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Interna=onal Development Studies

Speakers Series Fall Term 2013

September 13
India and the Right to Food. Food security
the PDS system (and the mid-day meal
Siddhartha, Founder and Director of the
interna8onal cultural research centre, Pipal
Tree, Fireies Ashram, Bangalore, India. An
N G O c o n c e r n e d w i t h s u s t a i n a b l e
development, culture, educa8on, and civil

September 20
Development as Living Well: Bolivia as a
Plurina8onal Post-Neoliberal State
Juan Tellez, President, Atlan8c Community
Economic Development Ins8tute (ACEDI).
Special Advisor to the Minister of Planning, La
Paz, Bolivia.

Unless otherwise indicated, all sessions are held

Fridays at noon (12.00-1.30pm) in McNally Main 227

Interna=onal Development Studies

Speakers Series Fall Term 2013

September 27
Is micronance a viable op8on to promote local
development and poverty educ8on? A Cri8cal
P e r s p e c 8 v e . E x p o s i n g t h e c o n t e m p o r a r y
micronance phenomenon.
Milford Bateman, Visi8ng Professor of Economics at
the University of Juraj Dobrila Pula, Croa8a, and a
consultant on SMEs and micronance. His books on
the cri8cal analysis of microcredit and micronance
have become development studies bestsellers. IDS
Dis8nguished Visi8ng Professor, 2013.

October 4
The role of coopera8vism in Cubas economic
reform processSymposium on coopera8vism and
Grizel Donstevez Sanchez (Universidad Central de
Las Villas) and Claudio Alberto Rivera, President of
Red La8noamericana de Coopera8vismo una
Alterna8va ante la Globalizacin, Havana

Unless otherwise indicated, all sessions are held

Fridays at noon (12.00-1.30pm) in McNally Main 227

Interna=onal Development Studies

Speakers Series Fall Term 2013

October 11
Development dynamics and dimensions of
interna8onal labour migra8on.
Ral Delgado Wise, Research Professor and
former Director of the Doctoral Program in
Development Studies, Universidad Autnoma
de Zacatecas, Mexico, and President,
Interna8onal Network on Migra8on and
Development. IDS Dis8nguished Visi8ng
Professor, 2013.

October 18
CSOs and the aid and development
eec8veness agenda: achievements, challenges
and ways forward.
Julia Snchez, President-CEO of the Canadian
Council for Interna8onal Coopera8on, Oiawa.

Unless otherwise indicated, all sessions are held

Fridays at noon (12.00-1.30pm) in McNally Main 227

Interna=onal Development Studies

Speakers Series Fall Term 2013

October 25

Con8nuity and change in extrac8ve
imperialism: A Caribbean perspec8ve
Norman Girvan, Professorial Fellow at the IIR
(UWI, Trinidad). IDS Dis8nguishedVisi8ng
Professor, 2012.

November 1
Environmental governance and investor
rights? Impact of Canadas policies on La8n
Ricardo Grinspun, Associate Professor of
Economics and a Fellow of the Centre for
Research on La8n America and the Caribbean
(CERLAC), York University, Toronto.

Unless otherwise indicated, all sessions are held

Fridays at noon (12.00-1.30pm) in McNally Main 227

Interna=onal Development Studies

Speakers Series Fall Term 2013

November 8
Food Wars and the global economy:
A system in crisis.

Walden Bello, Director of the Bangkok-based
Focus on the Global South and a silng
member of the Philippines Congress. IDS
Dis8nguished Visi8ng Scholar, 2013.

November 15
Trade and Development: Post neoliberal forms
of regional trade, integra8on and coopera8on in
South America.
Ruth Felder, Lecturer, Faculty of Social Sciences,
University of Buenos Aires, Argen8na. IDS Post-
Doctoral Student, 2013-14.

Unless otherwise indicated, all sessions are held

Fridays at noon (12.00-1.30pm) in McNally Main 227

Interna=onal Development Studies

Speakers Series Fall Term 2013

November 22
The agrarian ques8on in Colombia today: Social
resistance on the extrac8ve fron8er
Kyla Sankey, Graduate from IDS at Sussex University
UK, and PhD candidate in development studies at
the Autonomous University of Zacatecas

Unless otherwise indicated, all sessions are held

Fridays at noon (12.00-1.30pm) in McNally Main 227

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