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2 Section A JuLy 2009

The Big Bang! Moreover, God created sun and stars three the end, not the evolutionary Big Bang at the begin-
days after earth. ning. Scripture describes the real Big Bang that oc-

“N othing exploded into everything.”

That’s the Big Bang theory in a
nutshell. Nothing could be more wrong, for
Big Bangers contradict Scripture by re-
versing this order, claiming sun and stars
preceded earth by billions of years.
curs at history’s end (2 Peter 3:7,10-14) which signifi-
cantly differs from the evolutionary Big Bang.
The universe will disappear with a roar. It did not
from nothing, nothing comes. Big Bangers also say earth formed as a appear in a bang. It was spoken into existence.
The prevailing worldview asserts the uni- hot molten blob before water formed. Scrip- The elements will be destroyed by intense heat.
verse popped into existence with a Big Bang ture teaches earth was created cool from the They were not generated by an enormous explosion,
15 billion years ago. Purportedly the uni- WILLIAM T. PELLETIER start, because it was enveloped in a blanket but rather designed and created by Yahweh.
verse started with an extremely hot, unimag- PH.D. of water (Genesis 1:2,9; 2 Peter 3:5). The earth will be burned up. It was formed cool in
inably dense point and has been expanding Contrary to current scientific specula- water, not molten from a hot conflagration.
ever since. tion, there was no Big Bang in the beginning. Yahweh The Big Bang is future, not past. Scientists say ev-
How could this be? What caused the explosion? created heaven and earth on Day One by His word erything started with a Big Bang and will end with a
Where did the matter and energy for it come from? (Psalm 33:6,9). cold death when the sun burns out. This is backwards.
How did the physical laws that governed the explo- Ongoing grounding in God’s Word is vital to avert Earth started cold without the sun and will end in a
sion originate? the danger of being deceived. Beliefs about the Big future judgment by fire.
It is a logical impossibility for the universe to cre- Bang must be based on Yahweh’s words in Genesis.
The Big Bang has no eyewitness confirmation. It is The future holds complete destruction by intense
fire of everything material—cars, houses, comput-
not repeatable, observable, or testable and cannot be ers, books, maps, money, clothes, golf courses, malls.
Heaven and earth will be replaced by a new heaven
investigated in the lab. The Big Bang is not scientific; and earth.
Why do New Testament authors include such so-
bering future glimpses? To satisfy curiosity? No—to
it is historical speculation.
Whirlpool Galaxy.

ate itself, big bang or not. How could an extremely First spiral galaxy discovered (1774).
complex, highly ordered universe possibly result from Supposedly 37 million light years away,
an explosion? Explosions are destructive, not creative. 55,000 light years across, 100 billion stars.
They are disorganizing, not organizing. Companion galaxy NGC 5195 at to[p.

scientific proBleMs
The Big Bang has many problems. If a big bang start-
ed the universe, then matter should be evenly distrib-
uted. It is not. Matter is organized into groupings:
star-planet systems, then galaxies, galaxy-clusters,
and cluster-sheets with great separating voids.
How did planets, stars, and galaxies form? No math-
ematically sound theory exists for their formation.
Physics professor James Trefil said, “There
shouldn’t be galaxies out there at all, and even if there
are galaxies, they shouldn’t be grouped together the
way they are. The problem of explaining the existence
of galaxies has proved to be one of the thorniest in
cosmology. By all rights, they just shouldn’t be there,
yet there they sit. It’s hard to convey the depth of the
frustration that this simple fact induces among scien-
tists.” (The Dark Side of the Universe, 1988)
Scientists do not universally accept the Big Bang.
Astronomer Halton Arp wrote, “In my opinion the
observations speak a different language; they call for a
different view of the universe. I believe the Big Bang
theory should be replaced, because it is no longer a
valid theory.”
Astronomer Geoffrey Burbidge wrote, “Big Bang BiBlical Big Bang! motivate righteous living.
cosmology is probably as widely believed as has been Having said all this, I must admit I believe in a Big This is the Apostle Peter’s intent as he poses a pen-
any theory of the universe in the history of Western Bang. However, I believe in the Biblical Big Bang at etrating question: Since everything will be destroyed
civilization. It rests, however, on many untested, and and replaced with a pristine heaven and earth, what
in some cases untestable, assumptions. Indeed, Big kind of people should we be? (2 Peter 3:10-14)
Bang cosmology has become a bandwagon of thought Peter doesn’t leave us to ponder his question un-
that reflects faith as much as objective truth.” (Scien- aided. He calls believers to live worthy of their future
tific American, 1992) home—urging them to be distinguished by righteous
The Big Bang is a speculative hypothesis about the conduct now.
origin of the universe. It has no eyewitness confirma- Peter also urges “be diligent to be found by Him in
tion. It is not a repeatable, observable, testable phenom- peace.” Isn’t it more fun and natural to stir things up, to
enon that can be investigated in the laboratory. The Big pester and annoy, or to easily take offense? To diligent-
Bang is not scientific; it is historical conjecture. ly pursue peace requires conscious, determined efforts.
Nobel physicist Leon Ledermann, referring to People with a Biblical worldview worship the Cre-
speculations like the Big Bang, wrote in The God Par- ator, looking beyond immediate circumstances and
ticle, “When you read or hear anything about the birth stresses. Respecting the reality of the future destructive
of the universe, someone is making it up.” Big Bang, they anticipate Yahweh’s eventual re-creation
of heaven and earth. They strive for holiness and peace,
Big Bang contradicts BiBle seeking a present life worthy of their future home.
Some believe the Big Bang was when God created
light in Genesis 1. But this violates the text—earth E-mail Dr. Pelletier at
and heaven already existed before light was created. Follow the BibleScienceGuy at
©2009 William T.

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