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To The Board of Directors i Kandagiri Spinning Mills Limited Udayapatti PO Salem 636 140 LIMITED REVIEW REPORT We have reviewed the accompanying statement of Unaudited financial results of (‘the statement) Kandagiri Spinning Mills Limited for the six months ended 30" September 2044. This statement (initialed by us for identification), prepared pursuent to Clause 41 of the Listing Agreement with the stock exchanges in India is the responsibilty of the Company's Management and has been approved by the Board of Directors. Our responsibly is to issue a report on these financial results based on our review. We conducted our review in accordance with the Standard on Review Engagement (SRE) 2410, 'Review of Interim Financial Information performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity’, issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. A review of interim financial information consists of making inquifies, primarily of persons responsible for financial and accounting matters, and applying analytical and other review procedures. A review is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in accordance with Standards on Auditing and consequently does not enable us to obtain assurance that we would become aware of all significant matters that might be identified in an audit. Accordingly, we do Nt express an audit opinion. Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to belleve that the accompanying statement of Unaudited financial results presared in all material aspects in accordance with the applicable accounting standards and other recognised accounting practices and policies has not disclosed the information required to be disclosed in terms of Clause 41 of the Listing Agreements with stock exchanges including the manner in which it is to be disclosed, or that it contains any material misstatement. Further, we also report that the particulars relating to the number of shares as well as the percentage of shareholdings in respect of aggregate amount of Public shareholding, pledgediencumbered shares and on-encumbered share of promoters and promoter group shareholding (in terms of Clause 35 of the Listing Agreement) and the particulars relating to the investors complaints are as per the details furnished by the Company / Registrar and are, therefore, not expressing a review opinion thereon, \ for M.S.KRISHNASWAMI & RAJAN Chartered Accountants a ler Mosse R won Feet Membership No.201 133 wy Salem Novernber 6, 2014 KANDAGIRI SPINNING MILLS LIMITED (CIN? LITI1ITZ1976PLCOOOTED) i ‘Regd. Office : Mill Premises, Udayapatti (P.0.), Salem 636 140 ‘e-mail : | ‘STATEMENT OF UNAUDITED FIVANCIAL RESULTS FOR THE HALF YEAR/ QUARTER BNDED SEPTEMBER 90, 2014 a the “Guarana Tallent ended Yer ended fsoooaoTe | so.06 2014 | Sooez01s | soeaOI« | 90003013 | 31.09.2018 ‘Unmudied | Uneuded |" Unaudited | Unaudited | Unaudited | Audited | ee jrscome rom Operations | [ree Sates income rom operations semsz} 42453] 96009] 91a] oeas.i8| 19.5658 (ther Operating Income 362 192 270 rose 389 ISA Inota raceme fom Operations seoias) aaezae| aoraza| ozase| 944701] s9,86129, lnxpenses (Consumption of metres 300845} 281520] ssivst] 9465] 6.10808) 1208066 || ruronaceofating ends 7 - ‘| ‘ ses.12| (e927) 73.86)] 05.4] 685.10) ass. ‘changes in invents of fished goods, wer in progress and stock in trae Baplayee tenets omens sss7e} asraa} — a62.72] 04022] 90aa5| — 1a7795 | | epeetation and amortantion expense wsi0s| —isio7} seas] 362.19] aeas7 | 745,20 ovr expenses, zeeao| 73202] _776.00| __1416.82| _150221| _ 320759 [ictal Expenses ‘areal | —a7e29| 4379.28 | —s,sa2.16] — 8,378.01 | 17,632.87 ott nom opens eee ter incre Saas cna enepin ses} 48040]| sonra | at19.00/ 1726.88, lnem | Jooer income nas 595, Lat 1.28 729} 290 sisss| assae| —ssa.e9| 101000/ itzsa9| 1,788.26, |nete from ordinary atiitiee before finance conta and oxsaptional iter (244) [Pinsnee costs asi] 6083] 26032] saoar| 576.3) azaa lott from ordinary activities after nance cots but before exceptional temal aas.ot|| | 4e06a|| —«a4as Ise fesceptona ite . 7 ‘ 3529 Profit fom ordioary activities before tas (7-8) zesot] 225i] sonst] 4006s) —sso.s| 979.66 | recenpense- Ince Ta | = Current Tax z 7 Detered Tae 900] 00] 108.00] asn00| —ass00] a4a.00 }et Prot rom ordinary activities afer tax (9-10) aseor] te161] 195.87] 073] assis] 226.66 stracrdinay sem et oft) 7 i hiet prot forthe pened (13-12) sseo1| 16161! 195.87] area | assis] ses Psit-up ent share cata (Pace value per share 8.10) sss75] 6578] 057s] sass) sass] esr JReserees exuding Revaluation Reserve 286145 lnaaic Earning Per Snare (25) (a) 379 220 5.08 199 949 875 Ibiuted Earnings Per Share EPS) 379 420 5.08 199 949 87 Diskend Per Share (Rs) = ForKandagici § Mills Ltd., aad Managing Director {R. SELVARAJAN) é eee ae — eran joasaon | sewasois | saontous [aompzaia | sodnaoia [Sik are ‘auied | Unsaiee | Upwaed | Unsadicd | Vani [anti fet a. frtises ot ohare oeae Yoichi + Perentage of tare balding 3153 3133, S016 sts] sou] as laren shot [eae / Secombe een promi sharing hentai msasasa| ssasssa] asssaso| asasasa| ssagasal snanase Prete orm sarchling taco | 090°] ose] to000" | ionao| toooo ecrag atl the ae cur | seat | eos] sour | “inne| ‘sous Sanaa renting tthe bang of te queer Jeet dingo quer Jospoct ering gone [a RS TTT ‘Stareholers fonds ‘Share capa saszs}_aass| Fests ad eons ssoiail 4526.0] Sab Total Sharebeere nde err ta —sn.75 ong ers booing: sesso] a485c ‘ete texas (et 7625) i622] Other nga bis 000] 000] {angers poiins 126841 243 ‘ub Tota Hon Curent Lies Bras] aa ‘Short-term bowing sutase] sans] ‘Trae pbies oro] 134039 Othe caren iabtes assisi[aasa.y ‘Shorter poisons 00] aaa ‘Sub-Total Oument Lah Sis] a0. ‘TOTAL EQUIY AND LIABLITIEa Ts0.82] 1757633 ced sets “Tang ass| —soss7. 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