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Liturgical Leaflet for an Active Participation in the Celebration of the Eucharist

27 December 2009 Feast of the Holy Family Year C

Making th
thee Righ IN GOD,
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B y a happy coincidence, this year the

Feast of the Holy Family falls on the
last Sunday of the year. This gives us
a further reason to raise our minds and hearts
Eucharistic Sacrifice.
This is also the time to entrust our own
family, as well as all the families throughout
the world, to the protection of the Holy Fam-
to God in gratitude for the many blessings ily of Nazareth during the new year we are
He has granted our families during the year about to begin. May the Lord be the heart of
that is about to end. Although we may not be our family. May we love and serve Him as
fully aware of all the blessings we have re- Jesus, Mary, and Joseph did. May He watch
ceived from the Lord, the little we know is over us as He loved and protected the Holy
more than enough to bring us to thank Him Family of Nazareth.
with all our hearts, especially through this

God’s family, with confi- lack of concern for the

INTRODUCTORY dence let us ask His forgive- welfare and the peace of
RITES ness, especially for the sins the greater family that is
against our own family and our parish. Lord, have
Entrance Antiphon its members. (Pause) mercy!
(To be recited only when no Entrance All –Lord, have mercy!
Hymn is sung.) P –Lord Jesus, forgive our
lack of patience, respect, P –May almighty God have
The shepherds hastened to
Bethlehem, where they found
and care toward the mercy on us, forgive us our
Mary and Joseph, and the other members of our sins, and bring us to ever-
baby lying in a manger. family. Lord, have lasting life.
mercy! All –Amen!
Greeting All –Lord, have mercy!
P –The grace and peace of P –Lord Jesus, forgive our Gloria
God our Father and the Lord neglecting to pray to- All–Glory to God in the
Jesus Christ be with you. gether with the other highest, and peace to his
All –And also with you! members of our family. people on earth. Lord God,
Christ, have mercy! heavenly King, almighty
Penitential Rite All –Christ, have mercy! God and Father, we worship
P –Coming together as P –Lord Jesus, forgive our you, we give you thanks, we
praise you for your glory. all the days of his life. Kind- given you, so must you also do.
Lord Jesus Christ, only ness to a father will not be And over all these, put on
Son of the Father, Lord God, forgotten, firmly planted love, that is, the bond of per-
Lamb of God, you take away against the debt of your sins – fection. And let the peace of
the sins of the world: have a house raised in justice to Christ control your hearts,
mercy on us. You are seated you. the peace into which you were
at the right hand of the Fa- The Word of the Lord! also called in one body. And
ther: receive our prayer. For All –Thanks be to God! be thankful.
you alone are the Holy One, Let the word of Christ
you alone are the Lord, you Responsorial Psalm Ps 128 dwell in you richly, as in all
alone are the Most High, R –Blessed are those who fear wisdom you teach and ad-
Jesus Christ, with the Holy the Lord and walk in his monish one another, singing
Spirit, in the glory of God the ways! psalms, hymns, and spiritual
Father. Amen! songs with gratitude in your
R. M. Velez
hearts to God.
F Bb
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Opening Prayer Whatever you do, in word
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P –Father, help us to live as or in deed, do everything in
the Holy Family, united in the name of the Lord Jesus,
respect and love. Bring us to Bles-sed are those who fear the giving thanks to God the Fa-
the joy and peace of your
F Bb C F ther through him.
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eternal home.
#%& " # #
Wives, be subordinate to
Grant this through our your husbands, as is proper in
Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, Lord and walk in his ways! the Lord. Husbands, love
who lives and reigns with your wives, and avoid any
you and the Holy Spirit, one bitterness toward them. Chil-
God, for ever and ever. * Blessed is everyone who
fears the Lord, who walks in dren, obey your parents in ev-
All –Amen! erything, for this is pleasing
his ways! For you shall eat the
fruit of your handiwork; to the Lord. Fathers, do not
LITURGY OF blessed shall you be, and fa- provoke your children, so they
THE WORD vored. R. may not become discouraged.
* Your wife shall be like a The Word of the Lord!
1st Reading Sir 3:2-7.12-14 fruitful vine in the recesses of All –Thanks be to God!
The respectful attitude of your home; your children like
the children toward their par- olive plants around your Gospel Acclamation Col 3:
ents is a very important factor table. R. 15.16
in building up a happy family.
Such is the truth inculcated by * Behold, thus is the man All –Alleluia! Alleluia!
blessed who fears the Lord. Let the peace of Christ
the pious author Ben Sira in The Lord bless you from
today’s First Reading. control your hearts; let
Zion: May you see the pros- the word of Christ dwell
R –A proclamation from the perity of Jerusalem all the in you richly.
Book of Sirach days of your life. R. Alleluia! Alleluia!
God sets a father in honor 2nd Reading Col 3:12-21
over his children; a mother’s Gospel Lk 2:41-52
authority he confirms over Love, mutual respect, and The Holy Family of Naz-
her sons. concern should be among areth was deeply devout and
Whoever honors his father the special traits of every followed carefully the reli-
atones for sins, and preserves Christian family. Such is the
enlightening message of St. gious observances of the
himself from them. When he people of Israel. Such is the
prays, he is heard; he stores Paul to the believers of all
times. impression we derive from
up riches who reveres his
mother. today’s Gospel passage
R –A proclamation from the which is usually known as the
Whoever honors his father Letter of Paul to the Col-
is gladdened by children, and, “the Finding of Jesus in the
when he prays, is heard. Who-
ossians Temple.”
ever reveres his father will live Brothers and sisters: Put P –A proclamation from the
a long life; he who obeys his on, as God’s chosen ones, holy holy Gospel according
father brings comfort to his and beloved, heartfelt com- to Luke
mother. passion, kindness, humility, All –Glory to you, Lord!
My son, take care of your gentleness, and patience,
father when he is old; grieve bearing with one another and Each year Jesus’ parents
him not, as long as he lives. forgiving one another, if one went to Jerusalem for the
Even if his mind fail, be con- has a grievance against an- feast of Passover, and when he
siderate of him; revile him not other. As the Lord has for- was twelve years old, they

27 December 2009
went up according to festival rit, the holy Catholic Church, P –Lord God, bless all fami-
custom. After they had com- the communion of saints, the
pleted its days, as they were lies throughout the world.
forgiveness of sins, the resur- Bring all the members of ev-
returning, the boy Jesus re- rection of the body and the
mained behind in Jerusalem, ery family closer to you and
life everlasting. Amen! to one another, and keep
but his parents did not know
it. Thinking that he was in the Prayer of the Faithful them in your peace and love.
caravan, they journeyed for a Through Christ our Lord.
P –With confidence in the All –Amen!
day and looked for him Lord who made us members
among their relatives and ac- of a Christian family and of
quaintances, but not finding LITURGY OF
him they returned to Jerusa- the Church, let us pray for all
lem to look for him. After families in the world: THE EUCHARIST
three days they found him in All –Through the intercession
the temple, sitting in the of the Holy Family, Preparation of the Gifts
midst of the teachers, listening Lord, hear us! P –Pray, brethren . . .
to them and asking them C –For the great families of All –May the Lord accept the
questions, and all who heard the Church and humankind: sacrifice at your hands, for
him were astounded at his May all their members enjoy the praise and glory of his
understanding and his an- name, for our good and the
swers. When his parents saw the protection of Jesus,
Mary, and Joseph. Let us good of all his Church.
him, they were astonished,
and his mother said to him, pray! R.
Prayer over the Gifts
“Son, why have you done this C –For the families of the
to us? Your father and I have urban poor and migrants: P –Lord, accept this sacri-
been looking for you with May their members always fice; and through the prayers
great anxiety.” And he said to treasure the values of faith, of Mary, the virgin Mother of
them, “Why were you looking solidarity, and religious God, and of her husband, Jo-
for me? Did you not know faithfulness, in spite of the seph, unite our families in
that I must be in my Father’s economic difficulties. Let us peace and love.
house?” But they did not un- pray! R. We ask this in the name of
derstand what he said to Jesus the Lord.
them. C –For the new families that All –Amen!
He went down with them are being formed now: May
and came to Nazareth, and they find inspiration in the Preface of Christmas III
was obedient to them; and his family of Nazareth and live P –Father, all-powerful and
mother kept all these things to the full the teaching of St. ever-living God, we do well
in her heart. And Jesus ad- Paul on family life. Let us always and everywhere to
vanced in wisdom and age pray! R.
and favor before God and give you thanks through
man. C –For all those afflicted with Jesus Christ our Lord.
any kind of disease, espe- Today, in him, a new light
The Gospel of the Lord! cially Influenza H1N1: May has dawned upon the world:
All –Praise to you, Lord Jesus they experience our Christian God has become one with
Christ! concern and charity and be man, and man has become
Homily healed of their infirmities. Let one again with God.
us pray!* R. Your eternal Word has
Profession of Faith C –For all priests: May they taken upon himself our hu-
All–I believe in God, the Fa- grow daily in their commit- man weakness, giving our
ther almighty, Creator of ment to Christ the Good mortal nature immortal value.
heaven and earth. Shepherd so that they may So marvelous is this oneness
I believe in Jesus Christ, lead with pastoral love the between God and man that,
His only Son, our Lord. He flock entrusted to their care. in Christ, man restores to man
was conceived by the power Let us pray!* R. the gift of everlasting life.
of the Holy Spirit and born of In our joy we sing to your
the Virgin Mary. He suffered C –For all of us: May we glory with all the choirs of
under Pontius Pilate, was discover anew the grace that angels:
crucified, died and was bur- comes from our faith in the All –Holy, holy, holy . . .
ied. He descended to the love of the Hearts of Jesus
dead. On the third day, he and Mary and be trans- Acclamation
rose again. He ascended into formed into a people with
Christian morality and integ- P –Let us proclaim the
heaven and is seated at the mystery of faith.
right hand of the Father. He rity. Let us pray!* R. All –Dying you destroyed our
will come again to judge the C –Let us pray in silence for death, rising you restored
living and the dead. our personal intentions. our life. Lord Jesus,
I believe in the Holy Spi- (Pause) Let us pray! R. come in glory!

Feast of the Holy Family (C)

Communion Antiphon P –May the Lord of all love
COMMUNION (To be recited only when no Com- keep your families united
RITE munion Hymn is sung.) in peace and mutual ser-
Our God has appeared on vice.
All –Our Father . . . earth, and lived among men. All –Amen!
P –Deliver us, Lord . . . P –May He enable you to
All –For the kingdom, the N.B. After Communion, we pray the prayer
power, and the glory are recommended by the bishops: “Prayer for support one another, es-
yours, now and for ever. the Year of the Two Hearts.” pecially in moments of
Sign of Peace Prayer after Communion All –Amen!
Breaking of the Bread P –Eternal Father, we want P –May He give you and all
to live as Jesus, Mary, and the members of your
All –Lamb of God . . . Joseph, in peace with you families good health, fi-
and one another. May this nancial stability, and ho-
Communion communion strengthen us to liness of life.
P –This is the Lord Jesus, face the troubles of life. All –Amen!
the Son of the Father, who Grant this through Christ P –May almighty God bless
chose to become a member our Lord. you: the Father, and the
of a human family. He is the All –Amen!
Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Lamb of God who takes All –Amen!
away the sins of the world.
Happy are those who are CONCLUDING P –Go in peace to love and
called to his supper. RITE serve the Lord, espe-
All –Lord, I am not worthy to cially in the members of
receive you, but only say the P –The Lord be with you. your own family.
word and I shall be healed! All –And also with you! All –Thanks be to God!


raying together as a family seems no longer because it is there that we learn to respect and help
fashionable nowadays. The reasons are var- one another, we practise patience and justice, we
ied: so many commitments, conflicts of learn to share and to love in an unselfish and practi-
schedule, practical impossibility of being together . . . . cal manner.
There are, of course, happy exceptions of parents A family where God is at home is a family at
who, every evening, gather their children for some peace. Such was the Holy Family at Nazareth.
moments of reflection on the Word of God, reconcili- And the yearly celebration of its feast is not just
ation, shared prayer, and recitation of the Rosary. a well-deserved tribute paid to its three mem-
These same people are the ones who, on Sundays, bers. It is also an invitation and encouragement
attend the Eucharistic celebration as a family. From to make our families today what the family of
this, they derive strength, harmony, cohesion. And at Joseph, Mary, and Jesus was in those days – a
the same time, they become an inspiration to the haven of love of God and neighbor at its best, a
whole parish community. It is when the family gathers home where God felt at home.
together for prayer that its members – both parents
and children – see themselves under the common
fatherly authority of God. 2010 POCKET PLANNER
A family that renews every day its covenant with
the Lord will have no time for endless bickerings, & PRAYER BOOK
jealousy, unfaithfulness, harsh manners on the part of A monthly planner, liturgical
the parents, or rebellion on the part of their children. guide, and prayer book
The families that pray together are really “little rolled into one. Featuring
Churches.” One wishes that these exceptions might the Year of the Priest
become ever more numerous, till they become the
rule! Now available from
It is in the family that the reform of society begins, WORD & LIFE PUBLICATIONS

Don Bosco Compound, A. Arnaiz Ave. cor. Chino Roces Ave., Makati, Metro Manila
WORD & LIFE Postal Address: P.O. Box 1820, MCPO, 1258 Makati, Metro Manila, Philippines
PUBLICATIONS Tel. Nos. 894-5401; 894-5402; 892-2169 • Telefax: 894-5241 • E-mail:, • • Editorial Team: Fr. S. Putzu,
G. Ramos, V. Dumanacal, M. Caquilala, D. Daguio, V. David • Illustrations: S. Fabris,
B. Cleofe • Circulation Team: S. Cheng, F. Edjan

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