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Good morning mam

Today, I would like to talk and with you on a very important topic that is healt
h is wealth. If you sit much of the time,
for most of the days and months, you are like a fish that does not swim and a bi
rd that does not fly. If this goes on, naturally
the lazy fish and bird will not live healthy live, and neither will all of us. L
ong time ago, our great, great grandparents kept
strong and fit in their livelihood by hunting and farming, which included plough
ing, planting, harvesting, and running after the
same fishes and birds. Today, most people suffer from all different kind of dise
ases like high blood pressure, gout, heart attack
and stress-related disease which cost the world billions of dollars. In fact, he
alth is, at any moment
in time, more important than wealth. We will appreciate health more if financial
is the only thing we have left. When we talk about
health is wealth. It is part of happiness, and with it, we can live longer, acqu
ire more wealth, and contribute to society. In sickness,
everything goes haywire. Those who overlook health in their quest for wealth usu
ally end up losing both.For a sports champion, health is
their number one priority in their life. Even for a TV star, an air pilot, a doc
tor, a school teacher, or anybody at all, health is second
to none. As we gradually moving on with the good habits of exercise, taking good
healthy food and rest, we will experience changes in ourselves.
Our outlook will be positive, our mind will be alert, our eyes will sparkle with
enthusiasm and intelligence, and we will live a most meaningful life...........
So,Take care of your body and it will take care of you. Health is a part and par
cel of your life. Without health you cant be ambani nor billgates.
Pramod Mahajan, a great BJP leader was interviwed with a questin that how do you
get time to do exercise. his reply was if the president of america can
regulate his body functions smoothly than why cant i. when pramod mahajan., raj
thackeray, narendra modi give speeches what speaks is their body language
and not their wealth. Body language completely depends upon your health. If a we
ak person is told to give speech in front of 2-4 lakh people he wont be able to
because he does not have that much stamina, strength, etc.Wealth can be earned i
n develop a strong health exercise plays an important role,
exercise regulates your body and keeps it fully nourished and fresh. yesterday i
met my friend he told me i dont get time to do exercise. my reply to
this statement was Those who do not find time for exercise will have to find tim
e for illness. Isnt my reply true. HEalth has now became an acronym....
L--Lean Body
T--Transforms you towards
An unhealthy person can neither study, nor work, and nor can he sustain good rel
ationships. Hence, maintenance of health should be everybody s top most priority.
Our body and mind are the assets granted to us by Mother Nature. In order to sur
vive, all humans have to take care of these assets. You could
either do it by way of balanced diet, exercise or combination of both. Taking a
break from hectic routines and pursuing one s hobbies is also
an important part of one s health routine. In absence of sound health, your produc
tivity is bound to become low. This is what the line
Health is Wealth directly translates into. With diseases and weaknesses, one can h
ardly put in the required effort to generate wealth.Sachin gonna be retired has
been a god of cricket because of his health. He wakes up at 5 0 clock and does h
is exercise. Reasons are made by everyone but to find the answers for those is i
n our
hand. Sachin earned his wealth because of his powerful health.I would tell that

we should do exercise, eat well and carry well. So Stay Strong, Live
long and Commit to be Fit. I would like to end with a short poem...
Money isn't real wealth.
Don't collect only wealth,
It might spoil your health.
Don't spoil your health,
By thinking about wealth
Always have good health
Which is the real wealth

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