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Mechanics' Register.

so as to prevent the escape of steam between the cap and the chamber,
without the use ot packing; and the pressure of the cap upon the revolving
chamber by means of springs, to effect the same object."
71. For a Cradle for Cutting Ilemp; Wilson A. Larimore, Paris,
Bourbon county, K e n t u c k y , April 25.
This is a modification of the common cradle, fitting it to the purpose of
cutting hemp by hand. The claim is to " the construction era bow, or guard,
around the points of the fingers, and its extension to the post. Likewise the
cord which confines the how, and extends to the sneath. Likewise the con.
fining of the scythe at the point to the frame, by a screw or otherwise.
Likewise the hoop confined on, or near, tile back of the scythe."
The object appears to be to render the instrument firm and steady, for
cutting the heavy substance to which it is to be applied.
The points of the fingers are inserted into a hoop, connecting them to.
gether there as well as at their back ends, and from the frame thus formed
a rope extends to the upper end of the sueath, to support said frame.
72. For an instrument for Measuring~ and Draug~hting, preparatory
to cutting out Garments; W i l l i a m C. Bishop, Ovid, Seneca eounU,
New York, April 25.
W e have a specification and drawing of this instrument, but do not suppose the sui)ject of sufficient general importance to justit~, the expense of
an engraving, and the space for the description. The instrument consisls
of flexible graduated metallic straps, to which measuring tapes are attached,
and the claim is to " t h e particular mode in which they are connected and
arranged~" which so far as we can judge in a matter foreign to our general
pursuits, appears to adapt them well to the purpose intended.
73. For an improvement in the Collo~ Gin; Alexander Jones, City
of New Orleans, April 25.
T h e principal improvement in this cotton gin consists in the manner of
iheding the seed to be cleaned. Tile seed is put into hoppers, the bottoms
of which are tbraled of parallel bars, the spaces between these bars being
such that the seed cotton may be drawn through by the teeth of revolving
l~ed plates, constructed tbr that purpose. To regulate the teed the hoppers are made to raise and lower, giving to the teeth of the feed plates more
or less hold. The claim is t o " the method of feeding the cotton to the
saws by means of hoppers and feeding cylinders, constructed and operating
substantially upon the principles set ibrth."
74. For a Bodkin for insertin,~ Corset Rin~s; Jonathan S. T u r n e r ,
Middletown, Middlesex county, Connecticut, April :25.
Corset, or other grooved rings, are to be inserted into cloth or canvass
by means of an instrument that will make a hole in the cloth of the size of
the neck of the ring to be inserted, and at the same time convey the ring
into the cloth. A taper bodkin is to be made of ivory, or other suitable
material, and this is to be cut across at such distance from the point where it
is equal to the diameter of the grooves, the two sections terming a point and
handle. From the handle a pin is to project about an inch in length, and of
a size fitting the hole in the corset ring. The point is to be bored to re-c.ei've the pin projecting trom the handle, and the instrument is complete.

Jlmerican Patents for ,#l~ril, with Remarks.


T o use it the corset ring is first put upon the pin, and the point then
passed on to it, so that the ring is embraced between the two sections.
l~be point is then forced through the cloth, up to the ring, and with the
nail, scissors~ or other instrument, the cloth around the hole is forced over
the lip into the grooves. T h e claim is to the instrument as above described.
75. F o r an i m p r o v e m e n t in Man?/ Chambered Cylinder Fire Jlrms:
Daniel Leavitt, Cabotville, H a m p d e n c o u n t y , Massachusetts, April 29.
This is one of'those fire arms which have s e v e r a l c h a m b e f s bored iu a
cylinder, the axis oi" which is parallel to the axis ot' the barrel of the gun.
and which chambers can he successively made to coincide with the said
barrel. Such revolving cylinders have heretofore been made flat at the
eml which tits against the barrel, and the present improvement consists in
substituting a hemispherical, or convex form tbr this flat on%the back end
of the barrel being so hollowed as shall make it fit accurately on to the
cylinder. T h e object in view is to prevent the danger of accidental explosion in chambers not brought up to the barrel; a thing which is liable to occur in the flat emled cylinders from that portion of" the charge which escapes between them aml tim barrel, but which cannot come into contact
with the chambers when the end is convex.
,, W h a t I claim as my improvement, i~ the giving to ihe chambered or
forward end of the cylinder a convex form, by which the ignition of the
charge m" a chamber' contia'uons~ to that which, is being~ fired~ is prevented,
upon the principl% and in the manner hereto set torth.
76. F o r 3[any Chambered, non recoil, Fire ~Vrms; John W . Cochran, City of N e w York, A p r i l 2S.
In fire arms of this construction, the chambers are made around the periphery of a a short cylinder, say three inches and a halfiu diameter, and
three fourths of an inch thick, said chambers being bored in towards the centre, and made somewhat conical. This is placed behind the barrel of the
gun, so as to revolve horizontally when the gun is in a position for firing.
Percussion caps are placed on nipples on the under side of the cylinder,
there being suitable guards to prevent their accidental discharge. T h e
following is the claim.
" W h a t I claim as my invention in the within described many chambered
fire arms, is the combination of a many chambered cylinder, the chambers
of which are tbrmed around the periphery in the way herein described,
with a rifle, pistol, carbine, or other barrel~ and combined also with the
stock ot such fire arm by means of the stock straps, connected substantially
in the manner set tbrth. I also claim the combination of the percussion
cap guard, together with the thin circular plate under it, with a cylinder
constructed and connected as above set tortb, tbr the protection of the percnssion caps. [ also claim the manner of connecting the barrel, in arms so
constructed, with the rising piece of the under stock strap, by screwing it
there'n; the whole combined so as to constitute a fire arm substantially the
sam'e with the foregoing."
77. F o r i m p r o v e m e n t s in t h e ManyChambered, non recoil, Fire
,qrms; John W . C o c h r a n , City of N e w York, A p r i l 29.
A principal object in the patent before us, is to construct the fire arms
last described in such manner as to allow of the ready removal of a cylinVoL, X X I . ~ N o . 1.~J.~NUARY~ 1838.

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