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Fußballweltmeisterschaft {f}; Fußball-WM {f}  FIFA World Cup; World Football Championship

Abpfiff {m}  (final) whistle

Abseitsstellung {f}; Abseitsposition {f}; Abseits {n}  offside
Abseitsfalle {f} offside trap
Abstoß {m}  goal kick
Anpfiff {m}  whistle
Anstoß {m}  kick-off
Anstoßkreis {m}; Mittelkreis {m} center circle
Anstoßpunkt {m} center spot; kick-off spot
Anzeigetafel {f}  scoreboard
Aufsetzer {m}; Aufsetzerball {m}  bouncer; bouncing ball
Ausgleichstreffer {m}; Ausgleichstor {n}; Ausgleich {m}  equalizer; equaliser
ausverkauft {adj}  sold out; full-house
Auswechselspieler {m} substitute

Ballbesitz {m}  ball possession

dank der besseren Tordifferenz thanks to the better goal difference

Doppelpass {m}  one-two pass; give and go pass

Dribbling {n}  dribbling

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Eckball {m}  corner; corner kick

Ecke {f}  corner
Eckfahne {f} corner flag
Eckkreis {m} corner arc
Eigentor {n}  own goal
Einwechslung {f}; Spielerwechsel {m}  substitution
Einwurf {m}  throw-in
Elfmeter {m}  penalty; penalty kick
Elfmeterpunkt {m}  penalty spot
Elfmeterschießen {n} penalty shoot-out
Endspiel {n}; Finale {n}  final
Endstand {m} final score; final result
Eröffnungsspiel {n}  opening game; opening match
erste Halbzeit; zweite Halbzeit  first half; second half

Fans {pl}  supporters; fans

Fehlpass {m}  bad pass
Finalist {m}  finalist
Flanke {f}; Flankenball {m}  cross; centre pass
Flügelstürmer {m}  winger
Foul {n}  foul

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Freistoß {m}  free kick

Gegenangriff {m}; Gegenzug {m}  counter-attack; breakaway

Grätsche {f}  sliding tackle

gelbe Karte {f}  yellow card

Halbfinale {n}  semi-final

Halbzeit {f}; Halbzeitpause {f}  half-time; half-time break
Halbzeitpfiff {m} half-time whistle

Kopfball {m}  header

Kopfballchance {f} heading chance; headed chance
Kopfballtor {n} headed goal

Latte {f}; Torlatte {f}  cross bar

Linienrichter {m}  linesman

Manndeckung {f}  man-to-man marking; one-on-one defence

Mannschaft {f}  team
Mannschaftskapitän {m}; Spielführer {m} team captain
Mauer {f} [beim Freistoß]  defensive wall [during a free kick]

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Mittelfeldspieler {m}  midfielder; midfield player

Mittellinie {f}  center line

Nachspielzeit {f}  additional time; extra time

Nationalmannschaft {f}  national team
Niederlage {f}  defeat

Pfosten {m}; Torpfosten {m}  post; goalpost

Pfostenschuss {m} shoot against the post
Ränge {pl}; Zuschauertribünen {pl}  terraces

Raumdeckung {f}  zone marking

rote Karte {f}  red card

Schiedsrichter {m}  referee

Seitenlinie {f}  side line; touch line
Sieg {m}  victory
Spiel {n}  The game; The match
Spieler {pl} The players
Spielfeld {n} The field; The pitch; The ground
Stadion {n}  stadium

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Strafkreis {m}  penalty arc

Strafraum {m}  penalty area
Stürmer {m}  forward

Tooor!  Goal!
Tor {n} goal
Tor {n}; Treffer {m} goal
Torchance {f} goal-scoring chance
Tordifferenz f; Torverhältnis {n} goal difference; goal average
Torjäger {m} goal scorer; finisher
Torlinie {f} goal line
torloses Unentschieden goalless draw
Torraum {m} 6-yard-box; goal area
Torschuss {m} shot on goal
Torschütze {f} goal-scorer
Torwart {m}; Tormann {m}; Torsteher {m}  goalkeeper; goalie
Trainer {m}  coach
Tribüne {f}  stand
Trikot {n}  shirt; jersey
Turnier {n}  tournament

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Unentschieden {n}  draw; tie game

Verlängerung {f}  extra time
Verteidiger {m}  defender; back; fullback
Viertelfinale {n}  quarter-final
Vorrunde {f}  preliminaries; preliminary round
Vorstopper {m}  central defender; centre back

Weg {m} zum Stadion  the way to the stadium

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