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As monitors or Teachers our task is to get our students learn, however the
result does not always according to our expectations and our efforts.
Learning depends on different factors: ability, motivation, previous
knowledge, or learning strategies.

Learning strategies are the set of activities, techniques and methods or

media that are planning according to the students´ needs, objectives that
are looking for and the nature of
knowledge, in order to make effective the learning process.

To define learning strategies involve to be clear on: course objectives,

teaching concept, learning design, according to Weinstein and Mayer
(1986), learning strategies are the actions of students and thoughts that
occur during learning,
that have a huge influence on the motivation, and include aspects such as
retention and transfer. These authors consider the strategies and
techniques that can be
used during learning. The goal of any particular strategy learning will affect
the motivational and emotional state and the manner in which the student
selects, acquires, organizes and integrates new knowledge.

The fact to choose a learning strategy depend on understand it as a media

of knowledge construction, analyzing, assessing, thinking critically,
reflecting and debating.
Going back to Newman and Wehlage (1993), strategies used to learning
should be directed to an authentic learning characterized for: high-level
thinking, deepness of knowledge, connections with the real world,
substantive dialogue and social support for the
student achievement.

Social support for the

Substantive dialogue
Connections to the
real world
Thinking high

A vital element in the development of learning strategies is provided by the

learning environment according to Honebein (1996) should consider the
inserts in figure

Encourage ownership and voice in

the learning process
Encourage the use of forms of
multiple representation
Promote the use of the
self process

Ambiente de


Opportunity to experience
Opportunity to experience
and appreciate multiple
Include learning
real and relevant contexts.
Include learning
social experience


We have identified five general types of strategies in education. The
first three
help students to develop and organize content for easier learning
(processing information), the fourth is intended to control the activity
of student mental
direct learning and, finally, the fifth of learning support for its
occurrence in
the best possible conditions.
1.1 Testing Strategies.
Are those that actively involves the repetition of content (say,
writing), or focus
in key parts of it. Examples:

Repeat aloud words, mnemonics, copy the object of learning material,
take verbatim notes, underlining.
1.2 Strategies developed.
They involve making connections between new and familiar. For

Paraphrasing, summarizing, creating analogies, take notes, not literal,
answer questions (the
included in the text or the student can be formulated), describe how it
relates to
new information with existing knowledge.
1.3Organization strategies.
Group information to make it easier to remember. They involve
imposing structure content
learning, dividing it into parts and identifying relationships and
hierarchies. Examples include

Summarize a text, outline, underline, overview, semantic network,
concept map,
ordered tree.
1.4 Control strategies of understanding.
These strategies are linked to Metacognition
Involved remain aware of what is
is trying to achieve, keep track of the strategies used and the
success with them and
adjust behavior accordingly.
If we used the metaphor to compare the mind with a computer,
these strategies act
as a central processor computer. They are a supervisor of thought
and action
the student, and are characterized by a high level of awareness
and voluntary control.
Among the metacognitive strategies are: planning, regulation and

Planning strategies.
Are those by which direct and control student behavior. They are,
before the students take some action. Activities are held as:

Establish the purpose and learning goal

Select the background that are necessary to carry out

Decomposing the task in successive steps

Scheduling a timetable for implementation

Provide the time needed to accomplish this task, resources
needed, the
effort needed

Select the strategy to follow

Estrategias de regulación, dirección y supervisión.
Se utilizan durante la ejecución de la tarea. Indican la capacidad
que el estudiante tiene para seguir
el plan trazado y comprobar su eficacia. Se realizan actividades

Formular preguntas

Seguir el plan trazado

Ajustar el tiempo y el esfuerzo requerido por la tarea

Modificar y buscar estrategias alternativas en el caso de que las
seleccionadas anteriormente
no sean eficaces.

Estrategias de evaluación.
Son las encargadas de verificar el proceso de aprendizaje. Se
llevan a cabo durante y al final del
proceso. Se realizan actividades como:

Revisar los pasos dados.

Valorar si se han conseguido o no los objetivos propuestos.

Evaluar la calidad de los resultados finales.

Decidir cuando concluir el proceso emprendido, cuando hacer
pausas, la duración de las
pausas, etc.
1.5 Estrategias de apoyo o afectivas.
Estas estrategias, no se dirigen directamente al aprendizaje
de los contenidos. La misión
fundamental de estas estrategias es mejorar la eficacia del
aprendizaje mejorando las condiciones
en las que se produce. Incluyen:

establecer y mantener la motivación, enfocar la atención,
mantener la concentración, manejar
la ansiedad, manejar el tiempo de manera efectiva, etc.
Por ultimo señalar, que algunos autores relacionan las estrategia
de aprendizaje con un tipo
determinado de aprendizaje. Para estos autores cada tipo de
aprendizaje (por asociación/por
reestructuración) estaría vinculado a una serie de estrategias que
le son propias.

El aprendizaje asociativo: ESTRATEGIAS DE ENSAYO

El aprendizaje por reestructuración: ESTRATEGIAS DE
El siguiente esquema representa gráficamente los distintos tipos
de estrategias
The main difficulty in Teaching versus learning strategies is the
refusal of any
Innovation: The teaching of learning strategies involves the use of
certain methods, in many cases other than those that teachers
had been using. To
some professionals, this is an inference with accepted practice,
and reject it.
Another difficulty lies in the ignorance of own learning process:
Teaching these
strategies depends largely on the ability of the teacher having to
discuss the
learning with their students. It is therefore necessary that it be
able to make conscious its
own learning process.

Finally the choice of a learning strategy also depends on training

developed methods for teaching a specific content.
The main problem is the resistance of students to be active in
their learning, motivated by the
traditional models of teaching and, above all because it does not
appreciate the usefulness of this learning
for performance in the examinations; because they will normally
reward rote learning or
On the other hand learning strategies
involve more time than traditional methods, a
environmental provision in terms of furniture, materials and
particularly a more
autonomous self and therefore with the process, new task for the
student who has
a natural disposition towards the lecture which involves working
alone or traditional teaching


A fundamental process for performing a self-learning activity is to be in
ability to generate evidence of knowledge commensurate with the type of
work performed.
Now we often make a comment or request a trial and to a concept map,
but when we have presented the best way to present such evidence?
Solving this last question, I publish here an excerpt from some readings
on how to submit a review, an essay or a concept map, which are strategies
to generate evidence in a process of autonomous learning. And clearly
presented here
these three strategies during these weeks as they sought evidence
generated from
of such strategies.

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