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#Smith-Waterman Algorithm

# Requires two command line arguments

#Inputs in the form seql and seq2
#Inputs in the form seql and seq2
printfCftEnter sequencel:");
$seql = <>;
printfCft\nEnter sequence2:");
$seq2 = <>;
$lenl = length(Sseql);
$len2 = lengthCSseq2);

#Initialize firit row and column with multiples of gap penalty

$table[O][Si] = $gp*$i;
{ . .
$table[$j][O] = $ gp*$ J;

$gp=-l; #Gap pena hy

#Coopfor \1&i,n~ t:hr~ugh each

{ ,
- -- -- - -- --
{ .
#Calculate match bonus or mlsmatch penalty
if (Sa eq $b)
$match= $mb;


my $l=$table[$i] [$j-l]+$gp; #From left

my $r=$table[$i-l]l$j]+$gp; #From above
my $d=$table[$i-l] [$j-l] + $match; #From Diagonal
#compute maximum of three values
if(C$l>$r) && C$l>$d))
$table[$i] [$j]=$l;
$arrow[$i] [$J] =ft rft;
elsif«$r>$l) && ($r>$d))
Page 1
The experiment paradigm used for the present study is function has the form of a sum of square (as is typical in
similar to an earlier researeh done in our laboratory training feed forward network). then the Hessian matri.\
r10]. The subject was asked to comfortably lie down can be approximate as H=JTJ and gradient can be
in a relaxed position Ilith eyes closed- Initiall~ the computed as g=.ITe.Were J is the jacobian matrix that
subject was asked to relax II)r 5 min- Alier assuring contains first derivatives of the network errors \\ith
the normal relaxed state by checking the status of the respect to the weights and biases, and e is a vector of
alpha waves. the EEG I\-asrecorded fl)r ::.session of 5
s epoch each for relaxed state- This is used as basic net\\ork errors. The Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm
uses this approximation to the Hessian matri:..:in the
n:ferenee for further analysis of the planning data. The ttJIIO\\-ingNewton-like update:
subject was asked to mentally plan to mO\-e the right
handed thumb. on presentation of an audio eue. both at
Xk+l=X,,_pTJ+/-IIJ,1 JT e
the start and cnd of a session- 5 sessil)fJ of each
planning and relaxed data were reeorded each with a
time gap of 180s .The I\-hole e:\periment including a... aff"""'~.
preparation of the subjects last flJI' I hr. collecting
EEG data II)r the, 5 sessions- The 5s epochs related
normal rel<L"\edand planning period were first pruned
for artifacts and then analyzed as the foJlml"ingsetting
high pass lilter 5Hz and loIVpass tilter 1.6 Hz. notch
lilter 50 Hz .sensitivity 70 IIvfml11and a sampling rate
of 256-

As the first step. Frequency spectrum of the signal was

analyzed with FFT plots. The FFT plots IVere
observed to compare changes in mu activity during
relaxcd state and movement imagery - The peaks for
C3 & C4 almost coincide in alpha band (7-13 Hz) at a ~~

particular base frequency for relaxed st2.te.~\\Jlj..!ea. ~

maximum of 500/ '-Power ath:nuation was
~ observed in C3 IV.r.t.C4 (I)r movement imagery. at the
same base frequency. [11-121- The data was further
processed using Wavelet packet transt()fm to extract
the most relevant feature vector froln the signal which -.
could bccome a base vector II)r the dassitication of
the two stages'I3-14J. Walekt codtieients are used
as the ifp vector for ANN. Fig 2 -Architecture of ANN

8. .-frlljicial Neural Net1\'ork

When the scalar /-Iis zero, this is just Newton -s method-
using the appro:..:imate Hessian matrix- When ~l is large.
The main advantage of choosing the neural network this hecomes gradient descent with a small step size-
1()r classitieation of such data is that ANN-s can be NewlUn-s method is faster and more accurate near an
used to soh-e difficult problem. \I-here description I()r crror minimum. so the aim is to shift to\\ard Ne\1 tOll-s
the data is not computable. ANN can be trained using method as quickly as possible. Thus. ~I is decreased
example to discriminate the realu.-e II)r analysis wc alkr each successful step (reduction in perll)ffllanCe
ha\-e used the mat lab \-et"sion 7 II)r the analysis- fUllction) and is increased only whcn a tentatile step
Topology specit~- the neural net\lork architectUre in Ilouid increase the performance function- In Ihis \\ a~,
Figure21J5-171 the pertl)ffl1anCe function is always reduced at each
iteratioll of the algorithm. Thc value of training
Follo\\ing is a desniption of thc methods used in p<lr<lmetersII)r present study given in table 1-
this im-estigation

('. I.(,J"<!/Iberg- lIul"<l/I,-<l1

rhe Ie\enherg -l\larquardt algorillull \\ as design to

approach second ordn training 'pced II ithoul hal ing
to cnmpule the I k,sian m~i!ri_'\-\\he'll Ih\' perll)l"Illanee

- ",....-----
$table[$i] [$jJ=$r;
Sarrow[$i] [$j]="u";
# elsif«$d>$r) && ($d>$l))
$table[$i] [$j]=$d;
$arrow[$i] [$j]="d";
#If resulting value<O, make it zero.
i f($tab 1 e [$i J [$j] <0)
$table[$i] [$j]=O;
#Display table and find maximum entry value
pri ntf("Stab 1 e [$i] [$j] \ t") ; #For displaying the table

if($table[$i] [$j]>$max) #For finding Maximmum value

{ $i1=$i;
$max=Stable[$i] [$j];
} -
} .
printf("Maximum value is $max\n");

#For finding the alignment

#LOOp till substring of max length is found.
for(Si=Sil;(Si>O) && (Smax>O);)
for(Sj=$j2; (Sj>O) && (Stable[Si][$j]!=O) && ($max>O);)
{ #printf("loop");
#printf("$arrow[$i] [$j]\n");

$x=$arrow[$i] [$j];
if($x eq "d") #Go to diaconal element
elsif($x eq "U") #Go to above element
#elsif($x eq "r") #Go to left element

page 2
Pa 1">1
JlwtCI' Valuc
1\1;11..grad 1e.5 nctwork classifier to classify planlJing of right hand
_.- movement and relaxed state. For the present stucl~
Epoch 5000
Lev.:nberg-Marquardt showed better compare to RBI'.
I\lu 0001
--- Figure 3 showed eomparisolJ of classitication accurac~
!\lu dee 01 for LM and RBI' methods
!\Ill..ine 10
Gn1 Classification Accuracv (%)
Session Le\'enberg- Radial basis
'"krn redue
marquard! function
!\1, Mu I 1e10 I 78.84 75.00
T~hlc I Dirferent valuc ofparanl<'I<'r 2 75.00 7058
3 6703 66.66
D. Radia! basis jill1cliol1l1cllI'(wk 4 65.384 6315
5 63.46 60,00
A typical RBI' Iletworks consist of three layer of Average 69.94 67.07
neuron (input. hiddell. output) which arc compollenl of T~ble2; colt)p~rison of accuracy ofLM&RBF method
fuUy connccted feed forwurd archita:ture. The special
radial b1Jj;;SbLl~avior is performed hy the single layer
of hidden neurons. The activation of a hiddcn neuron
is dcterrnined in 1\\0 steps. The !irs! js cOl11puti"~gthe The present studies evaluate tlte performance of t\\'o
distance '(USU,ll!y by using the Euclidean norm). ANN methods. We compared the perfonnance of
hetween tl1\; two veclOrs which arc yielding by the n.:uralnctwork (NN) method Levenbcrg-Mnrquardt and
activation of the input layer (x) and th.: link IV.:ight Radial basis function netwQrk for planning of right hand
between the input layer and the current hidd.:n layer, movement w,r.t. relaxed state. Levenberg-Marquardt
second n function h which is bcll shaped (c.g. method showed the highest penormance with the
Gaussian) is applied. using the obtained distance to accuracy 01'78.8%.
get the Uilitl activation of the hidden neuron. The
~H;tjvation of ;ll1euron in the ()utputla~..;r is t1Clcnnincd
liS usual h~ C{}11-1pm:ing "tile w.:ighted sum ofinpul.
Radii\1 basis \\"(}rkbest when many training \.:ctors ar.:
available. A RBI' network can be described as a linear
combination of basis function i.c. 8° -.'I---;
" r
~ I
/. 0"0.f(xl'~ ~ 0,11>, (x) ~ 401
=;: /? Ihe output variab!.:: j i
X): I? thc input variable: ~20
(I, the optimal \\'.:ight~:
</'(.\"I the radial basis functiolJ. oL

Fig 3-classilicatio accuracy Ii>.'I.M and RBI'

There arc m"l1~ choicc~ II)r thi: radial ba~i~ function.
\\' I.'~el.:ct<.:dth\.' (iaussiall fu11\.'tion defined as
Aft\.'r successfully discriminating the t\\'o cognith\.'
stales as awak.: relaxed and a planning of right hand
-'x - x, mOlelllent. Wavelet packct transform used to <':xlractth,~
l1lo~1 rele\ant feature vector from the signal which
<P.(.\" I '"' ('.IP.( 2cr:' ) could b\.'coille a base vector for th\.' classification of the
I 1\0 ~tages. /\ comparison 1\as made b\.'ll\ \.'\.'n
rhe parall1c't.;r ," cOIJII"OI~;
Ihe radius of jnllu\.'nc\.' of 1.\.'\'\.'llberg-l'vlarquardt and Radial basis fUllction

":.11.'11hasi, t"lIIJC!jOIl. ,111<1.1, rl'j'r\.'s\.'nlS its c\.'lller IIX- 1l\.'lllork. Wher\.' the perfi.)f"Jnance giv<.:n b~ Le\ \.'nberg-
191, \Iarquardt method i~ signilicantly bett\.'r than oth<:r.


1,lble :2 sholl Ihl' L"lll!',lli,olJ of the p,'rl('nndllcc of

I 1.'1,'lJh,'I'!: - \ l"re!lI,II<lt 8: Radial ha,j, (lIIlCI jplJ

Thc author's acknO\lkdge Iheir gratitude tOIlard,

math \lorks for \I alekt alld Ileural Ilct\lork tooll1o.\ ['II .I R \\','Ipa\\. D. J. Me Far!and. T 1\1 Vaughan. 'Ihe \lads
\\hich helpcd 10 compik Ihe result. '\l>rtP Cemre Brain l'omp'Her inler!;,ee leseareh and
Dc, olopment Program."IEIT Trans on Ncural S'Slem and
,ehab Eng" 1112))20-l..207.200}
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#Display, the alignment.

pri ntf("\n").;

.~ -=-
=-=-. ""' = = =="'" ~".~

Page 3

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