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EDUC 767: CBT Usability Test: Monica Kar

Evaluation Mary Kapole

(It would be okay to use a different color font for feedback.)
This is a personal RLO developed for use by present and future generations of the
extended family. Learner entry characteristics include a love of Indian food and a
desire to learn more about it.
This RLO has no audio or video component.
General usability questions:
1. Is the navigation clearly labeled and easy to use?
2. Did any buttons not work?
3. Is the information presented in a logical, understandable way?
4. If not, how could the organization be improved?
Progression of Instruction:
5. Did the pace and timing of the slides seem appropriate?
6. Does the choice of font and size seem appropriate?
7. The colors of the fonts used are not consistent throughout the instruction does this
seem distracting?
8. Were you able to navigate to any slide in the Menu?
9. Was the progression of instruction logical?
10. Was the RLO able to hold your attention till the end?
11. Is it too text rich?
12. Does the animation of the text enhance the look of the instruction?
The Six Tastes Slide
13.In your opinion is this slide important to the RLO?
Images and Color:
14. Are the images helpful or distracting?
15. Different slides have different background images does that add anything to the RLO?
Should they be deleted, in your opinion, or should the same background image be used
in all slides to give it a more cohesive look?
16. Colors used for the design - do they add anything to the course? I have used bright
colors, like the colors of the spices. Do they make the course look too busy?
17. Should there be more white space?

Dosha Quiz:
18. Did the link work for you?
19. Were you able to calculate your results?
20. Were you able to navigate back to the RLO without a problem?
Knowledge Check: I am still perfecting this part of the RLO. This will definitely not
work as it is meant to. But please give feedback on the questions below.
I am working on hypertexting all the spices. And the feedback and submit buttons.
21. Is the Knowledge Check style appropriate to the instruction?
22. Did the Drag and drop work?
Vata KC all but one ingredient is draggable;
Pitta KC only 6 spices are draggable.
Kapha KC all but 2 spices are draggable.
23. I am still working on submitting the knowledge check efficiently did this part work for
24. Did the Results Slide work for you?
25. Did the Retry Quiz and Finish Buttons work?
26. Is the knowledge check content appropriate and logical?
27. Should the Knowledge Check be mandatory for an instruction like this? Right now it is
Open Questions:
28. What did you like best?
29. What did you like least?
30. What other suggestions or comments do you have to enable me to improve it overall?

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