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Friedrich alternate point of view ending

The shy lit up with color as the bombs came from all around me.
Violent explosions as orange and red against a deep blue sky. They hit
with a devastating force. Anything in their path destroyed; buildings
caught fire and crumbled to the ground, glass shattered covering the
ground below as I ran back to the apartment to hide.
As I ran, I saw a man lying there in the middle of the street.
Something had to be wrong I thought to myself. I ran over to the man
and saw that he was pinned down by a fallen street lamp.
“Help!” he called out when he caught sight of me. “Friedrich?
Friedrich is that you?!”
As I approached the man a bomb fell into a nearby building,
causing the ground to quiver beneath me, I recognized the man and
ran even faster to him.
“Herr Neudorf!” I cried. “Herr Neudorf, what are you doing
here?” I couldn’t figure why someone who had a choice would be out
in this mess.
“What am I doing here? What are you doing out here boy?” He
asked as I tried to remove the light from his legs.
“I couldn’t get into the shelter.” I managed to get out loud, and
when his legs were finally free I held out m hand for him. “Come on-” I
told him as another building crumbled behind me. “-we have to get out
of here”
Just as he took my hand, he pushed me away. I felt a pain in my
head followed by a flow of warmth. I staggered to my feet and trudged
my way over to where Herr Neudorf had been.
“Herr Neudorf?” I called.
There was no answer so I called again “Herr Neudorf?!”
That was when I saw that part of a building had fallen on him,
leaving his body a broken and mangled piece of bloody flesh.
“No one should die like this.” I whispered to myself.
I looked around me the city was in shambles, a mere shell of
what it once was, finally I found what I was looking for. There on top
of a pile of rubble was a piece of white cloth. I took the cloth and
carefully placed it over his face.
As I continued to the apartment where I was to wait, I began to
feel very tired. Each step seemed to take longer and longer. The flow
of warmth still continued down my head and into the collar of the fresh
I opened the gate and as I walked down the path, I felt my mind
begin to wander. I sat down in the front porch knowing I was too tired
to continue up the stairs when all of a sudden though I could still hear
the shattering glass and the impact of bombs crashing into buildings,
all I could see was one of my few, fading childhood memories. The
ground no longer covered in soot and ash, but instead covered in pure
white snow.
The heat and fire of war replaced by a calm and soothing cold
and there in the middle of the yard was my mother and father. Waiting
for me, mother with open arms and father behind her with his hand on
her shoulder, his face looked more at peace than I could ever
As the air grew colder and colder, I saw them more and more
clearly. My hearing also changed now and I could hear Helga’s clear,
pristine laugh as she too walked right into my dream wearing a pure
white dress the color of the snow and went to stand beside my mother
and father. I got too my feet and walked over to my loved ones,
leaving all memories of the war and behind. It was like falling into a
deep and forever sleep. Finally, I was at peace.

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