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The Drink Tank Issue 85

Issue eighty-five
I’ve always had that island About a month and a half
fantasy. I love the island of isola- ago, I was in Denmark. I hadn’t
tion from the rest of the world, been there in years and I enjoyed
when you’d finally have all the time myself on the beach for an after-
in the world to do those things that noon. Looking out over teh water,
you’ve always wanted to do. Of I realised that I could live in Den-
course, if I had a full compliment mark as long as I was near the
of books and music and DVDs and water.
some miraculous source of power, Helsinki, while lovely and
then I’d be happy. near enough to good water that
A fair portion of this issue it’s easy on me, still isn’t Iceland,
will be dedicated to islands and where I spent a wonderful week
all the wonderful and awful things at a mud-spa and met many won-
that they represent. There will be derful people who were more than
no Desert Island picks, but there’s happy to play cards and talk shop,
an article that will talk about the even if I had no idea what their
best movies and TV shows about shop might be.
islands. Now that I think about it,
So enjoy the issue with my maybe that’s another reason that
friends M and Judith writing arti- islands are so wonderful. The peo-
cles that should be very interesting ple on islands have had to adapt to
other day when he said I had a thing the fact that they’re stuck on the island
for water. with a finite number of people. Far
Why An Island? When I was younger, I used to fewer places to disappear on an island,
by to various places on Cape Cod and to so they tend to be nice. Many of the
M Lloyd some of the small islands off of the islands I’ve been to have understood
What is it about islands? All of Northern Penninsula of Michigan. I that they have to make the tourists feel
the most beautiful places on Earth are learned to swim when I was less than welcome, but even with that, they still
islands. Tahiti, The Bahamas, Iceland a year old, so I was always being taken treat everyone right. Maybe it’s that
(and seriously, it is beautiful) and Ha- places where I could swim and Mom isolation (and really, even an island
waii. I’ve spent time island-hopping in and Dad could spend some time in the like Cuba has a certain isolated feel to
Greece and done a little of it around sun. I can remember sitting on some it) that makes people nicer, more real,
Sweden and Finland. I love these is- beach (it might have been Ibiza) and more colorful.
lands, and many more that I’ve spent looking out at the water and thinking Here’s what I know: when I have
time on, but I have to wonder why they that I could swim anywhere if I just the kids that are currently trying to
always seem to hold me so tightly. Jay had a good night’s sleep and a little claw out of my belly, I’m takin’ ‘em to
might have hit the nail on the head the backpack with some snacks. every island I can think of, just to see if
it’s genetic.
this rather emo story scarce. If that sounds like an over-
reaction, think about this: between
was submitted ages ago 1989 and 1992, SaBean and I got
and I’m just getting to into a half-dozen fist fights. I once
it. Sorry Judith! pushed her of our porch so that she
fell into a mud puddle. She once
tackled me and sent me sprawling
My Island into a standee full of dresses in the
by Mall. The two of us had scars, both
physical and mental, that would
Judith Morel have been easily avoided if I had my
There’ve been times I’ve own island.
wanted to do it; just pick up eve- Later in life, every break-up
rything, convert all my stuff into would lead me to staying in my
money and get myself an island. apartment, acting as if I had no
I’ve got enough money to do it if I
manage to hit a strong auction mar- all of the issues you’ve had. When I possible way out. I’d put myself in se-
ket. I only once looked into it seriously was a teenager, I had a minor issue clusion and just imagine if I had that
and I found a place off the coast of with men. You see, I liked to have sex island in the stream where I could go
Maine that was more than four miles with them, often with many in a short and keep all others away.
off-shore and more than two square period of time. At one point, I was jug- When I think of all the difficul-
miles with heavy trees and the high- gling five men that I’d regularly enter- ties I’ve had to face head on, I realise
est point being a plateau more than tain. An island would keep the men that I’d be so much better off if I had a
one hundred and fifty feet above water at bay, except for the brave and virile locale where I was master and the only
level. The whole set-up was less than men who’d make the swim. How could thing I had to lord over was the land
three million. Why would I consider it? I possibly deny them? itself.
Because I’ve spent so much of my life When SaBean and I started After that, there’d only be one
having to figure out ways to avoid one fighting during the 1980s, I wanted thing I’d have to worry about: if be-
thing or another. isolation because everywhere I went it ing four miles off the coast of Maine
Putting a body of water all seemed that SaBean would pop-up. I was far enough away from the world to
around you is a good way to keep out wanted to go to an island, make myself keep the bastards at bay.

Art Credits: Our cover was done by Kerry Roper. I love the touch of Abstract Expressionism in it mixed with the obvious Pop Art influence. It re-
minds me of a lot of the earliest Rauschenberg works. Page 2 features Pablo (aka dubpulse) and his piece called Island. Line Island Drawing (that
one up there) is from an artist name of Ryan Ford. wb_skinner gives us the blue island photo on page four. John Allen, a fine artist, did the piece
called Female Line on page 5. Page 6 is all about Queen Heart by the artist Queen_Heart. Funny that. You’ll find Landscape by Stone_Flaura on page
7. Sadly, I lost the info from teh folks who did the art on page eight. They were kind enough to send it to me, but I don’t have the info. I know the
Pennyfarthing at the end is from the Prisoner Series. Someone Lost a Heart is by bionic7.
The Girl On Her Island packages. That was her human contact
by aside from me.
Kath Swan Fasia once told me that she had
lived in Detroit for years, that her fam-
Sweetness. That’s what I called ily had owned a restaurant that served
her. Her real name was Fasia, a half- the best kufte and kabob in the US.
Persian girl with eyes like some exotic I asked her why she didn’t go back
stone. I lived in the same building more often and she mumbled some-
with her after my first divorce and she thing. Here was a woman who could
would bring over strong coffee and sit say every line of Hamlet with marbles
and we’d talk about things for hours. in her mouth and make every sylable
That’s why I always called her Sweet- distinct, and when I mention her fam-
ness. When I met her, I had a very ily, she mumbles.
young daughter and a lot of spare time. One afternoon during the hottest
I would spend days and days at home, summer I’d ever have the displeasure
sometimes laying on the couch until of experiencing, I went down to the Su-
the Kid would cry and I’d get up, take per’s office to get a loaner fan. He was
care of that and lay back down. Fa- an old guy, probably about sixty-five,
sia would knock on the door and even and he shuffled when he walked.
before I reached it, I’d smell the cof- “You know that Fusia woman
fee. It was strong and when I’d let her who lives down the hall from you?” He
in, we’d sit and talk about everything, asked.
we’d laugh, we might turn on the TV “Yes I do.” I said, sweating too
and make fun of whatever was on. much to make more conversation.
Sadly, Sweetness wasn’t sharing then she’d make sure all the checks “Strange woman. Locked herself
her own happiness; she was making were removed and forwarded to the in her apartment. Hasn’t come out for
up for her own lack of happiness. right people. She used to represent days.” He said.
She’d laugh and smile and even- some of the early video porn houses I wondered why that was, re-
tually she’d leave. Once in a while we’d and she’d get cheques for orders of alising that she hadn’t come over in
fall asleep on the couch after having thousands of dollars. She used to about a week. I wondered how she
laughed our way through Saturday laugh that whenever she would see an was taking her mail to the post office.
Night Live. She’d go home and there envelope from a Reverend, they were Later that day, I discovered that she
she’d sink back into what she normally getting porn tapes. had FedEx stopping by to pick-up her
lived: a life too quiet. She had a job But she did all this alone. She things. I wanted to go by and knock on
that involved forwarding mail sent to didn’t even have to call people, she just her door, but I know that even if I had,
various small companies of no reputa- forwarded the mail, went to the post she’d either not have answered (I cer-
tion. She’d get a huge bag of mail and office every day and dropped off a few tainly wouldn’t have on my couch days)
or she’d be uninterested in talking. I from.
waited another week before I made a “Anything you wanna talk
bold step. about?” I asked.
I called her. She told me. All of it. I had to get
Fasia’s phone number was so up and take care of Christa a couple of
easy to remember, alternating 7s and times, but she stayed there, crying and
9s, that I had seen her dial it once and then saying the rest of it. She’d had
never forgot it. I picked up the phone a rough childhood, but the worst of it
and it rang five times. was the fact that she’d acquired a case
“hello.” she said. She sounded of poor little rich girl. She worked be-
small and tired, far different from the cause it gave her something to do and
girl who had stayed up late with me, still allowed her to mope around the
laughing so hard she woke The Kid up. house when the whole thing got to her
“Safia, it’s Kath.” I was con- again. She spent nearly a year never
cerned but tried to play it off. “I was leaving her old apartment. She’d even
hoping you might want to go come over had a girl she would visit and make
and have dinner with me tonight.” coffee for, but she moved after she had
She didn’t say anything for a her year of seclusion.
long time. spent all afternoon crying like a ban- Her father had died several years
“OK.” she said and hung up. shee, which she had. I fixed up some before leaving her a fair sum. Her
I had to run to the store and get bangers and mash, set the plate in mother had ignored her, angry that
groceries, and by the time I got back, front of her and we sat down and ate. she had left home and not come into
Fasia was sitting beside my front door, “I was wondering why you hadn’t the family business despite a talent
her knees pulled up to her chin. come around lately.” I said. for cooking she would share with me
“hi.” she said, hardly louder than She didn’t respond, just kept over time. By midnight, she was laugh-
the silence that she interupted. eating as if she hadn’t tucked in for ing telling me the hell she had been
I put the groceries down and ages. She did look thinner. through before she left Detroit. I broke
gave her my hand. She took after a After another ten minutes or so, out a bottle of Irish Creme and she ran
moment and I helped her to her feet. I and two more servings for Fasia, I tried to her apartment and made coffee for
gathered the groceries and we walked again. us. We drank until four when we fell
in. “The Super said you’d been in asleep on the couch.
She was a wreck. She seemed to your apartment for three weeks. That After we woke up, she was in a
be clean and didn’t smell like many of true?” I probed. good mood (unlike the Kid). The Little
us do after spending long periods mop- “Yes.” she said, after a long Brat played with the kitchen set her
ing in the house. She took a seat on pause. “I’ve had to think. Think and Dad gave her that Christmas and Fasia
the couch and I went in to look after cry because of my thinking.” made breakfast.
The Kid who was sleeping like she had I knew where that was coming “You had the choice of anywhere
on Earth, anyplace you wanted to be, Yes, Mr. Garcia! We’d do all of
you could be anywhere you wanted. that when we form the United States of
Where’d you go?” I asked. Smokers!
“You ever been to Catalina Is-
land?” she said. Rebuttal
“My Dad takes us there every Do not pin this one on me,
year or so.” sister! It was the Al Gore Democrats
“You know the other Channel that passed the law in California
Islands?” and started the movement around
“Of course.” the country. Some of the most pow-
“I’d go to one of those, set up a erful debate against it was by Re-
little house, start a garden and just publican Senators.
stay there on my own.” I, for example, was annoyed
We lived on the same floor for no end by the ruling because I was
the next three years and she only fell a regular cigar smoker and my
into the depression really bad one more favourite breakfast place, Bob’s
time. She moved after the service she Surf & Turf, had a bar area where
It’s YOU, Mr. Christopher Garcia, that
was providing started to get too expen- they’d serve food so I could light up
did this to all the smokers.
sive. She sent me a card from Florida. and smoke my Macanudo after a
What I’m saying we all need to
California was too expensive. hefty meal. That was Heaven (even
do is leave the United States of Ameri-
Found a little place, an island in the though I’ve given up cigars, mostly,
ca, from a new country on some island
middle of a swamp. It’s Heaven. I still remember those being incred-
with the right climate to grow tobacco
Can’t fault a girl for gettin’ her ible times).
(And no, Mr. Garcia, it will not be us
own. Now, do I think that the
over-throwing Cuba like you’dwant
health benefits of banning smok-
us to!) and we’d pass laws saying that
The Island of The Smokers ing in some areas are worth it? Yes.
smoking was legal in bars, in homes,
by Offices, movie theatres, sports are-
at boxing matches and even on teh
SaBean MoreL nas, hospitals, etc, they should be
sidewalk. We’d make it illegal to sue to-
Well, Mr. Garcia, you’ve finally smoke-free. If a restaurant is owned
bacco companies for your illness even
done it. Not you in particular, but the by all the folks who work there and
though it’s printed right there on the
you that you represent: those evil, they choose to make it a smoking
package: smoking will give you cancer.
cruel-hearted conservative bastards! restaurant, that should be allowed
We’d make sure that cigarettes and
Smoking is banned from bars, it’s (which is the only exception to the
cigars were sold for fair prices and that
banned from clubs, even a lot of Casi- bar rules made in California.
they’d be of higher quality. We’d make
nos, Indian Casinos where one could I’m totally for smokers getting
it legal to grow your own and smoke
stab an endangered tiger if one wanted some rights, but I do admit that the
that, if you like, without government
to, have said that you can’t light up. Goreians did an OK job.
See You On The Island: The Best (and typecast, but no, he broke out by leav-
Worst) TV Set on Islands ing Wings and getting his own show,
Christopher J. Garcia Ned & Stacey, and then doing movies
There’ve been a lot of island TV including his brilliant turn in Sideways
and film done about islands. There’s that should have won him an Oscar.
one on right now that has people Sadly, it did not.
scratching their heads. I’ve always en- The other guy was Tony Shal-
joyed it as an idea because it seems so loub. He’s been around forever, but
limiting, but usually gives you strong folks really discovered him playing the
outcomes. Here are my picks for the abstract foreigner on Wings.
best TV about Islands (with a little
mocking of the worst) gan’s Island. Three- Lost
What! How DARE you put Lost
Five- Gilligan’s Island Four- Wings. at number three. I’m just not as big a
Yes, it was stupid that they had What! Wings? Are You serious, I fan as I should be. I like what I’ve seen,
a scientist on board and they somehow hear you cry. Yes, I am. but it’s not a show that I’ve gotten
couldn’t muster enough wood to patch The show that’s been described sucked into.
up the boat. Yes, I understand that as too bad to sit down and watch but Lost is Twin Peaks gone tropi-
they would have been without power, not bad enough to turn off is set on cal, which is a good thing, and it’s got
but still, they could figure out a way Nantucket, that kooky little island off a tangled mythology that makes my
to make coconut creme pie without a of Massachusetts. Almost the entire head spin, but it’s also beautifully shot
proper oven! series took place in an airport on an and well-paced and has hints of all the
The appeal of the show was the island, which I believe may be the only good things that stroy-telling should
whacky comedy mixed with the char- series I can say that about. do. The cast is beautiful, especially
acters that were over the top. I also The series was average in just that Evangeline Lilly girl who is break-
do not doubt the power of two factors: about everything except casting. Time taking.
one of the greatest theme songs ever Daly and Steve Weber were great as The way they tell the story is
and the fact that two of the girls on the the brothers who own the small air- what makes it really interesting. They
show were very easy on the eyes. Tine line. Crystal Bernard and Amy Yasbeck have the issues on the island to deal
Louise was one of the most beautiful (oh how I love thee!) were both perfect with and then they go into flashbacks,
women I’d ever seen was I was young in their roles, but it was the pair who whcih even though they take things off
and watching the show. would go on to future fame that most the island still manages to make them
While it’s watchability is almost folks remember. seem more isolated. Maybe it’s the fact
nil nowadays, it’s fun to see all the Thomas Hayden Church played that people from the island keep pop-
cliches they manage to pack into each Lowell, the dumb mechanic. He was so ping up in each other’s flashbacks.
episode. If you can think of a gag they good at playing the part that it might I fear that Lost will continue the
did in vaudeville, they did it on Gilli- have branded him for life with a brutal slow ratings slide that’s been going on
over the last couple of months. up island called The Village (and in
the Simpsons parody it was called The
Two- Hawaii 5-0 Island) where McGoohan’s character
There’s no cop show that I have is number 6 in a world where they are
as much love for as H5-0. That’s not all sorts of strange things including a
true, because I loved The Streets of weird heirarchy that gives people num-
San Francisco, but there’s no cop show bers.
that didn’t feature Carl Malden that I Between the bizarre setting, the
enjoyed nearly as much. terrifying white balloons that bounce
Jack Lord was the man and eve- around and the general mood the show
rything that man did was cool. I can’t invokes, there’s no way that you can
place my finger on it, but even when watch The Prisoner and truly get it.
shows like Sledgehammer came on, I’d If you asked me to name my ten And that’s the point. Telelvision is all
always feel like people were biting spe- favourite television programmes of all- too often cut and dry, but The Prisoner
cifically from Hawaii 5-0 and Jack Lord time, I’d have no trouble at all listing is a chow that leaves you with ques-
in particular. them. 10- Greg the Bunny, 9- Grey’s tions that are never really answered.
The weird thing is, other than Anatomy, 8- Parker Lewis Can’t Loose, Yes...I’ve seen the last episode,
Wo Fat, I can’t think of a single bad 7- Cupid, 6- Monty Python’s Flying but it only answers the real questions
guy on the show. While I can go on Circus, 5- The State, 4- The Simpsons, to people who are willing to go through
for days about the various villains on 3- SportsNight, 2- Twin Peaks, 1- The the research and philosophy to force it
the various cop shows over the years, Prisoner. There’s no argument in the to make sense. Still, it’s an amazint, if
Danno and Steve McGarrett were the fact that as terrible as some of the ponerous, piece of work.
only ones who were really memorable shows on that list may be, there’s no
to me. question that The Prisoner is the great-
The show ran from 1968 through est TV programme ever.
1980, an almost unheard of length of The Prisoner led to Twin Peaks
reign for a cop show. Most burn out af- and that led to Lost. It’s one of those
ter four or five years (and the two best shows that messes with your head by
of them, Hill Street Blues and NYPD mixing a reality and a fantasy and a
Blue both managed longer but fell off science fiction set of themes in a single
considerably toward the end) but H5-0 show.
was the rare one that could transition The show has a single voice,
from the 1960s and last all the way which is so rare. The series was all
through the 70s, a time of great TV about Patrick McGoohan. He is The
change. Prisoner and every aspect of the show
has his stank on it in a good way.
Number One- The Prisoner The show takes place in a mixed-
Personal Updates there were issues.
by You see, Judith was at the peak
Christopher J. Garcia of her bitch powers, and I was at a
similar (though completely justifi-
I wish I could say that every- able) peak. The two of us would almost
thing among my little group of friends never talk, though if we ran into each
that has spread out across this great other in the kitchen, there might be
country of ours (now that M and Jay a strong word or two masked so Mom
are back in the US and ready to have wouldn’t stop whining at us.
the babies) but there are issues now It was a fine day in Summer,
that we’re all dealing with. My Dad, M’s probably early July, right after we’d
kids, SaBean being let go by the ballet gotten back from Catalina. I was sitting
(well, the entire company’s combin- in my room, watching TV. I had gone
ing with another small dance company out the night before and had borrowed
actually), and worst of all...Judith’s one of Judith’s jackets. She had left
got a new man. That just stings. Ouch, a twenty in the pocket and I quickly
baby. Yet another of the the Good Ones The Brawl grabbed it and turned it into a more
has gone to relationshipville. by specacular kind of fun.
The worst of it at the moment SaBean MoreL When I got home, I left the jacket
has to be Mike’s sister Mary. She’s I’ve never written about the in the kitchen and went up to sleep. I
sixteen and she ran off, and according greatest fight that Judith and I ever had just woken up and Judith was in
to a note she left for her parents, she’s had, but when I called her yesterday my room with fire in her eyes. It was
gone to meet some guy from MySpace she mentioned it. I had totally forgot- afternoon and I’m betting she had just
in Texas. That’s a suckbomb right ten about it. returned from her last sexual con-
there. Kath and Mike are heading back The year was 1989. George the quest. Her hair was still mussed and
to Austin to try and find her. Judith’s Elder was on the throne in the White she was spitting fire.
been doing computer recon (and I House, Chris Garcia was a Fresh- “Who the fuck said you could
know how to nav MySpace pretty well, man in High School, I had discovered wear my jacket? And where’s my twen-
but Judith practically mind-melds with that I could get my H for free for the ty bucks?” Judith was foaming.
the beast) and SaBean, now free from right services and the Giants and As “Get the fuck out of my room!” I
gig, has agreed to do some of the leg- would meet in the World Series. It was screamed at her.
work with Lexi’s friends in Evanston. olso the last time my Dad was really Judith is a strong girl. When she
I love MySpace, but there needs healthy. For the first two-thirds of the wants o she can put a hurt on you.
to be some sort of protection. Yes, it’s year, Dad managed pretty good, even She when she bent down and grabbed
idiot kids doing idiot kid stuff, but still, going for long hikes and doing a long me by my hair, She had me on my
it’s so much easier now. At least the snow-shoe trip around Tahoe. This feet with one yank and she threw me
guy she’s going to see isn’t 40. was good news, but around the house, against the far wall. If you’ve ever been
yanked from your bed, you know that ass hard. She grabbed me and started stormed upstairs and went into my
you go into survival mode. I bounced punching me. I tried to get out of the room. I was hurting bad and I decided
off the wall and landed on my knees. room and she kicked me in the back, to empty my stash. It helped. I barely
Judith stalked towards me and I I flund forward and ended up sliding noticed the pain in my shoulder. Ju-
speared her in teh gut with my shoul- down the stairs. I wasn’t hurt, but Ju- dith had the black eye and I had man-
der. She tumbled back and I ended up dith was worried. She stood at the top aged to give her a cut right across the
on top of her. I only threw a couple of of the stairs seeing if I was OK. When part of the neck that connects to the
punches beofre she managed to knock I started to get up, she looked like she chest.
me off. I think I grabbed a book I had wanted to come and get me, but she Yeah, I forgot about that one,
on my nightstand. I threw it at her just spat on me and stomed back to preferring to remember the time I tack-
and it ended up giving her a black eye. her room, slamming the door. led her in the Mall. That was really
She didn’t like that. She kicked my Mom came by and saw me. I incredibly wonderful.

Another Place that

I tend to write for is
Your source for
What used to be
Brian’s Books in
Santa Clara is now
Planet. Comics
Here’s the first ad
for the store. I get a
Shop there!
I haven’t done one of these Fake Anna Levitan. She was in several of
Comic Articles in a long while, and Natasha’s art classes and though she
this thingee that I wrote was a lot was not as talented as Natasha, she
of fun, so here it it. was well-liked.
By the middle of July, the group
Fear Not, Comrades: The Last Days were very interested in getting a pri-
vate press going. Maria, who had been
Of CommieComix going back and forth between Helsinki
First Appeared in Once Upon a Dime, and Leningrad, had said that she could
October 1999 get a hold of many pieces they would
need for starting their own press.
In the summer of 1986, six men Maria left for Helsinki and the others
and three women snuck back across crossed over and joined her in trans-
the border from Finland into Russia porting the large number of pieces
with a load of Macintosh computers across. The total cost of the equipment
and three ImageWriter printers and was nearly fifty thousand dollars. Most
a color photo copier with enough ink of the money had come Maria’s stores,
and paper refills for a decade. The six though the Kvasov boys had man-
men, Gregor, Ivar and Misha Kvasov, aged to gather a few thousand dollars
Pietr Alamanov, Mikhail Voltan, and through side-work they’d done while
Alexandre Mashkov were all former working at the print shop.
printshop boys in Leningrad. The six of While American and British
them were often disciplined for printing This allowed her to freely pass between comics were often found in the Soviet
itmes for friends during work hours. Finland and the USSR with almost no Union, and there were many State-ap-
The Kvasov brothers in particular were problems, enabling her to serve as one proved comics (often illustrating tra-
known to print posters and fliers for of the most active smugglers of small ditional stories), but there were few
bands around Leningrad and in early goods. She had been bringing across super heroes. Natasha had done many
July 1987, they’d been suspended from foreign records, books, VCRs and vid- drawings based on characters she had
work for running ten thousand fliers. eos, and even comic books. found in the comics that Maria had
Voltan had been dating a woman Maria’s long-time friend, Natasha brought across. The first character she
named Maria Saarinen. She was an Sariban, was only nineteen when she created using the MacPaint programme
ethnic Finn whose family had come to was introduced to Kavsov brothers and on the Macs they had brought across
what was then St. Petersburg. With she was already a talented artist. She was Hammer. She was a girl hero who
her last name and a little bit of cun- had been exhibited around Leningrad would fight for the KGB, often bun-
ning, she had managed to cross into and had a small show in Moscow of her gling her tasks and covering them up.
Finland in the early 1980s and manged scuptures. Natasha’s best friend was The satire was strong, and Mashkov
to legally obtain a Finnish passport. a twenty-one year old painter named and Voltan were very concerned with
the content, but they did much of the on the lines. Only a few hundred were
polish and Anna did the colouring. printed and all of them were shipped
After the inking and coloring, the comic off to Finland. a smaller run on lesser
was run off on the color printer and quality paper was done in 1987, but
three thousand issues were released: it failed to gain a following. The initial
half in the USSR and the other half version won three Aarnos, the Finnish
traveling back and forth with Maria to comic book award.
Helsinki. By mid-1987, CommieComix
The reaction was immediate and were printing issues in English, Finn-
huge. The first issues sold-out quickly, ish and Russian. The English issues
raising enough capital to keep them go- were the most popular by far, since
ing to further issues. While the initial the first issues had all been done in
issues had no press name indicated English. Sales in Finland increased,
(according to Ivar Kvasov this was to especially for The Cold Warriors. Tales
avoid arousing suspicions), they settled of the KGB did raise questions, but the
on CommieComix for the later issues. slow committee process the KGB relied
The runaway success of The on meant that the group had moved
Hammer led to three other comics by on to other means of distribution and
the end of 1986. Tales of the KGB was were therefore difficult to stop.
a Three Stooges style comic about By January 1988, CommieComix
bungling KBG agents going about their had grown to seven titles each running
days. They printed five thousand is- bi-weekly and each having print-runs
most were sold in Helsinki. Many made
sues of each edition and were selling greater than twenty thousand copies.
their way to the US and England and
them for the equivilent of 10 US dollars Maria had bought a professional press
were the only CommieComix that re-
each. This title earned them their first just on the opposite side of the border
ceived regular international coverage.
international recognition in an edition with Finland and they’d taken to print-
The third title shipped in Decem-
of Comic Book Retailers Monthly where ing the issues there. Every Monday
ber of 1986. It was a comic titled De-
they reviewed the seventh issue as a night Mashkov would drive out to pick
cember Man. While the few remaining
comedy classic. up the issues for distribution in Russia
issues are highly prized, it was nearly
The second book was a more and drop-off the art for the next issues.
ignored when first released. Natasha
traditional SuperHero title called The While the art was certainly a
decided to do the art freehand and it
Cold Warriors. This was a team of five step down from the work of Levitan
was a black and white title that was
heroes who fought evil capitalists in far and Sariban, the artists and writers
far more personal than anything else
off countries. While the subject mat- hired would have a profound effect on
done. The story covered the Bolshevik
ter would certainly have pleased the later Russian comics. Visaly Rench-
Revolution from the point of view of
Powers That Be, the comic sold poorly ankov and Aleksander Mor, two sixteen
a young man in Kiev who is charged
in comparison to the other issues and year olds at the, took over art duties
with collecting letters from loved ones
on Hammer and would go on to found ing ten titles a week of a total of thirty
Uncommon Wealth comics in 1992. different titles a month.
Yuri Kasparov, a pseudonym of two In 1991, with the break-up of the
unknown Leningrad women, would Soviet Union, all of the original par-
briefly take over Tales of the KGB ticipants in CommieComix spread out
(Russian edition) and later become the from Russia. Ivar Kvasov and Maria
driving force behind the C*A*P*T*I*V*E Saarinen stayed in Helsinki. Levitan
Comcis movement that started in the and Sariban stayed in the UK until
Moscow Rave Culture. Victor Lebedev August of 1998 when they relocated
would leave Leningrad after doing to Denmark. The rest all found their
much of the lettering for the later Com- way to the US, settling in Oakland,
mieComix and moved to Berlin where CA. They continued producing Com-
he started one of the first Comics Web- mieComix until early 1993, when the
sites dedicated to Russian comics. American based Kvasov brothers start-
“Lot’s of talent late in the game,” ed K-mics Comics and Levitan began
noted comic curator Dennis “Wizard” focusing on her fine art career again.
Reel, “but they never caught the spirit Saarinen left publishing alto-
of the originals.” gether and began working on a special
While the climate surrounding courier service with Ivar between St.
the Soviet people was thawing, the Petersburg and Helsinki. They married
Kvasovs weren’t happy with the atten- in 1996 and had a child a year later.
tion that was being drawn and left for Pietr has found the most work
Finland, establishing themselves with were easily able to print more than fifty in comics, acting as a translator for
a group of Russians there. They would thousand copies a week. both Marvel and DC into Russian, and
become the force behind the Finlandi- By 1989, each of the origi- later drawing a comic strip that shows
zation of CommieComix. While the oth- nal nine were millionaires, raking in on the web. Pietr and Ivar collected a
ers remained in Leningrad, the open- roughly a hundred grand a month in number of CommieComix titles and
ness at the time allowed for greater sales. While the Kvasovs were living released them on the web in July of
exposure. While it was not uncommon in Finland, Levitan and Sariban left 1997. A print version done by Lubov
for collectors of underground litera- for England. This left CommieComix Comics sold well in Russia, but never
ture to have copies of CommieComix in with stronger connections to the main- found a market in the US.
Moscow, Kiev and Minsk, Hammer and stream of English language comics, Recently, rumors of a reunion
Tales of the KGB became well-known but it also left the group without the between the original nine have excel-
in parts of the nation away from the strongest artists they’d been using. lerated. In recent months, Levitan and
population center of the country. They Saarinen found several other artists, Ivar Kvasov have made mention of
increased their runs again, and with and they began producing lesser qual- starting up the label again. the domain
the new Finnish printing capacity, they ity comics, but they were still selling CommieComix was registered in June.
good numbers. By 1990, they were do-
Letter Graded Mail it in the past. As you know, I used to
watch AWA stuff as a kid, and recently
sent to my son and I have begun enjoying the
by my Loyal Readers shenanigans of WWE stuff, but not all
the time. It’s pretty crazy stuff, and
With an LoC in the Style of Lloyd
the special effects are getting just as
Penney is John Purcell.
wosers as going to a Kiss concert. What
Well, it’s time for moi to play a combination here: science fiction,
catch up, so in the immortal words of wrestling, and rock ‘n roll. No wonder
the Great One, Jackie Gleason, “And the babes are hot.
away we go!”
Arnie’s been around the wrestling
Are you calling me Fat? world longer than I have and his
#82: Totally loved your acquisition stuff is really good. I love the WWE,
tales of the Baycon ribbons. I but the AWA will always have my
remember getting some of these heart. I miss Nick Bockwinkle and
ribbons back in the 80s, maybe as Ray The Crippler Stevens, Jimmy
early as the late 70s, at cons. These Snuka and Dick The Bruiser.
are always fun conversation pieces science fiction novel completely based
on baseball. It was so long ago that I I love programming items that
and collectibles. The one I would love incorporate sf and silliness, and ‘the
to have is the “Fanzinista” ribbon, and read it - it was something like 1978 or
1979 - that I forget the actual plot, but Match Game’ that Baycon had sounds
since my wife and daughter are CJ like something I would hve enjoyed.
majors, they would probably love to get I do recall that the AToms team home
stadium “floated” over Lake Michigan, Anybody videotape the game? If so, I’d
the “I hide bodies” ribbon. Very funny like to see it.
stuff. Thank you for sharing the poop or something like that. There were
some pretty cool skiffy elements in the I don’t remember seeing anyone
about your ribbon collection.
novel, and I do remember enjoying it doing video, but there are lots of
I was thinking at BayCon about all quite a bit. I may have to look this one photos out there. It was one of the
the ways to possibly review it. Then up again. best reviewed parts of the con.
I realised that at work, I go over all
events through Material Culture, so Was that a Jack Haldeman book? #83: Family has always been a great
it just made sense. I’ve got a tonne He wrote a lot of Baseball SF (or source of material for my fan writing,
of the Fanzinista ribbons that I’ll maybe it was Joe. I can never keep as you and any other readers of my
be bringing with me to CorFlu (and those two straight). zines know. Depending on what I
choose to write about, it can be either
WorldCon) Man, there’s been a lot of
material recently about pro wrestling crazy, funny, straight reportage, or
“Baseball and SF”: Ages ago, sad.
I read and reviewed a book for Rune in fanzines. The latest Vegas Fandom
Weekly has a big article in it by Arnie, And typically, it’s a little bit of each
titled The New A-toms Bombshell, a
and you have written extensively about all at once.
The one thing that I can say circumstances surrounding a loved of this catch-up loc. Weird Travels just
about all the articles in this issue one’s death. began on the Travel Channel, and it’s
that ties them all together is that now time for my Friday night fright
sense of belonging that comes from All in all, Chris, this was a watching. Take care, and see you next
being in a family. All of the trials and sobering issue, and revealed a side time on the e-zine front. (My next
heartaches and successes are part of of you that probably a lot of us couple of issues are in production, so
the experience, and these elements fanzinistas haven’t been aware of. get those loccing fingers ready, bud.)
form my personal belief system about Thank you for sharing.
I love Weird Travels, especially
why we love fandom so much. This is It was a way emo issue, but it was when they go places I’ve been to. I’m
our “Family” and we love everyone in it. also one that allowed me to realise fully ready to LoC buddy! Just put
Damn straight! One of the best that I don’t want to do another one ‘em up and I’ll knock ‘em down!
responses I got on LJ was from an like that again.
All the best,
LA fan named Selina. “I don’t know #84: So you’re not going to be mayor
you but we are fans. That means we of San Francisco. Too bad. Make the John Purcell
are family. That means I will think voters pay one way or another for their
of you and send my very best, that oversight.
means I’m part mexican too, thank Nice article - with even nicer
you, would you like a little of my illustrations - about waitresses. At
Greek? ((you be you and you will be one point in my life, while living in
okay))” Des Moines, Iowa, I was a part-time
That rocked. waiter at a Baker’s Square restaurant.
I believe you when you say that Did a good job at it, too, getting nice
this was a very difficult issue to write, tips in return. At one point I was even
but I am positive that by doing so being considered for a position as head
helped you get through these recent waiter there; did a trial run in that role
events. I missed out on saying goodbye on a couple Sunday afternoons. That
to both of my parents because I lived was alright, but you make more money
so far away; they were in Utah, and as a waiter instead of being the floor
I was in Minneapolis when dad died, supervisor, so I respectfully declined.
Iowa when mom died. Even distance Still, it kind of made me feel good.
doesn’t make it easier, and I have I was so happy to find those
always felt guilty about not being illustrations for the article. I love
there when they died so that I could the one who’s showin’ a little ass.
say goodbye. Funny how we always That was a nice one. I saved three
desire closure of some sort even when articles for later issues.
there’s nothing we can do about the And with that, I come to the end
I am Ninja, He is Ninja, She is
Ninja Too!: Ask a Ninja
Christopher J. Garcia

The interweb has become a

cauldron of inequity! But more im-
portant than that, it’s the home of
Ninjas. That’s right, after hundreds
(or perhaps millions) of years under-
cover, they’ve finally stepped forward
and are making waves on this connec-
tion of wires we call web. Wether it’s
Robert Hamburger’s Ninja Homepage
( or any of the
other Pirates vs. Ninjas pages, they’ve
exploded, often with a Chuck Nor-
risian force behind them. Yet, the best
of them only recently became available
to the masses who weren’t trained in
the arts of invisibility and Ass-Kick-
In November, a couple of guys
started a site called Ask A Ninja
( and it quickly gained
a huge following via YouTube and the
episodes, soming at nearly the same
speed as issues of The Drink Tank.
Now that they’re up around 22
episodes, plus several specials, they’ve faks, at least most of them, but they’re Excuses he says that he’s busy pre-
become a massive hit doing good busi- funny. The best of them is “Hey, I’ve venting “Zombie TuPac from releasing
ness in their store. gotta work real late tonight and since I another album from beyond the grave.”
The format is simple, after a won’t have a chance, would you mind That made me laugh harder than any-
great punk song by Neu Kilter (who returning Ghost to the video store for thing. Then there’s the one that Evelyn
are aparently a real German band), me?” The ninja replies “Sure, after I likes “Is it possible for a ninja to create
the Ninja asks a question that a loyal kill you!”. The other great one is, while a shuriken so large that they them-
viewer sends in. They’re probably talking about the ancient Ninja Art of selves can not throw it?” And the an-
So, that’s all for this issue. When’s the I’ve got Falls Count Anywhere (on
next issue? That’s a good question. and another article
I’m doing the 48 Film Festival to write.
next weekend, so I’m not sure if I’ll get And then, I gotta write The 13th
out an issue next week. I might, but I Step: The Complete Guide to Falling
don’t know. I do know that if I say I’m off the Wagon. Here’s a preview: Step
not going to do an issue that I’ll end up Number 13: Have a self-destructive
doing an issue, but if I say I’m doing period which even Daryl Strawberry
one and I miss doing it, I’m a liar who would say is completely excessive!
should be strung up by his thumbs!
swer “Well, the answer to that is easily In other news, a good
Maybe?” guy by the name of Dave Bry-
They’re also not affraid to take ant dropped off a big box of
on issues. I know that sounds funny Gallery, an APA for artists. It
about a piece of fluff web-bit, but it’s looks like most of it is from the
true. The entire Net Neutrality thing 1990s, but there are folks like
(which has got a lot of Republicans and Taral Wayne included, which
Democrats on the same side for one) is always a plus. I’m going to
was addressed in a brilliant bit called, be going through the box over
simply enough, Net Neutrality. In it, the next few days and seeing if
the Ninja talks about how the Internet there’s anyway I can use some
Service Providers want to make people of the art in future
watch Robin Williams’ cousin make In other news, I’ll likely
bacon juice when people want to watch have another giant report on
the Girl at Hot Dog On A Stick make the big 48 Film Project and
lemonade. Trust me, it’s makes a lot I’ll also havemore to say about
more sense than you think. They then the Next Big Project, which
say that the ISPs want to put the Girl I’ll officially be announcing in
at Hot Dog On A Stick behind a wall the next month or so.
made of the shredded First Ammend- I’m also hoping that I
ment. He also claims that Vint Cerf get a chance to do some shop-
invented the Internet so that people ping, since I know that I re-
could watch people in funny hats could ally want a big batch of videos,
make things that people like. It’s the but yet I can’t seem to find the
best reasoning I’ve heard for the net ones that I want.
since I started working at the museum. And there’s always wres-
I’m down with Ninja Logic! tling. Too much wrestling.

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