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ef SUNDARAM FINANCE Ens als New ge ike “STATEMENT OF UNAUDITED RESULTS FOR THE QUARTER ENDED 30.95 2015 PART (ein Latin) st pare ‘ure YearEnded no, SLosaOHs| 31052015 | LOSES] 31.03.2015. Unaudited | Aueted | Unaudited | — Audited 1 Jncome fom operations assisas]_ s77rras] s4aseas| 22500422 2 [Expenses (a) Eploes sents sozsas] aaoaa| asooss} 1055024 () Depredton arc amoctsaton operse zasaae] 2oenea) 217900] ‘912034 (6) conangentroveon gant Sansa Assets ‘srii|_arve|“a423] asa) |) Provsions ange ot 20025) so0070| | s12ge7| —_eat0a7] (e) Adminseave and Omer expenses esooe] 4srzee) dove] 1650058 [Total expences sarssox] sesssse) rzsesau] 5400023 2 |Pronttrom Operations before other income, srrezaa] arzatsr| a1eosss] — s7ouasso ‘nance costs and exceptional toms + omerincome sosao] s02sa6) seoosa] 1144 8 5 [Proto orinary acts betore france sasuesst] 42247s0s| 4508575] 18187707] costs and exceptonal tems 6 |Pnance costs 2aneese|soresso| zroer.ce| _stevs7.2 7 [Prot rom ordinary activtis ator ‘eo.39] tznetod) trearar] —‘sst1922 | | finance costs But toro exceptional tems | 8 lexceptional tems . : : | |Pront rom orainary activites before tax sw4so.3)ra0st0e] a7earer| 119.9] to lTax expense ‘45e0i] 2283.48) sezse7| —1070s.4| 11]Net Profit from ordinary activites after tax ‘s0082] 9067.86) 1222400] asata.e| 12 |Exraorsnary ems f : ei 13]Net pron for the period 0092] 9067-56] 1222400 14)Paiéup Equty share Copia ss11089] 1811039] 111103] Face vais of 10 each) 15]Reserves extuaing Revaluation Reserves 16[Basic and Dilated Earnings per Share ass] ase] 14.00) \vetore extraordinary tems) (®) [Basic and Diluted Earnings per Share asi 14.00) aor extraorinar toms) () P ‘A. [Parcare of Sharanotaing 1 JPubte snarling ‘Number of shares 7,082,404 709,04 042| 7.08, 99,600 Petcertage of Shareholding esq] csa2] sat 2 [Promoters and Promoter Govp Shareholding a) Pedged /Encubere: Ni ‘a Mt >) Non-encumberes | Number of snares +401,70,366| 401 98218| 402.03.) |- Percentage of Stars (asa % othe tt ‘o000| 100.00] 100.00 shareholding othe promoter and promote group) |. Percentage of stares (asa % of te tt sere] s60] 3.0 share capt of te Company ‘Guarer Investor Complaints ‘ended 30.06.2015 [Pending atthe bagiring ofthe quaror Ni IReceved dung he quarter Ni lisposed of ung the quater Ni [Remaining ueslve at te er f the quater Ni Notes: 1. The above esuts were approved bythe Boar of Dect at ther meeting held on 318 uly 2016. 2+ Proto the Quai ended 30.08.2015 is nt comparable wie that of te corespenng Quarter ofthe previous yar which nluded Other incom of @ 260938 lakhs beng the pro onsale of equty shares of (edt iformaton Bureau (a) Limited, 3. heome deferment an provaien fr Non Performing Assets have been made onan estimated bases nearer years. ‘4. The Company is engages primary in te business of fancing and acco heres o separate reportable segment a per Accounting Standard (AS-17)"Sepment Repoing” 5, Previous periods Fours have been epfouped wherever necessary, order to make them comparable. 1, The labor Audios have cared outa Limited Revew of he nance resus forthe quarter ended 30th June 2016. By Ofder ofthe Board a, Managing Director henna 072015 Sundaram Finance Liited ciniussrorTNres¢PLcoo2ize Regd. Ofce: 2, Patules Read, Chennai 600002. Tet o44 2862 1181, Fax Oa 26580641 Email Investorserices@sundaramtnancein wm sundaraminance i Phone : 2813 1128, 2813 1138 Brahmayya&eco- vr 2813 1148, 2813 1138 CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Fox 55 91(044) - 28131158 e-mail : 48, Masilamani Road, Balaji Nagar, Royapettab, Chennai - 600 014. India. To The Board of Directors, Sundaram Finance Limited. Chennai We have reviewed the accompanying statement of unaudited financial results of Sundaram Finance Limited for the quarter ended 30" June 2015, except for the disclosures regarding “Public shareholding” and “Promoter and promoter group share holding” which have been traced from disclosures made by the management and have not been audited by us. This statement is the responsibility of the company’s management and has been approved by the Committee of Board of Directors. Our responsibility is to issue a report on this financial statement based on our review. We conducted our review in accordance with the Standard on Review Engagement (SRE) 2410, “Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity” issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. This standard requires that we plan and perform the review to obtain moderate assurance as to whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. A review is limited primarily to inquiries of company personnel and analytical procedures applied to financial data and thus provide less assurance than an audit. We have not performed an audit and accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion. Based on our review conducted as above, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the accompanying statement of unaudited financial results prepared in accordance with applicable accounting standards, in terms of Section 133 of the Companies Act, 2013 and other recognized accounting practices and policies has not disclosed the information required to be disclosed in terms of Clause 41 of the Listing Agreement including the manner in which it is to be disclosed, or that it contains any material misstatement. For BRAHMAYYA & CO. Chartered Accountants inpf Regn. No. 0005118 iy Place: Chennai. Partner Date: 31" July 2015 Membership No. 25929

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