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Pearls of Wisdom from

January 31—February 6

SUNDAY, January 31
Proverbs 31:30
Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, but a woman who fears the LORD, she shall be

This is a word of caution to a young single man not to select a wife because of her looks and
charm. The key quality in looking for a wife (or a husband) is that they fear (respect) the Lord.
Respecting the Lord will be evident in everything they do from their work ethic, resolving
conflict, attitude, moral base, raising children, managing money, respecting others, etc. Why
marry a man who doesn’t understand his role in loving his wife like Christ love the Church?
Why marry a woman who doesn’t understand her role as a submissive wife (putting it in the
proper context)?

MONDAY, February 1
Proverbs 1:7
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despite wisdom and

To fear the Lord means to respect Him. He loves us and wants the best for us. Those of us who
have children can relate to this Scripture. Children often don’t listen to their parent’s instruction
and advice, ending up making mistakes and getting into trouble. Just like parents want to share
wisdom and instruction to our children, the Lord wants to share His wisdom and instruction with
us. All we have to do is to stop and listen.
Pearls of Wisdom from Proverbs| Page 2

TUESDAY, February 2
Proverbs 2:11-12a
Discretion will preserve you; understanding will keep you, to deliver you from the way of evil.

How many times you made a decision quickly? Sometimes taking a step back, assessing the
situation (discerning the spirit) may prove wise. A situation that may seem innocent on the
surface can be deceptive at the core. Don’t believe every spirit, but test the spirit by the Holy
Spirit. The Holy Spirit teaches and guides us as we journey through life experiences. If we just
stop, pray, and listen, we can avoid potential evil situations.

WEDNESDAY, February 3
Proverbs 3:27
Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in the power of your hand to do

Have you ever been in a situation where being in a position of authority or power you did not
bless someone because they weren’t part of your social click or social sphere of influence?
Maybe it was because they didn’t look like you, or were from a different culture? The Lord saw
fit to put you in that position of power not to ego-trip or go off on some god-complex. You are
in a position of authority to help those who would otherwise have no other resource. You are the
light of the world, and as that light you are to shine by blessing others. People will see Jesus in
you by how you treat others who are less fortunate.

THURSDAY, February 4
Proverbs 4:18
But the path of the just is like the shining sun that shines oven brighter unto the perfect day.

When you walk with the Lord by studying His Word and living out His commandments through
your lifestyle, you radiate the Light of Jesus Christ. People in your sphere of influence will see
that you are different and will inquire what your secret is. That is an opportunity to share the
Gospel. You can’t be a Christian and be filled with such negativity and drama that no one would
want to work with you.

© 2010 Ucanwalkonwater Ministries|Martha Brown

Total healing for Kingdom building
Pearls of Wisdom from Proverbs| Page 2

FRIDAY, February 5
Proverbs 5:20
For why should you, my son, be enraptured by an immoral woman, and be embraced in the
arms of a seductress?

We see immorality all around us. If we were not of this world, it would almost seem that
immorality is part of normal behavior. Don’t be deceived, for satan has set up a trap of
deception. This passage of Scripture was warning to avoid immoral women; and godly women
need to avoid immoral men. God knew what He was doing when He warned us of sex outside of
covenant marriage. Today we live in a world of STDs, HIV, AIDS, Hepatitis, and other sexually
transmitted diseases. Some of these diseases are not curable. Having sex outside of marriage
will have consequences that affect families for years. Are the ramifications worth a moment of

SATURDAY, February 6
Proverbs 6:6
Go to the ant you sluggard! Consider her ways and be wise.

Ants are interesting little creatures. What can we learn from them? They are always working.
In sharing God’s word we should use every opportunity to share the love of Jesus. Christians
should never be lazy. We should set the example in our workplace by being the top performer,
not the lazy one. Some people may never attend church, but because of their interaction with
you, they see God’s word living inside of you. This opens an opportunity to share the Gospel.

Read a chapter of Proverbs a day

Proverbs was written in the language of poetry, words that stimulate the senses and invoke deep
feelings. This book challenges the DISCIPLE of Christ to think about the wisdom of God. The
principles are applicable to everyday life and as the DISCIPLE of Christ commits to reading a
chapter a day it will become obvious why this suggestion was recommended. By speaking
God’s word our loud you change your spirit (sub-conscious), removing negative thoughts and
seeing negative experiences for what they are: manipulated by satan. As you read the Scripture
of the day, you are encouraged to read a chapter of Proverbs a day. If you dedicate yourself to
this challenge, your life will never be the same.

© 2010 Ucanwalkonwater Ministries|Martha Brown

Total healing for Kingdom building
Pearls of Wisdom from Proverbs| Page 2

About the author

Martha Brown is an anointed writer and teacher of God’s Word. Inspired by the Holy Spirit, her
unique style of teaching and sharing God’s Word has provoked Believers to think beyond the
physical realm and look into the spiritual realm for answers relating to healing, deliverance, and
understanding God’s Word. Whether ministering one-on-one or to a group, she challenges those
who follow Christ to move from a mere Believer to a Disciple, inspiring them to teach and
preach God’s Word within their sphere of influence. She is Executive Director and Life Coach
of the ministry, Ucanwalkonwater Ministeries, which focuses on healing and health for the
body, soul, and spirit. The vision, Total healing for Kingdom building, teaches Disciples of
Christ to use His Word to receive and maintain their healing. If you desire to have her come to
your church to speak, please contact her at

© 2010 Ucanwalkonwater Ministries|Martha Brown

Total healing for Kingdom building

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