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2 Peter 1:1-15
This week well be begin studying through Second Peter, which is essentially Peters last
will and testament. If tradition is accurate, Peter is writing from prison in Rome, probably in
a cell nearby Paul (who would have been writing Second Timothy) shortly before their
executions, which happened under Emperor Neros persecution (64 - 68 A.D.).
Three main topics are covered in this letter:

The necessity of our hard work in seeing Gods promises of Christ-like character fulfilled
in our life (todays passage)

Exposing and condemning false teaching that encouraged people to do whatever they
felt like doing (1:16-2:22)

Explaining the apparent delay of Christs Second Coming (3:1-18)

Most of us dont mind working hard if it will produce a good result. But its exhausting and
frustrating when we feel like nothing good is happening. Peters goal was to give a proper
rationale for the hard work Jesus calls us to, to expose the lies of those who say such work
doesnt matter, and to explain the apparent delay in the good result people were hoping for.
So with that prelude, lets dive in!

I. a faith of equal standing with ours (v. 1)

A. Right away Peter wants to encourage his audience and bring them up to his
level. We might be off-track, but that never defines us. Christs blood proves
our value, and Gods adoption secures our identity.
B. Although there is no hierarchy of value in Gods family, Peter is not eliminating
roles of spiritual authority into which God will occasionally call us in order to
serve others more effectively (a subject Peter discusses more later).
II. His divine power has granted to us all things (v. 3)
A. Peter wants to show us true freedom, which is often overshadowed by two
false options. Option #1 claims freedom is in doing whatever we feel like
doing. Option #2 claims freedom is found in rigorous discipline.
1. Notice how both false options put the emphasis on us?
2. Right away, Peter is changing our focus. Hes saying real freedom, real
joy, real life is not found in doing what we want, nor in denying
ourselves. Real life is something else entirely. Its not anywhere on the
spectrum between those extremes.
B. True freedom is turning our hearts toward God and believing in faith so He
can give us what is far better than anything we could think of wanting on our
own and far more powerful than our own self-discipline.
Todd Millikan
May 16, 2015

The Coastlands

III. He has granted to us his precious and very great promises, so that through them
you may become partakers of the divine nature (v. 4).
A. There are two types of people in the world: Type A tend to see others as
undisciplined; Type B tend to see others as too uptight.
1. Contrary to both groups perceptions, whats wrong with the world
cannot be fixed by the other group becoming more like themselves.
2. Whats wrong with the world starts with me. Am I willing to let go of my
own natural tendencies and grab onto Gods promises?
B. All of Gods promises can be summarized into two basic categories:
1. He promises to accept, love, forgive, heal, and grow me.
2. He promises to use me to help bring His healing into the world.
IV. escaped from the corruption that is in the world because of sinful desire (v. 4).
A. When sinful desire is driving us (anger, lust, greed, pride, fear whatever),
two things come to our natural mind: 1) Give up or 2) Try harder. Peter is
offering us something entirely different. Its got two parts:
1. Hold onto Gods promises to accept, love, forgive, heal, and grow me.
2. Escape! If Im going to see Gods promise fulfilled, I cant keep doing
the same old thing. God will give me the power to beat this thing, but
Ive got to use that power (1 Corinthians 6:18, 10:13-14, 1 Timothy
6:11, 2 Timothy 2:22, James 5:16).
B. The Bible puts equal emphasis on Gods promise to change us and on our
choice to participate in working to see Gods promises fulfilled. This is not
saying that we need to work hard to make God happy with us. Were
accepted and valued because of what Jesus did, not what we do. But God will
not take away our part in the miracles He wants to do in us and through us.
Our choices and our efforts matter! Theyre how we express our love for God.
V. make every effort (v. 5)
A. When we understand that God intends to fulfill every promise as we strive
toward them, it puts an entirely different spin on how much I want to work!
B. Often the miracle happens only when literally every effort has been made.
This isnt because God is holding out on us, but because He wants us to
experience to joy and freedom of wholehearted effort (rather than the
emptiness of the quick-fix).
C. When our flesh feels finished, the Holy Spirit is just getting ready to start!
When we feel like throwing in the towel, the Spirit invites us to pray and ask
Him if were really done.
VI. For in this way there will be richly provided for you an entrance into the eternal
kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (v. 11).
Todd Millikan
May 16, 2015

The Coastlands

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