
1039 Ehringer, Joseph A Lacon
1408 Eiker. George F Sparta
2661 Ellinger, James A Springfield
1272 Elliott, John M Metropolis
2662 Ellis, Daniel W Harvey
1354 Emmerling, Nicholas Hammond, Ind.
1895 Emmons, Lyman W Lawrenceville
914 Ennis, Isaac S Greenview
349 Epperson, J. Frank Oneida
2016 Epperson, J. T Westfield
2017 Erlenborn, Marks A La Salle
1479 Erwin, Bertha H Kirksville, Mo.
2705 Erxleben, Franklin Peoria
3334 Erxleben, Fred H Pekin
458 Erxleben, Frederick William Peoria

Licensed Embaimers — Continued.

No. Name. Address.

81 Esterdahl, August V Moline

1896 Estep, William Cartwright Pomona, Cal.

2890 Evans, Francis M .Walton, Ind.

1897 Evans, Price Sadorus
2485 Evans, Eobert Sydney Hillsboro

350 Everett, E. L Kirkwood

3335 Everson, August Arvid Molme
278 Eyman, John A Argenta
2130 Fagan, John A
2486 Fairbanks, Grace Cecil Pana
1040 Fairbanks, Eoy L Pana
3552 Fairburn, Eobert William Farmmgton
543 Faith, Harry M Illiopolis

1898 Faith, Joseph H Eankm

700 Falconer, Lizzie C Cairo
279 Fales, Charles F Jerseyville

783 Farrell, D. A Oregon

819 Faris, Sylvester J Tuscola
2580 Farmer, Walter S La Crosse > Wls -

1145 Fay, J. M., Jr Fulton

1409 Fedde, Edward H Peotone
701 Feith, Mary Ellen Cairo
2019 Ferguson, James F Mt Sterling

2415 Fessant, Francis John Vermilion

351 Fickle, John A Hoopeston
2975 Field, Clarence M Kalamazoo, Mich.
1771 Fields, Everett A Hoopeston
1577 Fiene, Edwin F Steeleville

702 Fife, David Palestine

460 Finerty, Patrick C Gary, Ind.
280 Finger, Henry Marissa
2194 Finke, J. Wesley Huntingburgh, Ind.
3336 Finlan, Charles Milas Streator
869 '
Finney, Edward James Oakland, Cal.
545 Finney, Frank A Eankin
2706 Fischer, George J Okawville
281 Fisher, E. E Canton
870 Fisher, F. A Huntley
1188 Fisk, George Lawrence Abingdon
1772 Fissel, Edward C. • Chehalis, Wash.
1221 Fitzgerald, Henry Michael .Lake Forest
2976 Fitzgerald, Lawrence E Hoopeston
2487 Fitzgerald, William Emmett ....; .Los Angeles, CaL

Licensed Embalmers — Continued.

No. Name. Address.
2325 Fitzgerald, William John Morris
1773 Fleming, Frank Arthur
546 Fleming, W. M Arthur
1578 Flinspach, Ferdinand Bloomington
2195 Flocken, Robert Charles Rose Hill
352 Florin, Paul Rutland
622 Fly, Oscar B Mt. Vernon
2707 Flynn, George R Bloomington
1410 Flynn, Hallard A Chesterton
1274 Fogelstrom, Theodore W Moline
1480 Fogler, W. E Vandalia
3554 Foglesong, Harry H East Gilead, Mich.
1579 Fogleman, H. A Creston
2823 Fogleman, W. Bert Creston .

2020 Foley, John Patrick Galesburg

3485 Folger, Oliver S Stanford
2708 Forbes Iva Hayes
2765 Forbes, William R Kansas
1652 Ford, William J Dongola
1189 Forke, Frank Wheeling
547 Forney, H. C Minonk
3075 Forster, Bartholomew J Sterling
2892 Foster, Albert B Bradford
1774 Foster, Bela Roberts
1900 Foster, Harley R Deer Creek
3486 Fowler, Perry E Marion •

3555 Fox, Clarence Moreland White Hall

282 Fox, John H White Hall
3257 Francis, Otis Roy Indianapolis, Ind.
623 Frank, Henry Chadwick
2893 Frank Rolla Mendon
2416 Frank, William Sparland
3025 Frank, William Henry Chadwick

742 Franklin, Everett D. Rockford

2488 Franks, Albert A Peoria
1275 Fraser, Bert Marion, Ind.
2196 Fredrick, Albert H Algonquin
3533 Free, Pearley Lew Grand Rapids, Mich.
1653 Freeman, Calvin L •
Des Moines, la.
2255 Freese, Jay Ogden
3556 Freiburg, Herman J Quincy
283 Freiburg, Jos., Jr Quincy
703 Frerker, J. H., Jr Carlyle

Licensed Embcdmers — Continued.

No. Name. Address.
1654 Frey, Fred Liberty
87 Freytag, P. C Eeynolds
2581 Frick, Charles A Cobden
3076 Froehlich, Samuel H Gridley
2894 Froehlich, Wm. E Gridley
2326 Frost, Clyde B Detroit, Mich.
1775 Fry, Clifford A Homer
734 Fullenwider, J. T Mechanicsburg
1580 Fuller, Robert G Savanna
2824 Funk, Harry A Ottawa
1411 Funk, Jas. H Griggsville
1042 Funk, William Tinley Park
2490 Furgie, William E Moline
743 Furlong, James E Galena
2491 Gaa, George J Springfield
1481 Gabriel, Charles E Payson
1655 Gabriel, Mrs. Charles E Payson
704 Gaddis, A. G -! Flora
1657 Gaerdner, Peter Belleville
1657 Gagnon, N.J Marinette, Wis.
3258 Gallagher, J. E Marshall
1581 Galvin, Mike Clebourne, Tex.
1044 Galvond, Jesse George Mont Eose, la.
3400 Gant, Jesse E Pearl
3173 Gardner, Arthur H Girard
3174 Gardner, Benjamin Hampton Ava
2950 Gardner, George E Vineennes, Ind.
549 Garner, Warren Peoria
3401 Gamier, Eobert M Centralia
2695 Garrett, Herald Frank Lebanon, Ind.
2327 Garrigues, Edward B., Jr Osborn, Kan.
1045 Garst, Frank L Stanford
2492 Garvey, Elbert Council Illiopolis
3402 Gaskins, Bertis Harrisburg
1327 Gates, Engene Landon Wheaton
3557 Gauer, Joe J Morrisonville
687 Gauer, Otto F Morrisonville
1583 Gauss, W. F Peoria
915 Gavigan, E. J Joliet
871 Geary, John M Durand
1902 Gebhardt, Carl W Odell
1043 Gebhardt, Charles Caberry
464 Gehr, F. H Sparland

Licensed Embalmers — Continued.

No. Name. Address.
1191 Geils, John C Bensemalle
3403 Geiler, Harry Thomas .
.' Oak Park
91 Gerharz, Henry A Lemont
1903 Gerharz, John Lemont
92 Geyer, Fred H Rock Falls
1778 Gibbons, A. J Metropolis
1222 Gifford, Laban F McLean
1365 Gilbert, James Wm North Crystal Lake
1584 Gill, John W Byron
2106 Gillespie, Burton Thomas St. Francisville

432 Gillespie, Wm. J Riverside

93 Gillham, Will W Jacksonville
3175 Gillis, C. B Brocton
356 Gillis,Edward C Brocton
2258 Gilmore, John Danville
88 Gladfelter, Elmer E Ottawa
1046 Glanzner, John W Trenton
2023 Glardon, Benjamin F Louisville
2583 Glendining, John R Bushnell
969 Glenn, George Ashton Macon
3176 Glenn, Walter Macon
1904 Goble, Orion Charleston
2896 Goff, Edwin C Middletown
3026 Goff, Louis L Elmhurst
1328 Goodale, William C Lockport
2493 Goodfellow, Sumner Bloomington
1779 Goodin, A. S Washington, la.

2133 Gordon, C. I : .
3177 Gore, Francis E Watertown
357 Gonnerman. Edward E Dixon
2024 Gould, Oren W Chapin
2197 Gowdv, Leander F Enfield
1905 Graf?, Edward S Plainville
2766 Graham, Clarence A Virginia, Minn.
872 Graham, John Livingston Warren
358 Gravelot, Jules Chebanse
2978 Green, John H Lostant
.2421 Green, Russie M. C East St. Louis
1611 Greenfield, Georgeiana German Valley
628 Griffith, Clark A Canton, Mo.
1906 Griswold, Fred L Oak Park
1781 Grosshauser, George C Forest Park
3407 Gross, Sylvester Grand Ridge

Licensed Embailmers — Continued.

No. Name. Address.
1369 Grove, Delbert Walter Marseilles
1782 Grubb, Ernest J Liberty
3178 Grunwald, Albert C Maywood
2422 Grape, Martin W Lombard
1387 Guest, Francis Geo Vermont
2767 Gullett,John Wesley London Mills
284 Gundlach, Frank Belleville
2259 Gustafson, Amel 1ST . .Woodhull
629 Gustin, Ralph E Eockf ord
2330 Guy, Roscoe Delaney Oklahoma City, Okla
970 Gwin, G. W Effingham
2585 Gwin, Samuel Blaine Farina
2423 Haas, Philip . Mascoutah
1413 Habecker, Edward E Danvers
1482 Habing, Bernard G Teutopolis
600 Hackman, Charles F Staunton
1658 Hackman, Henry F St. Louis, Mo.
2586 Haddock, Jordan M Lerna
1587 Haffner, Charles William Oquawka
665 Hasn, Frank R Ransom
1659 Hahne, John H Nashville
3338 Haines, Ralph J . Santa Ana, Cal.
3339 Haines, Willis A Chauncey
1483 Ham, M. Allen Albion
102 Hailine, James S Macomb
2198 Hall, Forest N Dallas, Tex.
1784 Hall, Francis Y Clinton, la.
3179 Hall, James A Galva
3340 Hall, Louise E Galesburg
100 Hall, W. C Abingdon
2494 Hallermann, A. N Carlyle
2424 Hallgren, Arthur C Holdredge, Neb.
3561 Hallmann, John H Emden
823 Hamill, Liberty L Homer
1909 Hamilton. Herbert Carthage
465 Hammer, Milton Champaign
551 Hammerschmidt, Edward Savanna
2331 Hammerstrom. Archie Edward Moline
107 Hammond, Chas. H Rushville
1487 Hamrick, Willis Wyanet
552 Hancock, Edgar D Flora
2332 Hanks, John E., Jr Clinton, Ind.
1147 Hanna, Will D Tuscola

Licensed Embalmers — Continued.

No. Name. Address.
101 Hanmim Edgar P Spring Valley
3180 Hansen, Alwin Tonnis Kenosha, Wis.
2333 Hansen, Harry J Gardner
2025 Hansen, Henry. Anton, Jr Minneapolis, Minn.
2495 Hansen, John Mark Kenosha, Wis.
2026 Hansen, Martin A Gardner
1048 Harden, Prank E Good Hope
103 Harding, Samuel A Clayton
1415 Hardy, Andrew Wright Cleveland, Ohio
2980 Hargis, Lome T Troy, Kan.
2027 Hargroves, Arnold Denver, Colo.
2496 Harms, Harm Benld
3077 Harms, Hermann John Petersburg
3181 Harness, Chas. F Southport, Ind.
3341 Harper, Sam E Charleston
554 Harper, S. A., Jr Peoria
3563 Harrell, Charles Smith St. Louis, Mo.
2136 Harrigan, James M Oak Park .

3028 Harrington, Edward Herman Hazelton, Ind.

2426 Harrington, Geo. F Caledonia, Minn.
2589 Harris, Bentley Springfield
1049 Harris, Eugene Nelson Joliet
555 Harris, Euris Coffeen
1910 Harris, Geo. W Brushton, N. Y.
1050 Harris, J. B Astoria
1661 Harris, Lewis South Wilmington
1488 Harris, O. B. Kilbourne
3564 Harris, Raleigh J Pontiac
2127 Harrold, Carl H Batavia
3182 Harsch, Geo. T Paxton
2900 Hart, Arthur A Hillsboro
3078 Hart, Eugene Edward Virden
1489 Hart, Harry E Jacksonville
1276 Hart, James Edwin Peoria
916 Hart, J. Melchi Franklin
3408 Hartwell, George P Ullin
1330 Harvey, William H Manteno
3409 Hasely, Marc M Earlville
1855 Hasemeyer, Wm. H Essex
1912 Haskell^ Charles William Mattoon
2201 Hathaway, John Johnston City
2138 Haussler, Lvman A Centralia
1277 Havard, A. H TTrbana

Licensed Embalmers — Continued.

No. Name. Address.
3565 Hayes, Percy J Tampico
24.28 Hays, James Francis Los Angeles, Cal.
2981 Hayward, Harry B Peoria
2139 Healy, Paul W Aurora
109 Healy, William H Aurora
3079 Heaps, Eoss D Joliet
3183 Hearne, Carrie Lillian Carthage
2769 Hearne, George E Carthage
745 Heath, Warren M Columbus, Mont.
556 Heaton, Lewis Warren Princeton
3264 Heavner, Bluford Pearl
3184 Hebblethwaite, John Edward Evanston
111 Hebblethwaite, John L Evanston
2591 Hebblethwaith, Leon Lesley Evanston
2202 Hedges, Guy Cedar Palls, la.
3491 Hedrick, Cecil Eichmond Fisher
873 Heeg, Adam J Waterman
362 Keeg, William F Shabbona
2710 Henaghan, John E DeKalb
1588 Heininger, George A Metamora
735 Heininger, Henry Metamora
2261 Heinz, Gustav Carlinville
917 Heinz, H. C Carlinville
1278 Heinz, Julius A Pesotum
2829 Hellwig, Charles Le Eay Whiting, Ind.
2901 Helton, Douglas E. Ogden
285 Hemberger, Vincent Springfield
2830 Hendricks, Thomas J Clayton
918 Henry, G. W London Mills
3029 Hensley, Charles Eeid Pleasant Plains
787 Hensley, W. S Pleasant Plains
3266 Henson, Thomas Anderson West Frankfort
2663 Heppe, Conrad Chatsworth
1589 Herbst, Casper Joliet
2334 Herbst, Frank L Joliet
2497 Herbert, Michael Arthur Belvidere
3030 Herbster, Louis Mt. Sterling
1590 Hermann, Fred Stockton
2335 Herr, Vincent A East St. Louis
920 Herron, James Clarence Bowen
875 Hershey, John T Mt. Pulaski
1416 Hertz, Benjamin F Kankakee
786 Hess, William E p ana

Licensed Embalmers — Continued.

No. Name. Address.
2030 Hettick, Jesse B Scottville
3187 Heyer, Albert William Stockton
3080 Hicks, William S Princeville
1786 Hickey, Jerry Denison, Tex.
2203 Hickey, John P Kankakee
3188 Hiddleson, Cyrus Campus
3342 Higby, Austin L Aurora, Neb.
2832 Hiles, John L Yale
746 Hill, Chas. D Earlville
2140 Hill, Earl A Woodlawn
2770 Hill, Tilden C Winchester
921 Hilst, Otto Manito
2141 Hington, J. W New Berlin
3267 Hinrichs, Walter B •. Verona, Wis.
2498 Hinton, Herbert L Decatur
3268 Hinze, Wm. F Beecher
2982 Hinz, Fred A Elmhurst
1225 Hatchings, Frederick C Morocco, Ind.
2205' Hite,Thomas C Knox, Ind.
115 Hoag, Joseph J Mattoon
2142 Hobbs, Solomon J Chambersburg
2903 Hodgman, Bobert Oliver Lincoln, Neb.
1491 Hodgson, William M Bock Island
2031 Hoefft, William Maeystwn
2337 Hoehn, John F Witt
288 Hoefer, Henry E Peoria
1320 Hoffmann, Mathias M Dubuque, la.
876 Hof mann, Christian H Douglas, Wyoming
1332 Hoghton, Henry C '
3189 Holbrook, Arthur D Mason
3032 Holbrook, Charles J Keokuk, la.
788 Holgate, Wm Wyoming
2771 Holland, Howard L Waukegan
1051 Holland, James W Marion
854 Hollingsworth, Albert Terre Haute, Ind.
2983 Hollister, Bobert Clarence Batavia
473 Holman, W. T. Sherman Mt. Carroll
2833 Hollway, Eli Leonard Hardy, Ark.
2429 Holstman, Carl George Peoria
1417 Holt, James W Greenup
364 Holt, Squire Greenup
2430 Honerkamp, August Worden
29 a 4 Hopkins, Albert Earl Marshall, Ind.

Licensed Embalmers — Continued.

No. Name. Address.
1372 Hopkins, Banjamin J Zion City
3081 Hopkins, Charles W Montgomery, Mo.
2834 Hopson, Clifford Percy Delta, Colo.
3493 Homer, Fred Sandoval
118 Horton, William Bryam Galesburg
1492 Hough, Roseoe M Raymond
2032 Houghton, Harry J Georgetown
2206 Houk, Ernest H Piper City
1053 House, William Mansfield
3346 Houser, Eay Leslie Galesburg
2835 Hovey, Donald Dean Augusta, Mont,
1493 Howland, Henry J Streator
3269 Hoyt, Otis W Elgin
3412 Hrejsa, Edward M. J .• Cicero
1226 Huber, Charles St. Louis, Mo.
3347 Hudgins, Ernest Eldorado
2499 Hudson, Beulah L Wyanet
3494 Huff, Otho H Bremen, Ind.
633 Huge, Henry J., Jr Beardstown
3190 Hughes, Myron W Wauconda
2339 Huggins, Edmund D Knoxville
2500 Huggins, W. B. . Knoxville
3495 Hulbert, George G Reddick
1591 Hull, A. Harrison New Arthur
2033 Humphrey, Charles A Grand Rapids, Mich.
3567 Hunt, Gladys E Brighton
120 Hunt, Walter G Brighton
2800 Hunter, Charles N Terre Haute, Ind.
2984 Hunter, George T Stronghurst
1055 Hunter, John Jacob Carterville
973 Hunter, Thomas J. Stronghurst
2501 Huntman, William J Staunton
706 Hurd, Frank P Maquon
2985 Hurt, Irven Burton Terre Haute, Ind.
476 Huston, Frank D Springfield
1919 Huston, Joseph Warsaw
3413 Hyatt, Robert Jacksonville
2502 Iden, Georgiana Le Roy
685 Iden, Joseph Hamilton Le Roy
3082 iDgleright, Oliver Guy Berrien Springs, Mich.
1921 Ingram, I. D Kinmundy
2665 Irps, William John Chebanse
1327 Trvin, Hammond Walnut

Licensed Emb aimers — Continued.

No. Name. Address.

1281 Iseminger, T. W Heyworth
1663 Ishler, J. Wesley Martinsville
2340 Jackson, Frank B Carbondale
2593 Jackson, ErieEdward Toluca
2986 Jackson, James A McLeansboro
2905 Jacobsen, Christian M Havana
2263 Jacobs, Alpheus Auburn
291 Jacoby, Casper J Alton
3569 Jacoby, Edwin S Alton
292 Jacoby, Louis C Jerseyville
1057 Jacoby, W. C Bunker Hill
2906 Jacoby, W. Walter Gillespie
1790 Jaggers, Gurney H Wilmington, Cal.
2594 Jaggers, Quincy Charleston
1494 James, Elnora M Oblong
827 James, Joseph C, Jr Antioch
2036 James, Martin L Oblong
1282 Jameson, Thomas Roy Omaha, Neb.
2341 Jarman, Fred S Los Angeles, Cal.
3193 Jaques, Will H Champaign
2037 Jenkins, C. C Henton
1495 Jennings, Matthew Jerseyville
1283 Jensen, Niels K Waukegan
2143 Johnson, Charles Oscar Galva
2837 Johnson, Carl F Sheffield
828 Johnson, Charles E La Grange
2712 Johnson, Dean Houx Brimfield
3194 Johnson, ElijahG Louisville
367 Johnson, Emil E Sycamore
1195 Johnson, Frank A Joliet
2503 Johnson, Freeman Tipton Fairfield
1792 Johnson, George E Effingham
294 Johnson, Henry R Brimfield
1664 Johnson, J. A Effingham
2596 Johnson, Joel Carrollton
477 Johnson, John N Mt. Vernon
1058 Johnson, John E Sterling
1793 Johnson, Johnnie Cambridge
2597 Johnson, Lindrew E Winnebago
1731 Johnson, Oscar Hamilton
878 Johnson, Simon S Princeton
2504 Johnson, Wm. A Newman
2432 Johnson, Wm. H Leaf River
— 6 B H

Licensed Embalmers — Continued.

No. .Name. Address.
2598 Johnston, Carl A Watseka
707 Johnston, David Watseka
295 Johnstone, Ealph J Alton
2838 Joice, Lawrence Sylvester Waterloo, Wis.
2342 Jones, Celia A Dixon
3315 Jones, G-. F Vincennes, Ind.
2677 Jones, Ulysses G St. Joseph

3084 Jones, Wilkie T Jacksonville

3497 Jordan, Frank E Deunsmuir, Cal.
369 Jndd, Thomas D. Wenona
370 Justen, Jacob McHenry
123 Justen, N. J W. McHenry
3499 Kampp, Harry J Wheaton
371 Kampp, John H Wheaton
2750 Karcher, Victor A Shawneetown
636 Raster, James J El Paso, Tex.
731 Kauf Chris
2907 Kaul, Louis Tamaroa
2599 Kearns, Joseph W Lebanon, Ky.
1334 Keck, Harvey W. E Aurora
709 Keegan, William H. Spring Valley
879 Kellar, Thomas J Blue Island
3380 Keller, Nora E Barry
1496 Keller, Edmund Barry
131 Keller, Geo. W Sarasota, Fla.
1550 Kellersman, Henry Havana
2600 Keilmann, Nicholas T. Ottawa
1420 Keeley, William A . LaSalle
2908 Keelor, Horace Logan Idaho
1593 Kelley, Harry Freeman Freeman, Elburn
2715 Kelley, John B Loda
1665 Kelly, Adam J. Centralia
1594 Kelly, Floyd D Beverly .

1422 Kelly, Jerry W Tampico

3272 Keim, Phiiip St. Louis, Mo.
922 Keiser, Allen Ira Alton
2343 Kemerling, William J North Yakima, Wash.
3314 Kendall, Marley Dana, Ind.
1149 Kennedy, Josie C Eochelle
1285 Kennedy, Dennis J Shelbyville
2987 Kent, W. H Viola
1061 Kergher, Frank Putnam Carrollton
374 Kerr, William E Harvey

Licensed Embalmers — Continued.

No. Name. Address.
923 Kessler, J. Arthur Auburn
106.2 Kessler, Morris S Auburn
3086 Kettler, John Marine
1666 Ketting, Edward Warsaw
2988 Kettering, Ralph Seattle, Wash.
880 Kibler, Schuvler Olney
3349 Kidd, William Smith Smithfielrl
1498 Kilgnre. Samuel Ross Peoria
132 Killpatrick, H. D Bluffs
5 Kilpatrick, H. M Elmwood
2435 Kimball, Darwin Dale Pullman, Wash.
2839 Kimball, Thomas J Los Angeles, Cal.
684 Kimber, Harry F Galesburg
480 King, Jesse E Virginia
1500 King, John L Brookport
3273 King, Sadie Allendale
2505 Kingdon, Fred W Cullom
1065 Kingdon, John M Cullom
1856 Kirkhart, Wm. H Potomac
296 Kirkpatrick, Henry Bert Pana
1596 Kirkpatrick, Robert Morton Glenwood Springs, Colo.
2716 Kirlin, Bernard M Springfield
2268 Klinck, Knowlton G Knoxville
2436 Kline, Orville Seattle, Wash.
1286 Klingel, Edward Vinita, Okla.
830 Klingen, August Peoria
135 Klunk, Henry J St. Louis, Mo.
2840 Klunk, James A Alton
1923 Kmiec, Andrew East Chicago, Ind.
1336 Knauer, Claude M Avilla, Ind.
2209 Knauf , Matthew Ladd.
483 Knigge, William Rockefeller
3501 Knight, Thomas Keensburg
1287 Knickerbocker, John H Fowler, Ind.
924 Knowlton, Wm. S Princeton
136 Knox, B. F Rock Island
137 Knox, Edwin B Moline
2910 Knox, Luther Calvin Moline
1501 Knox, R. Earl Alpha
3502 Knox, Robt. S Illiopolis
1066 Knudson, Oscar C Yorkvil'le
1502 Koch, Adolph G Highland
925 Koch, Anthony J New Baden

Licensed Emb aimers— Continued.

No. Name. Address.
1924 Koch, Eobert D Peoria
638 Koening, Frank B Freeport
2506 Koerner, Joseph P Cullom
297 Kohl, Wm. J Centralia
1925 Kohler, Louis Cobden
2344 Kolar, Bomel El Paso, Tex.
710 Koll, W. G Dallas City
3036 Kopp, Hugo Melrose Park
1174 Korthaus, Gustav Hegewisch
3197 Kosanke, William F Kouts, Ind.
2212 Kraner, Henry S Marion, Ohio
1926 Krause, Augustus Wilmington
1423 Kraushar, John Naperville
2605 Kraushar, Philip Naperville
560 Kriedler, Harriett M Kewanee
3038 Krieghbaum, Hiram C South Bend, Ind.
3379 Kringer, Jacob S Tamaroa
561 Kron, August, Jr St. Louis, Mo.
764 Kreino, William Forest Park
485 Krueger, Eobert Blue Island
1732 Krummel, F. W Donnellson
3039 Kruse, John H St. Peter
376 Kruse, W. C Champaign
711 Kuecks, Chas. C Pekin
139 Kuehner, Charles Fred Freeport
3087 Kueker, Henry C Troy
3040 Kuhl, Joseph H Beckemeyer
1857 Kuhn, Eobert Nauvoo
486 Kurrus, Charles G- East St. Louis
1985 Kurze, Carl Monee
140 Kuter, Simon A Eockford
1598 Kutz, Henry E Morris
143 Lackore, Chas. E Morgan Park
3275 Lady, Will W Macomb
2718 Lahey, Jerry J Madison
3201 Lahey, Margaret E Madison
2508 LaMaster, Ehud Bloomington
3416 Lamb, Bert W Cowden
3350 Lamb, Wallace Shumway, Jr Gibson City
142 Lamb, Wallace Shumway Gibson City
487 Lambdin, Walter P Atwood
145 Lame, Charles Edgar McGill, Nev.
2911 LaMontague, Louis L Memphis, Tenn.
Licensed Embalmers — Continued.
Name. Address.
Landis, Henry Kingston
Lane, Kudolph E. H. Shermerville
Lang, Herman C Bed Bud
Lang, John W Red Bud
Lantz, Charles C Shelbyville
Larkin, George S Mackinaw
Larsen, George Waukegan
Larson, Albert M Ingalls, Mich.
Lashmett, A. J Bushville
Latowsky, Hugo New Douglas
Lauber, Charles Peru
Lauber, John Louis Peru
Lauer, Henry Spring Valley
Laughlin, Osman R Odon, Ind.
Laughlin, Richard Carbondale
Lavery, David Kankakee
Lawrence, William F Danville
Lawler, Robert A Rushville
Lay ton, Ernest A Binghampton, N. Y.
Leadley, Fred L Wyoming
Leamon, R. B Lena
Learnard, J. Perry West Point, Miss.
Lee, Luther Leman Pond Creek, Okla.
Lee, Maskel Wapella
Lee, Ray B Lewistown, Mont.
Leggate, Walter F Morrison
Lehnert, Adam Aurora
Lehman, Frank Herseher
Lemieux, Richard Amos Menominee, Mich.
Leeper, George W Chandlerville
Leeper, William D Chandlerville
Leif erman, G. C Buda
Lemen, A. L Ottawa
Lenz, Amel L Lacon
Leonard, Harry M Rantoul
Leonard, John Mitchell Hallowell, Me.
Lepper, Otto L Quincy
Leuckel. Philip A Perryville, Mo.
Lewis, Chas. E Elgin
Lewis, Frederick E Prairie City
Lewis, Sheridan H Elgin
Lickev, Mary M Rushville

Licensed Embalmers — Continued.

No. Name. Address.
1803 Liese, Henry Belleville
1934 Lietz, Fred W Buckley
1506 Liggett, W. H Camp Point
1507 Liljequist, Charles J Davis
931 Linder, Ealph Kane
3045 Lingafelter, James A Yale
1070 Link, Horace Paris
3377 Lintner, Albert L Chandlerville
1197 Linton, William H Crown Point, Ind.
932 Lisenby, John N Tamaroa
1152 Lishness, Charles E Cornell
979 Listeman, Chas. F Collinsville
2719 Lock, Mrs. Belle Young Alton
2773 Lock, John Alton
2270 Lockey, Geo. B South Bend, Ind.
1508 Lofftus, William E Monmouth
1935 Loftus,John W Decatur
3088 Lohmann, George Ft. Madison, la.
2046 Long, David A Portland, Ore.
1936 Long, Matthew Bockford
3374 . Long, Norman W Metropolis
3089 Loss, William H Flint, Mich.
2047 Lowe, Boy A Edwardsville
1669 Lowery, Charles Eockport
3504 Lowery, Emma C Eockport
1150 Luce, George B Plainfield
2611 Luce, Gilbert Truman Liberty ville
2353 Luckhaupt, Frank W Marshall
3353 Lundborg, Edward Bloomington
1072 Luther, Irvin E Geneseo
1937 Luthy, E'mil J. . Watertown, S. D.
2612 Lyons, Bernard A Odell
2271 Mackey, John S Monticello
3046 Mac Leod, William W Erie, Pa
492 Mahan, J. A Pontiac
2991 Maloy, George Pardee Three Oaks, Mich.
2048 Manhart, James Elizabethtown
2954 Manning, DeWitt Morgan Carthage
3203 Manor, Fred J Jenoa Junction, Wis.
2775 Mansfield, Albert E Scottsville
1232 Marceau, Zephir E Manteno
3506 Markee, Bruce Gandoys Augusta
1073 Markee, M. G .....Augusta

Licensed Emb aimers — Continued.

Name. Address.
Markiewicz, Stanislaw Lemont
Marks, Charles W Edwardsville
Marks, John Edward '
. Edwardsville
Markley, Clark A Adams, Minn.
Markwell, George W Newton
Marsh, Frank M Rockford
Marsh, George A Bradford
Marshall, Andrew Henry Salt Lake City, Utah
Marshall, Emily Hanks Albany
Marshall, Julius Lessly St. Louis, Mo.
Marshall, Robert Wm., Jr Gary, Ind.
Marston, Orrin L Roseville
Martin, Chas. E Macomb
Martin, Fred C Xenia
Martin, Edison Summum
Martin, Mason G Sheridan
Martin, Ralph Thane Champaign
Martin, Ransom S Eldorado
Martin, William H Korris City
Martinie. Fred Harold Benton Harbor, Mich.
Masen, Ernest F Pekin
Mathes, Archie D Knoxville
Mathews, John L La Crosse, Ind.
Mathews, W. R Evansville
Mathias, Robert Gary, Ind.
Matson, James C Scales Mound
Matthews, Anson A Erie
Matthews, Theodore Lostant
Mans, Henry M Phoenix, Ariz.
Maxon, Earl El Paso, Tex.
May, Gardner A Tiskilwa
May, Jackson A Dixon
McAlister, Maggie M Rardin
McAlister, T. P Rardin
McAlister, Martin H Rockford
McArthur, A. L Hamilton
McCabe, George R Fairbury
McCabe, Mike J Springfield
McCampbell, Roy F Okanogan, Wash.
McCann, James B Joliet
McCann, Josiah B Areola
McCarty, Halford R Lawrenceville
McCarty, Jas. D Mattoon

Licensed Embalmers — Continued.

No. Name. Address.
3092 McCarty, Margaret H Keokuk, la.
2216 McCauley, Fred Marvin S.idell

1677 McCauley, E. C '

1509 McClain, Burnie Paris
162 McClure, George W Hunnewell, Mo.
1510 McClure, Warren C La Harpe
2916 McCormick, Steaphen Hugh Valmeyer
3093 McDermott, Charles A. . . Peoria
2616 McDonald, Alvah G. . .
East St. Louis
1078 McDonald, Geo. S East St. Louis
2051 McEvay, Frank Decatur
3094 McE'voy, Philip Sheridan Equality
158 McFerson, George A Tonica
1941 McGary, James Danville
3095 McGeej Wm. M Brocton
2356 McGinnis, John Wm Gifford
3355 McHenry, Joseph W Payson
2274 McHugh, John Benj Kewanee
1290 McJunkin, Arthur E Green Valley
2513 McKee, Harry Almon Sandwich
3279 McKenzie, Joseph Allison Payson
1198 McKinney, Archibald J Kempton
1291 McKinney, Charles Peoria
489 McKinney, William O Piper City
884 McKinstry, J. T Delavan
1 McKinstry, W. Y Delavan
566 McKnight, Wm. A Alexis
2515 McKoin, Harry E. A St. Louis, Mo.
1943 McLaughlin, Adelbert Jay Yates City
2884 McLaughlin. Frank R. .
Cerro Gordo
386 McLean, George S Princeton
2727 McLean, Robert H Denver, Colo.
298 McMackin, Chas. L Salem
1511 McMackin, James Ernest Salem
2728 McMackin, Omar James Salem
490 McMackin, T. C Fairfield
2275 McMullin, William I Lovington
1605 McMurray, Irvin Morrill, Kan.
3280 McNamara, Jay J Washington, la.
2729 McNeall, Derrick L Columbus
3048 McPeek, Tom Francis Breckenridge, Mo.
2276 McQueen, Jesse Fred Springfield
1079 McQueen, John Winters Altona

Licensed Embalmers — Continued.

Name. Address.
Meacham, George B Peoria
Melby, J. E Momence
Mehl, Bernard Wesley Edwardsville
Melcher, Myrta Findley
Melcher, Wm Findley
Melzer, Edwin H Glenview
Melzer, Jacob Glenview
Mendenhall, Charles E Vermont
Menef ee, Will D Ambia, Ind.
Mentzer, Herman P Shermerville
Mercer, James Edward Granite City
Merritt, Charles Edson Mendota
Merritt, Hazel D Champaign
Messier, Fred E Canton
Messer, James W Lexington
Messinger, Clifford M Shreveport, La.
Meissner, William F Texarkana, Ark.
Metcalf, Edward P Springfield
Metz, Albert D Wapella
Metz, William F St. Elmo
Metzger, Philip Lippert Millstadt
Meyer, Edward C Staunton
Meyer, Edw. W Gilman
Meyer, John A Mascoutah
Meyer, John H Mason City, la.
Meyers, Nicholas W Muscatine, la.
Miller, August F Alton
Miller, Charles E Charleston
Miller, Clayton W Washington
Miller, Edgar Carrier Mills
Miller, Edward J Big Eock
Miller, Floyd Glenn Fillmore
Miller, Fred Grant Mattoon
Miller, I. W Washington
Miller, Mike Charleston
Miller, W. F Crisco, Iowa
Miller, William H Mt. Morris
Miller William N Hanover
Milligan, Fred T Fairbury
Milligan, Jennie M Fairbury
Mills, William Lewis St. Augustine
Minier, Perry William Sheldon
Mink, Frederick C Galva
Minnich, John W Piano

Licensed Embalmers — Continued.

No. Name. Address.
2918 Mitchell, Clifford E Hoopeston
3575 Mitchell, John F Olney
168 Mittendorf, Louis Champaign
3139 Moehrman, Chas. F Staunton
3511 Mohr, Donald Oakley Ponca, Neb.
2919 Mohr, John E Tinley Park
2778 Moll, Albert Daniel Mascoutah
499 Moran, James J Decatur
3578 Moran, Louis A Decatur
750 Morgan, Thomas J La Salle
3576 Monroe, Harry B Carrier Mills
2278 Monson, Leon A Decatur
3512 Montgomery, Charles A Petersburg
500 Montgomery, Samuel Petersburg
1946 Montgomery, Vivian Mound City
2054 Montgomery, Will A Mound City
2055 Moon, Margaret Harper Onarga
1083 Moon, Samuel Cornelius Onarga
3356 Moore, Marshall Petersburg
2260 Moore, Norman H Freeport
3513 Moore, Mrs. Ora P Freeport
300 Moore, Wm. E Benton
3426 Moore, William Landis Muscatine, la.
3577 Moores, Montgomery Kelsey Shipman
3514 Moores, Bubie Frances Shipman
2518 Morehouse, Chester Abbott Mahomet
570 Morehouse, Heber J Mahomet
2779 Morgan, Charles G Martins Ferry, Ohio
2057 Morlan, James L McLeansboro
3100 Morris, Herbert W Dixon
1084 Morris, John M Apache, Okla.
1859 Morris, Jos. D Kirkland
389 Morrison, Hugh B Aledo
1814 Morrison, William H Aledo
2056 Morse, Almiron G Farmington
1085 Mortenson, M. J Tonica
2058 Mortimer, William Pittsburg, Pa.
2920 Morton, Frances Perry
1516 Morton, Jno. E

. . , Perry
2678 Motley, Frank O Bichmond
176 Mott, Allen Athens
1517 Mott, Eugene L Villa Grove
3515 Mudge, Gordon T Ishpeming, Mich.
2059 Muegge, F. William Tioga

Licensed Emb aimers— Continued.

Name. Address.
Muegge, Karl L Tioga
Muhlke, Alfred H : Deerfield
Mulliken, Edgar M Humboldt
Mulliken, I. M Newman
Mulliken, J. W Champaign
Momma, Holmes Sherrard
Mumper, David William Quincy
Mundle, Frank L Pontiac
Munson, Holroyd Penwater, Mich.
Murchison, Frances C. J Colorado Springs, Colo.
Murfin, Arthur Lee Vernon
Murphy, Jessie Evan Detroit, Mich.
Murphy, John W Aledo
Murphy, Thomas Taylorville
Murphy, Thomas J Springfield
Murphy, W. P Pock Island
Mussman, W. F Crete
Myers, Fred Girard
Myers, William B Wayne City
Myers, William L Geneseo
Nace, Joseph _
Nash, James A Hinckley
Nash, John Hill Grayville
Nashold, Martin Monroe Center
Neeson, Pichard J Divernon
Neidow, Carl Dolton
Neidow, Chas. C Hammond, Ind.
Neil, W. W Kinmundy
Nelms, John H , . . . Kinmundy
Nelson, Harry A DeKalb
Nemanich, Anton, Jr Joliet
Nevins, George H Virden
Newbould, Sam T Sullivan
Newell, Arthur C Morrison, Okla.
Newell, Otis D Decatur, Mich.
Newgent, Herbert M East St. Louis
Newman, Henry N Paxton
Nice, William D Kenney
Nichols, Geo. M Plymouth
Nichols, Eobert Wilson Morgan Park
Nickels, John R Chrisman
Niederer,Edward H Easton
Niesman, John Davis
Noel, Orville W Pekin

Licensed Embalmers — Continued.

No. Name. Address.
1520 Nolen, Edward Beshare Benton
3101 Norberg, Carl Arthur Princeton
182 Norris, C. E West Chicago
183 Norris, Carroll William St. Charles
1178 Norris, F. T Elgin
180 Norris, George W Anna
1682 Norris, Joseph D Waltonville
751 Norris, Robert M Anna
1612 Norris, Thomas Jonesboro
2068 Nortrup, Henry Jacksonville
2733 Nuess, William Anthony Springfield
1950 Nutt, Arthur Daniel . Mendon
984 Nutt, Chas. H Mendon
644 Nutt, Levi G Kankakee
1683 Oakley, Lucian E Pleasant Hill
186 Oakman, Clem G Clinton
2998 Oare, Alonzo Wilson Herrick
1293 Oberlin, Arthur Kankakee
794 Oblander, George Freeport
187. Oblander, J. F. G Bushnell
1818 O'Brien, John H Lemont
2923 O'Brien, Minnie Francis Mexico City, Mex.
3429 O'Connor, Francis J Dwight
837 O'Donnell, John H Jacksonville
1431 Offenheiser, Fred Pearl City
838 Oleary, Chas. W Peoria
646 Olmsted, Homer H Milledgeville
301 Olmsted, William C Danville
2157 Olson, Carl A Eockford
2924 Olson, David N" Evanston
2856 Olson, Fred Clarence Eockford
1089 Olson, John B Briercrest, Can.
1684 Olson, Louis Blue Island
505 Olson, Nels Eockford
795 O'Malley, Albert M Sterling
1159 O'Malley, Walter E Eock Island
987 Omen, John Alfred Princeton
2158 Ortgiesen, David A Waterloo, la.
1820 Ortmann, Mrs. W. H Warsaw
1685 Ortmann, W. H Warsaw
890 Ory, Joseph A Carlock
1344 Osborn, Oliver S Milford
2444 Osborn, Percy G Chicago Heights
190 Osborne, Elwin D Eacine, Wis.

Licensed Embalmers — Continued.

No. Name. Address.
2782 Osborne, Nairah Wane Dix
2159 Osborne, Bay E Elmhurst
1158 Osburn, Miles Eldorado
2579 Osgood, Dauphin Arthur Oak Park
985 Osmond, 0. H Newark
2284 OToole, Michael E Plainfield
574 Ott, Amos Prophetstown
1821 Ott, Leonard Prophetstown
3581 Otto, Albert H Danvers
1822 Otto, Charles Eichmond
1952 Over, Mrs. Anna Leonore
3285 Owen, I. Jay Yuma, Colo.
2160 Owens, Dominic P Whiting, Ind.
2445 Ownby, Albert D Winthrop, la.
2523 Packer, Harold L Salem, la.
2999 Paddock, Bert Thawville
302 Paas, George E Edmond, Okla.
1688 Paige, Florence M Nowata, Okla.
194 Palmer, Charles W Portland, Ore.
396 Palmer, William C Kewanee
1522 Pape, Erwin E Pontiac
195 Parent, William T Tampico
1823 Parker, Audleigh Bruce Shreveport, La.
840 Parker, Elmer S Hoopeston
2680 Parker, Lewis Wallace Griggsville
1090 Parker, Lucas Vienna
1954 Parks, Edward W Girard
1523 Parrish, La Fayette Metropolis
2623 Partlow, Columbus Newton Keens
196 Paschen, William E Princeton
2524 Paswater, Warren C Heyworth
3102 Patterson. Alex James Braidwood
1318 Patterson, George Le Eoy
3103 Patterson, Glenn W Le Eoy
1860 Patterson, James W Braidwood
2624 Patterson, John S Braidwood
2734 Patterson, Pearl M Le Eoy
3287 Patton,Thomas Clinton Jacksonville
3288 Paul, Eaymond La Crosse, Wis.
2857 Payne, Edward L Shortsville, N. Y.
1689 Pearce, Charles G Hutsonville
3001 Peart, John G Belvidere
3289 Peers, George W Mattoon

Licensed Embalmers — Continued.

No. Name. Address.
304 Perrine, Charles V Poplar Bluff, Mo.
1690 Perry, Fred W Pawnee
2070 Peters, Edward Greenup
2925 Peters, Edward Eock Island
3518 Petering, Carl P La Porte, Ind.
3236 Petersen, Arthur H Waterloo, la.
2361 Petersen, Edward J Oak Park
1238 Peterson, Charles E Glasgow, Mont,
3002 Peterson, Prank Granville
796 Peterson, Fred Bernard Pecatonica
1294 Peterson, John A Orion
3206 Petzrilka, Joseph Oak Park
1956 Pfeffer, Frank X Seneca
1135 Pfeffer, Louis J Seneca
3430 Pfeiffer, Martin Strasburg
941 Pfeif er, Geo. L Hinsdale
2363 Pfetzing, Henry G Havana
671 Pfetzing, O. F Havana
3358 Phelan, Hugh E Morris
1379 Phelps, Harry P Princeton
3359 Phillips, Clark E Danville
3208 Phillips, James B Mattoon
202 Phelps, F. W St. Louis, Mo.
2222 Pickrell, Claud Anna
715 Pierce, Bessie Morning Sun, la.
672 Pierce, Curtice Morning Sun, la.
1004 Pierce, Jesse C Woodstock
3105 Piller, Leo J Kingman, Kan.
204 Plattner, Eoy D Pittsfield
2785 Pollock, Andrew Livingston Colfax
2735 Pomeroy, Chas. D Ohio
3584 Porter, Halbert Harrison DesPlaines
1092 Porter, John B. Olney
2751 Porter, Louis F Morocca, Ind.
2927 Potthast, H. C Greenville
3004 Powell, Ernest E Macomb
2072 Powell, Ealph Ealston Lafayette, Colo.
3052 Powers, William E Harvey
2625 Postlewait, O-Allen Oak Park
2626 Pratt, Charles E Toledo, Ohio
398 Prehm, H. L Lake Zurich
2736 Preston, Ernest H Bloomington
1525 Preston, Walter L Dixon


Licensed Embcdmers — Continued

No. Name. Address.

1957 "

Prevo, Arthur C Medaryville, Ind.

2928 Price, Milton D Noble
2681 Prillmayer, Albert H Mt. Sterling
2528 Primrn, Howard B Tallula
197 Prior, Henry M Highland Park
2223 Prior, John '
506 Prior, Percy E Sac City, la.

3519 Prior, Percy H Highland Park

1826 Pritchett, Arthur Niantic
2074 Pritchett, Charles Latham
3290 Pritchett, James Walter Niantic
198 Prouty, Frederick Eugene Princeville
3361 Provart, Ira Mc. P Christopher
2952 Prugh, Norval Francis Burlington, la.

2529 Prust, Harry West Union

2285 Ptack, Louis M Peru
1093 Puckett, Robert H Burnt Prairie
3005 Pullum, Laura Eldorado
1295 Pullen, Walter N Waynesville
199 Purinton, Fred V Lincoln
766 Putnam, Mary Crumb Harvard
767 Putnam, O. L Harvard
1692 Quernheim, Herman Waterloo
576 Quinn, John F Joliet
2531 Quisenberry, Jerome G Omaha, Neb.
2075 Badcliff, Linn Princeton, Ind.
1614 Eakow, Charles W Dundee
1434 Baleigh, Fred E Strong City, Kan.
400 Piammel, James M Assumption
2076 Rammd, Euth Assumption
942 Eamp, Edgar E Los Angeles, Cal.
1345 Eamsey, Isaac Franklin St. Joseph, Mo.
1827 Eandall, Henry S Buckingham
1094 Banger, Fred C Belvidere
2365 Eankin, Job William Muscatine, la.
1693 Eatts, Bela Martinsville
1694 Eatts, E. B Martinsville
2858 Ray, Paul George Libertyville
1615 Eedman, John N Oakwood
1177 Eedman, John W Dana, Ind.
2366 Eeed, Edwin E Monee
2533 Eeed, Guy Chillicothe
1959 Eeeder, Charles H Dalton City

Licensed Embalm -ers — Continued.

No. Name. •

1297 Bees, Sydney J Chillicothe
512 Beese, Uriel Arlington Heights
2077 Began, Frank L Elmwood
578 Began, W. C Stronghurst
2682 Rehr, Harry P Kankakee
210 Beichmuth, C. L Pensacola, Fla.
990 Beid, Alex Hampshire
798 Beid, Charles C. Joliet
3292 Beid, Frank Jacksonville
3293 Eeifert, George J Omaha, Neb.
1526 Beische,John H Versailles
2165 Beising, Frank Albert Kansas City, Kan.
2787 Bemsburg, Harold S Thawville
3107 Bender, Joseph J El Paso
211 Benner, Enos H Urbana
893 Bennewanz, Bobert F Kankakee
305 Beynolds, John G Jacksonville
3210 Beynolds, Baymond A., Jr Morrison
510 Beynolds, Baymond A Morrison
1346 Bhoden, Henry Springfield
1298 Bhodes, Jesse S Crump, Mich.
2535 Bhodes, Bussell L Carlinville
2447 Bhyan, Chaning C Terre Haute, Ind.
212 Bice, George W Pontiac
943 Bice, Oral Otis Loveland, Colo.
3521 Bichardson, Henry L South Lyon, Midi.
2536 Bichardson, Henry Martin Lewistown
1239 Bichey, Charles L St. Louis, Mo.
2166 Bickett, Charles Walter Hopedale
843 Bickey, William Henry Philo
3140 Eider, H. Perry Metropolis
306 Eiefenberg, Otto H Carlinville
736 Eiegel, Harry Marion
2931 Bigdon, Henry David Murphysboro
3109 Biggin, William Henry Carterville
3211 Biordan, J. Francis Streator
2629 Eipley, Willis A Streator
307 Eippey, George A Grafton
2537 Bitter, Henry B Mascoutah
2367 Bitter, Will O French Licks, Ind.
894 Boach, John E Chatsworth
2167 Eobb, Charles P p ana
1695 Boberts, Alexander J Murphysboro

Licensed Erribalmers — Continued.

No. Name. Address.
2368 Roberts, Daniel Frank Danville, Ind.
2538 Eoberts, George Milton
1437 Eoberts, Hamilton S Murphysboro
513 Eoberts, Walton G Lincoln, Neb.
3522 Eoberts, William H Central City, Colo.
797 Eobertshaw, Charles K Bloomington
3215 Eobertson, F. G Toledo
1696 Eobertson, John A Payson
3110 Eobillard, Harrison H Elmhurst
991 Eobings, Eoy E Medora
1299 Eobings, William Henry Brighton
1096 Eobinson, Frank C. Stillwater, Minn.
1097 Eobinson, Harry E Bushville
2369 Eoche, Edward James South Elgin
1829 Eoche, Thos. E Elgin
2079 Bockwell, Ernest A Clinton, la.
3434 Bodenberg, Henry Sesser
214 Eoeolfson, Eobt. D Normal
2168 Eogers, Clifford Cleveland, Ohio
673 Eogers, John Mechanicsburg
3586 Eogers, Nathaniel L Hull
1438 Eolanclo, Mrs. Victoire Ladd
2224 Eoot, Byron L Eobinson
1697 Eose, John C Kampsville
1098 Eose, John F Moline
3213 Eose, Jordan Wiliam White Hall
2540 Bosman, E. P. M Beloit, Wis.
3214 Eoss, Allen Glenn Walnut
1961 Eoss, Balph Woods St. Paul, Minn.
1347 Eoss, William Elgin
753 Eoss, William Wallace, Jr Denver, Colo.
2287 Both, Fred C Moore, Mont.
2T99 Bottmanri, Fred William Golconda
044 Bowe, Thos Greenview
2788 Buddick, Lease Sandoval
2789 Bude, Harry H Harrisburg
718 Buedy, Bruno S Casey
2738 Euffin, Edward D Cairo
3463 Buhl, John, Jr Dundee
674 Bundstrom, Bobert W North Yakima, Wash.
3054 Bunge, Louis Davenport, la.
169S Russell, Anderson St. Louis, Mo.
1699 Russell, Carl L Kewanna, Ind.

Licensed Embahners — Continued.

No. Name. Address.
3587 RusselL Charles Stanton Neponset
3435 Russell, Joel St. Louis, Mo.
1240 Ruyle, John F Nebo
3111 Ryan, James G Ft. Wayne, Ind.
916 Ryan, James Lincoln
719 Ryan, W. H Enid, Okla.
917 Ryan, Wm Lincoln
3588 Salladay, John Baird Homer
1701 Sampson, W. M Waynesville
675 Sanders, Preston Pawnee
581 Sanderson, Prank Clifton
1527 Sangwin, Harry, Jr Paris
1099 Sappington, Merrick .Winchester
2631 Sarber, Charles H Milledgeville
3216 Sarber, Pleasant Roy Warsaw, Ind.
2169 Sawtell, James H Burlington, la.
1175 Schaefer, Anton Spring Grove
3056 Schaefer, Edward Henry Meredosia
514 Schaefer, George J Evanston
309 Schaefer, Henry Meredosia
1964 Schaefer, Joseph Evanston
1209 Schaefer, Martin Evanston
2933 Schafer, Thomas J East Moline
3362 Schaible, Ernest R Pekin
1529 Schafmayer, Charles J Scales Mound
405 Scharfman, Henry Shannon
3437 Schaub, Charles H Kempton
311 Schiek, William Freeburg
1348 Schildmann, E. H Venice
1833 Schilling, F. Stephen Mattoon
1702 Schiettinger, Charles Highland
3057 Schlosser, William Crossville
1703 Schmidt, Max L Altamont
1862 Schmitt, Louis P Warsaw
1704 Schmutzler, E. H Huntingburg, Ind.
1835 Schneider, Edmund J Columbia
1530 Schneider, Joseph Springfield
3439 Schnur, Philip '
Baker City, Ore.
2453 Schroeder, Arthur W Dubuque, la.
515 Schroeder, Herman Chester
3591 Schroeder, Oscar C Chester
3218 Schroeppel, Albert H Collinsville
3113 Schroeppel, George M Collinsville

Licensed Embalm ers — Continued.

No. Name. Address.
235 Schroeppel, Martin Collinsville
1T05 Schroeppel, Raymond F Collinsville
948 Schryver, Marion F Gurnee
1706 Sehuette, Christian Alton
3295 Schwarz, B. Leo Mendota
583 Schwarz, Frank Joseph Mendota
949 Schwarz, Henry P O'Fallon
3592 Schwartz, Eoy Peter Hannibal, Mo.
895 Schweitzer, J. G Union Mills, Ind.
2935 Scobey, Elbert Pay Marion
845 Scofield, William S Naperville
238 Scott, George E Kankakee
3114 Scott, Jerry Oneal Eossville
3593 Scott, Ralph Cook Beatrice, Neb.
1100 Scott, Walter D Amboy
1707 Scott, William H Evanston
•?; 52 Scripter, Otis Zion City
3363 Scougale, William A Kalamazoo, Mich.
2934 Schubich, Carl F Algonia, Wis.
3058 Scroggs, Earl Leroy Columbus, Ohio
584 Search, Harry M Peoria
2936 Sebree, Willard R Canton
410 Segur, Louis B Watseka
3524 Senesac, A. H Kankakee
2454 Senne, Paul W Maywood
2632 Sexson, Charles H Windsor
2455 Shafer, Harry L McDowell
585 Shafer, J. C Assumption
848 Shannon, F. C San Francisco, Cal.
313 Shannon, William H Nokomis
2288 Sharp, Oscar E Ramsey
13S1 Sheets, Robert W Lincoln
2289 Sheets. Wm. M Lowell, Ind.
649 Sheldon. Irving W Bremerton, Wash.
2373 Shelly, Theo. Manchester, la.
2549 Shepard, Elmer St. Louis, Mo.

676 Shepard, Richard G Collinwood, Ohio

312 Sherive, Geo. H St. Louis, Mo.

1382 Sherwood, Ambrose E Haigler, Neb.

2228 Sherwood, Jay Eugene Kankakee
3525 Shields, Charles Marshall Grand Ridge
412 Shields, Hugh A Greenfield
2374 Shippert, Warren A North Yakima. Wash.

Licensed Emb aimers — Continued.

No. Name. Address.

1101 Shirk, John II Milledgeville
314 Shober, Daniel Chenoa
2171 Shober, Minnie M Chenoa
2456 Shoup, Ciena G Goshen, Ind.
413 Sidenfaden, Edward E St. Joseph, Mo.

1102 Siedler, Aloys H St. Louis, Mo.

2081 Siegel, Valentine Waterloo
2290 Siepel, Willard Emmett Tennessee
2955 Sievert, Charles H Davenport, la.

3298 Silverthorn, Harry Pontiac

2082 Simcox, Ernest '.
. Patoka
1441 Simpson, Edward Willis Centerville, S. D.
2937 Simpson, Levis Leroy Beardstown
3117 Simpson, Lynn Parker Carrollton
2791 Simpson, Sterling Forrest Macomb
586 Siverling, Albert B Montezuma, la.
1622 Skoglund, John A Geneva
1837 Slain, Charles Eugene Dixon
993 Slater, Frank E Hale, Mo:
801 Slater, Samuel S Genoa
2861 Slattery, Thos. J Wichita, Kan.
3299 Sloan, Andrew, Jr Forestville, Wis.
1709 Smith, Allen B Henry
240 Smith, Charles A Wyoming
2229 Smith, Charles A Oxford, Ind.
1733 Smith, Chas. M Annapolis
1303 Smith, Charles N Madison
2291 Smith, Evi E Hansen, Idaho
2458 Smith, F. M. . . . Vernon
721 Smith, Geo. A Alvin
218 Smith, Geo. F East St. Louis
1206 Smith, Geo. S Dakota
2740 Smith, Henry Cleve Lebanon
1710 Smith, Joshua W Milton
1623 Smith, Leonard M Eobinson
1305 Smith, Lloyd H Marseilles
2376 Smith, Mrs. Mary Walkerton, Ind.
1531 Smith, Nathan E Albion
414 Smith, Orville A Geneva
2741 Smith, Samuel Jr P., Minier
3118 Smith, Thomas Benton New Haven
1532 Smith, Thos.C Springfield
1533 Smith, Thomas M Ashland

Licensed Embalmers — Continued.

Xo. Name. Address.
802 Smith, William H Paw Paw
2377 Smith, William H Walkerton, Ind.
219 Smith, William W Springfield
2792 Snider, George Coats Ina
3220 Snyder, Chas. A. E Edinburg
3443 Snyder, Glen Benedict Escanaba, Mich.
2634 Snyder, Harold Mead New Windsor
1104 Snyder, Samuel J Edinburg
950 Solon, Anthony A Streator
1839 Southon, Alfred T Cicero
220 Soward, William W Fithian
2686 Sowerby, Clifton Craig Canton
2459 Spalding, Ignatius Thomas Golconda
1161 Spangler, Wm. McCloud .Brown Valley, Minn.
1350 Spannagel, Albert Long Beach, Cal.
1969 Speers, Clarence Gibson City
222 Speicher, Jos. H Kankakee
1306 Spencer, Chas Bridgeport
3301 Spencer, Eaum Bridgeport
1711 Spengel, Louis Highland
2083 Sperry, Harvey Eamsey
315 Spielman, Charles Lewis Blandinsville
2172 Spielman, Shelby E Blandinsville
2084 Spindler, James Urvie Chicago Heights
3119 Sprague, Frank E Naperville
2687 Sproul, Carl Lima, Ohio
995 Spurrier, Harry Barton Elgin
3120 Stafford, Harry Gordon Woodstock
418 Stafford, John J., Jr Woodstock
3444 St. Clair, Ernest Keewatin, Minn.
2085 St. Clair, Geo. W Le Boy
1534 Staninger, Charles Sumner
2940 Staninger, Daniel Corrie Sumner
1712 Stanley, George B Tulsa, Okla.
756 Staples, Joseph W Dixon
3121 Starkey, David D Norris City
1207 Staesen, John H Peotone
3122 Steelman, Oscar Ewell Palmyra
223 Steenrod, Charles W Sycamore
1244 Steinhilber, George M Crescent City
519 Stensel, Geo Farmer City
2378 Steffey, Verne J Mankato, Minn.

Licensed Emb aimers— Continued.

No. Name. Address.
1840 Stephan, Geo. B Ashton
518 Stephan, Henry Sacramento, Cal.
685 Stewart, C. H Hammond, Ind.
1107 Stewart, Charles L Washburn
2688 Stewart, Charles Wesley Nokomis
2173 Stewart, Guy Champaign
2742 Stimpert, Joseph E Minonk
1443 Stinchfield, Melvin J Valparaiso, Ind.
587 Stine, Eoy G Moweaqua
2379 Stiritz, Eudolph John Johnston City
2689 Stocken, Fred J Ann Arbor, Mich.
317 Stocker, Elmer E Princeton, Ind.
2545 Stocks, Adam Leo Morrisonville
1713 Stoeckel, Louis H Jerseyville
2460 Stoelzle, John, Jr Sesser
1163 Stopp, Wm. G Plainheld
3445 Storme, Albert G Cambria
2293 Stormer, August P Quincy
1536 Stormer, Herman H Quincy
3123 Story, Jesse E Smithboro
225 Stott, Wm. H DesPlaines
1842 Strang, George E •
Grays Lake
3366 Strang, Leland G Antioch
2546 Strathmann, Charles A Clay City
952 Streeper, Calloway Nash Upper Alton
2086 Streicher, A Red Bud
1715 Stremmel, William G Eushville
1537 Strickler, George Polo
2381 Strode, Walter L Claremore, Okla.
3595 Strode, William John Champaign
2547 Stroot, Frank New Ba den
2794 Stuebinger, Louis F Seaton
1108 Stuebinger, Louis Keithsburg
1164 Stuenkel, Edward F Highland Park
1535 Stults, George W Palmyra
3378 Stults, Otto Leroy Palmyra
1716 Stumpf, Fred W." Tower Hill
953 Stumpf, Eay Be Witt Tower Hill
3222 Sturdevant, John H Memphis, Mich.
954 Sturdyvin, Edward E Urbana
2461 Sturdyvin, James D Eantoul
1165 Sturdvvin, Joe A Eantoul
2087 Shirts, Mort Hazel Dell

Licensed Embalmers — Continued.

No. Name. Address.
849 Sudduth, II. A Oakland
;.U46 Suess, Joseph A Wendelin
3367 Sullivan, Dan A Cairo
1717 Sullivan, Frank J Galena
1166 Sullivan, John Rochelle
1734 Sullivan, John Apple River
2941 Sunberg, Axel ,' . Kinsman
521 Sundquist, Anton E Toulon
419 Sutton, Arthur St. Anne
3368 Sutton, Theodore H Hettick
3124 Swaringuin, James William Athens
1718 Swartzwalter, Frank H Sidney
520 Swearingen, John V Champaign
227 Sweeney, Hart Ray Geneseo
1719 Sweet, James Franklin Shipman
2174 Swegle, Charles R Abingdon
318 Swengel, Fred B Neoga
228 Swenson, Andrew Bement
997 Swift, William Edward Waverly
2548 Swinehart, George, Jr Cooksville
2088 Swonguer, William S Marengo
3125 Szymanski, Albert Cicero
2089 Tanner. Fred J Marengo
2549 Tapper, J. Albert Mendota
2295 Tate, Edward Mattoon
2636 Tate, John Gilbert Granite City
2296 Taylor, Clvde D Cuba
3448 Taylor, Chas. Edwin Marshall
1538 Taylor, Earl Buda
2091 Taylor, Roval C Clinton
1111 Taylor, William H Tilden
3369 Tayman, John L Jacksonville
998 Teal,Frank J Denison, Tex.
2092 Tempel, Albert S Freeport
242 Tempel, Fred H Freeport
999 Templeton, Cbarles, Jr Bakersfield, Cal.
1539 Terbune, Alfred C. Willow Hill
3370 Teverbaugh, Fred C Grant Park
2093 Tezak, John A Joliet
1973 Thierry, Wollard C Wenona
3126 Thomas, B. Frank Columbus
1720 Thomas. E. P Cape Girardeau, Mo.
3233 Thompson, Frank C Lawrence, Mich.

Licensed Embalmers — Continued.

No. Name. Address.
2383 Thompson, Harold H Roswell, N. M.
1307 Thompson, J. E Murrayville
3371 Thompson, Oscar Graham Wilmington
770 Thon, Gustav F Addison
2094 Thorn, John Canton
1721 Thorsen, Jacob B Leland
771 Thorsen, Trygra W Earlville
2551 Tickner, Charles Emery Mt. Erie
2942 Tiller, Pressley A. , Colorado Springs, Colo.
1847 Timmerman, Fred W Piano
1446 Tjelle, Ole Eenwick, la.
3303 Tobin, Edward W Waukegan
1975 Todd,' Gilbert F Victoria, Tex.
2297 Tohill, Clarence Bethany
3225 Tontz, James Garfield Highland
3305 Towse, Howard Lawson Chesterfield
2552 Travis, Charles E Chenoa
3306 Treptow, Julius A Libertyville
2745 Trester, Orville G Lincoln, Neb.
1114 Trigg, George W De Land
3449 Tripp, Virgil A Mendon
804 Turnbull, Ada Monmouth
244 Turnbull, David Monmouth
1308 Turner, Albert Erie
2462 Turner, Cortez B Bellaire, Mich.
245 Turner, John W , . . . . Danville
955 Tuttle, Guy D Abingdon
2298 Tuttle, Guy Harry Benson, Neb.
1624 TTehren, William A Galena
2943 Uhrich, Guy Sullivan
3599 Ulmer, Harry D Effingham
3600 Underwood, Amos J Monroe, la.
2384 Unger, Charles P Rochelle
1863 Urbas, John Westville
2096 Usborne, Alva M Marengo
266 TTsborne, J. Wesley Marengo
1208 Vance, Alexander Capron
1116 Vaughan, Edwin Austen Princeton
4 Vaughan, Frank C Amboy
1976 Vaughan, John Bement
2386 Viers, Charles O Jasper, Mich.
3227 Voelker, Henry Sheboygan, Wis.
1843 Vogel, Joseph . , Benson


Licensed Embalmers — Continued.

No. flame. Address

523 Volmer, T. B Carlyle

1625 Voorhees, Clarence S Fairview

1551 Voorhees, E. B Granite City
722 Voorhees, Ida Granite City
681 Vrooman, Emma .1 Watervliet, Mich
424 Votaw, L. T Neoga
:!(><>; Wackerle, William Madison
1117 Wade. Jas. Loraine
1!)?; Wagenshals, Daniel E Nashville
1309 Wagner, Adam Streator
3307 Wagner, Alfred John Freeport
2637 Wagner, Charles Fred Chillicothe
426 Wagner, John Streator
2 163 Wagner, Wm. F Freeport
3528 Walker. Charles L Erie
3228 Wallace, C. W derrick
3450 Wallace. E. Hazel Springfield
956 Wallace, S. L Windsor
2639 Walsh. Frank T La Salle

3464 Walsh, George E Cardiff

•r, 16 Walsh, Michael John East St. Louis
524 Walter, Arthur G. Fremont, Ohio
3529 Walter, Bernard John Mt. Carmel
3008 Walter. Ernest Philip Fable Grove
1 5 1 Walter, Louis Mt. ( larmel
2553 Walter, Spencer Elgin
312*3 Walton, Mary E Carmi
1 28 Walton. Stephen Carmi
217P) Ward. Arthur Thomas Springfield
2098 Ward. Mrs. Fnella Cooksville
3129 Ward. Louis A Dawson, Minn.
2796 Warner, Earl A Somonauk
3308 Warner, Martin Luther Finkstaff
1 1 c; Warner. Roy J North Crystal L
\-!] Warren, John L Tuscola
2388 Wasson, Geo. W Chrisman
1 1 18 Wasson, John M Chrisman
1724 Waters. William Clark Bunker Tlill
2 t66 Watson, George L Cayuga, Ind.
29 I:. Watson, John F Joliet
1310 Watson, William A Joliet
898 Watt. James Oliver Foswell, N. M.
2091 Walz, Mrs. Harry Danville

Licensed Embalmers — Continued.

No. Name. Address.
3309 Way, Bert C Eochelle
1119 Weaver, E. J Morrison
3373 Weber, Frank Gary, Ind.
592 Weber, Peter J Chillicothe
1120 Webster, William M Poplar Grove
2299 Weers, Major H Peoria
806 Wehren, Michael C Matteson
2234 Weimeschkirch, Nicholas P. . South Evanston
1121 Weinberg, Chas Du Quoin
3530 Weingand, Bert E Hillsboro
3531 Weir, Grace Prairie Creek, Ind.
1542 Welge, Chas. F Chester
1543 Welge, Fred W Hillsboro
737 Weller, Herman J Kenney
1846 Welin, John E Victoria
249 Wenban, Frederick Porter Lake Forest
1626 Wenban, George Irving Lake Forest
1122 Wendt, August H. .

'. Port Byron

3602 Wendt, Earl Edward Port Byron
1978 Wendt, Kobert H Port Byron
2233 West, Arthur Pine Bluff, Ark.
591 West, Carl Albert Galesburg
2643 Wetsel, Ira Stoltes Adair
3130 Wettig, Fred W St. Louis, Mo.
3532 Whaley, Lynn Janesville, Wis.
2099 Wharf, William E Spokane, Wash.
3131 Wheeler, Delbert Allison Quincy
1130 Wheelock, Samuel E Eock Falls
3132 White, Glade L Springfield
3603 White, Harold Blair Monmouth
1131 White, L. J Waukegan
1312 White, Martin E Geneseo
2177 White, Mary H Antioch
728 White, E. E Monmouth
3133 Whitfield, Francis E Medora
1545 Whittemore, Leonard A Verona
3604 Whitten, Ira J Wyoming
729 Whorrall, Edwin Meadows
1725 Wicklin, Stewart O Eiverside, Cal.
3605 Widmann, George J Shermerville"
2100 Wiemer, Mrs. Arlie O San Jose
2178 Wiermer,- George B San Jose
851 Wierman, Samuel H Altamont

Licensed E nihil mers

I — Continued.
Name. Address
Wieser, Albert G Sandwich
Wightman, Annie J Chenoa
Wightman, J. Earl Chenoa
Wike, Charles Owen Barry
Wikoff, C. W Decatur
Wilcox, John Thomas Decatur
Wilcox, Logan D Minonk
Wildridge, "john C Tolono
Wiley, George F Atwood
Wiley, W. Edward Vincennes, Ind.
Wilhelm, Moritz E., Jr. St. Louis, Mo.
Willard, Earl S Williamsfield
Willard, John R Warrensburg
Willard, Luther C Belvidere
Willhoite, Henry L Colfax
Williams, David Dayton Herrin
Williams, Frank C Colchester
Williams, Frank H Colchester
Williams, Forrest Barton Portland, Ore.
Williams, Harry T Logansport, Ind.
Williams, Lee S. .'
St. Louis, Mo.
Williams, Otis W Los Angeles, Cal.
Williams, Sherman R Manson, la.
Williamson, Chas. E Jacksonville
Wilmot, Harry C Pekin
Wilson, E. C Petersburg
Wilton, Isaac H Centralia
Wilton. John B Peoria
Wilton, Richard S Peoria
Winfree. Chas. P Mt. Vernon
Winn. Chas. J Champaign
Winter, Frederick, Jr Western, Neb.
Winzeler, John W Peoria
Winzeler, Zella E Peoria
Wirtz, Ferdinand E De Kalb
Wise, David Wesley Keyesport
Wise, James L Summum
Wiskirehen, Leo Theodore Quincy
Wiswall, E. J De Kalb
Wiswall, Willard Jason Bridgeport
Witbeck, Olney Belvidere
Witherspoon, Arthur Fairmount
Withrow, Mary J. Albany
Licensed Em halm ers— Concluded.
No. Name. .
1170 Witt, August F Uriand
1728 Wittenfeld, William H Collinsvillc
3141 Wittieh, George M Muscatine, la.
1729 Wolcott, William Orlando .... Sharon, Turin.
730 Wolfe, Edward C Macomb
2103 Wolfe, William T Bushnell
3135 Wollrab, Louis E Blooming! on
2235 Wood, Alfred B Rockford
2238 Wood, Harlan P Dover
596 Wood, Joseph Russell Ipava
3134 Woods, Pearl Sterling
2693 Woods, Roy G Sterling
1547 Woodruff, John Springfield
597 Wooster, W. L. Litchfield
2949 Wright, Arlen B Dieterich
2694 Wright, Aubern E Bement
1003 Wright, Muriel E Eureka
2465 Wright, Sarah L Three Oaks, Mich
2645 ,
Wunder, Detlef C Durant, la.
1133 Wunderlich, William Joliet
2105 Wurl, E. M Mt. Auburn
2236 Wyatt, Jesse O Gary, Ind.
3136 Wynne, Arthur E Springfield, Mo.
1172 Wysong, Isaac T Muskogee, Okla.
2748 Yates, William A Kankakee
1549 Yehling, John DuQuoin
2749 Yoder, Chester L Flanagan
759 Young, Jacob Franklin East St. Louis
3457 Youngbcrg. Carl Y Moline
429 Zahn, John C Roberts
3138 Zansky, Thomas L Kewanee
2646 Zechlin, Bernhard Adolph Frankfort
2237 Zelle, Adolph G Murphysboro
3012 Ziegler, Daniel E Marshall
262 Ziegler, J. Frank Peoria
598 Ziegler, Warren C La Porte, Ind.
957 Zimmerman, Fred 0. Geneseo
1451 Zimmerman, F. S •
Rock City
2303 Zimmerman, Saul R Newkirk, Okla.
3313 Zuver, Bert Lvle Lincoln
430 Zybcll. Albert B Monticello
1452 Zybell, Cory IT Lake City, In.
1548 Zybell, Emil M Montrose
1853 Zybell, R. M Ivesdale

3 0112 084209524

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