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Assess the view that China has been a responsible stakeholder in the international

community since 1978.

China has been able to act as a responsible stakeholder in the world via the
economic and international political dimensions. This is achieved mainly through her
active participation in variety of global organizations, her commitment in global
peace and security, promoting economic cooperation and trade, and her
commitment to protecting the environment. Nonetheless, there are still many
domestic challenges m such as sustaining economic development and preserving
territorial sovereignty, which have direct implications on her national interests.
These challenges have become obstacles in allowing China to fulfill her role as a
full-fledged responsible stakeholder, in the eyes of the West.
China has acted as a responsible stakeholder in the world by her active participation
in a variety of global organizations. To be a responsible global stakeholder, China
must be able to wield its influences in a variety of worldwide organizations.
Furthermore, China must also make its presence known in the international
community. Her involvement in these organizations must be wide in breath and
deep in depth. China is an active member in international politics such as being 1 to
5 permanent members of the US Security Council. China is also an active mumber
of a number of economic organizations such as the WTO, the G20, ASEAN +3 etc.
China has also been part of health organizations such as the WHO. Her present
contribution to the fight against the H1N1 strain is a testament to her active
participation in global aspiration in an array of prestigious global organizations. This
can definitely be a benefit for China as it hopes to project a responsible power
image in the long run. However, there are certain organizations which China would
shun away form. These organizations have direct contradictions to Cinas national
interests. For sure, China would not want to be a part of any organizations which
deals with Human Rights such as Human Rights Watch. The Chinese view human
rights groups as a platform for the West to interfere in their domestic affairs,
hence the entrance into such organization would certainly be a taboo for China in
the long-run.
As a responsible member of the international community, China has committed
herself in securing global peace and security. As a responsible stakeholder, China
must be able to initiate and lead certain peace-keeping activities and also to
combat terrorism in the long-run. A significant effort made by China was the
initiation of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, together with Russia and the
Central Asian states back in 1999. This initiative was the brainchild of China in the
bid to counter terrorist activities in Central Asia. Another peacekeeping effort made
by China was its decision to send a PLAN fleet to the coast of Somalia to fight off
pirates. China has also participated actively in the 6-party talks involving South and
North Koreas, the USA, Japan and Russia. In a bid to denuclearize the Korean
Peninsula. Besides Premier Wen visited North Korea in Oct 2009 hoping to persuade
North Korea from continuing its nuclear programs. However, some attempts by

China in ensuring global stability have been met by some obstacles. Although China
hopes to stabilize the Central Asian region via the SCO, the increasing presence of
the Americans in the region has belittled the influence the Chinese can extend. In
the context of denuclearizing North Korea, China could not agree on the USs
decision to punish North Korea, fearing for instability of the region, and has invited
criticisms from the West for hindering the peace progress in Northeast Asia.
However, China has agreed for the first time to economically sanction North Korea
in 2009. Although China has initiated several plans to promote peace and security in
the region, its plans have been limited by unforeseen external circumstances.
As a responsible stakeholder in the world, China has tried to promote economic
cooperation with developed and developing nations. In order to be a responsible
stakeholder in the world, China has tried to promote economic cooperation with
developed and developing nations. In order to be a responsible member of the
international community, China has to integrate itself economically within the
current economic world order. Hence it has an extensive trade network with the
Western developed nations, and has also provided economic aid to less developed
nations. A significant economic milestone for China is its ascension into the WTO in
2001. This signaled to its commitment to promote a world without trade barriers.
China has signed various FTAs with developed nations. China has signed various
FTAs with developed nations, such as the US, Singapore and ASEAN. These FTAs can
help to promote free trade in the world. China has also helped less developed
nations in Africa and Latin America. The 2007 African Summit in Beijing was held to
promote trade for African nations. Although China has had cordial economic
relationship with many countries, its economic policies have also angered them,
which have resulted in several trade rows in recent years.
China has promised to protect the environment hoping to contribute positively to
the world as a responsible stakeholder of the international community. As Chinas
GDP grows rapidly over the years , it can no longer shy away from its responsibility
as major producer of greenhouse gases in the world. As such, China must come up
with concrete measures to display its commitment in helping to solve the current
global warming crisis, which is largely contributed by the republic. In order to show
its commitment, President Hu pledged to intensify its efforts to reduce carbon
emission, during the first day of the UN General Assembly meeting. Furthermore,
China has also stepped up its efforts in the country to clean up pollution. Various
major efforts include the Green Wall Project the No Cars Day prior to the 2008
Beijing Olympics and the plans to build the largest solar plant in the world in a
decades time. The Chinese government has also set up the SEPA to better govern
the environmental problems. However, many of these green efforts are only the
rhetoric or short-term basis. Hitherto, in reality, Chinas pollution problem has
become a more serious and global warming is becoming more serious by the day.
Although the Chinese government has pledged to reduce pollution the local
governments have sabotaged the efforts as the local authorities do not enforce

environmental laws due to corruption or the desire to climb the bureaucracy ladder
which is based more on economic growth than environmental protection. The lack in
enforcement has not only harmed the country, but has also directly impacted its
neighbors and the global community. The 2005 Songhua River incident has become
an international incident has become when polluted Chinese waters flowed into
Russia. Although the Chinese government has pledged to combat global warming its
domestic flaws have seriously hindered progress and have even create more costs
for the country and the world.
In order to preserve its territorial integrity, China has acted as a hegemonic power,
which is seen as being irresponsible in the eyes of its neighbors and the West. Given
the many territorial controversies, China has stood firm on labeling them as
domestic affairs, creating tensions between it and the countries involved. The
tensions are especially damaging to Chinas image, when other powers wants to
have claims over the disputed areas. Typical disputes over territories would be
between China and India over Aksai Chin and Arunachal Pradesh. Both powers have
claimed the areas sovereignty and is a source of long-term disputes between the
2coutnries. Another disputed area would be Taiwan, which the PRC has claimed to
be a renegade island of the country. Its constant threat of aggression against the
small island has aroused criticisms from the US, which sees Chinas actions as
hegemonic. This is especially true when the PLA started the Taiwan Missile Crisis in
1995 to 1996. Although China has some territorial disputes in the region that are
damaging to its image as a responsible stakeholder, the current cordial relations it
has with its neighbor may only appear in the short-run as they are very dependent
on the internal workings of various countries. However, current Sino-India and
Cross-Straits relations are becoming more cordial as compared to the past. Premier
Wen Jia Bao and Indian PM Manmohan Singh met recently during the 2009 ASEAN
summit to pledge of healthy relations ahead, though the disputed regions remains
to be a point of arguments between the 2 nations. Cross-strait relations have also
become more cordial than ever, when the KMT won the Presidential elections in
Taiwan in 2008. Since then, both parties have also decided to discuss resolve crossstrait issues peacefully via economic agreements, most notably the ECFTA and the
Three Links. Both parties have also decided to discuss resolve cross-strait issues
peacefully via economic agreements first. China has also given some leeway to
Taiwans international space when it allowed the latter to be an observer member in
the H1N1 WHA in mid 2009. However, this cordial relationship may not last in the
long-run, as President Ma may only have another 6years in power. Therefore, in
cross-straits relations are really subjected to Taiwans internal politics.
In order to sustain its economic development, China has acted as a serious
competition, which is an undesired trait in the view of its competitors. Due to
30years of continued rapid economic development, China is now facing a serious
problem of energy depletion. In order to sustain the existing economic development
China must search for more sources of energy. Therefore, it is now venturing

overseas to purchse fossil fuel and natural gas. During the search for energy, China
has inadvertently competed with major powers over energy resources, which is also
vital for their economic development. Affected nations have thus seen China as a
threat to their economic development. Besides, China has also been engaging
economically with rogue nations which is seen as an undesirable alliance by the
West. China has been other SEA nations over suspected fossil fuel deposits under
the Senkaku islands and the Spratly Islands. China is also buying resources from
Sudan Iran and Burma which are pariah states in the eyes of the West. China has
also been eyeing the crude oil market in the Middle East which are traditionally US
dominated. Given the need to strengthen legitimacy via sustaining economic
growth, Chinese government must source for fossil fuel from external sources,
which may incur the wrath of major powers. Nonetheless, it is also making effort in
looking for alternative sources of clean energy within its borders to reduce the
dependence on other countries. However, China has been trying actively to source
for alternative sources of energy within its borders. Knowing very well that it could
not depend on external sources of energy in the long-run, China has concurrently
been using R&D to develop other sources of alternative energy such as solar
hydropower and nuclear. Its effortsinclude the construction of the controversial
Three Gorges Dam the natural gas pipelines from the western regions to the coastal
areas, nuclear plants in Xinjiang and the planned largest solar plant in the world.
Although China is now using some alternative sources of energy, the current
situation is that these new sources of nergy could not generate the economy as
efficient as traditional crude oil and coal. At least in the short run, China must still
depend heavily on external source of crude oil while alternative sources of energy
may only be a supplement.
China has acted as a responsible economic and political international stakeholder,
yet its emphasis on protecting its national interests has also been a stumbling block
in allowing her to fulfill the role of a full-fledged responsible member of the
international community. While China is trying to build up its portfolio as a
responsible power in the international community it must also resolve many of its
domestic challenges as these issues may become a serious hindrance in the future.

Assess the view that China has been a responsible stakeholder in the international
community since 1978.

Given Chinas success, its size and its rising influence, she has an interest in
working with other major countries to sustain and strengthen the international
systems that keep the world more secure, enable it to be more prosperous, and
open opportunities for our peoples. A responsible stakeholder, China has to work
first and foremost with the USA, the current superpower in the world, then the
world. China recognizes this need to redefine its place in the world as a responsible
power. Although its internal challenges as a developing country remain great,
Chinas leaders perceive the external reverberations it is creating, including the
anxieties. This is a way to engage the Chinese public about the tasks ahead, and
also with a spirit of practicality that has been part of Chinas outlook since at least
the time of Deng Xiao Ping.

There are five areas within which China has acted, and not, as a responsible
stakeholder. Economic policy with USA, Korea, Iran, Sudan and ASEAN. In the area
of energy security. Int eh area of energy security, both China and USA can be
potential responsible shared holders.

The economic relationship between the US and China has burgeoned since 1972,
creating a linkage that is not only important to both, but also to global trading and
financial markets. Chinas extraordinary economic progress offers many mutual
benefits and future opportunities for the US and the world. Yet the political
foundation for this economic edifice is increasingly lopsided, and the risks of
slippage are increasing. Chinas leaders are understandably focused on the
considerable imbalances and problems in Chinas internal development. However, it
is in the best interest of both countries for Chineses development with
opportunities for imports, services and investments. Indeed Secretary Paulsons
strategic Economic Dialogue offers an excellent framework in which to do so. But
the political success of the SED will depend on showing results that improve the
sense of fairnessan opportunity for 2way benefits, even as both countries plant
the policy seeds for future gains and cooperation. The policy consensus in China is
edging towards greater currency appreciation, but it will need to move more quickly
to counter the sense of unfairness that is driving the US towards trade actions and
perhaps restrictions. China has indeed been moving actively to develop and reform
its financial markets. China has moved towards exchange rate flexibility and an
open capital account. Nonetheless, China also understands that reforms could also
improve the efficient allocation of capital, which might be of particular help to small
and medium sized private businesses that create jobs. The involvement of
international firms would bring useful experience and expertise at the same time it
enables other countries to benefit where they have comparative advantages. China
strives to be a responsible stakeholder because it realizes that it gives China ample
opportunities for win-win approaches to assisting Chinas development of a
harmonious society. China is seeking greater development of tis interior
provinces. It is working to address the urban0rural gap, problems of rapid
urbanization, and dislocations of internal migration. With the appropriate policy
frameworks, the US and others can assist Chinas development through
investments, infrastructure development, services, capital goods and state of the
art sourcing models. American and other foreign firms can bring retailing and
logistics expertise that could improve choices and convenience for Chinas
consumers, while helping Chinas planners increase consumption and a sense of
public well-being. China would also benefit from moving towards an agriculture
policy that relies on imports to lower the cost of food and inputs, while rural Chinese
shift to higher value-added production, for example in horticulture, aquaculture and
animal husbandry. China has also demonstrated that it is a responsible stakeholder
in the global trading system by playing a more active role with the US and other key
countries in a drive to complete the Doha Round in the WTO. China played a
constructive role in the launch of the Doha Round in 2001, before it acceded to the
WTO. From the point of view of narrow interest, China believes that it already
lowered trade barriers to enter the WTO, so it now holds back. Yet from the
perspective of Chinas broader interest in the health of the global trading system---a

system which is Chinas economic lifebloodChina could gain more by helping bring
the Round to a successful conclusion. However, the USA is still unhappy with China
over some areas: Trade imbalances in favour of China but not USA. The latter suffers
from huge deficits annually in the Sino-American trade relations. American trade
relations. American officials have complained that the Chinese have not done
enough to appreciate the Chinese Renminbi. Because of the cheaper Yuan vis--vis
the greenback, Chinese products sold readily in the American markets which are
more expensive due to the exchange reate are not easily saleable. USA accuses
China of not being responsible as the latter is seen to have dump her products into
America due to Chinese overproduction and a business ideology aimed at profit
maximization. USA accuses China of violating business ethics when many products
like milk and toys were found to be laced with toxic chemicals, like melamine and
mercury and lead, respectively. In 2009, China has tried to convince the
international countries to adopt the Chinese Yuan as the international countries to
adopt the Chinese Yuan as the international currency system for world trading. This
has incurred the unhappiness of the USA and other countries as the suggestion may
rock economic recovery from the current financial crisis due to the global credit
squeeze phenomenon.

In 1992, China established diplomatic relations with South Korea. This was an
important step in Cinas recognition that its interests on the peninsula, and indeed
in the region, extend far beyond its Cold War connection to North Korea. China and
the US share interests in stemming the proliferation of nuclear weapons and
material, fostering safety and security on the Korean peninsula and in Northeast
Asia, and encouraging development, prosperity and opportunity in the region. North
Koreas internal and external policies conflict with these interests. Its nuclear
programsharply accentuated by its weapons testweakens the nonproliferation
regime. In combination with its missile firings, North Koreas nuclear weaponry could
trigger an escalation in deterrence programs by others. Its abduction of people from
other countries with Japan being a particular target is provocative. Military tensions
and risks of miscalculations could rise. The vast majority of North Koreans have
been reduced to a bare state of survival; many have died. These desperate
conditions compel North Koreans to take increasing risks to flee, endangering
themselves and potentially destabilizing the region. China has the means to
influence North Korea. China has appeared initially, however, reluctant to take steps
that might destabilize its troubled neighbor. China may also believe the North
Korean regime could endure even deeper isolation, creating more hardships and
hazards. It is suspected that China does not want to have to handle this dangerous,
and perhaps unstable, situation on its own. That is why the 6party discussions and
the US initiatives within them, offer an important framework for addressing these
insecurities. The September 2005 agreed statement offered an alternative course
for North Korea, North and South Korea together, and Northeast Asia. China played

an important role in forging the elements of that understanding. In part based on

suggestions from China, South Korea, and Japan, the US has offered a positive
pathway for North Korea and incentives for North Korea if it changed course. This
common approach led to this Februarys agreement again with the support and
assistance of China. The diplomacy of the 6party accord has only been initiated. The
past record of North regional cooperation in the ASEAN Plus Three meetings. In
2005 the ASEAN Plus Three countries together with India, Australia and New
Zealand held the inaugural East Asia Summit. Relations have improved with
Vietnam since a border war was fought with the one-time close ally in 1979.
However, though China has supported the UN Security Council in 2009 to condemn
North Korea over its testing and firing of missiles as provocative and destabilizing
for the region, it still called for balanced sanctions against North Korea, indicating
that she may not support whatever sanctions that the UN will dish out. China fears
pushing North Korea to the brink and cause a war in the Korean Peninsula and
results in undesirable consequences, e.g. outpour of Korean refugees into China,
bringing the USA closer to China in the Korean peninsula and losing a buffer zone in
North Korea in her Eastern belt strategic calculations. In fact in earlier incidents of
North Koreas testing and firing of missiles over Japan last year, China did not
support UN sanctions against North Korea in fact she called for further diplomatic
negotiations. This has now been seen to have emboldened North Korea today.
Territorial dsiuptes with its Southeast Asian neighbor over islands in the South China
Sea remains unresolved, as does another oil and gas explration dispute in the East
China Sea with Japan. China has ulterior political and strategic motives, besides
cooperating with ASEAN for economic benefits. China has ulterior political and
strategic motives, besides cooperating with ASEAN for economic benefits. China
hopes to supplant the USA as the dominant influence in SEA through ASEAN due to
USAs deemphasized attention during British administration of sanctions on dual use
technology and by urging full cooperation with the IAEA detailed demands, as called
for by UN Security Council Resolution 1737. As long as Iran resists the cooperation
called for by the UN Security Council, it should be subjected to additional pressure,
applied in gradations.

China seems less of a responsible stakeholder in the case of Iran. The world faces
the case of Iran. The world faces a serious risk of nuclear proliferation and insecurity
because of Irans actions, as the UN Security Council has formally recognized.
Chinas inclination is to try to avoid dealing with this dander, which unlike North
Korea may seem far away. Moreover, Iran is a large supplier of oil to China, and
there is potential for Chinese investment. Yet China should consider the systemic
risks of Irans posture. The market for energyincluding Chinas importsreflects
global supply and demand, not just exports from one energy producer. If Iran
develops nuclear weapons the whole of Persian Gulf region will be endangered. A
nuclear-armed Iran could induce Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Turkey, and others to

reconsider their decisions not to develop nuclear programs as some have already
stated. If they did so, the breakdown in the nonproliferation regime would hasten,
and states elsewhere including in East Asia, Korean performancereaching back to
the broken agreements between North and South Korea in 1991-1992raises
suspicions. There are risks of missteps and miscommunication. At times North
Korean official s will hesitate or appear paralyzed. To keep moving ahead, day-today involvement of both China and the US, working closely with South Korea, will be
especially critical. Japan and Russia also have important interests. In this respect,
China has worked hard to be a responsible stakeholder. The latest eg in 2009 is
when China joined with the rest of the world in sharp rebuke of North Koreas
deliberate violations of UNs regulations and the wanton testing and firing of
missiles in the Korean peninsula. However, China could play an influential role and
hence a responsible stakeholderdifferently from the EU to and the USif its words
and deeds encourage Iranian leaders to choose a path of integration, not
confrontation leading to isolation. Irans aging oil fields are decreasing production
by 360000barrels per day each year, according to the national Iranian Oil Company.
China could let the Iranians know quietly that Iran will not gain new foreign
investment if it continues a path of confrontation with the UN Security Council and
the IAEA.

China has made efforts to reduce tensions in Asia; its relations with its Asian
neighbors have become stable during the last decades of the 20 th century. It has
cultivated a more cooperative relationship with members of ASEAN and participated
in the ASEAN regional forum. In 1997, the ASEAN member nations and the PRC,
South Korea and Japan agreed to hold yearly talks to further strengthen would
reconsider their options. With more nuclear states, the srisks of slippage of
materials to terrorists increases. Irans record growth of terrorist groups expands the
hazard. China may believe its internal security measures have limited its risks as a
target. But consider what will happen to the international economic systemform
which China benefits enormouslyif terrorist strike anywhere with weapons of mass
destruction. The flow of goods and services, capital, ideas and people and
information across the borders upon which the globalised system dependswould
come to a screeching halt. One also needs to consider what Israel might do. Iran
supports terrorists who attack Israel. Irans president has spoken of wiping Israel off
the map. He questions the reality of the Holocaust. The Chinese are proud of their
sense of history; the Jewish people have a strong historical memory too. It is burned
in their soul that Jews once stood by as enemies threatened them with annihilation.
China has deemed it between 2001-2008. This will strengthen her strategic
concerns over the defense of her southern periphery for China/ China is most
concerned with the Taiwan issue. China hopes to get the support of ASEAN vis--vis
the USA which has always taken the Taiwan side in the cross strait crises previously.

This is because she gathers that ASEAN countries would not likely to see a
destabilize East Asia that harms the economic benefits accrued to ASEAN China ties.
From Chinas standpoint, even a neutral ASEAN stance would be in her favour.

The DPA was consistent with the Northsouth CAP of 2005 which ended another
decades old conflict in Sudan. The CPA offered a new constitutional framework for
relations between Kharotom and the peripheries, which the DPA complemented. But
the Darfur rebels split, and some would not sign. Then the Sudanese government
made a disastrous decision: Instead of welcoming UN peacekeepers to buttress the
overwhelmed African Union forces and support the DPA, the government of Sudan
returned to fighting, including through reliance on the notorious Janjaweed reliance
on the notorious Janjaweed militia, who burned raped and slaughtered to terrorize.
The Sudanese government could and cannot impose a military solution. It has
suffered setbacks in the field. It has suffered setbacks in the field. It has weakened
the very rebels who risked for peace. The distress floods over the borders and the
destabilizing effect turn Sudans agony into an African danger. Two UN Secretaries
General have tried to persuade Khartoum to accept a sizable hybrid UN-AU
peacekeeping force. Khartoum has finally agreed to strengthen the current
peacekeepers, but still hesitates on the full force. Khartoum has finally agreed to
strengthen the current peacekeepers but still hesitates on the full force. And its
record on follow through has been frustrating. Conditions on the ground were
terrible, and humanitarian groups were taking frightful risks to feed over two million
desperate, displaced people. From the international viewpoint, China is an
unwelcome partner in Sudans energy development. If Khartoum does not find a
course for peace, that development will be at risk. China vetoed an UN resolution to
condemn and sanction Sudan in 2008. China has supplied strategic weapons
previously including silkworm missiles that have longe range capability. China has
also been accused of supplying Iran with nuclear technology that has resulted in her
belligerent bahaviour today. It is wished the stakes and danger might lead to China
to cooperate more actively with the US, the EU-3, Russia and others to dissuade Iran
from its course to dissuade Iran from its course of uranium conversion and
enrichment. The Russians have found cause to stop work on the Bushehr nuclear
plant. China could help through vigorous enforcement important to shift its strategic
cooperation on ties with Sudan to obtain oil. As China needs to sustain its economic
growth with an annual GDP of an average 8% growth, oil has become an important
strategic requirement for her. Though Iran could contribute some of her needs, it is
clearly not enough and the rest of the Middle East has already been dominated by
USA and Russian vested interest, China claims the necessity to bolster its
alternative oil supply avenues. China claims that she was a signatory member of the
Kyoto Protocol in 2005, therefore, she has the responsibility to cut green house gas
emissions. Currently, China uses coal to generate 90% of her energy and more

effective option than coal. China could be a responsible stakeholder in the world if it
would prefer to be a good partner of the African Union, which has twice denied
Sudan the AU chair because of Khartoums behavior. China could gain great
standing if it successfully pressed Khartoum to act in its own self-interest for peace.
By doing so, China is also likely to gain the respect of the government of Southern
Sudan, created under the CPA. This is in Chinas interests; because much of Sudans
untapped energy is in the South. China is respected in Khartoum. Chinese officials
can explain to Sudans leaders the reality of the countrys position with its nine
troubled neighbor, the other states of the AU, and the rest of the international
community. China can point out why a UN peacekeeping force, working with the AU,
is a key step in reversing Sudans downward spiral. This will serve Sudan and
Chinas interest, and earn the appreciation of many others around the globe.

In reviewing some of the principal issues for China and the US as international
stakeholders, it is striking how often the question of energy security arises. Chinas
assured access its energy is fundamental to its development, growth, and social
stability. But energy security is important for the US too. Both the China and the
USA have wasted energy with poor environmental consequences just as its
impressive growth is improving the livelihood of Chinas people. Even though China
and the USA are at different stages of development, their mutual interest should
lead them to work in concert. Both have an interst in developing alternative sources
of supply, whether nuclear, clean coal technology, biofuels, or other renewable.
Both would benefit from more diverse sources of oil and gas. And both gain from
improved efficiency and conservation which also contribute to cooperation on the
environment and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. China and the USA are
strengthened buy building strategic reserves which should be employed
cooperatively with others through the guidance of the IEA and both have an interest
in ensuring that the energy trade is not stopped at chokepoints or manipulated
through monopoly providers. It is heartening that Chinas national development and
reform commission took the initiative to convene India, Japan, South Korea and the
US to discuss the energy topic. It should also be part of foreign and security policy
strategic discussions. This would build the trust in Chinese and American societies
to enable their energy companies to find common business ventures as well.

Overall, China has been a responsible stakeholder since 1978, especially so in

contrast to the past context of Mao Zedongs era where China sought isolation from
the world and leaned towards the Soviet Union during the Cold War period. The
hosting of the Beijing Olympics 2008 has confirmed Chinas desire to play a
responsible role in the world. China has taken a united stand with the other 4
Security Council powers in the UN to condemn North Koreas exercise in testing and
firing missiles in 2009. It is hoped that China and the US will not only deepened

their cooperation with one another, but also sustain and strengthen the
international order of political, economic and security systems b working as mutual
stakeholders, sharing responsibility.

Assess the view that China has been a responsible stakeholder in the international
community since 1978.
Chinas strong ties with some of the worlds most unpopular authoritarian states
have induced many to perceive it as an irresponsible power that does not observe
international norms.
Assertive stance adopted by Beijing in its territorial disputes with other countries
has affected Chinas image as a cooperative, hence responsible rising power.
China is also deemed an irresponsible country as its economic prosperity has been
attained at the expense of global environmental well-being.
China is not considered by some as a responsible power as its economic expansion
has hurt the interests of many in both developed and developing countries.
It is in Chinas interest to become a responsible stakeholder. Beijing peaceful
diplomatic doctrine, which aimed to create a friendly international environment
conducive for Chinas own development, can only be successful if the country is
perceived to have behaved responsibly.
On the other hand, the Chinese have acted responsibly as efforts are devoted by
Beijing to actively pursue regional and global peace.
China is considered a responsible power as it continues to participate in and
contribute to regional and global initiatives.

China is a responsible power because its economic successes have contributed

China is becoming a responsible stakeholder, demonstrating increasing willingness
to contribute to international public goods, including economic stability and growth,
regional and global security. While China for instance, lags behind on its concern for
human rights, overall trends indicate that Beijing knows it has a stake in the current
international order and takes its responsibilities seriously.

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