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"10 Challenges Senior Executives Face in the Job Search" by Ford R.

President, Career Potential, LLC
Posted by Deepak Malaviya on June 1, 2010 at 3:14pm
#1 EGO
* -Loss of self-esteem, identity, self-worth, and self-concept
* -Embarrassment, shame, and tarnished image
* -Loss of control; feeling out of control
* -Used to making BIG decisions and having MAJOR impact
* -Keep your usual life going (family activities, volunteer, sports, hobbies, etc.)
* -Develop/recognize your worth OUTSIDE of the job
* -Be open to learning new things and taking small risks
* -Recognize the value and power of baby steps (doing the right things over
and over)
* -Ask for support!
* -Not accustomed to doing all the day-to-day administrative tasks yourself
* -Lack some basic habits for details and logistics; organization of tasks, etc.
* -Technology impaired
* -Must think of everything/burdened with time-consuming planning and
activities that used to be handled by support personnel
* -Get over it and get busy
* -Learn new behaviors and technical skills
* -Leverage technology and basic organizational tools
* -Respect and value the small tasks that support the whole process
* -Possibly hire someone to assist part-time, or get a volunteer to help with some
tasks (friend, family member, etc).


* -Search takes longer, and frustration can be greater

* -Simply less opportunities at this level; sometimes only a few appropriate
positions open in the entire country
* -Expand your scope, consider being more flexible, and possibly relocate
* -Consider taking a short-term step back in order to eventually move ahead
* -Explore consulting or starting/buying a business
* -Be more creative in developing your Target Company List and personal
marketing plan
* -Difficult at all times, but especially tough in a bad economy
* -May be a threat to other senior employees
* -Be prepared (create a top-notch Job-Seekers Toolkit)
* -Be sure you talk to the right people, i.e., the ultimate decision makers
* -Research the target company and talk to contacts for compensation
* -Collect data on actual salary ranges for the type of position you are seeking
(salary websites, industry journals, directories, etc.)
* -Do financial planning, including diversifying and developing other income
* -Seek flexible financial arrangements, such as an equity position, bonus
income, or employment contract with bigger upside
* -Assume a partnering attitude rather than a take control attitude
* -Be realistic about what you NEED vs. what you WANT
* -Downshift your lifestyle to take the pressure of
* -Higher barrier of entry; difficult to get through senior executives gatekeepers
* -Human Resources is of little or no help

* -Join and participate in executive networking programs, boards of directors, and
venture capital groups
* -Leverage relationships with search firms and other career contacts
* -Use your senior-level references and referrals
* -Focus on solutions and the added value you ofer
* -Call-in favors and get help from senior-level friends and colleagues
* -Talk to hiring managers about ways you can help them reach THEIR business
goals; positions are often created at this level
* -Develop a Work Proposal and quantify the real value of your contributions
* -Staf members have been paying dues for years at the company, and are
already in line to get the top job
* -Company does not want to take a risk bringing an outsider into such an
important position
* -Employer does not want to spend the money to conduct a search for an
outside senior executive
* -Explain how being from the outside can be a strength; you can broaden the
gene pool
* Focus on companies that are open to bringing in outside management, and that
have done it successfully before
* -Target troubled companies that might need your fresh perspective and
specialized skills
* -Leverage your professional referrals and contacts
* -Research the internal structure of a company to determine how to best
position yourself
* -High-level job openings often get national exposure
* -The more desirable the position, the more people are fighting for it
* -There is only ONE President or CEO (and perhaps only FIVE Senior VPs, etc.)
* -Leverage your professional referrals and contacts

* -In a tough economy, top people "stay put," so turnover is slower

* -Research a companys culture and weaknesses; understand BOTH and sell to
the companys needs
* -Be totally prepared. Sell yourself HARDER (Job-Seekers Toolkit,
accomplishment stories, etc.)
* -Do more networking with your centers of influence
* Learn how to rise above the crowd and get an edge
#8 AGE!
* -Perceived as being too old, washed-up or over the hill
* -This concern can be expressed in many ways (i.e., youre overqualified).
Listen and watch carefully for the clues!
* -Refocus the employer on your qualifications, proven results, industry contacts,
and experience not age
* -Identify REAL issue underneath the age concern
* -Know the culture of the company: if no one there is over 40, dont try to get
hired at 64!
* -Target smaller companies that might appreciate your experience, contacts and
* -Maintain/demonstrate your health, vitality, energy, and enthusiasm
* -Avoid the R word (retirement)
* -Be tech-savvy, up-to-date and informed about your industry
* -Convey your intention and commitment to stay at the company long-term
#9 LOCKED IN PARADIGM (of being The Boss)
* -Losing a job at this level can be devastating (the bigger they are, the harder
they fall)
* -Feeling invulnerable on the job ("layofs wont afect me; I am IN CHARGE!")
* -Dont feel comfortable asking for help
* -Have been isolated and cocooned or coddled for too long

* -Hidden fear that maybe you really CAN'T hack it on the outside (been at same
company/job so long)
* -Get over the DENIAL, roll up your sleeves and get busy

* -Do market testing to assess the real worth of your qualifications

* -Engage the services of a professional Career Coach to get you on track and
keep you accountable
* -Prepare a great portfolio of job-seeking tools
* -Pull your head out of the sand and deal with the reality of the situation
* -Rely on the ability and intelligence that got you to the top in the first place
* -Seek-out support as needed
* -Your failure seems greater because you were higher up on the corporate
* -Not being taken seriously as a job candidate (she doesn't really need to
* -Others project their own fears onto you, so they feel threatened
* -Others are in denial, not believing that your crisis is real
* -People act like youre contagious (if YOU lost YOUR job, then no one is safe!)
* -Tell the story about your departure from the company (get comfortable with it)
* -Let everyone know that youre OK with the situation
* -Gently straighten people out regarding your real situation (push back)
* -Be genuine, humble, relaxed, and real
* -Demonstrate positive attitude, faith, and perseverance in the search
* -Tell friends and family how their reactions afect you (positively or negatively)
By gaining a better understanding of the special challenges they face and
implementing the solutions outlined above, senior-level cexecutives have
dramatically improved their job search results and significantly decreased their

levels of anxiety and frustration. More importantly, they have all landed
wonderful, new jobs!


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