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In the Beginning, the Word. — In the End???

January 18, 2010

According to this article from England, alas, it is looking bleak for the future of the English language,
or perhaps, language per se…
If “in the beginning was the Word (Logos),” in other words, as the German Creation Scientist Werner
Gitt put it, “…Information,” then it looks as if once again, the theory of Evolution is turning out to be
the biggest pile of goose dump ever sold to humanity as fact, since what is actually happening is
evidently the opposite : the decline of communication and the very stuff that was necessary to get the
ball of Creation rolling: information.
It’s not that there isn’t any exchange of words happening, and to some degree, what one might still
call information of sorts, it’s just that the actual amount of valid information in what’s being said is
rapidly racing toward the zero mark, and the quality, as we have observed with so many other things
in our times, such as even our fruits and vegetables, and even the dirt in which they’re grown, is
decreasing with shocking speed.
No wonder scientists think they’re gods. Compared to the average IQ of the media-fabricated zombies
all around them, it must be frighteningly easy to fall for the temptation of deeming oneself
I’m not denying that there are folks who don’t follow the trend and decline, but, ladies and gentlemen,
tell me, please, what’s it all worth if you’re as smart as Einstein, but the System has it all rigged up to
create blank minds in the future citizens of this globe?
And while we’re all so infatuated with our own cleverness, we idly stand by as our kids are being
turned into intellectual zeros…
After all, we kid ourselves, “Evolution’s going to take care of it!” It’s the undefeatable law of, “We’re
all going to get smarter, no matter what, because we’re all evolving, see?” (I wish Ricky Gervais
would have the guts and brains to take the piss out of his fellow evolutionists someday, the way he
does with creationists and believers of any type – it would sound magnificent to hear him say a phrase
like that last one before the parenthesis…)
I guess the Devil really must hate the concept of useful information being transferred from one place
(like a brain) to another, and so his goal must be the total stupification of mankind. I know I already
addressed that topic, but it never struck me like that:
Perhaps the end of the world will look like this: billions of morons staring skywards, unable to utter
anything remotely more sensible than “Awwwwwwww….” as the last few remaining folks still
capable of articulating entire phrases escape from this world in the only direction left to go…
It’s not that some people aren’t diabolically clever. It’s just that their diabolical cleverness isn’t doing
anybody any good. The fruits of it are becoming plain: absolute, total, terrifying, devastating and
global stupidity.
I know that may sound a bit mean, but you see, I have to take advantage of the golden opportunity to
spell out these words before the majority of our population are going to be left clueless as to their
I’m not saying that one has to be smart in order to be good. Not necessarily. One can be wise by being
simple. But they have to be wise enough to adhere to the proper type of input. And while everybody’s
feeding on input that’s supposed to make them believe that they’re smarter than anybody else who
ever walked this earth, their offspring and younger peers are slowly being transformed into beings that
– if the trend continues – will not be able to communicate properly with the oh-so-smart but
unceasingly aging rest of us. So, something has got to be wrong about our way of thinking: that fable
of the ever-mutating super-monkey.
Some say it’s all religion’s fault that folks are becoming so dumb. I agree. But it’s more likely the
religion of Evolution that is causing the problem. Because even the most devout Christian has been
affected to some degree by that bug of “automatic superiority” because of the underlying dogma that
we’re supposedly developing into something better, higher and smarter all the time.
You’ve got to be outrageously insane to actually take notice of the opposite happening.
We’re being constantly told and drilled to believe that the exact opposite is happening of what is
actually and in reality taking place, and the illusion is made perfect by ever increasing special effects
in the movies, ever fancier technological gimmicks, and an ever increasing perfection of the outward
shell of our System, along with the perfectly styled and surgically altered appearances of each
When all the while something is rotting inside.
No wonder people are so much into horror movies these days. There’s some real bad voodoo going
on, and it’s turning everything into ever more beautiful somethings on the outside, while the inside is
becoming uglier by the minute, somewhat like Oscar Wilde’s character Dorian Gray.
Maybe Oscar was onto something…

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