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Cellular Healing Meditation: Raising Vibration and Creating a Shift

by Deelia with The Guides

Before you begin this meditation you might want to call in your own
Soul/Spirit, your Guides and Angels, or anything else you individually
consider being a source of Love, Light and Good.

Get in a comfortable position and close your eyes. Take a couple of deep
breaths in and with each breath out let yourself grow calmer and calmer and
more and more peaceful. With each out breath you can sound a relieved
aah and feel how all the worries and troubles are leaving you. Imagine
then how the most wonderful, beautiful light begins to gently pour down on
you from the higher planes. Sense how the light begins in a silken soft way
to clean and purify all the dense energies and tensions there might be to let
go of. You are being gently embraced by this angelic light of the higher
planes. Your body is getting deeply relaxed. Serene lightness of being is
taking place in your heart and mind and whole being.
You are being held in this finest light that is now surrounding you even more
fully. This light that is being transmitted to you is all loving, all knowing and
all wise and knows how to interact with you auric field in the best way. Sense
how this light begins to permeate your physical body, all the muscles and
organs and reaching the cells, the DNA and sub atomic level. All the atoms
and molecules begin to (re)arrange themselves in the best possible way for
you. At the same time you are gently and lovingly continuing to let go of all
the energies that are not for your greater good. All the unnecessary
programmings, conditioning and negative believes are being cleansed. They
have served their purpose and are now ready to leave you body. You dont
need to think or analyze in detail what they are, no pushing or efforting is
needed either, you are just gently and easily letting go of them, and allowing
all that is good for you and coded in this finest light to replace them on an
even deeper level. You are being reminded that you are worthy of all the
good and wonderful there is in the universe. All is well, and even better now
and for always, in the past, in the present, and in the future. Feel how

unconditionally loved, safe and secure you are. Ultimately you have always
been that and will continue to be, for you are in this world, but not from this
world. And Love, it does create miracles.

When you are being ready with the physical body, this finest light begins to
permeate and rejuvenate your emotional body. You dont need to locate
your emotional body, just knowing this is happening to your emotional
energies is enough. All your emotional energies are becoming flowing and
beautiful. When you are feeling being ready, the finest light begins to
permeate and clean and refresh your mental body. Your thought energies are
becoming clear and fluid. All you auric fields are being balanced and coming
into alignment. Your own Soul, your higher loving, wise and powerful
presence, is now able to reach and blend with you on an even deeper level
than before. You are one with your Soul.
(Directly continue to part two or skip it and go to the end paragraph from
Continuing to part 2: When feeling being ready you are seeing and/or
sensing a beautiful open golden gate at a little distance, perhaps in the
upper front. Radiant light is shining invitingly through it. Going through this
gate will represent your renewed consciousness, the new paradigm and a
paradigm shift you are now ready to have being aligned with your soul. You
might want to affirm that you are now ready to accept and allow this happy
shift to take place in you and in your life. All that you dont want to take with
you will be left behind the gate. Then move through the gate to the other
side of it. Take a moment to enjoy this lovely sustained shift in energy, this
newness, this wholeness and wellbeing.
When you are being ready you can ask for a symbol for yourself of this shift,
of this new paradigm you have now entered. It may be anything: a visual
image like a golden key, a feeling, a color, a sound, there are no restrictions.
Take your time to receive your symbol now. If you have asked for it, you are
also receiving it, whether you are getting a clear sense of it now or not. It
can come into your mind later on, or you may see it in a dream, or in the

media, and so forth, or you will just know. You can use the symbol, the gift,
as a reminder and play with it in many creative ways afterwards, if you like.

Again when feeling being ready begin to come back slowly and graduallyinto
your ordinary, yet shifted state of consciousness. Imagine your Earth Center
(a different thing than the base chakra), a shining dot of light located a
couple of feet below the ground under your feet (if you are sitting) drawing
you fully back onto the physical plane. This is one way to ground yourself
and the new energy state you have brought with you from the inner
planes onto the physical plane and existence. The Earth and Heaven
energies know their optimum blend for you. Gently stretch yourself, open
your eyes and enjoy the newness of being. Know, that something very
concrete and miraculous, wonderful and sacred has just happened. Its time
to congratulate yourself

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