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In vector matter we learn about two multiply namely cross product and dot product.

Well, lets we learn about the meaning of that.

Cross product of two vectors like vektor A and B written as A x B (A cross B).
Cross product are known with vector multiply, because the result of thit multiply is
vector quantity. For the example vector A and vector B is shown like the figure below.

To make the definition of cross product between vector A and B (A x B), we

drawn vector A and B like the figure above, and drawn also the component of vector
B which perpenducular on A ( see the figure below ), which has the same value with
sin .

So, we can make the definition that the value of cross product of vector A and B
(A x B) as result of multiply vector A with component vector B which perpendicular
with vector A.
Matheatically we write as :

We know that the vector dot was instrumental in the calculation of the vector angle
and projection. Privileged dot located


which makes an angle vector

multiplication 90 0 will be zero, thus simplifying the calculation. Then, what about the
cross product?
Cross ( x

) Product is a form of multiplication between two vectors that will

generate a vector which is perpendicular to both vectors was in the third dimension,
which is defined in the formula:
was here

is a unit vector perpendicular to the vector

the vector

and perpendicular to

What is the result of cross product?

The resul tof cross product is the vectors perpendicular with the vector
vektor . This because the effect of multiply of units vectors
the cross product are scalar, so the element


and . Then, if we make

can we losting. So the formula become :

Here we know that

is the formula of the large parallelogram.

How about if cross product between vector A and B (A x B) we return become B

x A ?. firstly, we drawn vector A and B and component vector A which perpendicular in
B ( see the figure below ).

According this figure, we can make the definition of cross priduct between vector
B and A (B x A) as result vector B with component vector A which perpenducular
with vector B. In mathematically we can written as :

The characteristic of cross product are consist of :


i x j = -j x i = k

j x k = -k x j = i

k x i = -i x k = j

1. Calculated the result of cross product between two vector :

A = 2i + 3j + k and B = 4i + 2j 2k
A x B = (Ay Bz Az By)i + (Az Bx- Ax Bz)j +(Ax By Ay Bx)k
= {(3)(-2) (1)(2)}i + {(1)(4) (2)(-2)}j + {(2)(2) (3)(4)}k
= -8i + 8j 8k
2. a vector A = (2ax 3ay + az ) and vector B = ( - 4ax 2ay + 5az).
calculated A x B ?
Solution :
A x B = ax
ay az
2a -3a a
-4a -2a 5a
= - 13ax - 14ay 16az


Dot product ( ) is a form of multiplication between two vectors that will

produce a scalar, which is defined in the formula :

is the angel formed by two vector

dan .

Why the result is scalar?

Each elements of
to multiply vectors
is long

, and

are scalar. So,

are scalar also. At first,

and , then there will be three elements that play a role, which

, length , and the angle formed by the ( ).

For the example know vector A and B, which shown on the figure below. The dot
product between vector A and B is written as A B ( A dot B )

Then, projection become :

So, we definited A

B as the value of vector A which multiply with component

vector B that paralle with A. In mathematical we can write as :

Where AB

is a scalar number.

There are some an important thing which is needed to know, namely:

dot product appropriate commutatif law :


dot product appropriate distribtif law :

A(B+C)=A B+A C

If vector A and B perpendicular , so the result is A B = 0

If vector A and B are perpendicular, A B = AB cos 0o = AB. When vector A and

B same direction, so the angle that formed is 0o. Cos 0 = 1.


Here, we will play around with the unit vectors. We will see the vectors in
space dimension (

), so there will be three vectors basis here namely jadi akan ada

3 vektor basis here namely , , and .

Accordance with the definition of Dot Product, the importance of the following
Sesuai dengan definisi Dot Product, maka didapat karakteristik sebagai berikut.
=| |.| |.

= 1 (ingat bahwa sudut yang dibentuk adalah 00)

=| |.| |.


=| |.| |.


Beside that, the value is zero. See below.

=| |.| |.

= 0 (because the angle formed is 900)

=| |.| |.


=| |.| |.


=| |.| |.


=| |.| |.


=| |.| |.


The characteristic of dot product is commutatif ( have the same result ).

By that characteristics, so we can multiply

without to know the angle.

Example :
1. Is given two vectors namelyh A = 8 unit, B = 10 unit. This vector formed the
angle 37. calculated:
a) A B
a) A B is dot product between vector A and vector B
for multiply:
A B = A B cos
A B = A B cos 37 = (8)(10)(0,8) = 64 unit

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