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SNFINO S3Medns 3344 YAGYO | mused = gy'sdSMIVSNLISIA * TP eal Sh Uh SES TSE Ba AVA kz == | ETE 1322 WI, = one ep 45 222420 'S OO, "ey = = 2 2 \LIMOldd ———as ae nLavigsd qos se ess cn hues | Vita Records re Rear Us renAco 2005 racy pe now: Mytaoka Hele By ac Theron eel taa amore USA. Sine apology To Native Americans (Sec 8113 of RR 3526 Teportasresticiene en humor, sovrackusngresllLh tit APNow suey meno cma tug. townall con/aewzpcticeseciony201S0TMSganeiece aeeckor al pipiraninc anasto omenocaen mr SNOME Ge Dik Metis cement) singh EE Oy err ri ate ‘Wisdsor-Mounthatten, was not the rightful monarch and never war queer’ Elesbth set ter hthl nanan ‘gaint indigenous” (See and never was, This was atwo polnt argument TIE a a ap a Fa alton loet aaron Roceepew mene ty [Coreoation Stone, vhlch man not ony waste ht dhe chow ngly and fraudulently was con Qari Eachsnnmtscvsod REGINA IAN fxs Rel sunber THOWEGKSee nn ‘Ora/node | 33), Furthermore, was not tld that upon the ofa ti ai UENO an tr | WANIA was a contract between ze abd the COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA aoeeo aid not tell me that | was selling my sh and blood daughter Amuyah Mari Larkin tothe, ree ee WEALTH OF PEANSYLYANIA a her ChattelProprty/Save. whichis vilaton of Human Ris: hereby coo etka nil for rad. | declare that name AMAYAH MARIELARKIN nthe Craton rah a Anayah Marie Larkin san indigenous Flesh and Blood Aniyunwiya\Cherohee] et CoP hat name MAISHAJAMALA GLYBOURN as wrtten om th AMAYAI MAE LAER Cortef La hee ao MALIA AMALA LARKIN corporat Mass ana rs a ere name was Maishajamalacvbour, th samcingesnes Soo, ‘Blood Anivunwiya{ cherokee] Woman. aoe pc a corporation, My daughter Amaysh Mare Lary Nc acorporatlon, artical perso, ature person Or te United Sates defined under Tite 1BUSC San ive nice nerntionally fictitious entity can chal, Amayoh Mare Domest 38 Ue eed trash a ‘Not a robot, genetically m tana saa controled dtd drone of oD Under eseraton ott Deed oenthon af this plat 204 eegfemable and othervve Shes: IndlReDa1S hg same ore aavientiously baleving ito berrue and knowing’ November COMMONWEALTH OF aint mene ecognized and valid eo sce it on he World’ Indigenous Peoples on a Ppa ae 1979, PILE NO.stuaso sy 5 Nika ee NNSYLVANIA was a contract bet me sicher gee ye 2b io fraud, Sn PRET Save Wchsa ta et ee elit gem ta sinc ta te i ett sas ctr g if ‘utp /Aownhall com/new/poli nopeso-met-ath-sorkere pe litics-elections/201 5/07/09), Ena Ubon dtcoveringthat Ezabwh Nesandia any Wend ga S ten legally binding contraci) ourt (1 English Grounds in Southard, sngland ward, London, ved before an Enlish arythat Elzabeth Alexandss Mary queen! Elzabeth snot the rightful monarch, was. This was atwo point argument. First, Eizabeth liew- both then and now: hares aetna y Destiny /Coronation Stone, which meant not only was she ‘On a fake coronation stone instead ofthe real Stone of never properly crowned, but she knowingly and fraudulently was conning the pale want her coronation televised REGINA JA (ase Re. unbu:T2OLOT ae} ore nS MY ib hat upon the registration ofa Live Birt of Api, tip: //veww. mtrial org/node/ 133). Furthermore, | was not told th 2008, STATE FILE NUMBER 109-2008-049545 in the STATE OF FLORIDA was a contract between me-and the Government, who also did not tell me that! was selling my flesh and blood daughter Kayiah Mianne Larkin, to the STATE OF FLORIDA as their Chaitel Properi/ Slave/, which isa violation of Human Rights, Thereby void the contract ab initio for fraud. I decare that name KAYLAH MIANNE LARKIN onthe CERTIFICATE OF LIVE BIRTH is a corporation and Kaylah Manne Lara isan indigenous Flesh and Blood ‘Aniyunwiya [Cherokee] gir. 1 also declare that name MAISHA JAMALA CLYBOURN, 3 written on the KAYLA, MIANNE LARKIN, CERTIFICATE OF LIVE BIRTH, isa corporation. MAISHA |ANALA LARKIN isa corporation. Maisha Jamala Larkin before marriage my given name was Malshajamala Clybourn, is the sae indigenous Flesh ‘and Blood Aniyunwiya [Cherokee] Woman. am Not a corporation. My daughter Kayak Mianne Larkin's Nota i fe tural person fictitious entity or vessel ofthe United States defined under Title 18 corporation, artificial porn “ationally,Domestcaly, and Universally va this Dearatin that deny corporate U.S.C §9 and I give notice a ianan Larkin is Not a robot, genetically modified trans-human, manufactured by existence on her behalf. Kaylah Mianne’ nied ellie controlled droid, drone or clone. Uni egret psy aherwise Kaylah Mianne Larkin is Indigenous) tetthon ofthis pane vlaration conscientiously believing it tobe true,and lowing thats of the same jer reservation of All Her janet and Rights Inalienable, make this solemn dedi: effectas if made under oath. naoe2a Teopeto its ; ‘ Franc splonywas aio am os tneconitent Wenedia XM dee been “ilenty longing obnnes took overtheir lands ‘effet, the predation Hee pee Calerus ne cana obin Cel ct BR patenveiac repeat bees icat nom seateatont Amid anoutery from in -y from Indigenous groups, Benadic subsequent acknowlelee that shots ‘companied the w Seceranicl te vor ofemneing hcl a nee on indigencuspopaains- He didnt apdoRzs, howe. “the Vai. ek tices pokcinan, the Rv. ero atari and that the apology for the sins, offenses: iene prs ro sinh snc cine toon church officals havc ong insisted Catholic misma protected inaencs DSS TS > Chih kl an sage omen piety maces er aoa onder developed misions atom the nie % anit Jet en cnc crs nian sees TSS the rih cena. sexean Bishop Ral Vrs, omen rent He harvey fen. ye gts es nce nes Spanish siled tere indians Wee ne oe ty ares =m vier : owt beim vareenient thie mr an oer Ae a ‘arseviget the Sd res casier om seine i ce neamarecindy ttldene ae Beaker sche Fre og pei ype en oe amma the i rr pe ata, vers ho ends saci enc cogent ane st o land et entry an PS sor temps in usc ane wen tit jason hes — jg uk vag veering A if xan Sth i wel oe the ee TEE wi3015 sponte iba economic nace Se rrcicec ae aae e e eecepe oh Teena working foe a just dstrberioe of serine es eet te its oe arth in ia ate om tr He ended the speech wth 4 Se : : wth 4 Beese comer Ne a ache te tants kane te cess Se said the Earth Tat Echoing his ent ces a what Ye cae recta eye tat rth thee sie Gather peed ase a aes inert) yor anode takes pice without any significant res” We urged the sti pevsest to"eeep op your ines sated ecient day when be denon he Neen et today’s society that dear’ in he de enn te coment ts HOI Ma Saba: Daas in bavi, South Ameri PON SN The goverment decane a ational MAES nk tents cout oneness ea enguage, wen onsen ee "pcigen feat Or ay artisans of he ANS ange nto veaments OF ma ters afte native annem ames anges FE Wa aaanin a nearby Bares SE a conte wie en reeiate ress ener PAA ESS ‘eae Garin an Cast VN peiveccomn iil Nicale Wiarton TTT —

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