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Pre-intermediate Revision

Lesson 2

Possessive Adjectives











dele, dela
(para animais e objetos inanimados)






deles, delas

Possessive Pronoums
Em ingls tambm h pronomes possessivos, que so usados para evitar repeties na mesma frase, podemos usar
o pronome invs do substantivo.

So eles: mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, yours, theirs

Is that Johns car?

No, its [my car]

> No, its mine.

Whose coat is this?

Is it [your coat]?

> Is it yours?

Her coat is grey, [my coat]is brown

Her coat is grey,

mine is brown.


Pre-intermediate Revision

Lesson 2

Podemos usar possessive pronoums depois de of.

Susan is one of my friends.
Susan is a friend of mine.
mas no
Susan is a friend of me
I am one of Susan's friends.
I am a friend of Susan's.
mas, no
I am a friend of Susan

Vocabulary Expansion

Father - Pai
Beautiful Bonito(a)
Mother Me
Crazy - Maluco(a)
Cute - Fofo(a), Bonito(a)
Sister Irm
Brother - Irmo
Strong Forte
Free Livre
Husband Marido
Wife - Esposa
Food - Comida
Tasty Saborosa

Useful basic words

Delicious - Deliciosa
Grasp - Grama
Full Cheio
Empty Vazio
Glass Vidro, Copo
Beverage - Bebidas
Drink Bebida, Drink
To meet, met, met - Conhecer, encontrar
To remember, remembered , remembered Lembrar
To live, lived, lived - Viver
To have, had, had - Ter


Pre-intermediate Revision

Lesson 2

Using possessive pronouns

Her dog is cute O cachorro dela fofo
That cute dog is mine Aquele cachorro fofo meu
I love her food - Eu amo a comida dela
My brother is strong - Meu irmo forte
I loved this purse, is it yours? - Adorei essa bolsa, sua?
Shes a good mother Ela uma boa me
He lives with his father Ele vive com o pai dele
She has a full agenda today Ela tem uma agenda cheia hoje
They remember my special drink Eles lembram-se do meu drink especial
His son met his new sister O filho dele conheceu sua nova irm
I remember your cute face everyday Eu me lembro do seu rosto fofo todos os dias
My house is now free from the grasp Minha casa agora est livre da grama,
I love italian food, its so tasty! Eu adordo comida italiana, to saborosa
Im ready for your new idea Estou pronto para sua nova ideia
Our father has a strong wife and they enjoy their life Nosso pai tem uma mulher forte e eles curtem a vida deles.
Im sorry, can you please return my wallet? Desculpe, voc pode, por favor, devolver minha carteira?
Im sorry, can you please return this wallet, its mine Desculpe, voc pode, por favor, devolver essa carteira, ela
I enjoyed my last vacations Eu aproveitei minhas ltimas frias
I enjoyed this last vacations of mine Eu aproveitei essas minhas ltimas frias
I had a nightmare this last night Eu tive um pesadelo essa ltima noite

Dialog practice
John Hey Susan, how do you do?

Ei Susan, como voc anda?

Susan Oh hi John, Im good, I hope your all right

too, I was just now talking about you

Oh, oi John, estou bem, espero que com voc esteja
tudo certo tambm, estava agora mesmo falando
sobre voc?
John yes, everything is fine with me, but,

you? ...Talking about me?

Sim, comigo tudo est bem, mas, voc? ... Falando

sobre mim?
Susan Yes, I was telling my friend about that lovey

dog of yours, do you still have it?

Sim, eu estava falando minha amiga sobre aquele
seu co adorvel, voc ainda tem ele?
John oh, Mr. Rufos ... I dont have him anymore,

damn I miss my dog?

Ah, o Sr. Rufos... eu no tenho ele mais, putz, eu sinto
falta do meu cachorro.

Pre-intermediate Revision
Lesson 2
Susan Im sorry for you John, Mr. Rufos was a
Susan A shame indeed, I have to go now, see you
very charming boy.
around John

Eu lamento por voc John, Sr, Rufos era um garoto

muito charmoso.

Uma pena mesmo, eu tenho que ir agora, te vejo por

a John

John yeah, tell me! It was my sister and her

John It was a pleasure to see you Susan.

allergy such a shame

Sim, nem me diga! Foi minha irm e a alergia dela,
uma pena

Foi um prazer te ver Susan

Susan The pleasure was mine

O prazer foi meu

Teacher Jonathan

Pre-intermediate Revision

Lesson 2

Verb "to be"

Past tense



I was

eu era/estava

you were

tu eras/estavas
voc era/estava

he was

ele era/estava

she was

ela era/estava

it was

ele/ela era/estava

we were

ns ramos/estvamos

you were

vocs eram/estavam

they were

eles/elas eram/estavam

It was raining. ("Estava chovendo.")

I was a secretary. ("Eu era um secretrio.")
I was here. ("Eu estava aqui.")

We were so tired. ("Ns estvamos to


You were a fat girl. ("Voc era uma garota


We were in America. ("Ns estvamos na


You were handsome. ("Vocs eram


They were nice. ("Eles/Elas eram legais.")

You were hungry. ("Vocs estavam

He was a crazy. ("Ele era um louco.")
She was his wife. ("Ela era esposa dele.")
It was a furious dog. ("Ele era um co

They were our men. ("Eles eram nossos

They were bad women. ("Elas eram
mulheres ms.")
John was English teacher. ("John era
professor de ingls.")
John and Mary were married. ("John e Mary
eram casados.")

Teacher Jonathan

Pre-intermediate Revision

Lesson 2

1 Converta as expresses abaixo para ingls usando o verbo To Be

past tense:

Eu sou uma mulher:

Sou um garoto ingls
um cachoro fofo, mas, ele morde.
Ela uma garota;
Eles so homens europeus;
Os homens europeus esto aqui;
Elas so bonitas;
Estou aqui garotos.
Voc um homem fofo
Como voc est?
Os cachorros esto famintos
Elas so mulheres legais
Ela uma mulher bonita
2 Responda s perguntas abaixo com utilizando os pronomes possessivos entre parenteses

Teacher Jonathan

Pre-intermediate Revision

Lesson 2

Is this your car? (yours)

Is it her baby? (hers)
I think that is their dinner, is it? (ours)
Is that your son with the ball? (mine)

3 Complete o texto abaixo com o correto Possessive Adjective

I'm Kate and this is


This is John and this is

cousin Jack.

name's Susan.

It's my pet.

cage is over there.

We're at home and we're doing

They are my friends and that's

You and



brother are so nice!

4 Crie trs dilogos de quarto linhas cada, utilizando as palavras do vocabulary expansion e o
verbo To Be no presente simples:

Teacher Jonathan

Pre-intermediate Revision

Lesson 2

5 Crie trs dilogos de quarto linhas cada, utilizando as palavras do vocabulary expansion da
Lesson 1 e o verbo To Be no past tense:

Teacher Jonathan

Pre-intermediate Revision


Lesson 2

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