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Vetm pr nevoja t nxnsve t SHMT Lutfi Musiqi Vushtrri

Prof Msc Halit Zhigolli

Ushtrime pr pjesn e par t Testit t Maturs (Lndt e prgjithshme)

Pyetjet nga Gjuha dhe letrsia shqipe
Lexo fragmentin m posht dhe prgjigju pyetjeve q vijojn
Rroft jeta! Ashtu m dukej sikur prsrisnin dit e nat, e sidomos natn, kur oshtima e tyre ishte m e fuqishme,
dallgt e detit Jon, q prplaseshin n bregun shkmbor, t fshatit tim Dhrimadhe. Kt refren t prhershm t
dallgve t detit Jon m dukej sikur shprehnin pa z dhe fshatart e mi, se lufta q bnin, at moto kishte: Rroft
jeta!, jeta mbi gur, jeta n dallgt e detit, jeta kur ishte zor t jetoje, zor t dashuroje, zor t ndrroje dhe zor t
vdisje. Ky refren i pashpallur me z, me vaj apo me kng, qe pulsi i nxitjes pr t jetuar me luft t ashpr mbi gur
n furtunat q rrmbenin dhe dheun e grxheve.
Kaloje nga ndonj monopat dhe shikoje ndonj burr q ngrinte ledhe pr ti mbushur pastaj me dh dhe e pyesje:
po bn aty? Dhe ai t prgjigjej: Ja, luftoj!
Shihje ndonj grua q bnte dru n pllaja t pjerrta, grxhore dhe t zhveshura, se dhit nuk i linin kurr xinat, cfakat
dhe anticfakat t rriteshin, dhe e pyesje: po bn aty? Dhe ajo t prgjigjej: Ja, luftoj!
Shikoje n prakun e dyerve t oborreve plaka t heshtura q tirrnin duke shikuar detin, detin q u kishte marr burrin
apo djalin, dhe i pyesje: po bni aty? Dhe ato t prgjigjeshin: Ja, luftojm!
,,Nj emr n katr rrug
Petro Marko
Pyetja 1
Motivi mbizotrues q prshkon t gjith fragmentin sht:
A. politik
B. social
C. religjioz
D. historik
Pyetja 2
Elementet letrare t ktij fragmenti jan tipike pr letrsin e periudhs s:
A. realizmit
B. romantizmit
C. modernizmit
D. klasicizmit
Pyetja 3
Nj nga plagt m t dhimbshme t njerzve t ktij fshati ua kishte shkaktuar:
A. burgu
B. lufta
C. kurbeti
D. pushteti
Pyetja 4
Fjala i skalitur do t thot:
A. i gdhendur
B. i lakuar
C. i thrrmuar
D. i topitur

Vetm pr nevoja t nxnsve t SHMT Lutfi Musiqi Vushtrri

Prof Msc Halit Zhigolli
Pyetja 5
Ideja themelore e fragmentit m s miri prmblidhet n fjalin:
A. Njerzit vuanin nga prplasjet e dallgve t detit Jon
B. Jeta n kt fshat ishte luft pr t mbijetuar
C. Njerzit ngrinin ledhe pr ti mbushur me dhe
D. Jeta n kt fshat ishte e bukur pr shkak t detit
Pyetja 6
Mnyra e jetess e ktyre njerzve shihet nga bisedat q i preokupojn ata. Kjo m s miri sht prmbledhur n
A. Kaloje nga ndonj monopat dhe shikoje ndonj burr q ngrinte ledhe pr ti mbushur pastaj me dh
B. Shihje ndonj grua q bnte dru n pllaja t pjerrta, grxhore e t zhveshura se dhit nuk i linin kurr xinat.
C. Shikoje n prakun e dyerve t oborreve plaka t heshtura q tirrnin duke shikuar detin, q u kishte marr burrin
apo djalin
D. Mbi gur dhe dallgt e detit, zor t jetoje, zor t dashuroje, zor t ndrroje dhe zor t vdisje
Pyetja 7
N strukturn oshtima e tyre ishte m e fuqishme, mbiemri m e fuqishme sht n shkalln:
A. pohore
B. siprore
C. krahasore t sipris relative
D. krahasore t sipris absolute
4.5.5. Lexo paragrafin e dhn dhe prgjigju pyetjeve q vijojn
Mu desh pra me djers t mdha me qitun mbi drit shum fjal plaka e t harrueme, pr ta marr mbrapa
urdhnin e Biblijs, tue u njimendun her gjuha jon me t italianes, her kjo me tant, andaj po druej se ka me
dal vepra pakz e merzicime.
Pyetja 8
Meq libri sht shkruar edhe n shqip edhe n italisht, autori n kt parathnie, shpreh drojn e tij se libri do t
dal paksa i mrzitshm, pr shkak t:
A. Fjalve t vjetra shqipe q kishte nxjerr n drit
B. Prdorimit t shum fjalve nga italishtja
C. Shkalls jo t duhur t zhvillimit t shqipes s shkruar
D. Prshtatjes s shqipes me italishten dhe anasjelltas
Pyetja 9
N t gjitha veprat q i takojn periudhs s njohur si Letrsia e Vjetr Shqiptare, mbizotron motivi:
A. religjioz
B. kombtar
C. social
D. erotik
4.5.6. Lexo vargjet e dhna dhe prgjigju pyetjeve q vijojn.
N mes tuaj kam qndruar
E jam duke prvluar,
Q tu ap pakz drit,
Natn tua bnj dit.
Do t tretem, t kullohem,
T digjem, t prvlohem,
Q tu ndrinj mir e t shihni,
Njri-tjatrin t njihni.

Vetm pr nevoja t nxnsve t SHMT Lutfi Musiqi Vushtrri

Prof Msc Halit Zhigolli
(Naim Frashrit, Fjalt e qiririt)
Pyetja 10
Vetja q flet n kt pjes t poems sht qiriri. N letrsi, kur nj trupi a sendi i jepen atribute njerzore, kemi
t bjm m figurn e:
A. epanastrofes
B. personifikimit
C. anadiplozs
D. oksimoronit
Pyetja 11
Fragmentin, si n vargun q tu ndrinj mir e t shihni, si edhe gjith poezin e prshkon nj nga tiparet e letrsis
s Rilindjes, e njohur si:
A. iluminizm
B. sentimentalizm
C. klasicizm
D. impresionizm
Pyetja 12
N shqipen e sotme standarde vargu Natn tua bnj dit., meq i drejtohet vets s dyt, do t duhej shkruar:
A. Natn tua bj dit.
B. Naten tua bj dit.
C. Naten tjua bj dit.
D. Natn tjua bj dit.
Pyetja 13
Naim Frashri dhe rilindsit e tjer prpiqeshin ta pastronin gjuhn shqipe nga fjalt e huaja duke futur n
prdorim terma si dheshkronj pr gjeografi etj. Fryma e till i bn ata q n kuptim t prdorimit t gjuhs t
njihen si:
A. nacionalist
B. orientalist
C. purist
D. oksidentalist
Pyetja 14
Rima n kt poezi sht:
Pyetja 15
Poezit e rilindsve shquhen pr metrikn e rregullt. Vargjet e ksaj poezie jan:
A. gjashtrrokshe
B. shtatrrokshe
C. tetrrokshe
D. nntrrokshe
Lexo tekstin e dhn dhe prgjigju pyetjeve q vijojn.
Nisma e partive opozitare pr shprndarjen e Kuvendit t Kosovs mund ta vr n rrezik miratimin e buxhetit pr
vitin e ardhshm, than sot analistt. Ata shfaqn frikn e tyre pr mundsin q shrbyesit civil t mos marrin
rrogat e tyre n fund t janarit. Sipas projektligjit t prezantuar n Kuvend, buxheti i Kosovs pr vitin e ardhshm
sht rreth 1.5 miliard euro apo 300 milion m i lart sesa ai i ktij viti. Duke reaguar ndaj ktyre pohimeve, ministri

Vetm pr nevoja t nxnsve t SHMT Lutfi Musiqi Vushtrri

Prof Msc Halit Zhigolli
i financave i tha gazetarit ton se nuk ka vend pr frik lidhur me rrogat e t punsuarve, edhe nse dshton miratimi
i Ligjit pr Buxhetin. Lajmin q pat e ka prgatitur gazetari yn.
Pyetja 16
Lajmi kryesor n kt raport sht:
A. Miratimi i buxhetit nuk sht i sigurt
B. Shrbyesit civil nuk do ti marrin rrogat
C. Buxheti rritet pr 300 milion euro
D. Kuvendi i Kosovs do t shprndahet
Pyetja 17
Ky raport kryesisht mbshtet n hipotezat e analistve. I vetmi informacion i besueshm dhe i mbshtetur n fakte
A. Partit opozitare do t arrijn ta shprndajn Kuvendin
B. Rrogat e shrbyesve civil jan t rrezikuara
C. Nuk ka vend pr shqetsim lidhur me rrogat
D. Buxheti pr vitin e ardhm parashihet t jet m i madh
Pyetja 18
Nj nga elementet e ktij lajmi na bn me dije se lajmi sht dhn n:
A. radio
B. televizion
C. gazet
D. agjenci
Pyetja 19
N kt lajm analistt e vn theksin te:
A. Nisma e partive opozitare pr shprndarjen e Kuvendit
B. Mundsia e shprndarjes s Kuvendit t Kosovs
C. Rreziku q t mos miratohet ligji pr buxhetin
D. Shqetsimi se puntort mund t mbeten pa rroga
Pyetja 20
Nse periudhn Ai nuk erdhi n dasm, meqense nuk ishte i ftuar, e kthejm n periudh me marrdhnie
lejore, ajo bn:
A. Ai nuk erdhi n dasm, ndonse nuk ishte i ftuar.
B. Ai nuk erdhi n dasm, ndrsa nuk ishte i ftuar.
C. Ai nuk erdhi n dasm, megjithse ishte i ftuar.
D. Ai nuk erdhi n dasm, meq nuk ishte i ftuar.
Pyetja 21
N fjalin Ai nuk erdhi n dasm, theksi logjik bie mbi fjaln:
A. Ai
B. nuk
C. erdhi
D. dasm
Pyetja 22
N togfjalshin ceremoni martesore, fjala martesore sht:
A. emr
B. premr
C. ndajfolje
D. mbiemr
4.5.7. Lexo fragmentin e dhn dhe prgjigju pyetjeve q vijojn.

Vetm pr nevoja t nxnsve t SHMT Lutfi Musiqi Vushtrri

Prof Msc Halit Zhigolli
Pavarsia jon nga dominimi spanjoll nuk na shptoi nga mendia. Gjenerali Antonio Lopez de Santana tri her
diktator i Meksiks, organizoi nj funeral madhshtor pr kmbn e tij t djatht q kishte humbur n t
ashtuquajturn Luft e Pastave. Dua tiu them se Gjenerali Gabriel Garcia Moreno sundoi Ekuadorin pr
gjashtmbdhjet vjet si monark absolut; kur vdiq, kufoma i rrinte ulur n fronin presidencial, e veshur n uniform t
plot dhe me medaljet e shumta n gjoks.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez (8 dhjetor 1982)
Pyetja 23
Fragmenti i msiprm sht shkputur nga nj:
A. fjalim
B. proz poetike
C. artikull
D. kritik letrare
Pyetja 24
Autori, n kt fragment, shpreh:
A. Pavarsin e Meksiks nga nnshtrimi spanjoll
B. Ndjeshmrin e gjeneralit t Ekuadorit
C. Absurdin e gjeneralve udhheqs t vendit
D. Ambicien pr t prfituar medalje t shumta
Pyetja 25
Nga fjalia: Pavarsia jon nga dominimi spanjoll nuk na shptoi nga mendia, del se:
A. Dominimi spanjoll nuk ishte fajtor pr mendin
B. Pavarsia nuk i kishte prmbushur pritjet e njerzve
C. Pavarsia nga dominimi spanjoll kishte qen nj gabim
D. Lufta pr pavarsi kishte qen e pavlefshme
4.5.8. Lexo vargjet e dhna dhe prgjigju pyetjeve q vijojn.
Mlargon buzqeshja jote do furtun,
shikimi yt m ngroh m shum se flaka;
kng e hyjnueshme e moshs s re
mduket e fjals tnde harmonia.
Rrethuar rrezesh tndritshme virgjrore,
e admiruar nga dokush n rrug,
ndoshta prbuz dshirn e ksaj zemre,
(Zef Serembe, Nj vashze)
Pyetja 26
Kto strofa jan marr nga nj sonet, i quajtur ndryshe edhe tingllim. Soneti prbhet nga:
A. Dy katrena e dy tercina
B. Nj katren e dy tercina
C. Dy katrena e tri tercina
D. Nj katren e tri tercina
Pyetja 27
Soneti i fundit i kurors sonetike, q prbr prej 15 seneteve, quhet:
A. epilog
B. magjistral
C. prolog
D. silabik
Lexo paragrafin e dhn dhe prgjigju pyetjeve q vijojn.

Vetm pr nevoja t nxnsve t SHMT Lutfi Musiqi Vushtrri

Prof Msc Halit Zhigolli
N natyrn e poezis s ktij autori, sht komunikimi poetik; komunikimi me imazhe, me fjal e me gjeste, q
prmbajn ngarkes poetike. Madje kjo prbn esencn e komunikimit njerzor. Manifestimi dhe komunikimi i ktill
poetik, sht pjes e nj konteksti, gjithnj duke mirkuptuar statusin e imagjinares.
Pyetja 28
Paragrafi i msiprm sht shkputur nga nj shkrim m i gjat q i takon:
A. kritiks letrare
B. shkrimit evokues
C. udhprshkrimit
D. letrkmbimit
Pyetja 29
Togfjalshat e prdorur, si: komunikim poetik; komunikim me imazhe e fjal; statusi i imagjinares, jan shprehje
leksikore t ligjrimit:
A. frazeologjik
B. t folur
C. profesional
D. t figurshm
Lexo paragrafin e dhn dhe prgjigju pyetjeve q vijojn.
Vllai i madh e shkeli besn e fjaln. Kuvendoi n shtpi, i tregoi vashs s vet kshtu e kshtu, i tha mos me shku atje
t nesrmen. Edhe i mesmi e shkeli besn e fjaln: ia tregoi t tana vashs s vet. Vetm i vogli e mbajti besn e
fjaln: nuk kuvendoi n shtpi, nuk i tregoi vashs s vet.
Pyetja 30
Nga personazhet dhe elemente t tjera mund t kuptohet se ky fragment sht nxjerr nga legjenda shqiptare e
njohur si legjenda e:
A. ringjalljes
B. rinjohjes
C. vllavrasjes
D. murosjes
Pyetja 31
Nga ky tekst mund t kuptohet se ndrmjet tre vllezrve kishte pasur nj marrveshje, e cila u:
A. respektua
B. prish
C. keqkuptua
D. arsyetua
Pyetja 32
N fjalin: Kuvendoi n shtpi, i tregoi vashs s vet kshtu e kshtu, kryefjala mungon, por ajo mund t
kuptohet nga fjala:
A. kuvendoi
B. n shtpi
C. vashs
D. s vet
Pyetja 33
N kt fragment hasen disa elemente dialektore t:
A. toskrishtes
B. gegrishtes
C. arbrishtes
D. arvanitishtes
Pyetja 34

Vetm pr nevoja t nxnsve t SHMT Lutfi Musiqi Vushtrri

Prof Msc Halit Zhigolli
Nj ndr dallimet kryesore dialektore ndrmjet gegrishtes e toskrishtes sht shndrrimi i n-s ndrzanore n r,
(si n rastin druni-druri) . N fonetik, ky fenomen, njihet si:
A. palatalizim
B. metafoni
C. rotacizm
D. apofoni
Lexo periudhn e dhn dhe prgjigju pyetjeve n vijim.
Drejtori konfirmoi q un duhej me nis punn n puntori, meqense nuk isha pranuar me dal n terren.
Pyetja 35
Periudha e msiprme sht me marrdhnie:
A. lejore
B. kushtore
C. prqasure
D. kundrshtore
Pyetja 36
Forma gege e shprehjes me dal, n periudhen e msiprme duhet t zvendsohet me:
A. paskajoren standarde
B. pjesoren standarde
C. lidhoren standarde
D. prcjelloren standarde
Pyetja 37
Forma e paskajores gege ,,me dal n shqipen standarde duhet t zvendsohet me:
A. pr t dal
B. t dal
C. dal
D. duke dal
Pyetja 38
Fjala e huazuar konfirmoimund t zvendsohet nga fjala shqipe:
A. kmbnguli
B. u prpoq
C. u mundua
D. vrtetoi
Pyetja 39
Tek emri ,,puntori i prdorur n kt periudh, formati i n fjalformim sht:
A. parashtes
B. prapashtes
C. mbares
D. pjesz
Pyetja 40
Me ciln lidhz sinonimike do t mund t zvendsohej lidhza meqense, pr tia ruajtur trsisht kuptimin dhe
llojin e marrdhnies periudhs: ,,Drejtori konfirmoi q un duhej me nis punn n puntori, meqense nuk isha
pranuar me dal n terren
A. pasi q
B. megjithse
C. ndonse
D. edhe pse
Pyetja 41

Vetm pr nevoja t nxnsve t SHMT Lutfi Musiqi Vushtrri

Prof Msc Halit Zhigolli
Cila fjali sht e shkruar drejt?
A. Ne kemi shitur tetdhjet bileta, pr t luajtur pr javn e ardhshme.
B. Ne kemi shitur pr javn e ardhshme tetdhjet bileta, pr t luajtur.
C. Ne kemi shitur tetdhjet bileta pr lojn e javs s ardhshme.
D. Ne kemi shitur pr javn e ardhshme tetdhjet bileta t lojs.
Pyetja 42
Cila nga strukturat e fjalis sht e rregullt?
A. N korrik ne pr pushime n Dhrmi do t udhtojm dhe nj udhtim i mrekullueshm presim do t jet.
B. N korrik ne pr pushime n Dhrmi do t udhtojm dhe do t jet presim nj udhtim i mrekullueshm.
C. N do t udhtojm n korrik pr pushime n Dhrmi dhe nj udhtim presim i mrekullueshm do t jet.
D. Ne do t udhtojm n korrik pr pushime n Dhrmi dhe presim t jet nj udhtim i mrekullueshm.
Pyetja 43
Nse procesi rrfimor, n nj proz epike, ka s paku tre protagonist: ai pr t cilin flitet, ai q flet, ai t cilit i flitet
ather, sipas ksaj renditjeje, kemi prfytyrimin pr:
A. personazhin, rrfyesin dhe lexuesin
B. lexuesin, personazhin dhe autorin
C. lexuesin, personazhin dhe rrfyesin
D. autorin, rrfyesin dhe personazhin
Pyetja 44
Pyetja e par n t ciln poetika duhet t jap prgjigje sht:
A. sht retorika?
B. sht letrsia?
C. sht kritika?
D. sht semantika?
Pyetja 45
Cili sht dokumenti i par i shqipes s shkruar:
A. Formula e pagzimit
B. Meshari i Buzukut
C. Ungjilli i pashkve
D. Fjalori i Arnold Von Harfit
Pyetja 46
Nga cila fjali mund t njohim m s miri njrn nga t vrtetat e jets?
A. Vetm ai q thot dika, neve mund t na ngjall besim.
B. Vetm ai q na beson, mund t flas dhe t ngjall besim.
C. Vetm ai q flet pr at q ka provuar, t ngjall besim.
D. Vetm ai q provon, duhet t flas dhe t na ngjall besim.
Pyetja 47
Epokat e ndryshme t letrsis botrore shquhen me autor dhe veprat e tyre, si:
A. J. Milton Fausti, V. Gte Parajsa e humbur, Xh. Bajron Shtegtimet e ajlld Haroldit, L. Tolstoj Lufta e paqja.
B. J. Milton Parajsa e humbur, V. Gte Fausti, Xh. Bajron Shtegtimet e ajlld Haroldit, L. Tolstoj Lufta e
C. J. Milton Parajsa e humbur, V. Gte Shtegtimet e ajlld Haroldit, Xh. Bajron, Fausti, L. Tolstoj Lufta e paqja.
D. J. Milton Parajsa e humbur, V. Gte Fausti, Xh. Bajron Lufta e paqja, L. Tolstoj Shtegtimet e ajlld Haroldit.
Pyetja 48
Letrsia botrore moderne, shquhet me autor dhe veprat e tyre, si:
A. Gabriel Garsia Markez Uliksi, Xhejms Xhojs, Njqind vjet vetmi, Ernest Heminguej Plaku dhe deti, Franc Kafka

Vetm pr nevoja t nxnsve t SHMT Lutfi Musiqi Vushtrri

Prof Msc Halit Zhigolli
B. Gabriel Garsia Markez Njqind vjet vetmi, Xhejms Xhojs Kshtjella, Ernest Heminguej Plaku dhe deti, Franc
Kafka Uliksi.
C. Gabriel Garsia Markez Kshtjella, Xhejms Xhojs Uliksi, Ernest Heminguej Plaku dhe deti, Franc Kafka Njqind
vjet vetmi.
D. Gabriel Garsia Markez Njqind vjet vetmi, Xhejms Xhojs Uliksi, Ernest Heminguej Plaku dhe deti, Franc
Kafka Kshtjella.
Pyetja 49
Mbiemr i panyjshm sht shprehja;
A. larg
B. guximtar
C. i shmtuar
D. e mir

Lexoni fragmentin m posht dhe prgjigjuni pyetjeve q vijojn.

I dashur Maks
Ndruhem se ksaj here nuk do ta hedh dot. Mbas nj muaji me ethe polmonare, tani mund t kem ndonj pneumoni;
nuk mund t rri pa t shkruar dhe shpresoj se kjo do t ndikoj pr dika.
Kjo rrethan m shtyn t shpreh dshirn lidhur me shkrimet e mia:
T mbahen vetm kta libra: Gjykimi, Zjarrtari, Metamorfoza, Kolonia ndrshkimore, Mjeku i fshatit dhe
Artisti i uris
(Kopjet e pakta t Soditje nuk sht nevoja t zhduken. Nj pun m pak pr ty; vetm me kusht q mos t
Kta libra dhe tregime mund t ruhen, por kjo nuk do t thot se krkoj q t rishtypen pr pasardhsit, prkundrazi,
po t fshihen fare, do t plotsohej dshira ime. Por, meq jan, nse ndokush dshiron ti mbaj, le ti ruaj.
Pr sa i prket shkrimeve t tjera (gjithka sht botuar n revista, dorshkrimet e t gjitha letrat) e do gj q do t
t bjer n dor, apo do ti marrsh prej atyre, q i kan, (ti shum prej tyre i njeh, sidomos N.N. e mos harro edhe
disa fletore q i ka N.), t gjitha duhet t digjen, pa asnj prjashtim, e mundsisht, pa i lexuar fare (po deshe tu
hedhsh nj sy, bje, por askush prve teje).
T lutem ma kryej sa m par kt porosi.
(Letr e Franc Kafks drejtuar Maks Brodit)
Pyetja 50
Cila sht mnyra m e mir pr t qartsuar shprehjen: nuk do ta hedh dot, n fjalin: Ndruhem se ksaj here nuk
do ta hedh dot?
A. nuk do t arrij t flak shqetsimin
B. nuk do t arrij t heq dor nga vetmia
C. nuk do t mund ta ndrpres terapin
D. nuk do t mund ta largoj smundjen
Pyetja 51
Fjalia: T mbahen vetm kta libra: Gjykimi, Zjarrtari, Metamorfoza, Kolonia ndshkimore, Mjeku i fshatit
dhe Artisti i uris, shpreh pikpamje klasifikuese, sipas t cilit krkohet t ruhen kto libra. Ky qndrim i ktij autori
prkon me:
A. konceptin poetik t autorit
B. vlersimin e interpretuesve t veprave
C. frymn politike t veprave
D. opinionin e miqve t autorit
Pyetja 52

Vetm pr nevoja t nxnsve t SHMT Lutfi Musiqi Vushtrri

Prof Msc Halit Zhigolli
Qndrimi i autorit, n fjalin: Kopjet e pakta t Soditje nuk sht nevoja t zhduken vetm me kusht q mos t
ribotohet, sht:
A. indiferent
B. arbitrar
C. pajtues
D. mosprfills
Pyetja 53
Kjo letr pr nga prmbajtja sht nj:
A. testament
B. prkushtim
C. apologji
D. arsyetim
Pyetja 54
Fjalia: Kta libra dhe tregime mund t ruhen, por kjo nuk do t thot se krkoj q t rishtypen pr pasardhsit,
prkundrazi, po t fshihen fare, do t plotsohej dshira ime, dominohet nga mendimi pr librat dhe tregimet t cilave
u referohet autori, q ato t:
A. ribotohen n nj koh tjetr
B. ndalohen pr lexim
C. botohen pr pasardhsit
D. mos ribotohen fare
Pyetja 55
Nga fjalia: Pr sa i prket shkrimeve t tjera (gjithka sht botuar n revista, dorshkrimet e t gjitha letrat) e do gj
q do t t bjer n dor, apo do ti marrsh prej atyre, q i kan, (ti shum prej tyre i njeh, sidomos N. N. e mos harro
edhe disa fletore q i ka N.), t gjitha duhet t digjen, pa asnj prjashtim, e mundsisht, pa i lexuar fare (po deshe tu
hedhsh nj sy, bje, por askush prve teje), konstatojm se fryma dhe qndrimi i autorit q ta shkatrronte at q
kishte shkruar, sht pr:
A. shkrimet e botuara n revista, si dhe dorshkrimet e letrat
B. shkrimet e botuara n revista, si dhe letrat q gjenden te N
C. shkrimet e botuara n revista, si dhe shkrimet q i kan t tjert
D. shkrimet e botuara n revista, si dhe shkrimet q i kan N. N.
Pyetja 56
Nga leximi i ksaj letre (ktij fragmenti), cili nga mendimet sht m i qndrueshm?
A. Mosbesimi ndaj miqsis, i Kafks, sht m i fuqishm se besimi.
B. Dshira e krijimit e Kafks, sht m e fuqishme se e mohimit t krijimit.
C. Shpresa pr tu shruar, e Kafks, sht m e fuqishme se dshprimi.
D. Vlersimi ndaj veprs s vet, i Kafks, sht m i fuqishm se dyshimi.
Pyetja 57
Fjalia: Ne do t presim ktu kot e ai sdo t vij sht shprehje e nj:
A. pritjeje ngushlluese
B. pritjeje t padobishme
C. pritjeje t pashpres
D. pritjeje t hidhur
Pyetja 58
Ciln kshill ua jepni lexuesve q t njohin nj realitet historik?
A. T lexoni nj libr kundr padrejtsive dhe paragjykimeve n shoqrin demokratike.
B. T lexoni nj libr pr sjelljet e msimdhnsve n shkollat e arsimit t mesm.


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C. T lexoni nj libr kundr dhuns, n betejn e lufts pr zgjidhjen e problemeve.
D. T lexoni nj libr pr zhvillimin e institucioneve t arsimit n kohn e ideologjis.
Pyetja 59
Cila nga fjalit shpreh nj habi?
A. Nj qen hyri n oborr
B. Qenin e pash n oborr
C. N oborr qenka qeni
D. Qeni erdhi n oborr
Pyetja 60
Cilat fjal kan afrsi kuptimore me fjaln maturant:
A. i kulturuar, i zhvilluar, i rritur, i pjekur, i aft
B. i ndjeshm, i paprvoj, i rrmbyeshm, i ngutshm, i gzueshm
C. i prgjegjshm, i pavarsuar, i hareshm, i fuqishm, i vendosur
D. i shkatht, i mir, i ri, i drejt, i menur


Prof Msc Halit Zhigolli

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Prof Msc Halit Zhigolli

Pyetjet nga Gjuha Angleze

Pyetja 1
Choose the correct alternative to complete the following sentence:
Perfect! I am looking forward to the book fair, too. To my best knowledge it is going to be held in my hometown. It
has already been announced for 20/7/2012. So, I hope to see you on _____________.
A. twenty of July, two thousand twelve
B. twenty July, two thousand and twelve
C. the twentieth July, two thousand and twelve
D. the twentieth of July, two thousand and twelve
Pyetja 2
Look at the table below and choose the correct answer:
A. The average grade of Class 1C in maths is lower than in geography.
B. The average grade of Class 1A in English is lower than in geography.
C. The average grade of Class 1B in English is higher than that of Class 1D.
D. The lowest average grade in arts is that of Class 1D.
Pyetja 3
Read the following sentences carefully:
1. Do you have a fever, or any other symptoms?
2. Id like to make an appointment to see the doctor.
3. Dr. Petersons office. How may I help you?
4. Yes, Im not feeling very well.
5. Yes, I have a slight fever and aches and pains.
6. Certainly, are you ill at the moment?
The correct order of sentences to form a dialogue is:
A. 3 1 4 6 5 2
B. 3 2 6 5 1 4
C. 3 2 6 4 1 5
D. 3 4 6 5 2 1
Pyetja 4
ONLY ONE of the words can be used to complete the sentence. Which one?
You can only have your money back if you can produce _________.
A. a bill
B. a receipt
C. a ticket
D. an invoice
Pyetja 5
Which question or response fits the situation?
Joe: Would you like to come to my party?
Sue: Is your brother going too?
Joe: _________________


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A. I dont think so
B. Do you think so?
C. Yes, we are?
D. Im thinking of it.
Pyetja 6
Your guest is wearing a heavy coat.
You say: May I hang up your coat? because _______.
A. you like her coat very much
B. you want to hang up her coat
C. you want to make her feel comfortable
D. you dont like her coat at all
Pyetja 7
Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence:
Where did you find this book? Dont you know that __________?
A. its theirs
B. its their
C. its of them
D. its theyre
Pyetja 8
Choose the sentence which is in the present perfect tense:
A. They had already left the school.
B. She has just eaten her dinner.
C. She will have finished her task.
D. They would have called the boys.
Pyetja 9
The sentence They were reading at that time. is in_______.
A. Present perfect tense
B. Present continuous tense
C. Past perfect tense
D. Past continuous tense
Pyetja 10
Look at the following nouns. One of them does NOT exist. Which one?
A. recovery
B. laboury
C. discovery
D. slavery
Pyetja 11
Choose the best way to join the following sentences:
My friends brother was underage.
He did not get the job.
A. My friends brother did not get the job since he was underage.
B. My friends brother did not get the job and he was underage.
C. My friends brother did not get the job though he was underage.
D. My friends brother did not get the job so he was underage.

Pyetja 12

Prof Msc Halit Zhigolli

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Prof Msc Halit Zhigolli
Choose the correct sentence:
A. Modern factories have fewer than in the past workers.
B. Fewer modern factories have workers than in the past.
C. Modern factories have fewer workers than in the past.
D. Fewer factories have modern workers than in the past.
Pyetja 13
ONLY ONE of the following is a complete sentence. Which one?
A. I outside this morning.
B. We saw the snow falling.
C. Timmy his watch.
D. Susies furry yellow cat.
Pyetja 14
Which word is different?
A. participants
B. guest-speakers
C. organizers
D. conference room
Pyetja 15
Choose ONE word to complete the TWO sentences given below:
I am in a great hurry. Can you, please, give me a _________.
Didnt you know that the __________ is out of order?
A. lift
B. elevator
C. ride
D. drive
Pyetja 16
Read the question below and choose the most suitable alternative to complete the sentence:
She asked: Are you having a good time?
She wanted to know if ___________.
A. I am having a good time
B. I was having a good time
C. am I having a good time
D. was I having a good time
Pyetja 17
In the string of words: broke, given, sang, came, spoke, the word given is different because ___________.
A. it is a verb
B. it is infinitive
C. it is past simple
D. it is past participle
Pyetja 18
Which notice says, You should put things in the right place.?
A. No entrance to art room use the other door.
B. Turn off electronic devices during lessons.
C. Please return all the books to correct shelves.
D. Do not leave bags in front of the room.
Pyetja 19


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Prof Msc Halit Zhigolli
This is a sport many of us only see at Olympic Games times, but there is a lot more to it than that. It is a popular
activity for many youngsters. At the competitive level, there are the major divisions of this sport to rhythmic and
artistic. The sport is called______.
A. dancing
B. skating
C. skiing
D. gymnastics
Pyetja 20
David lives in a spacious house with his parents. Below is the house plan. Apart from the living room, the dining room
and the kitchen, there are two bedrooms. One is his parents and the other is his own bedroom. His parents bedroom
is 3.60 X 3.60, whereas Davids bedroom is 3.00 X 2.70 metres.
Look at the house plan and choose the correct alternative:
A. Davids bedroom is smaller for 4.86m2.
B. Davids bedroom is smaller for 3.86 m2.
C. Davids bedroom is smaller for 5.86 m2.
D. Davids bedroom is smaller for 2.86 m2.
Pyetja 21
Choose the most suitable alternative to complete this sentence:
If I were you __________.
A. I wont fight back
B. I wouldnt fight back
C. I wouldnt have fought back
D. I wouldnt had fought back
4.5.9. - Read the following text carefully and then answer the questions:
It was a late October night of the year 2006. It was bitterly cold and the dense fog had descended on the city of
London. There were few people in the streets and the traffic was moving slowly. Suddenly a cry broke the silence of
the night. This made the passers-by turn their heads in the direction the cry was heard from. It seemed that someone
was in danger and badly needed help.
Three young men had just got out of a pub when they heard the cry. They saw and elderly woman who was lying on
the pavement and was trying to get on her feet, and a man running away from her. The woman had been punched
and kicked, but, fortunately she was not seriously hurt. Some passers-by had already gathered around the woman and
were trying to help her get on her feet. Someone had already called the ambulance and its siren could be heard
wailing in the distance.
Seeing that the woman was not badly hurt and that she was being taken care, the three men decided to chase the
mugger. They ran after him as quickly as possible and when they were just about to catch him, the mugger went into
the railway station. They speeded up and almost caught him but were turned back at the barrier since they had no
tickets. That the incident happened as described above was stated at the Central Criminal Court records.
The three men were refused to use of a telephone to call the police, so they bought platform tickets, went into the
station and caught the attacker. After having caught a youth of seventeen they had been after, one of the pursuers
had to go outside in order to make a 999 call. The three pursuers were very much annoyed by this kind of treatment.
However they were determined not to allow anything or anyone jeopardize the mission they had assigned themselves
to. By the arrival of the police and the handover of the mugger to them their mission was successfully accomplished.
The case came to the court and the mugger, Steven Rogers was given a fair trial. After having examined the evidence,
the jury found the defendant guilty as charged and, consequently, the mugger was sentenced to five years of
imprisonment. The defendant earlier had admitted to have assaulted another woman, Abigail Wilkins, aged sixtyseven.

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Prof Msc Halit Zhigolli
The reporters who had gathered outside the court asked Judge Perkins to comment on the case. The judge made a
very brief comment. He said that this incident deserved to be brought to the attention of the railway authorities, as
well as to the attention of the public.
Pyetja 22
The most suitable title for the text is _____.
A. London fog story
B. London pub story
C. London railway story
D. London crime story
Pyetja 23
Choose the most suitable alternative to complete the sentence:
Mrs Wilkins was attacked ____________.
A. at an unknown location
B. near a railway station
C. near the court
D. near the police station
Pyetja 24
Choose the most suitable alternative to complete the sentence:
Barriers at the railway station are used to ________.
A. prevent trains to pass
B. prevent crimes from happening
C. prevent people without a ticket
D. prevent people from Central Criminal Court
Pyetja 25
Pyetja 26
The mugger is someone who __________.
A. robs banks
B. breaks into houses
C. picks pockets
D. robs people in the street
Pyetja 27
You make a 999 call when _________.
A. you are in danger
B. you are having a party
C. the streets are crowded
D. you feel uncomfortable
Pyetja 28
The expression to bring to attention in this text is closest in meaning to ________.
A. notice
B. inform
C. persuade
D. insist
Pyetja 29
There were few people in the street because _____.
A. the traffic was moving slowly
B. there was no transport


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C. it was dark
D. it was foggy
Pyetja 30
Suddenly a cry broke the silence of the night. Suddenly someone was heard ______.
A. weeping
B. screaming
C. sobbing
D. shedding tears


Prof Msc Halit Zhigolli

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Pyetjet nga Matematika


Prof Msc Halit Zhigolli

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Prof Msc Halit Zhigolli

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Prof Msc Halit Zhigolli

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Prof Msc Halit Zhigolli

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Prof Msc Halit Zhigolli

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Prof Msc Halit Zhigolli

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Prof Msc Halit Zhigolli

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Prof Msc Halit Zhigolli

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Prof Msc Halit Zhigolli

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Prof Msc Halit Zhigolli

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Prof Msc Halit Zhigolli

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Prof Msc Halit Zhigolli

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Prof Msc Halit Zhigolli

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Prof Msc Halit Zhigolli

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