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COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA POLICE CRIMINAL COMPLAINT COUNTY OF: Gunberind CONMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVAMA vs. Mug Die enor 06.804 DEFENDANT: ic Mos:Hon, KATHRYN H,SILCOX cos wwrovet aa _ 5275 E TRINDLE RD #SUITE 110 First Name ‘Middle Nome ‘Last Name Gen. MECHANIGSBURG, PA 17080 2 North Locus Point RO Telephone (747)97-2201 Neonntsburg, PA7080 noe bar Ca TE ' 1-Felony Full DD SFelony Pend. D C-Misdemeanor Surrounding States [] Distance: 1 2-Felony Led. 1D 6-Fetony Pend. Extradition Delerm. [) D-Misderneanor No Extradition SFE Sereda Sides E] Ahiscne Fl edlsonene Pere B osu ioe Geiser nae —__B) Fanantawe pertain em SEE EIANT DEUEFATORTORNATION Sane cane — a ae. —— CR-49 4 —/5~ | ar015 Le6o264-4 'SIL2015-08-00187 ‘nse [oe Cte ‘GENDER [oon siaonn _—[ P08 [peato0n Go-befendan(e)_O & Mate First Name ‘Middle Name ‘Last Name Gen. Ol Femae | AKA ae am 7 Tinea ET emanmcrry —_[) Hpanie BR Non Hispanic Tl vnknown MAIR COLOR — [1] GRY (Gray) CURED (Rewtautn) ‘Csov andy) D Bweeuey eo Disro frown Ganems Glowom” wim) ELsixgnnaan Dowtonen Grier nt pense EGR —Oaxmon oy Tome Gememn Gowen Oo a2 (Hazel) war atercon) DPRK (Pinky mut (neiticotored DO x (unanowny SS ee a a ors _ar oO oon Dua] Chart [pe Coon rm ate aR TAG eo : ialeees Fern eset at = oe oreo [ee] Ss a =a cj a ea = Office of the attorney for the Commonwealth. 5 ‘Approved []_Disapproved because: {th atone Er Connery mae elie conan ne wate daa eb bpp Rea Kr Comme TO ERG Se RCI OT 8616-SMJ-2 en ta CRIT TT (eadeleaibakeamaieal oo 1, Police Officer Jared Scott Huff 37024 /2416 : (ame aaa Pata) reer 8g Rep REST TTT do hereby state: (check appropriate box) of Silver Spring Township PD ag211700 sear OTT 1 w a | accuse the above named defendant who lives at te address set forth above | accuse the defendant whose name is unknown tome but who is described as accuse the defendant whose name and popular designation or rekname Is unknown to me and whom [have ‘herefore designated as John Doe or Jane Doe with violating the penal laws of the Commonwealth of Pernsylvania at 171 MILLERS GAP RD , Mechanicsburg, PA in Cumberland County [24] [212] _ Silver Spring Township ‘on or about 08/06/2016 12:12 ‘AOPC 432A - Rev. 12/14 Page 1 of@ 48 POLICE CRIMINAL COMPLAINT Docket Number ‘ate Fede ‘OTN/LineScan Wamber Copan incident Raber errre0%5 Leso26i-a 'SIL2015-08-00187 ine Fiat Ni 3 nee Collin marTCHELL Miller ‘Tho acts committed by the accused are descrived below with each Act of Assembly or statute violated, if appropriate, When here is more than one offense, each offense should be numbered exronclogicaly (Settorth a briefeummary ofthe fc suerte he defendant ofthe nate of the oflers() chard. Action tothe seule) welt outmost Suteiont na summary cose, you mastots tha specie schon) ana subsection) ofthe rnc) orianeals)slegealy vee The ape fh wcin ate se mayb nuded i heowm. fo Sseton, sos secury umbrs td fan wfomaton(e—.PNs) ahaul ot be node Wem of am sees ‘must be esalahed at only het fou git 04 Pa Code ea 2197) yp Unchoate "TT Attempt TL Soticitatien Ty Conspiracy Offense 180014 180028 1808 BE 1 [sai] at | ofthe 78 2." | ed? “Gio Seon Bic Te Tenis Gnke WOE a on ERS cee Niner 1 teerstate | 1 SafeyyZone | 1 Work Zone [Staite Description (include the name of salute or ordnanes) {18 3901 Arson and related offenses ‘of he accused associated wih tis Offense! [18- Crimes an Offenses [3301 ~ Arson and related offences ya person commits a felony ofthe fist degree ithe intentionally Itarts a fe or causes an explosion. orf he aids, counsels. pays of lagrocs to pay ancther fo cause a re or explosion, whether on his Own jptoperty or on that of another, and if {i) he thereby recklessly places another person in dangar of death or [bodily injury, Including but not limited to a freighter, potce lticer or other person actvely engaged in fighting the fie; or (phe commis the act wih the purpose of destroying or damaging an inhabited building or occupied structure of another. [Defendant dit set fre to an structure thus recklessly placing firefighters in danger of body injury who were there o ght the Fre Tnckoat® |] Atempt Ty Solckstion Tr conspiracy oftense | se901A 180024 12008 oe ra E00 esc? Giomet_See _Sieen Ti Tanta NOC RRS (it appteabi). [Henk Number] C1 tnterstate | SafetyZone | D1 werk Zone ‘Statute Description (indude the name of slatute or ordinance): 118 3301 Arson and related offenses (is ofthe accused assodatod with tis Offense: 118 - Crimes and Offenses 1 - Arson and related offenses f3301 et Ihe commits the act with Intent of destroying or damaging a buliing 3 unocoupled structure of another, ‘AOPC 442A - Rev. 12/14 Page 2 of 9 28h) POLICE CRIMINAL COMPLAINT Docket Number Date Feds ‘OTpivescan Number ‘Complaint ident Nambar areois Le6oz6i-4 'L2015-08-00187 = Fist Ta Tae Peon ae Collin MITCHELL Miller Defendant oid set fre to an unoccupied structure Tnchoate —] 7] Atempt Ti Soitason TI Conspiracy Offense 120014 13.0024 12903, O [3 [aso] at | ofthe 18 2 FS [200 end? Giauat Selon Sinaion Tae Cotas NECROSS Ce ARDOT Dal {Geappicapie)[*

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