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Definirea Pain

Pain is the sensation of hurting, an unpleasant or strong discomfort from injury, sickness, disease or
functional disorder and is transmitted through the nervous system. Durerea este senzaia de rani, un
disconfort neplcut sau puternic de la un prejudiciu, boal, boli sau tulburri funcionale i este
transmis prin intermediul sistemului nervos. More than a physical sensation, pain is our body's way
of defending us from physical harm and further pain by triggering processes that prompt us to seek
strategies to protect ourselves and end the experience. Mai mult de o senzaie fizic, durerea este
modul in care corpul nostru de a ne apra de ru fizic i dureri n continuare prin declanarea
proceselor care ne prompt s caute strategii pentru a ne proteja i a pune capt experien.
Typically, pain is classified as acute or chronic. De obicei, durerea este clasificat ca acut sau
cronic. Acute pain usually is immediate, such as the kind that results from injury, sickness and
disease, and then begins subsiding. durere acut, de obicei, este imediat, cum ar fi tipul care rezult
din prejudiciu, boal i boal, i apoi ncepe subsiding. Chronic pain, described as the disease of
pain, serves no apparent biological purpose and can persist for long periods, in some cases years
and others indefinitely; frequently it's resistant to treatment and its cause often is an enigma.
(See our Recommendations ) Durerea cronica, descris ca boala de durere, servete nici un scop
aparent biologice i poate persista pentru perioade lungi de timp, n unele cazuri, ani i altele pe
termen nelimitat; frecvent, este rezistent la tratament i cauza sa de multe ori este o enigma. (a se
vedea Recomandrile noastre)

"One in four US adults said they suffered a daylong bout of pain in the month prior to being
surveyed, according to a 2006 annual report. One in 10 said the pain lasted a year or more." "Unul
din patru adulti din SUA au spus c a suferit un meci o zi de durere n luna nainte de a fi
intervievai, potrivit unui raport anual 2006. Unul din 10 a declarat ca durerea a durat un an sau mai
National Center for Health Statistics - Centrul Naional pentru Statistic Sanitar

Not too many generations ago many believed we should expect to feel pain at times in our lives
and learn to endure it. Nu prea multe generaii n urm cu muli au crezut ar trebui s ne ateptm
s se simt durere n momente n viaa noastr i s nvee s-l suporte. How much of that way of
thinking was practical, philosophical or spiritual can't be entirely known, but it is certain the
inability of medicine and other interventions to alleviate physical suffering must have had some
bearing. Ct de mult de acest mod de gndire a fost practic, filozofice sau spirituale nu pot fi
complet cunoscute, dar este sigur incapacitatea de medicin i alte intervenii pentru a atenua
suferina fizic trebuie s fi avut un sprijin. In modern times, it is widely held that no one should
simply learn to endure pain, and there are numerous forms of intervention that offer help. n
timpurile moderne, este larg rspndit c nimeni nu ar trebui s nvee pur i simplu s suporte
durerea, i exist numeroase forme de intervenie care ajut oferta. Today there is little in the way
of acute pain that can't be alleviated to some extent, but chronic pain, which only recently gained
serious recognition as a type of disease, still perplexes. Astzi exist o foarte slab n modul de
durerii acute, care nu pot fi atenuate ntr-o oarecare msur, dar durerea cronica, care abia recent a
obinut recunoaterea grave, ca un tip de boal, nc perplexes.

Drugs, psychological and physical therapy, diet, yoga, holistic healing and other methods of pain
management certainly have had plenty of success, but too often relief is temporary and the source
of chronic pain remains undiagnosed. Droguri, terapie psihologic i fizic, dieta, yoga, vindecare
holistica si alte metode de gestionare a durerii cu siguran au avut o multime de succes, dar de
prea multe ori de relief este temporar i sursa de durere cronica rmne nediagnosticate. The study
of chronic pain is in its infancy and is being pursued by scores of entities national and
international pain research associations, government bodies such as the Centers for Disease Control
in Atlanta, universities and many public and private health, education and research organizations,
among them the Institute of HeartMath. Studiul a durerii cronice este n faz incipient i este
urmrit de zeci de entiti - asociaii naionale i internaionale de cercetare durere, organisme
guvernamentale, cum ar fi Centers for Disease Control din Atlanta, universiti i muli publice i
private de sntate, educaie i organizaiile de cercetare, printre care Institutul de HeartMath.

"Pain is a more terrible lord of mankind than even death itself." "Durerea este un domn mai teribil
de omenire dect chiar moartea nsi."
Dr. Albert Schweitzer - Dr. Albert Schweitzer

Knee Surgery Patient Feels No Pain Pacient intervenie chirurgical la genunchi

simte nici o durere
The following is a brief summary of an article Dr. Raymond T. Bradley, who was familiar with
HeartMath techniques such as the Heart Lock-In prior to undergoing knee surgery in 2004, wrote
for the Institute of HeartMath a short time later. Ceea ce urmeaz este un scurt rezumat al unui
articol Dr. Raymond T. Bradley, care a fost familiarizat cu tehnicile de HeartMath cum ar fi
inima Lock-In nainte de supui unei intervenii chirurgicale la genunchi n 2004, a scris pentru
Institutul de HeartMath scurt timp mai trziu.

Bradley had bilateral knee arthroscopic surgery on both legs as an outpatient. Bradley a avut
arthroscopic intervenii chirurgicale la genunchi bilateral pe ambele picioare ca un ambulatoriu.
He prepared for the surgery by having visualization sessions with his therapist in conjunction
with and complemented by daily Heart Lock-In sessions in the morning and evening. El a
pregtit pentru o intervenie chirurgical prin care au sesiuni de vizualizare cu terapeutul su n
legtur cu i completate de zi cu zi Heart Blocare-In sesiuni n dimineaa i seara. "My goal
was to create a safe and secure place in my mind and heart in which to enter for the surgery
filled only with love (no fear) and to be able to totally surrender myself to the surgery,
whatever the outcome. My last memory was of total peace and calm and a heart filled with
unbounded love and appreciation," he said, referring to when he was wheeled into the operating
room, at which time he did a final Heart Lock-In session. "Scopul meu a fost de a crea un loc
sigur i sigur n mintea i inima mea, n care pentru a intra pentru chirurgie - umplut doar cu
dragoste (fara teama) - pentru a putea total ma predau la o intervenie chirurgical, indiferent de
rezultat. i ... ultima amintire a mea a fost total pace si calm si o inim plin de dragoste

nemrginit i apreciere ", a spus el, referindu-se la momentul n care el a fost cu roi n sala de
operaie, moment n care a fcut o final Heart Blocare-In sesiune. "The surgery went well and I
awoke with no side effects: clearheaded, hungry and thirsty, and totally energized and exuberant
in spirit. My body felt full only of love and appreciation I had no pain at all!" "Operatia a
decurs bine i m-am trezit cu nici efecte secundare: mintea limpede, foame i sete, i total
energie i exuberant n spirit toate mele. Organism simit plin numai de dragoste i apreciere am avut nici o durere la!"

(For a link to the complete story of Bradley's experience, use the link listed under Learn More
below. (Pentru un link la povestea complet a experienei lui Bradley, utilizai link-ul enumerate
sub Aflai mai multe de mai jos.

Relieving Stress Relieves Pain Alinarea stres amelioreaza

The Institute of HeartMath has focused for the past Institutul de HeartMath a concentrat pentru
trecut 19 19 years on the effects stress and emotions have on our health and quality of life. ani de
stres i emoiile au efecte asupra sntii noastre i a calitii vieii. Researchers have found that
the presence or absence of stress can directly impact levels of pain. Cercetatorii au descoperit ca
prezena sau absena de stres poate un impact direct asupra nivelului de durere. For example, in the
first two weeks following the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center, pain-treatment
specialists were inundated with complaints of worsening pain. De exemplu, n primele dou
sptmni dup atacurile din 11 septembrie teroriste de la World Trade Center, specialiti n dureretratament au fost inundate cu reclamaii de agravare a durerii. Calls came from patients who
suffered from many types of illnesses cancer, back problems, arthritis, diabetic neuropathy,
chronic headaches and others. Apeluri au venit de la pacienii care au suferit din multe tipuri de
boli - cancer, probleme de spate, artrit, neuropatie diabetic, dureri de cap cronice i altele.
According to the medical director of pain management at Washington Hospital Center at the time,
many patients who had been stable for years on their medication flooded the center with phone
calls in those first two weeks after the attacks, saying their pain had gotten out of control. Potrivit
directorului medical al managementului durerii la Washington Hospital Center, la timp, multi
pacienti care au fost stabile de ani de zile pe medicamente lor inundate cu centrul de apeluri
telefonice n aceste primele dou sptmni dup atacurile, spunnd durerea lor a ajuns de sub
control . In Houston, specialists reported that pain complaints from cancer patients were up 33
percent, and in Buffalo they had doubled. n Houston, specialitii au raportat c plngerile durerea
de la pacienii cu cancer au crescut cu 33 la suta, iar n Buffalo au dublat. Why? De ce?

"Laughter is the tonic, the relief, the surcease for pain." "Rsul este tonic, relief, surcease pentru
Charlie Chaplin - Charlie Chaplin

Your body can create chemical messengers, known as endorphins, that help manage pain naturally.
Corpul tau poate crea mesageri chimici, cunoscut sub numele de endorfine, care ajuta la
gestionarea durerii natural. The more endorphins released into your system, the less pain you
experience. Mai multe endorfine eliberate n sistemul dvs., v confruntai cu mai putina durere.
Although, as it now is believed, there is some endorphin secretion into the body at all times, there
are periods when endorphin levels fall, particularly during times of stress, that cause aches and
pains to increase. Dei, aa cum se crede acum, exist unele secretia de endorfine n organism n
orice moment, exist perioadele cnd aceste niveluri endorfine cad, n special n perioadele de
stres, care provoac dureri i dureri de cretere. At other times, when these levels rise exercising,
listening to music or doing something as common and pleasurable as laughing aches and pains
diminish. Alteori, atunci cnd aceste niveluri natere - exercitarea, ascult muzica sau sa faca ceva la
fel de comune ca i plcut rznd - dureri diminua. HeartMath has received many reports over the
years from people who say utilizing our scientifically researched and validated tools and
technology helped decrease their pain. HeartMath a primit mai multe rapoarte a lungul anilor de la
oameni care spun utiliznd instrumentele noastre cercetate i validate tiinific i de tehnologie a
ajutat reduce durerea lor. (Regardless of your circumstance, always consult your physician before
changing your pain-management program.) (Indiferent de circumstan dvs., consultai ntotdeauna
medicul dumneavoastr nainte de a schimba programul de gestionare a durerii.)

Recommended Recomandate
A HeartMath Tip: Heart Lock-In technique: Use the Heart Lock-In technique an adapted
version follows here especially first thing in the morning, to increase your endorphin level and
to give your body an energy boost for the day. A HeartMath Sfat: Heart Lock-In tehnica:
Utilizai Inima Lock-In tehnica - o versiune adaptat urmeaz aici - mai ales n primul lucru
dimineata, pentru a crete nivelul endorfinelor dumneavoastr i de a oferi organismului un
impuls de energie pentru a doua zi. Then try it before going to sleep at night to reduce the stress
and aches and pains of the day and enjoy restful sleep. Apoi, ncercai nainte de a merge seara la
culcare pentru a reduce stresul i dureri de zi si bucura de un somn odihnitor.

In-depth details and a discussion about HeartMath's Heart Lock-In technique are available in the
book Transforming Anxiety: The HeartMath Solution for Overcoming Fear and Worry and
Creating Serenity , by Doc Childre and Deborah Rozman. -Profunzime detalii n i o discuie
despre HeartMath Inima Lock-In tehnici sunt disponibile n cartea de anxietate Transformarea:
Soluie pentru HeartMath depasesti frica i v facei griji i Crearea Serenity , de Doc Childre i
Rozman Deborah.

Shift your attention to the area of your heart and breathe slowly and deeply. Shift v
atenia asupra zonei de inima ta si respira incet si profund.
Activate and sustain a genuine feeling of appreciation or care for someone or something
in your life. Activa i s susin un sentiment autentic de apreciere sau de ngrijire pentru
cineva sau ceva n viaa ta.

Send these feelings of care toward yourself and others. Trimite aceste sentimente de grij
fa de tine i pentru alii. This benefits them and especially helps recharge and balance
your system. Acest lucru le-beneficii i n special ajut la rencrcare i echilibrul

Benefits of Reducing Stress Beneficiile de reducere a stresului

Aches and pains decrease Dureri scdere
Energy increases so you can do more Energie crete astfel nct s putei face mai mult
Overall outlook Improves, less focus on pain concentra mbuntete ansamblu Outlook,
mai puin pe durere
More restful sleep at night Mai multe somn odihnitor pe timp de noapte

Recommended Recomandate
Tools For De-stressing Instrumente pentru De-subliniind

emWave Personal Stress Reliever : Regular use of this scientifically validated, handheld stress-relief technology has proven to be a vital tool in reducing anxiety and stress,
allowing your body to recharge itself and, when used with HeartMath techniques you'll
receive, to give you relief from the aches and pains of the day. emWave Personal
eliberator de stress : Folosirea regulata a acestui validate tiinific, a avut loc-stres-relief
tehnologie mana sa dovedit a fi un instrument esenial n reducerea anxietii i stresului,
permitand corpului sa se rencrcare i, atunci cnd sunt utilizate cu tehnici HeartMath
vei primi , pentru a v oferi scutire de la dureri de zile. The emWave PSR is easy to
use and noninvasive. PSR emWave este uor de folosit i neinvaziv. It will help you
achieve heart coherence synchronization between the heart and brain. Acesta v va
ajuta s realiza coerena inima - sincronizare ntre inim i creier. It also teaches you to
regulate your emotions and prepare for events that can trigger stress responses and to
recover quickly from stressful episodes. De asemenea, te nva s reglementeze emoiile
i s se pregteasc pentru evenimente care pot declana reacii de stres i de a recupera
rapid de la episoade stresante. Carry it anywhere and revitalize your mind, body and
spirit anytime. Purta oriunde i revitalizeze mintea ta, corpul si spiritul oricnd.
emWave Desktop (Mac/PC) : The emWave PC/Mac system turns your computer into
a self-contained heart-rhythm-coherence monitor and manager. emWave Desktop
(Mac / PC) : emWave PC / Mac sistem transform computerul ntr-o-cuprinse ritmului
inimii-coerena monitor de sine i manager. It let's you see how emotions affect your
heart rhythms and then teaches you how to regulate them. Este hai s v vedem cum
emotiile afecteaza ritmul inimii si apoi te nva cum s le reglementeze. Then, using
HeartMath techniques, you'll easily learn to achieve heart coherence, the state in which
all of your body's systems can function at their optimum. Apoi, folosind tehnici
HeartMath, vei nva cu uurin pentru a asigura coerena inima, starea n care toate
sistemele corpului tau poate funciona la optim lor. Among the tools you'll receive with

the emWave PC/Mac is the highly acclaimed Freeze-Frame technique, which has been
successfully used by mental health professionals, physicians, educators, corporate
executives, athletes and performing artists. Printre instrumentele pe care le vei primi cu
emWave PC / Mac este foarte aclamat Freeze-Frame tehnica, care a fost folosit cu
succes de ctre profesionitii din domeniul sntii mintale, medici, educatori, directori
de companii, sportivi i artitilor interprei. The emWave PC/Mac and Freeze-Frame have
proven particularly effective in pain management and they currently are used in burn
clinics. EmWave PC / Mac i Freeze Frame-au dovedit deosebit de eficiente n
managementul durerii i ele n prezent sunt utilizate n clinici arde.
Formerly known as Freeze-Framer Anterior cunoscut sub numele FreezeModelatorul

Transforming Stress: The HeartMath Solution for Relieving Worry, Fatigue and Tension ,
book by Doc Childre and Deborah Rozman. Stresul Transformarea: Soluie HeartMath
pentru alinarea v facei griji, oboseal i tensiune , carte de Doc Childre i Rozman
Deborah. Know the warning signs of chronic stress and learn the latest research about
your "intelligent heart" and its ability to help you immediately begin reducing the stress
in your life. Cunosc semne de avertizare de stres cronic i s nvee cele mai recente
cercetri cu privire la dumneavoastr "inima inteligente" i abilitatea sa de a v ajuta
ncepe imediat reducerea stresului din viata ta. Many HeartMath clients have reported
that when their stress levels decreased so did their pain. Muli clieni HeartMath au
raportat c, atunci cnd nivelul lor de stres a sczut fcut aa durerea lor. You'll receive
step-by-step instructions for HeartMath techniques that can help you live healthier with
less pain. Vei primi instruciuni pas-cu-pas pentru HeartMath tehnici care v pot ajuta s
triasc sntos, cu mai puin durere.
Transforming Depression: The HeartMath Solution to Feeling Overwhelmed, Sad, and
Stressed , by Doc Childre and Deborah Rozman. Depresia Transformarea: HeartMath
Solution la Feeling, Sad copleii, i a subliniat , de Childre Doc i Rozman Deborah.
Depression commonly goes hand in hand with those who suffer chronic pain.
Transforming Depression , the fourth book in HeartMath's Transforming Series , can help
you to understand the feelings you are experiencing such as hopelessness and disinterest
in activities you formerly enjoyed, among others, and then teach you powerful tools for
easing your pain and overcoming those feelings, including Notice and Ease, the Power of
Neutral and the Cut-Thru technique. With a little practice, you can lessen feelings of
depression and see dramatic changes occur in your mind and body that can lead to better
health and greater peace of mind. Depresia merge de obicei mana in mana cu cei care
sufer de dureri cronice. Depresiunea Transformarea, a patra carte n transformarea
Series HeartMath, v poate ajuta s nelegei sentimentele pe care le se confrunt, cum
ar fi lipsa de speranta dezinteresul i n activitile pe care le anterior bucurat, printre
altele, i apoi v nva instrumente puternice pentru atenuarea durerii i depirea
acestor sentimente, inclusiv comunicare i Uor, Puterea de neutru i Cut-Thru tehnica .
Cu un pic de practic, putei reduce sentimente de depresie i de a vedea schimbri
dramatice apar n mintea ta i organism care poate duce la o sntate mai bun i o mai
mare pace a mintii.

Learn more Aflai mai multe ...

A Remarkable Recovery Un remarcabil de recuperare : Read the complete story in our

Summer 2004 Newsletter of Dr. Raymond T. Bradley's experience with double knee
surgery and how he used the HeartMath Lock-In technique to help him recover from his
operation in record time and to experience virtually no pain. : Citii povestea complet n
nostru Vara 2004 Buletin informativ al experienei Dr. Raymond T. Bradley "cu dublu
intervenie chirurgical la genunchi i modul n care el a folosit HeartMath Lock-In
tehnica pentru a ajuta-l recupereze de la activitatea sa n timp record i pentru a
experimenta practic nici o durere.

De-Stressing to Ease Chronic Pain De-Subliniind pentru a uura durerea cronic : This
Fall 2003 Newsletter story will give you more insight into the role endorphin levels can
play in a pain-management program. : Aceast poveste Newsletter toamna anului 2003
va oferi o perspectiv mai bun n rolul nivelurile de endorfine poate juca ntr-un
program de gestionare a durerii.

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