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HGH and Sleep Patterns

By Michael

Summary: Sleep has a profound impact on every aspect of our physiology. Along with a lack of sleep a lot of people
experience interrupted sleep which can be just as destructive and problematic.
A good nights sleep is important, but usually it takes a night or two of poor sleep before
we feel its impact.
The younger a person is the more they can race around all day, and when night comes
sleep like the dead, waking in the morning refreshed and alive [1] ready for another day
filled with activity.

Age changes this situation

Not only do we suffer more interrupted and broken sleep as we get older, the quality of
sleep declines. We tend to sleep less deeply and we tend to achieve less time in REM sleep, the sleep during which
we dream
REM sleep is acutely important to our mental health. One psychology experiment showed that where test subjects
were deprived of REM sleep (but were allowed to get enough sleep otherwise), they began to exhibit symptoms of
mental illness, and for some, these symptoms extended even to the point where they began to hallucinate. When
they were allowed to catch up on their REM sleep, these symptoms disappeared.
See my list of recommended HGH supplements

In addition to REM sleep there are four stages of sleep

Stage 1
Is the drowsy time, where the body is in preparation for sleep, and where we still have some awareness of our
surroundings. In this stage the brain waves are seen as theta waves, and from this early sleep we may be easily
Stage 2
The light sleep that is a low voltage sleep with brief bursts of activity known as sleep spindles.
Stage 3
A 15 minute period of true sleep before the deep sleep, and at this stage 50% of the EEG shows large voltage delta
Stage 4
The deepest sleep. During this time most repair work is done by the body under the influence of maximal HGH
If we sleep the optimum 8 hours per night, then we have spent 200,000 hours in the sleep state by the age of 70

years. Someone once remarked that if we could stay awake for just one extra hour each day, then we could have an
extra 25,000 hours (about 3 years) of awake time This could mean more reading time or more Tv but could it also
mean diminished secretions of HGH!
As stated earlier, when sleep is fitful and broken, we tend to secrete less HGH into the bloodstream at night, bringing
on the unwanted cycle poor sleep causing lower HGH levels, and lower HGH levels causing still poorer sleep. Dr
Eve Van Cauter, a sleep researcher at the University of Chicago, believes that if the capacity for deep sleep can be
restored in people as they age, then the aging process may be slowed. [2]
Further, she feels that impaired HGH secretion caused by insomnia in older men is responsible for premature aging.
There are other problems, as well, associated with sleep
deprivation, and since inadequate sleep is a widespread malady
in the modem world, this compounds the problem. Approximately
100,000 traffic accidents and at least 1,500 deaths are attributed
to sleep deprivation. Accidents at home and in the workplace are
frequently caused by lack of proper sleep.
Common problems are insomnia (lack of sleep); snoring
(including sleep apnea); parasomnias (sleep walking, teeth
grinding or bruxism, restless legs); medical illness (Alzheimers
disease, benign prostatic hypertrophy, menopause); emotional
problems (depression, stress); and environmental sleep
Where there is a serious sleep problem, medical help should be
sought. [3]
For many, abstaining from the evening cup of coffee may help
improve sleep. Also, refraining from ingesting other
methylxanthines such as tea, chocolate, and soft drinks will likely help as well.
In addition to common sense remedies, one of the best ways of recapturing normal sleep patterns centers on HGH.
Because poor sleep may drastically alter our production of HGH, restoring levels of HGH can help break this cycle.
Restoration of HGH levels has been shown to bring back the normal sleep patterns we had in our younger days.
Not only does it restore deep sleep, it restores REM sleep Quoting Dr Chein: Amazingly, although HGH treatment
increased REM sleep [4] time by 27 minutes, the total sleep time needed by patients was decreased. With this came
a significantly improved sense of well being, and an increase in daytime energy.
See my list of recommended HGH supplements
[1] Prinz PN. Sleep and sleep disorders in older adults. J Clin Neurophysiol.
[2] Dijk DJ, Duffy JF. Circadian regulation of human sleep and age-related changes
in its timing, consolidation and EEG characteristics. Ann Med. 1999;31:130-140.
[3] Bliwise DL. Normal aging. In: Kryger MH, Roth T, Dement WC, eds. Principles and Practice of Sleep Medicine.
Philadelphia, Pa: WB Saunders; 1994:26-39.
[4] Van Cauter E, Plat L, Leproult R, Copinschi G. Alterations of circadian rhythmicity and sleep in aging: endocrine
consequences. Horm Res. 1998;49:147-152.

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