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Matthew 5:6; 23:13

Psalms 42:1-7

I Samuel 15:24-26

I Samuel 28:6-19

Acts 16:16-18

Acts 28:3-9

The Depth of Spiritual Hunger

in the World
August 2-August 8

Father God,
Thank you for loving me and taking care of me. Bless my church, Pastor
Ron and his family. Bless my teachers for teaching me Your Word. I
believe your love is flowing through me to other people. Help me to obey
my parents so things will go well with me and I will live a long life on the
earth. I will tell how great You are and how much I love You. I thank You
that by Jesus stripes I am healed.
In Jesus name, Amen

God calls out to me.

Psalms 42:7
I will thirst after righteousness, and be blessed.
Matthew 5:6
I will cling to God, His right hand upholds me.
Psalm 63:8

The only true higher power for the world is Jesus Christ.

Psalms 42:7, The deep places of God call out to the deep empty
places in our hearts.

There is only one reason that people are trying so hard to get in
touch with something from the other side-they dont know where
the real thing is. The entire world is talking about the supernatural;
there are books, games, & movies about it. People read astrology,
play games like ouija board, and are enchanted with horror shows
and books like Harry Potter and Twilight. Kids are being introduced
and trained in witchcraft as well as other occult practices that open
the door, inviting all types of spirits in hopes of finding guidance and
purpose for their lives.
Christians should be concerned about the hurting people who are
pouring out millions of dollars to get spiritual wisdom. The world is
looking for help but they are looking in all the wrong places.
Christians have the answers and must share their faith with these
hurting people.
Many kids dont have fathers living in their home and are lonely and
hurting in their heart because of this emptiness. Kids who feel
empty and hurting will only find peace and love in the presence of
their Heavenly Father. One moment in the presence of Father God
will help them find guidance and purpose for life. People just need
to get in touch with God to know the relief from the pain in their
lives and experience the joy of serving Him. Then they will turn away
from the magic and spells and astrology and witchcraft.
There was a king in the bible who was so hungry for the spiritual
that he turned to witchcraft. This is a very dangerous thing to do.
King Saul rebelled against Gods command and was rejected as the
king of Israel. Since Saul would not obey God, he could not hear
God either. Finally he was so desperate that he said, Then let me
find a witch! I have got to have a word of guidance even if I have to
disguise myself and sneak in the back door. This is what the world is
saying today. People are trying to get into God through another way,
but God says there is only one way to the Father who knows all and
that is through belief in Jesus Christ, His Son.

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