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Mr. C
Language Arts
Monday, December 17th, 2012
1741 words
Winter Green
Kurt Winters was average. Pretty much everything about him was average. He was a white male
who was 5'8 , the average height of a sophomore. He weighed 140 lbs., the average weight of a
sophomore, and of course, was 15 years old. But, a couple things weren't all that average. For one, he
had a strange color of eyes. It actually wasn't just one color at all. It would be a deep, majestic blue
when he was thoughtful or happy, but when he got angry or sad it would turn an icy shade of teal. You
would have to see it to believe it. Anyway, he also was pretty good looking, which quickly raised his
social status, despite his shy-around-new-people personality. Also he had this HUGE crush on Sarah
Green. This is definitely not average at all. Sarah Green is quite attractive on the outside. She has
beautiful turquoise eyes, perfectly tanned skin, and was quite intelligent and popular. She also had long
golden hair that bounced with every step, as well as all the latest outfits. But, if she doesn't like you,
you better not ever even look at her. She'll have her clique barrage you with insults before you even
avert your eyes. He did everything he could to impress her but she never noticed him all that much. But
that could change...

Kurt had a mission today. He was going to talk to Sarah Green. He woke up at 6:30 even though
they lived 6 min. away from the school. He took a shower, splashed on cologne, and had actually ate
his fathers horrible cooking for breakfast. He knew that today, he needed energy. When he walked to

the bus he sat down on the seat across from Sarah Green. She had her 2 best friends, Stacy and Andrea
with her. They were identical twins. You probably never saw one without the other. Each had brown
eyes and hair. Today Stacy had hers in a ponytail and Andrea was wearing hers down. Kurt took a big
breath and started talking to Sarah.
Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii he said, realizing he had not yet breathed out. Stacy whispered something to Andrea
who whispered to Sarah. They all giggled, and then the twins left.
Hey, Sarah replied with a smile. What's up?
Going to school I guess he he Kurt said awkwardly. There was a brief moment of silence- What
are you doing for your science project
Oh, I haven't thought about it all that much yet, maybe something about botany.
Now, here is where Kurt makes an important choice. Kurt somehow never heard of the word botany,
or at least never cared enough to look it up when he did. He could change the subject or say what he
was doing for his science project, or a wide range of things. But Kurt does not make a good choice.
Really? he said. I always thought that I was the only one liked robots now. Will they be like war
Uh... no... actually more like roses and daffodils she said with a raised eyebrow.
Kurt wondered what model that was for a second then decided to unknowingly dig his whole of
stupidity a bit deeper.
Yeah, I actually wanted to be a botaner... Botanist she corrected. ...Botanist for a while.
Why don't we study together after school and you and me can make a group project?
Kurt was quite startled at this and blinked over and over again for a while before Sarah asked if he
was okay, to which he replied yes to.
Sounds great! He said possibly a bit to quickly and loudly.
The rest of the day was a blur to Kurt, as all he was thinking about was looking everything up about
botany in the library. He quickly realized that botany was the study of plants, not bots. He already

knew a bit about plants, he just didn't realize that botany meant the study of them. He still spent all of
his class periods looking at books about plants and was just about ready to meet Sarah at her house.

He called his Dad and told him he was gonna be out for a while. Since it was Friday, he agreed. But,
only if he was back by 10 o' clock. His Father made one last futile attempt to convince him to stay for:
Meatloaf Surprise but acting reluctant, Kurt said no.

It didn't take long for Kurt to get to Sarah's house, after of course some last minute studying. He
already knew where it was and it was only 1 block up Delia Rd., 2 blocks towards Reagan St., 3 blocks
south of Dorchester and 2 houses down Martin Ave.
Ding dong , he rang the doorbell. He heard a faint pitter patter of steps, and then a click when
someone opened the door for him.
Who awe you? a little boy at the door asked.
I'm Kurt. I'm gonna study with Sarah tonight
Oh, okay pwease wipe your feets when you come in. My name is Daniel by da way, I'm Sawah's
brudder he said in that childish voice that all kids ages 2-6 have. Daniel puffed out his chest and
proudly shook Kurt's hand before leading him inside.

To say the least, the Green's house was impressive. As Kurt was welcomed into Sarah's home, he
walked across a beautiful rug down a short hallway. When he reached the end he walked into a
stunning room with a sparkling chandelier on the ceiling. The room had amazing paintings scattered on
the walls, although some looked more like scribbles from Kurt's escort. This was any lazy persons
paradise, because it also had several large couches and chairs. It was topped off with an 80 inch T.V. as
well as a mini fridge beside the couch in front of it. The walls were a rich beige color with different
paintings of plants scattered across it. He couldn't wait to see the entire house

Hey! You're here! a familiar voice said from the stairs on the other side of the room. Kurt silently
cursed himself for forgetting why he came here. I was worried you got lost because I never gave you
directions, but I guess you asked someone, huh?
Naw, he said casually, I already knew the way, realizing his fatal mistake as he said it.
N-not that I already knew, I just uh... figured it out he finished. This conjured the foulest, most
awkward silence from the depths of darkness. Kurt knew the way because he followed Sarah home
several times trying to get enough courage to talk to her. Of course, he couldn't tell her this so they sat
there staring for 17 very long seconds.
So you... followed me home? she said finally breaking the tension.
Yeah... I came out right after school. I never caught up though.
Now, like I said before, Sarah's pretty smart. What he said completely contradicted with everything
that happened after school, not to mention that it's a pretty confusing path, but she thought (but would
never admit) that Kurt was kinda cute so she let it go.
So are you guys gonna kiss, or what? said Daniel from behind the couch. Cuz if you aren't I'm
just wasting my time.
Or what. Sarah replied. Now go do something else before I have to call Dad.
Daniel made a pouty face and then went to his room to take a nap.
Y' know, Kurt started, you guys are pretty smart and you have a really nice house. Your parents
must be awesome.
I guess... Sarah said softly. My Dad is usually working as a botanist and my Mom divorced him
for his money... so I'm usually home alone she said bitterly. C'mon lets go look for some plants.
She led Kurt outside to a majestic, perfectly, almost oddly, green garden. It was like walking into a
jungle with no trees. There were crickets and birds chirping in the cool Autumn air and there was
plenty of plants to choose from. They picked a dandelion, a rose, a tulip, and a marigold. The
experiment was to find out which one of them would wilt the fastest.

Once they got back inside, they decided which jobs each one of them would get. Since Kurt was
good at writing and typing, he did the report and most of the other typing jobs. Sarah did the tri-board,
charts, and other artistic things. They found out a lot about each other. Sarah, as it turns out, painted
most of the pictures on the wall. She even painted the different plants on the wallpaper itself!

Kurt, on the other hand had a passion for writing, and made up stories and wrote in a journal
whenever he could. He also had a slight interest in the culinary arts, but it wasn't doing very well
because of his Dad's lack of any cooking skills whatsoever.

Eventually, it was time for Kurt to go home.

I promised my Dad I would be back by 10. Kurt said.
Sarah noticed that it had been quite a long time since they had started when she glanced at the clock.
Oh okay. I guess you should be getting home. See you on Monday. Same time?
As Kurt walked home he thought about everything that happened. He thought about all the things he
learned about Sarah, or just girls in general. In the process he almost got hit by a car twice and got lost
numerous times. He even dared to think that maybe... just maybe... she liked him.

By the time he got home it was 10:30, but his Dad was in a good mood so he let him off the hook
today. He was very tired so he fell asleep soon after he lay down. He dreamed of Benjamin Franklin
and sharks with braces, which was pretty strange considering what he'd done today. But he didn't care.
He wasn't just Average Sophomore anymore. He was someone to be noticed. He talked to the most
dangerous person in the 10th grade and walked out almost unscathed. He was a force to be reckoned
with. He was: Kurt Winters.

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