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KANANI INDUSTRIES UMITED 220, G-4, PRASAD CHAMAERS, TATA ROAD NO, OPEKA HOUSE MUMBA 400004, ‘CW No, LsyooMé9s9FLCE29ETS IWEASTE won kananngutie com INAUOMTED FRANCIA RESU FOR THE QUARTE/ HALF YEAR ENDED OTH SEPTEMBER, 2014 ins] ‘Goater Grater] Gaeta] Walvear | Waiver | Yeor Endeden | Endedon | Ensedon | tndedon | Ensen | Ended on rotoae sooraois | oceans | searaons | scovaote | soos20r3 | suaszona Unoodted | Unavated | Unsuetes | Uncustes | Unouated | “Avates 1 ems, {Soe Income tom Operction 2sussi| sz0ao| 2aniar| aaasas| asrras| * rovo02 5, Otre Operating income = : s é Totatincome zaest| —va0s5| —aanvae| —spesea| —aereas | rowan! 2 fxpenaltue EM EbM ofow Vote Consumed aaraos| —seaasl 201432] aisisi| 0nsso| a5s7 1, Parchaw ofStocierrade. : : © Changor fs Ivonie of tsned gnodk, Workin progres and ¥ Seeks tose so -| me] ae Employees Cos ; oo inf a1] ae] “ta] “Soa ©. 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Badges /Esenbaced Seema osheres, 5 Z 7 : Percentage of hoes fo 2a fotcshorehsiing ot romoter ‘Sndsromalas evel a 5 . Pocer tage o shaw ot 2% of otal Sore Cop of he -- comeany) : : : ee: Number lores 7aos46i0| 72034m0| 74034800) 7404840 | 740.9480 | 740:3480 © Percentage of nore Gs ae otlsorohoing of Pemoter 7 . fond pons eu} ooo} 10000} 10040] eno] 10000] “oom Percortoge of haves (asa ot tote She Copa he ‘comgon zoo) ras] suas} ues] 7 1 Taiahert ot Ase ond Ube Uravaiea) Taree = Tales | Walvear] Year —)i. Previous peed toues have becr| Particular Ttnded | tnded | tndea[cgroveedioronged—whereval angrzon | saorzos | 21.032014 Irecessary , inoudted | Ungudted | Avdted_|2: The above sotement of unos} [reurne mane Jraneil vaste wore tokon on tocar] 1 SHAREHOLDERS PONDS: Jno mestng ofthe Boord of Greco Jolshore Cop se34| sera] 90934 retson 0h Octooer 2014 {b) Reserves & Saplus 21293] 320574|_309775|8. The impact ot Income tax on} Stoll Shareholder icaz7 | “aavece| aoa elaccount of MAT. tony, shal bo] 2 Mino sere : : rated nthe accoxet ot thal 3 Nemerent bites londot ne accountng yr [cloner borowigs wos = | 2secole'me stautey Avatos hove core] [b) Botowed tox obi (et : Jou! Uiritos Review as roared under [c} Omarteng ten atts, : : [Cause a tne tning areorent [ol Long tam povion she Company as aly ene sopmany ‘Sota - Non Curent abies J. stxided Domond ewan. 4 Cunent abies (int tom zroweos 2 Conelar a hepa {C]Otercuren! abies {6] Snort tom proveon Soot -Cumen atames TOTAL” EGU AND ABIES a, asses 1 Non-cuent onal [ol fies Asels no9| au (0) Gooden corscidtion re (Cynon corontivesomonts | anise (Giga fom ow roe 053 Suootl Non Coes cuales [ae aaa ae {al nvoriones case [bl Moderates 3g72t {€] Cain onabankbconcos nse [al hort trons &cdvencos 7028 Iolo cuter axes 62 Siete Coen ontetes oral Asse Ravi & Dev jered Accountants sae REVIEW REPORT To The Board of Directors, KANANI INDUSTRIES LIMITED Mumbai We have reviewed the accompanying statement of unaudited financial results of Kanani Industries Limited for the quarter and half year ended 30th September, 2014 except for the disclosures regarding ‘Public Shareholding’ and ‘Promoter and Promoter Group Shoreholding’ which have been traced from disclosures made by the management and have not been ‘audited by us. This statement is the responsibilty of the Company's management and has been approved by the Board of Directors. Our responsibilty is 10 issue a report on these financial statements based on our review. We conducted our review in accordance with the Standards on Review Engagement (SRE) 2410, Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity” issued by the institute of Chartered Accountants of India. A review of interim financial information consits of making inquiries, primarily of persons responsible for financial and accounting matters, ‘and applying analytical and other review procedures. A review is substaintially less in scope than ‘an audit conducted in accordance with standards on Auditing and consequently less in scope than an audit conducted in accordance with Standards on Auditing and consequently does not enable us fo obtain assurance that we would become aware of all significant matters that might be identified in an audit. Accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion. ~ Based on our review conducted as above, nothing has come fo our attention that causes us to believe that the accompanying statement prepared in accordance with the applicable Accounting Standards notified pursuant to the Companies (Accounting Standards} Rules, 2006 which continue to apply as per the section 133 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Rule 7 of the Componies|Accounts) Rules 2014, and other recognised accounting practices and policies generally accepted in India has not disclosed the information required to be disclosed in terms of Clause 41 of the Listing Agreement with the Stock Exchanges including the manner in which itis to be disclosed, or that it contains any material misstatement. For Ravi & Dev Chartered Accountonts FR. No: 108752W NS a Sousa (Devendra A. Mehta) Partner M.N.82325 Mumbai, October 20, 2014 ead Office: 6h Flor, A'Wing, Aur Chambers, SS, Amutwar Marg, Behind Mahindra Towers, Worl, Mumbo - 400 013. Ph: + 91 226134 3000, Fx : 6134 3002 Jaipur Office: C68, Lal Koth Scheme, Jaipur -302 016. Teleax: + 91 141 2742718 2742073 / 2741517 Email revanddev@gmai,com Website: 2

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