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A Day at the Turtle Sanctuary

Kinah is waiting on the beach. After some time,

she sees the outline of a turtle in the dark. It is
moving slowly out of the water. The turtle is looking
for a place to lay her eggs.
Kinah is very excited to see the turtle. Her
parents are waiting near her, but she knows she
cannot shout out to them. Loud noise and bright lights
will disturb a nesting turtle. She points out the turtle
to her father. He nods his head.
They watch the turtle from a distance. It starts
to dig a hole with its flippers. When the whole is big
and deep enough, the turtle starts to lay eggs. After
that, it covers the hole with sand again. Then it
crawls back to the sea.
Kinahs father and mother dig into the sand. At
last, they reach the eggs. Kinah helps them to take
the eggs out from the nest and put them into a pail
carefully. Then, they immediately take the eggs to
the turtle hatchery nearby.
They help the hatchery officer bury the eggs in
a new hole in the hatchery. The officer marks the
sand clearly with a sign. After the eggs hatch, Kinah
will help to take the hatchlings out to the beach and
release them. She hopes the hatchlings will survive
and come back one day. Her family helps with the
turtle conservation programme every year.

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